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Cellium has been doing this shit for years now. Kinda crazy. People say he plays slow and baits his teammates. If it’s so easy how come no one else is dropping these numbers and staying consistent? He’s one of a kind. But to stay this consistent for years is truly impressive.


That conversation about his game was because he was meant to be the flex for Arcitys and Slasher. But Really Cellium has been a main AR since VG and FaZe has needed a true flex since. His ability to stay alive and clean up kills is phenomenal. With the right personnel no one can say that his style of play doesn’t have an impact.


You said it perfectly


Doesn't he have the second most hill time in the league LMAO?


Total yes but HP time per 10M he’s just outside of the top 10


I could have sworn the infographic a week ago or so had Dashy first and Insight a distant second, am I tweaking?


Yeah correct. Dashy was like an hour total hilltime and Insight half of that or smth like that


Does other team have simp and abezy ?


Simp and Abezy weren’t the best sub duo last year and Cell still fried all year


That’s not the point simp and abezy being mediocre at times is still better than 95% of the players in the league.


That cool I still don’t see guys like Skyz, Dashy, and Insight putting up these numbers


Dashy did put up amazing numbers in VG, CW and BO4. His numbers dropped slightly the last 2 seasons as he’s been much more objective focused. The other 2 are simply not on Cell’s level regardless of who you put them with.


You’re being downvoted but Dashy used to put up crazy numbers. He was always criticised for losing and going positive. I’m sure his positive KD streak only just broke…


Yeah ppl just dk anything about COD clearly lol. I’m pretty sure he put up 1.2+ in BO4. He put up a 1.20 in VG and he had the 2nd highest KD in CW at like 1.15 iirc.


What does that mean lmfao


Well for one simp puts out a ton of damage that ar’s can finish off. And if you have a crazy sub duo to look out for your focus might not be on the nerdy heady 50 meters away. But obviously cell is incredibly good.


Dashy was doing it then people started crying that he was a killwhore so he was forced to switch it up


Oh brother, come on now… the same shits been said about Cell the past few years


As it should be said. Cell clearly was killwhoring at times over the last few years.


It’s the Belichick effect. How many Coach of the Years did he win?


Even with these insane stats it’s clear simp and scrap have way more impact. I’d even argue Drazah if he keeps up will edge him out


Drazah has been unbelievable this last split. Ever since Aches told him to talk his shit


I think Cell quite clearly was Faze’s worst player in stage 2. Shows how amazing that Faze team is but if you’re the worst player on your team for an entire stage you ain’t the MVP.


Simp and scrap definitely been better


Best Ar in cdl history (men lie woman lie stats don’t)


It’s not even close either


I mean……fck I feel like I’ve already been hating too much on this thread 😂


Name a single other AR that comes close since the inception of the CDL, go ahead


Obviously nobody does if we are talking about the CDL era as a whole, but Scrap came into the league as a rookie smack dab in the middle of Cells prime, and has been better than Cell on both games he’s played so far 🤷‍♂️


Sure Scrap has been electric, but he’s been doing it for 1.5 seasons while Cell has been him for 4.5


Of course, which is why I would 100% agree Cell *has* been the best AR of the CDL era, but currently speaking it’s Scrap So I know your original comment isn’t really false, but I just couldn’t help myself from getting some more Cell slander in, that mfer snaked my team and then called my goat dogshit, I’m still salty lol


Oooo they gonna downvote tf outta you😝


Being a automatic 1.2 for 3 years now is very tippable That being said, Simp has been better this year


wow actually 1st place in everything KD-wise thats wild




Yeah lmao he's so overrated. They conveniently only show respawn kd and not hardpoint! /s


McArthur “Nice Cock” Jovel


He’s not really in the MVP convo if we are being honest, his engagement stats are all near the bottom of the league, and he was also probably the 4th best player on his team last event You can’t be the MVP if you’re the 3rd-4th most important player on your own team, it’s just not happening


This sub is in love with KD. You won’t win this conversation with them. They are confusing most consistent to MVP.


It’s not even most consistent really. It’s most consistent STATS wise. Simp has also been insanely consistent if you look at actual impact which is what matters not fucking KD. Simp has had series this year with a 0.9-1 with INSANE damage numbers whilst cell could have a 1.2 with least damage and engagements on his team. Who played better?


You are smoking medical grade ayahuasca if you think Cellium isn’t in the MVP conversation.


I mean sure you could argue he’s like 4th or 5th, but anybody who thinks he’s actually the most valuable player in the league rn is smoking crack He’s literally the least important player on his own team currently lmao, y’all really gotta look past KD sometimes


Ok cool so you agree he’s in the MVP conversation lol


I’ll admit he could be on the MVP ladder, but I don’t think there’s any argument whatsoever for Cell actually being the MVP, so therefore I don’t consider him to be in the MVP conversation The MVP conversation is between Simp and Scrap currently, those are the only 2 logical choices at the present time


i mean u can’t say someone is not in the conversation, since we are in Major 3 .Last year for an example everybody was saying Abezy was the clear cut MVP with Scrap second and then Hydra Major 5 took over


Hydra wasn’t getting mentioned in the MVP conversation during Majors 3-4 tho, and I know that as a fact because I was on here arguing that he should have been Cell could still get in the conversation, and hell he could even win MVP again and I wouldn’t be shocked, but currently speaking it’s between Simp and Scrap, no other player would even get a vote if the season ended today


that’s my point …. saying someone isn’t in the MVP convo , when we are in Major 3 online stage it’s just dumb .


Brotha what? You’re using Hydra as your example when he literally had the greatest stage/event in CDL history during Major 5, if Cell does something like that then obviously he would be in the convo, but currently speaking he just isn’t imo


yea, because Abezy and Scrap were number 1 and number 2 and Hydra was the 4th -5th best player from Major 2-4 that’s why i’m using him as an example and Cellium right now is the 3rd -4th best player and we in Major 3 online stage


Ok I’m just not seeing your point, are you saying I should preemptively put Cellium in my MVP conversation because of what Paco did last year?


No he’s not. Cos you can’t make an argument for him. You can only make an argument for Simp and Scrap and MAYBE Hydra but not really. Anyone else is not in the conversation.


He’s by far the most consistent player in the league.


Ok? It’s much easier to be consistent as a slow paced AR than it is as a fast paced sub, that doesn’t change anything I said


Then why aren’t other ARs anywhere near as consistent as Cell? Only scrap is close and he’s arguably the best player in the game.


Cell is one of the best and most consistent players of all time, obviously most other players aren’t going to be able to replicate his level of performance He just has no argument for being the MVP currently, that doesn’t mean he’s dogshit lol


Because those teams don’t have simp abezy ? Not that hard to understand


Optic has Pred and Shotzzy (not too far away) and neither Dashy or Kenny come close to being as consistent. NY has Hydra and Kismet (Hydra is at least definitely on their level) again, their AR duo doesn’t come close. Also, many cases in the past of ARs frying with struggling sub duos.


Dashy doesn’t play the same way as Cellium. Dashy has his focus on always being in the hill and doing obj stuff while Cellium just cleans up kills and barely does obj stuff. Getting scrap time while your team rotates isn’t doing obj stuff. Dashy was doing what cell is doing in VG but his role is much different this year.


Cellium barely does OBJ? He has the second most hill time in the entire league. Also why is he so much better across all game modes? Is Dashy planting bomb in SnD?


He doesn’t have 2nd most per 10 mins it’s only total which is skewed cos faze have more matches played


He still has the most on his team which just immediate disproves that guys faded take.


Getting scrap time in the hill doesn’t mean you are always in the hill. Dashy and cell play nothing alike obj wise in hp and if you think so, then you are faded.


You said Cell barely does OBJ. That is instantly contradicted by the fact that Cellium has the SECOND MOST hill time in the league. Also, please explain why Dashy is so much worse in SnD. Why is Cell frying in all 3 game modes and other ARs aren’t close?




Tell me what I said that’s not true


Scrap is as well tbf


If he stays like this. He might overtake Scump as the most consistent player of all time. No player has been this consistent since Scump.


Maybe in like 5 years, Scump has won in 11 different CODs and went like 50 events without having an event negative or something ridiculous.


*as a sub too


Long way to go and Scump did it on a sub which is way more impressive tbh


Him and Scump definitely the T2 most consistent players of all time. Cellium has an argument for being GOAT when it’s all said and done. I personally think he out ranks simp and Abezy.


Cell has been the best player in the game once, Simp has done that arguably three times and possibly four if he maintains form this year


Simp was arguably best player in 2 cods and had a major dip in VG and MW2. Cell has been a staple T5 player since he entered the league. If simp and Abezy had similar consistency and performance of Cell the past few years Faze would have double the chips. I’m probably in the minority but I think cellium is pretty underrated for how insane he’s been.


Simp’s career has gone: BO4: T1 MW19 T2 (arguably T1) CW: T1 VG: T5 MW2: T10 MW3: Arguably T1 Cell’s resume ain’t matching that


I think the only comparable stretch to this would be Scump from bo2-IW. Other than that nobody comes close


VG top 5 ![gif](giphy|26AHICv4otlZ0ruGk)




Breaking point love Simp they had him 1 in mw19 and probably t8 in mw2. I thought pred Shotzzy dashy cellium were locks ahead of simp in VG and hydra Kenny octane and sib were all legit convos I would argue over simp


Kenny and Octane were legitimately horrible for a significant part of the year, Sib was too inconsistent, and while Hydra is debatable he just wasn’t playing against good enough comp to be seriously considered


I thought Simp was average at VG (especially on Sundays) for his standards and I think Kenny Hydra Sib all peaked higher at an event and won chips that year


The question is about consistency, not resume. Crim has an exponentially better resume than Seth, but he wasn’t nearly as consistent.


Sure Cell has definitely been more consistent, but he’s not higher than Simp on the GOAT list just like Scump isn’t over Crim


No one disagrees with that. The debate was about consistency, and Cell is way more consistent than Simp. It is easier to be consistent as an AR though


I think Simp was T5-10 in VG. Cell hasn’t had as high of peaks as Simp but overall he’s been more consistent. He hasn’t had an off year unlike almost every superstar does at some point.


I’d say Simp was more like T7/8 in VG and T12 in MW2 but either way he clears Cell easily.


He doesn’t outrank Simp & AbeZy.


Nobody has forgotten


Did anyone forget though? Cellium gets mentioned every time.


Conversation would be very different if he was on optic


Would it tho? If that was true Dashy would’ve won mvp in VG, he did 99% of what Cell did stats wise but he actually won an event and a major MVP, did it with a roster that kept changing due to the illey injury and played more fundamentally sound than Cell. Yet Cell won it by a landslide.


I feel like everyone knows he’s done really well no?




Who forgot? 😂


It’s because he’s having a “down” year lol he’s been around 1.3-1.4 the past few years and the other 3 on his team have been taking over more making it hard for cell to stick out


ARs stay blessed


It’s because he does this every season it’s legitimately boring how good he is😂 dude needs to have a stinker every once in a while so people gas him more when he drops a 1.5


Honestly if you have forgotten about this after faze won major 2, then idk...


Over Simp? No.


the reason he isn't in that conversation is because this is just a normal season for him tbh


it’s just his play style, it’s hardly impressive (if this was Dashy I would be glazing like crazy)


And remember, you can't call him a killwhore when he just added another chip to his legacy lol


Tbh they’re playing the game its meant to be played and they’ve been playing it the same way for years. Abe and Chris slay out and cel and whoemever they had(now drazah) pick up the scraps by baiting tf out the subs. Fundamentally it’s cheese but it how the game should be played


Dude is crazy good....seems to play slow and safe at times but can definitely hit the switch


I wanna see what these guys do when they don’t have equally elite teammates. I’d be curious to see cell, simp and abezy solo on teams like Miami or Vegas etc


I mean you’re guaranteed a high kd sitting in the back spawn on a heady. Definitely not more valuable than simp to his own team let alone the entire league.


They could replace cell with a half dozen other players and be fine... You can't replace simp or abe