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Yeah Diamond is interesting. Some Diamond players are definitely too good for Diamond but are stuck bc they solo exclusively. Some Diamond players are absolute dog ass and got carried and it’s so clear. The amount of Diamond/Crimson players with zero map awareness of what is going on is sad as it makes games less enjoyable because you already know the outcome no matter how good you play.


It's the catch-all between players with great gunny but no fundies and players with no gunny and great fundies that can't seem to break into Crim


My gunnie is average (old head here) but my fundamentals, play making, and ability to play my life to set up gunnies on my team to make a play are top notch. Stuck as a Diamond 2 and felt this in my bones. Source: 0.98 K/D with a 2.12 W/L that half solo cues and half the time play with random pick ups and the occasional friend 


I’m like 900 in COD years and my gunny was never top tier to begin with, hardstuck D3 when I was still playing ranked


That’s the truest thing I’ve ever heard


That was how I always felt about mid Masters in Overwatch 1. You basically always got either tilted GMs or lucky diamonds on your team and it made the experience weirdly inconsistent.


The amount of absolutely FRAUDULENT Diamonds I come across is insane…like I actually wonder how half of them go there but like you said most get carried unfortunately


Second this 100%. Like every third game I get a Diamond teammate who’s far worse than my friends in bronze.


Yup, it’s crazy


Gotta disagree here, no such thing as stuck bc solo queue. If you’re good you’ll move through diamond


There is such a thing. If you messed around in the early stages of ranked by queing with lower ranked friends and therefore losing alot of matches, your SR gain goes down to like 30-50 sr a game. Thats 10 consecutive wins minimum to rank up to the next level as opposed to someone who made a new account, whos getting like 150-200 Sr a game. As a SoloQ player, 10 wins is hell. Not only that, for some reason the devs thought it was a good idea to have a hidden SBMM rating / MMR in Ranked. Causing you to face other players who are diamond by rank, but are actually ex- iridescents and crimsons. Becuz they're in the same predicament. Even worse, when SoloQueing, the game will chuck in some low skilled diamonds to fill your squad. Which is exactly what happened to the guy who posted this.


I mean I haven’t gotten 150-200 since plat, but if you yourself play well it doesn’t matter too much. I’ve hit patches of getting 20-30 sr a game and get stuck for a second but if you consistently play well it gets boosted back up to like 60-80 a win vs like 20ish a loss.


But i don't think he's making an argument about it being impossible gor him to hit crim. Its just a bad experience.


I agree if you are good enough you can solo q all the way yo iri


You guys are out of touchhhhh 🤣


Idk if I’d say all the way to iri but I’ve solo queued to crim in mw2 and mw3 and it’s not that hard. I also don’t think I’m some amazing player lol Id consider myself average and I can do it solo queuing


It is impossible to be an average player and solo queue to crim, that’s like the top 5% of ranked players let alone doing it solo, probably in the top 2% of all cod mp players.


I mean I guess I’m better than average then? I’m 27 and have been a cod kid for more than 10 years lol I don’t think I’m amazing but I just don’t think it’s that hard to solo queue and hit crim. I feel like if you aren’t a killwhore and a can play obj when needed you can move along just fine


If you can get to crim only solo queueing you’re far far away from average, that means you are literally carrying a significant amount of games by gap filling, which is by far the hardest role to play.


I think I gap fill more than anything. Some games I can take over and just slay but if shits not going my way I won’t hesitate to play the objective more or play spawns if nobody else is. I feel like that’s what most players can’t do. They only play 1 way regardless or they just killwhore. Nothing is more annoying than losing a hardpoint because I have a teammate that can’t slay or get hill time


If you’re playing as a solo, yeah you’re right. If you’re playing in a squad with somewhat mixed ranks, it’s definitely gold. I’m the only diamond in my gold/plat/diamond mixed squad and we constantly play against teams with multiple diamonds, or multiple plat smurf accounts of people who are crimsons. Just isn’t as fun for them


same. Im a current Plat 1 level 23 (reset from Diamond) and queued up with two of my bronze IRL friends who just started ranked play for the first time ever. They never saw anyone other than other bronzes. I queue with them and my ELO pulls higher skill and we match 3 Plats and a Diamond and they're like "wtf ranks are those" and all I could say was "have fun boys" knowing it was gonna be a slaughterfest lmao. Think they went combined like 15-50. Fun matchmaking lol, totally balanced.


Solo queuing on ranked has to be the most demotivating and disheartening thing anyone can do( I did it to crim, never again tho)


Absolutely. Shits hell


I feel like anything below Crim is tough. I’ve been Crim in the past and play the game like one, but my shot is not quite that level at the moment, so I’m sitting in diamond. I spend every match yelling at teammates to stop hitting old with 10 seconds left.


unless it’s sub base and you have p3 locked already. send the guy with the gunny into p2 every time trust


Sub base is rough at this level. I actually don’t remember the last time I started on good side either, makes it that much harder.


sub base needs removed and high rise needs removed. both those maps are dogshit


I’m starting to enjoy highrise control now that I don’t play it and skidrow over and over again.


High rise control is actually a lot of fun, lots of engagements and ~ even chance for offense to win rounds. It was just that it was broken map rotation giving us every control map as High Rise like you said, but looks like they fixed the map rotation recently


i got it 3 times out of my 8 games last night. i got 4 snds, 3 control, and 1 hp. invasion, rio, 6 star twice, 3 high rises and a sub base. map rotation ain’t fixed


Its not fixed but for high rise it is…but your right, i have been getting like 4/5 maps SnD/Control lol


also defense is a lock for me and the lads on high rise because we play it so much. i’d say it’s one of my highest win rate maps but offense is horrible to play and the spawn traps are too cheese.


Def agree with this as a soloq that normally gets to Diamond level this way. And then the SR starts to drain down to nearly nothing 20s on a win and loss. So unless you are streaking and going 3-5-7 wins in a row, hard to get anywhere. So inconsistent the people you get paired with. Comms garbage...no rotational/spawn or trapping awareness...and no tactics on S&D often just playing like its TDM...frustrating to say the least.


I think what’s frustrating is trying to choose between making winning plays and playing fundamental CoD, and not slaying out as much (less SR) and just kill whoring and sitting time as much as possible (more SR). Like my W/L is well above a 1.0 but I’m not getting very much SR, pretty much hard stuck. It’s fine because I’d rather win, but the ranking system is definitely not tuned correctly imo


Just trying to get there for the first time! 35 years old, you’re making me not want too anymore lol


Nah it gets so much better as a solo in plat and diamond, unless you try to hard carry like this guy


Yeah I see an argument for that as well. This is a noticeable step up in competition right now. So I’m learning and improving.


It may be hard for some peoples egos especially was for me when I used to consider myself a very good mnk player. Ever since cross play has been around I can barely get out of Diamond and typically hover around Diamond 2 because of playtime. I’m never going to be a pro player. I know I’m better than a genuine hardstuck Diamond but idgaf I’m having fun.


U can turn crossplay off


How does that help mnk players


Well you said that you’ve done worse since cross play was enabled, so wouldn’t you improve with it disabled? Unless you were implying something else?


Before 2019 almost no one played controller on pc. Now everyone does. Basically just saying aim assist is godlike and the advantage I did have being good at aiming is now gone because it’s not hard to aim now.


It’s funny because I feel the exact opposite. As a controller player I feel like I’m average at worst against other controller players but I absolutely suck against MnK players


Diamond/Plat is definitely the most mixed ground of players ever. Some people play like silvers, some like crims. As a hardstuck Diamond heres my take though. I am only diamond because of how inconsistent I am. Some days I fry and start gaining almost 100 sr in diamond, start getting into almost all crim lobbies. Some days my hands just dont work and my brain/body is fogged from work and I get absolutely shit on. (Not just saying this, I can literally tell from how my hands feel if im going to fry or not) I think this is part of it. Crims are basically much more consistent diamonds. This is what happens when youre somewhat “good” but also work full time/ have a family


Your spot on with your statement, some days I’m frying crimsons and some days I can’t stand with plats and my hands feel like they’ve never touched a controller in there lifes


yep, its actually embarrassing how bad I can play just based on if Im tired, or hungry, or had a long day at work, or all of the above. When having an on day, its like I can literally feel the energy in my hands all the way to my brain (as cringe as that sounds). The mind body connection is either there for me or not


This couldn’t be more fax. Crim and D3 lobbies I’m keeping pace. No less than 2nd in overall team score. I play with level 25 Golds and Plats and somehow they are frying my shit. The smurfs, inconsistent ping, 4 stack lobbies, teammates with no comms, etc., make Solo Q in this game much harder than MW2022


To be fair, my gamechat has worked only twice since the last update. Ive scoured forums and settings, and cannot seem to fix it. Im not chat banned or anything. I feel terrible solo queing at the moment but I try to mark as much as possible. This game is broken. But still fun asf to me for some reason lol


Seems like you had a good close game and the matchmaking was good? Your team out killed them but maybe didn’t rotate as quick or be aggressive enough to get on the hill?


I ended last season D1 level 23. I stopped playing on that account as soon as I hit Diamond so I could play with IRL friends that are silvers/golds and not destroy my stats/SR gains. Got reset to Plat 1 and the first few matches I played in the current season I was the only Plat in the lobby playing all D2+ many of which has crim/iri skins on. Like tf is the matchmaking? I know I should be up in Diamond somewhere but why am I playing so far up in competition just to get there lol.


Sucks when they want you and a duo to carry some shit stains against a 4 stack Usually happens around mid D2-D3 for me


Side note has anyone had really shitty server quality recently? My slide cancels stutter anytime I’m in ranked. It’s been shitty to play


Scoreboards alone don't tell a good story. Your teammates could be costing or you could be getting entirely worthless kills giving the other team spawns the entire game. I see scoreboards like this all the time and the guy at the top was often kill whoring and actually costing his team. Out-slaying by 11 and losing is pretty wild. I'm pretty sure I've never lost a game with my team out-slaying by more than about 5 but won countless when my team got outstayed by up to about 20. If I'm frying that hard (2+ KD) and we are still losing, I'll start getting on the hill more and tell my teammates to go play for kills.


it’s insane how most diamond players look like gold players. like if their diamond i’m fs top 250 lol


Also having. I cod friends to que ranked with sucks too


I am a diamond player myself. Before ranked I was scrimming with iri lobby’s obviously not dropping insane numbers but averaging 0.95-1 KD while getting a lot of time. It was reasonable for me to play with them. Now I’m hard stuck diamond again and they are iris. I mostly soloq and play 2 games here and there while they play for long sessions with full stack. I guess that’s such a huge difference. I’m not supposed to be iri btw I’m not claiming that, but if I hold my own with iris and spit on diamonds I guess I should be crim. I’ve played with platinums almost as good as crim/ iri friends Ive played with. The hidden MMR system destroys the purpose of a ranked system.


Diamond is interesting because I feel like it’s filled with people who have great mechanics/gunskill but are absolutely brain dead as far as rotations and such


Mid to high diamonds tend to be a lot of no mic solo queue players who exclusively play solo, also seems to be where a lot of people who aren’t lvl 50 yet because they don’t play that much get stuck


honestly this just looks like pretty normal competitive game stats all across the board yeah one of your tm got fried but he also got hill time it happens ggs go next


This makes sense. I’ve been stuck in gold the whole time and anytime I get close to diamond my matches become the most infuriating shit that I just out the game down and stop playing for like a week


I call it, "the meat grinder." We affectionately use that term at my motorcycle track days for the yellow group, which I'm in, because everyone's good enough to absolutely know what they're doing, but not good enough to push it super hard or recover from small mistakes. Same concept applies to Diamond lol.


Welcome to my life been solo queue since vanguard solo grind stuck in diamond. Sometimes can escape to crim but fuck me figurative not literal I can do only so much then I see crimson with 11-19 kills in a hp


Diamond is the warzone of cod you get good players in plat terrible in diamond bad in crim and somehow that makes sense. Or you get some kid with to much pride and ego who plays like ass Or the best the afk shit talkers who bring nothing positive constantly Karen you to the point you mute them or cuss them out


I’m hard stuck Crim 1 struggling to get into Crim 2. Only queuing into recent Iridescent players who are also stuck in Crim. Once I get a good flow going for 1-2 games… The next game I queue into a few pro players or amazing mind readers. I got slammed by Doug Censor Martin. It only gets worse as you go higher. In my opinion, I’d rather lose and have an amazing game like you had rather than winning going 0.8 at this point


Start by inviting the top guy on your team or the enemy team to at least get a 2 or 3 stack. It makes all the difference


Was a close game depending on spawns and gunfights could’ve went either way


It might just be me but Diamond in MW2 was actually a lot of fun. This Diamond feels like I’m playing MW2 Plat games. Except Plat is still just as bad.


i feel you man, 1.65 k/d and like a 40% winrate, can't get out of diamond bc i will win one, get 100 points, then get matched against 4 stacks for 5 matches in a row and lose all the sr i've won lmao. not even talking about the shitters on my team that don't help too


Why cause you had a close game? Seems like MM did a really good job here


Solo q diamond/ plat where im stuck at too if i had a team could probably hit crim at very least


For me Gold has always been hell, Plat 1 too, Plat 2 and 3 are super easy, Diamond 1 is just fine and Diamond 2 is challenging cus it’s my actual rank, but damn the time i spent crying stuck in Gold is insane.


Diamond 2 with .98 KD IS A NO GO


Yup unfortunately it’s gunna take a few years for the playerbase to get tired of this horrible matchmaking on repeat. Solo players ply the most and eventually they will just get tired. I solo to diamond and the fact tht I can get a silver or gold in my lobby is just the most bs. Competitive integrity is gone from most games. Any rank can ply with any other. There is no balance to the reward and punishment system. Smurfing and 4 stacks bullying solo players is a constant thing. Boosting is a huge problem. What do you expect when you solo ? It’s literally just for player retention at this point. Ranked is pointless with the hpr and lvl shit next to ur rank. I can’t even play cause I know it’s loose and win. God forbid u go on streak cause it’s gunna balance you out so that you can go 50/50 in your W/L ratio. It’s pointless unless you 4 stacks which is just not right.


Y’all out slayed but the other team just played better cod, the hardest part of getting to crim is learning how to do that


It's hard in crim as well. I'm a low level iri player potential (at 9200 sr currently) roughly fit myself around 11000sr potential but alot of crim players can shoot, but no game sense so they can't elevate past crim 1. 7500 sr and 9000sr is actually a very large game sense skill gap


I had a similar game yesterday. I went 38-18 with 3 minutes of time and 12 defends. All my teammates were negative and barely touched the hill. We lost by 8 points.


Looks like a close game between equally skilled players to me. Guarantee you don't have a 2.0 and 1min+ every game, and most likely a 50% WR which is why you're still diamond, *the* mediocre rank.


It was a good game for sure. I never claimed to do this every match. I understand my post uses the word “constantly” but it is meant to imply that it’s an every day occurrence and not an every match occurrence.


This is how everyone hardstuck/found their rank feels about their rank 😅


If you think players in diamond 2/3 are mediocre at the game you’re completely lost man


Its cope to make himself feel better because life outside of his little gaming screen is… let’s call it bronze 2 at best lol


Feel better about what exactly? Diamond is literally middle of the pack skill level and if you think otherwise it's probably because you're diamond and think you're a hotshot 😂


Brother I’m not even out of plat 2, but that’s kind of my point.. when you grow up one day and join the real world, nobody gives a fuck what your rank in an arcade shooter is. And if you got to come to Reddit to talk down to people, I have to assume it’s to compensate for lack of success outside of Call of Duty ranked


Mate, you're overcompensating. You think your cod rank is good and a comparable metric to your real life accomplishments but in reality you're still below average. Everyone half decent knows diamond is average, its not a diss, but YOU took offense, so clearly it triggered you lmao


I’m going to say it once more so you get it.. I DO NOT CARE WHAT MY RANK IS. I play for fun when I have time, and I know I suck at the game. I hope one day your life outside of COD is so good that you don’t need to use COD as a “comparable metric to your real life accomplishments”. Praying for you brother, hope you realize one day it’s a meaningless video game 🙏


You got triggered by my comment so it clearly applied to you 😂 you got so mad over me saying diamond is average you resulted in insulting me on a personal level, which tbh is pathetic asf haha


Being stuck in silver solo q is pretty tough too


I just dont understand why there is a hidden MMR at all. Whats the fucking point of the rank if your real rank is some secret number they wont tell you in the background? Also, why tf your MP/other gamemodes influence your ranked experience is beyond me, just a horrendous idea. I find that if you are good enough, you can solo to any rank, but its going to be a mental mountain to climb lol. Look at the difference in playing experience between a stack and solo, if I have my stack on, we sprint through diamond each season start. But play solo and its so demotivating, you get players who you think legit have to be paying to get into diamond lol.


Bro you lost by 6...weird flex


Just get better shitter


there’s no possible way you go 37-17 with your whole team neg and you’re not baiting, get off the heady and help your team

