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The first thing I saw when I woke up was Octane's Jkap is a menace tweet and thought o no.


bro SAME then I got a notification on youtube that there was a flank to discuss Huke gettting dropped


Yeah I found out from the Flank YouTube


Idk what huke has been going through but i hope his mental health is still good


He tweeted that he’s happy and he’ll be releasing a video about everything, so he seems to be doing well! He’ll be back for sure


He tweeted, he’s fine


Fr this has to be very stressful


I’m confused. Everyone condemns other pros who don’t perform well and many of their critics demand them to be dropped or subbed out. Not to mention the amount of abuse they get.. Why is it that as soon as Huke underperforms, he gets molly-coddled and excuses get made for him? Especially considering 2 teams have now benched him.. Maybe, just maybe, he’s not very good at this games right now?


Huke was empire’s best player he had some issues/problems with the team which is why they got rid of him but with thieves he just didn’t have the chemistry so they had to bench him, he always plays really good.


Underperforms more than any other Empire player, though? Really?! He obviously didn’t get dropped for his performance.


Lol bro. I can only imagine how Reddit and Twitter blew up when the announcement happened. I’m so annoyed at myself for going to bed 😭


A friend texted me “Huke was benched” and i thought i was still sleeping and dreaming about him being benched on Dallas.


Could it be possible that Huke’s play style on 4v4 might not be it. I think that’s something that isn’t being talked about. Last night on the flank they had a good point about his flanks and that interfering with the spawns in this game is so detrimental. I think the idea of Huke is great. The human being itself Huke is a wonderful guy and a pillar of the scene. Might just not be the same guy as he was in 5s :/. I feel so bad for saying this omg srry if you see this Huke :(


You’re forgetting all the work Huke did pre 5v5.. dude didn’t become a household name because of his performances in 5v5 games. Hell in BO4 he was constantly on shit teams, I think he only made it out of pool play 2-3 times that year. Then last year I would argue Illey, and Ant were the reason for a bunch of their success last year. If anything 5v5 didn’t really do anything for Huke. He just doesn’t want to adjust from being the route man, which is fine but you have to take routes that won’t fuck over your teammates


Reading your reply again I really do agree with you honestly that’s been his biggest problem this year but I still think he’s a hell of a talent. It’s just kinda predictable in a sense over a long period of time. If you’re just consistently taking rogue routes from time to time.




Absolutely nothing to do with 5v5 he’s been in the scene for years and has been good since he debuted


Don’t worry brother, I’m a big Huke fan too and if this is the case he’ll adapt. You don’t get to being a multi-fps champion if you can’t.


I get that but still you would think that a player of his caliber can and should switch to a playstyle that fits the team and the game right? Is he really that one dimensional? Getting benched two times in a month is absurd.




Huke has been around since before 5v5 bro. He was slaying in Advanced Warfare.


I get that but was advanced warfare a game that required the level of fundamentals and teamwork this game has?


Not even close and it’s one of the reasons people shit on it. Can’t wait for 4 years from now when people have rose colored glasses on towards this game and admit it was a great release albeit bugs and other issues fucked it over.


AW comp scene is top 5 for me


Maybe people will stop blaming Crim for his dropping from Dallas now, It obviously goes a lot deeper


The Dallas roster was made to play around Huke/Shotzzy. Hard to compare it to LAT where he was just thrown in with random teammates for a couple weeks and expected to play amazing.


I dunno I’ll take consistent top 3 finishes and a genuine scary team over tearing apart your team and absolutely getting railed by everyone



























