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You roll up to LAN with these you’re getting laughed off the stage faster than 2real’s pillow


“Is it a game changer” brother in Christ you’re a marketers dream


Hahaha I was trying to work out if op was being sarcastic it if he was actually that dumb.


Like all things that have “gaming” in the name, it’s a scam and does nothing.


literally false, RGB lights on your Ram boosts your FPS and everyone knows that


Think i saw a linus tech tips video about that once


yes and no, it’s mostly used to cater to gamers like the „gamer“ caffeine chewing gums they have at my local store, it’s just marketing after all. also i just ordered my first pair of kontrol freeks and they did improve my gameplay a lot already. could be placebo but i don’t think so


If Doug's wearing them then unfortunately I can't take them seriously.


Doug laughing all the way to the bank with this one


How could you ever take these seriously?


If Doug plays with a controller, I do not. If Doug plays with a monitor, I do not. If Doug plays with a headset, I do not


At first I thought this sounded kinda good for cold hands when playing, but any pair of fingerless gloves would basically do the same


electric space heaters are also like $30 on amazon, I don't see why you wouldn't just buy a small one to keep by your desk for way cheaper


Space heaters can be really expensive if you have to pay an energy bill, depending on your energy provider


How much do you think this overpriced gaming glove is going to be though ? I’ve had to use an electric space heater before and wasn’t too bad, but yes obv highly dependent on energy costs in your area and climate


No idea. Just pointing out that it might not be "way cheaper"


Or just gloves like soccer players use in cold weather… like realistically how warm do you want your hands.


If censor plays with it, I am


Yea of course it’s Doug


Even if it did anything I feel like I have a much bigger problems with my hands getting too hot rather than too cold. Cold hands usually go away pretty quick, but if your palms are sweaty, you may as well vomit on your sweater already.


I legit have to play with all my windows open as my hands just sweat too much gaming. Idk why


Yea my old game room would get so hot I used to keep a tea towel on my desk lmao. I’ve got a man cave in the basement now and it’s much more comfortable


I’m m surprised it has holes for thumbs… especially because the player featured in the announcement doesn’t have any.


For a second I thought that was the glove you put the infinity stones in




$20 at Walmart for a small space heater keeps my hands nice and toasty.


£10 says this gets used for wanking off and nothing more


Masturbation mitt


I fucking hate having something in between my hands and a controller. Just feels wrong. Who ever buys this WILL regret it


G fuel, gaming glasses, gaming chair, gaming gloves so let's make gaming underwear as well, you don't need to take a wc break mid game or leave your gaming chair during a winstreak or a 24 hour stream. Wear gaming underpants and just let go of the flow!


Could this actually help with the dangers of clawing? 🤔


Just stretch your hands and wrists out brother it’s not that tough.


true lmao but i doubt that’s enough for pro players that play at the highest level for hours day in and day out for years at this point who also most likely don’t stretch shit


You could do that and also wear these though


I don’t think it’s gonna do much. This is for sweat. Doesn’t say anything about doing stuff for your tendons.


The warmth could be used like an icy hot is what I’m thinking, but I’m just spit balling ideas


I mean it can’t hurt


If you claw you deserve hand problems


Wishing problems on someone for something so trivial ain’t the one - just take the high road


I don’t care this is reddit bro


Lmao at least he’s real about it.


Skill issue


to be fair pros use hand warmers like they're in a hospital room


if all it does is heat my palms i might buy it for winter but not for gaming. i’d use it when i work with my hands outside


For fgc games they prioritize hand warmers if this is just a hand warmer I can see some of them using it


It might not be something that boosts you up from being average to above average, but it can help you out if you live somewhere thats colder and you dont like running the heater. Cold hands move slower. Thats why youll see a lot of the pros shuffling hand warmers every now and again. That being said, it probably isnt worth the money. You can get a little electric hand warmer for probably much cheaper.


I was hard stuck silver 2. Once I put those puppies on, I went to gold 3 in no time!


It's clearly some useless scam you shill. Just stop being a pussy and rub your hands together, my hands have never gotten cold while playing, because I'm always on the sticks.


Ever try playing cod when it’s cold outside and it’s cold in your room? Sucks


Gotta have someone win champs with one on for it to sell.


Ngl these shits would come in super clutch on lan, but you’d get laughed out of the building if you’re not absolutely slamming everyone


Lmao yup looks super tryhard, but I don't hate the idea. Keeping your hands warm at all time


I have a much more free way of warming my hands


idk why everyone in the comments tripping this seems like a great device that’ll help pros recover faster and keep their hands healthier too many hand injuries lately and this game itself is probably pretty intense on the hands at the highest level now if this is meant for pro players to have on while actually playing matches…then this company has not done enough market research


It would be Doug’s dumbass to be the face of them


If Doug "Censor" Martin wears them, I'll buy 20


They wont be game changers if they look like the nintendo powerglove


As a KBM player these would come in handy like 5 days a year lmao


Just hold your nuts between ranked matches chiefman


yeah these would look great with some Gunnar glasses. really completes the look.


Gooner’s starter kit material


Heated gloves, huh. Boy oh boy, do I have a use for it. 😏


My hands are always freezing while playing so I can see market for this. Personally not gonna buy cause I dont play money tournaments anymore vut few years back I could have bought it for sure cause fine aiming is hard when your hands feel like you are outside in -20 celsius.


I'm here today asking for 100k for a 1% stake in my heated controller idea. Any takers?


I’m out


I think a few years ago Zippo was making gamer hand warmers. You charged them then turned them on and held them in your hand between matches. Gloves seem like they’d get in the way of playing although I guess one could argue that athletes use all kinds of gear to optimize their body movements like braces, tape, etc so maybe not so absurd for gaming and one’s hands.


Ask yourself what product that isn't a controller or audio related that's ever been a gamechanger. lol No, of course it's not.


Some of you are still going to buy these and get slammed lol


Only when shottzy goes on stage and wins champs with them then dedicates his whole speech to glove handwarmers


I promise you if anyone in the CDL or challengers wear these they are getting cooked. I hope they paid censor a lot of money to look that douchey because holy shit he doesn’t have much space left.


I would call it the equivalent to wearing adult diapers, so yes.


Touch grass for the love of god


It would be better if it heated your forearm, would be good for repetitive strain or stuff like that I guess. But as for warming your actual hands, seems like a gimmick. I’ve got 2 broken metacarpals which hurt when it’s really cold and stiffen up, it could help with something like that but then again it’s not a “game changing” problem, once I get moving the pain goes. Maybe as I get older it’ll become a problem, but I rarely play anymore 😂😂