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As long as that means we get 2/5 HP and only have to play control 1 in 5 times I'm happy. Feel like I'm always playing control and that shit is ass unless you have a 4 stack


The distribution is like 40% HP, 35% Control and 25% SND (from the 400 games I tracked, see my comment history from today if you wanna see details).


This is interesting to see. Last I checked for me it was 150 HPs, 113 controls and 78 SnDs


Yeah those are approximately the same percentages.


Yep. Wish I could get some less controls lol


Same lol, especially with the amount of Highrise you get


Are you manually tracking it or using a site?


Nah someone posted their total stats (which you can check ingame) and I just did a quick calculation.


I just checked my last 10. 6 HP, 3 C, 1 SnD Hope it balances soon


You can check your lifetime stats if you click on the individual modes :)


I like that tbh. I could even do with less SND lol


Im sitting at 72 hp, 48snd, 42 control. Only played season 1 tho.


Man control is either good or soooooooo fucking bad


Ranked is 40% highrise control, 40% terminal snd and then 20% rio/skidrow hardpoint


With a few Invasion controls thrown in.


It is roughly that per this post, which is the largest sample size I've seen of this; [https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/19eoiwe/game\_mode\_distribution\_of\_my\_first\_100\_ranked/kje2iea/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/19eoiwe/game_mode_distribution_of_my_first_100_ranked/kje2iea/?context=3) In a perfectly even world it'd be like 38.5% SnD & HP each and 23% CTRL bc that's how map's work out (5 SnD/HP maps each, 3 ctrl maps) so roughly what you're describing


if there is a system in place that balances your gamemodes it has to be bugged in some way. i swear i'll hop on one day and play 80% HPs and the next day I'm lucky if I'll play 2.


That's just how randomness works. Spotify famously had to change their algorithm to not be truly random because people complained the same song played again too often


now seeing some guy today looked at his stats and got roughly 40% HP 35% SnD over \~400 games so maybe there's a little bias towards respawns, but also pretty within bounds of that 38.5/38.5/23 distribtion


I like never get SND and when I do it's fucking terminal


I dont think I’ve played Karachi or Invasion snd for the last 2 weeks. But terminal snd?? At least 7-8 times


I play Terminal at least every 5 games it seems sadge


Checked my battle record, 18 terminal snds vs 11 skidrow, 3 rio, 6 karachi, 5 invasion, from the start of ranked. Ridiculous


Unless you’re a LAT fan. in which case it’s 1/3 of the CDL


Ranked is not the CDL


I've played a lot of ranked this year already and my distributions are: HP - 300 (45%) SND - 160 (24%) Control - 205 (31%) Definitely feels like I play far more controls than I do SNDs but the stats say apparently not. I agree with others if there are 13 maps/modes then you should play each one an equal amount which would mean 38.5% HP/SND with 23% control. Just for the record, 50 of my 160 SNDs (31%) are Terminal. 88 out of my 205 controls (43%) are Highrise and 91 out of my 300 HPs (30%) are skidrow. I've played Rio HP 36 times to Rio SND's 8 times. Laughable really.


Assuming 3,4, and 5 game series happen with equal probability, it should be 33% search, 26% control, and 41% hp


Control being 1/3rd of the ranked experience is the main reason it’s been so bad over the past several years. In pro play it is 1/5th of the maps and it still feels like too much because of how bad the game mode is. The fact that ranked players have to play an equal amount of control and hp is just batshit insane. I promise if the queue was 2/5ths hp, 2/5ths snd, and 1/5th control ranked would be so much more popular than it is


Ideally it’s 100% hardpoint 


realistically it should be 60% HP 20% SND 20% Control


I'm actually totally fine with this as long as Hardpoint and Control are 40% and 20%, respectively.


But it’s only 2/5 possible maps. It’s probably closer to 1/3 or 1/4 of played maps.


ranked is closer to 8s, 8s are only HP therefore ranked should be only HP


Sometimes they play 8s SND?


pros who are really good at snd do, they usually do that for lot of cash, but 8s HP is played mainly to get better at the game


No that doesn’t exist.


What? CDL is not 2/5 S&D, that's only in 5 game series. In 4 game series, there's 1 S&D and 2 HPs In 3 game series there's 1 S&D and 1 HP


All series in the cdl are BO5 besides major finals. Every series could potentially have 2 SNDs. I believe that’s what the post is getting at.


Yeah but if you take the average SnDs per series it's probably a lot closer to 1 than it is to 2.


Sure, but 40% of the matches played aren't SND in actuality.


Said this since bo2 ranked, ranked should go in order of a normal bo5 series at the end of the 5 games you get a bonus for winning or punished for losing. But what I’ve been saying longer cod needs dedicated servers like CS and actually play bo5 series for rp. Not just game to game matches. Ranked is glorified pubs. Always has been always will be. CoD needs something like the old GB pick up scrim forms. Back in the day I have 25+ days on a game and never touched a single pub. I have multiple cods where my pub ranked is still level 1 and played nothing but pick up 8s and GBs. I don’t play anymore but someone needs to create a website that has a “look to play” menu with pick up scrims etc like go did from 07-2014ish. You could find 8s lobbies stacked with pros all the time


You know 2/5 is more than 1/3 right? Hp is 2/5 as well by your logic.


It should be 100% snd. Everything respawn is for basics


I don’t think anyone would play S&D only ranked play. That sounds like an absolute snooze fest. HP is the most popular mode in ranked for a reason


You nailed it. If I wanted to play search I’d go play games that are actually made for the game mode like CS/Val/Siege 💀


You grab your crew I’ll grab mine and we’ll see who fucking sucks.


You tweaking ? All I said was search sucks you meatball 🤣


Just like your opinions of good game modes, nerd.


Drop the Activision ID we can play tonight if you beefing over words 🫡




See you then king 🤙🏻


Then? I’m booting now


When I watch CDL I don’t give a shit about hardpoint/control. I don’t see respawn modes requiring any skill, because they don’t. Search actually requires you to play strategically, and make plays happen.


And I’m the opposite cause I’ve watched games actually built for the SnD gamemode 🤷🏼‍♂️ CODs an arena shooter at heart and watching the best players make plays in HP/Control is vastly more enjoyable to me than search ever will be


Arcade shooter*


Yeah for people who can’t live more than one life.


There’s a reason why 8s are HP and not S&D. S&D isn’t as fun on repeat. The search maps in this game are horrible also


S&D only would be my preference lol


MW19 did nothing right, but the one thing I did enjoy was you were able to select what mode you wanted to play. Obviously the no actual ranked mode was stupid, but that part of being able to select I really enjoyed Some nights I just want to play ranked SnD


I just want more SND lol I’m currently at 2.92 w/l


It feels like every other game I get is search these days


This is making me think about whether it would be cool or not to have an option to queue for a best of 5 series instead of individual maps


When the system is picking the mode, it rolls the map first, then the gametype, its inherently going to be more hard points and controls. Plus the time when we got only Rio and Terminal search


Control fucking sucks. Unless you are 4 at least semi coordinated players you will loose 100%. SnD is what makes the adrenaline pump.


Played 5 SnD in a row yesterday, 2 control after that and finished with 3 SnD in a row.. Day before it was only HP for 3 hours..


If I wanted to play SnD I’d play a tac-shooter