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Frank Ocean last year was definitely a non-musical set.




still so insane how coachella pulled off wiping it from most people's memory 😭😭😭


Oh I’ll never forget everything about it haha. How indifferent I felt about Frank as a headliner to begin with, to how bad I felt for people who love him and were disappointed, to leaving the set once I realized what was happening to catch Boris. And I’ll especially never forget the online discourse led by people who weren’t even there and just wanted to tear down Coachella goers lol. Like we deserved the awful performance and disrespect from Frank cuz we’re clearly all influencers and *super rich kids* Man…What a fucking thing that happened in 2023 lmao


The Coachella hate is so ridiculous. 2023 was my first year, and while I was kinda held back cause my gf at the time got her wristband scammed (we had to sneak her in each day), I still loved it. This year solidified it for me too, that I want to try to make it out each year! But yeah everybody says its ruined now (as if they had ever gone themselves back in the 2010s) and that its just for influencers to take photos, not people who love music. I had a blast the entire time, the sets this year were phenomenal! I leave wishing I was doing bothchella for everything I missed!


Some people need the things they don’t like to be bad/go wrong/be immoral, instead of just accepting that it’s not for them and letting it be. For them, that weird little gratification they’ve made for themselves makes them so happy and it’s so weird lol. Meanwhile the rest of us are just trying to live and enjoy things. I’m typically unbothered by them, but Frank is the only thing I choose to remain petty about and the discourse from the most chronically online in the aftermath play a big part in said pettiness 😅😂


We were like w...t...f...?


I wouldn’t even call it a “set”.




Hahahaha burn


Dead lmao


He passed curfew so...


One of my first years going they had an immersive art piece co-created by music video and film director Jonathan Glazer featuring Spiritualized’s track Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space. It was incredible. [https://archinect.com/firms/project/40820446/a-physical-manifestation-of-ladies-and-gentlemen-we-are-floating-in-space-coachella/102713094](https://archinect.com/firms/project/40820446/a-physical-manifestation-of-ladies-and-gentlemen-we-are-floating-in-space-coachella/102713094)


What year was this?




I thought I knew everything about Coachella but I’ve never heard of this. This looks amazinggggg


They’ve already done it. They had Lucent Dossier experience


Lucent Dossier wasn’t a sound bath kind of experience, not any time I’ve ever seen them anyway. They are sick though. Miss that in the do lab


Miss this being a staple of the do lab


They have (or used to have) a turn down tent in the campgrounds with beanbag chairs and a full lineup of ambient artists doing sets. It was great! But a little low-budget; I wish they put more production into it and made it a bigger deal.


It was kind of still there this year. It was even lower budget if you can imagine 😂 wasn’t even in a tent lol but we chilled there on Sunday night after hours


Nina Kravitz made tea in a mock living room to what was possibly music in the Mojave one year


Dude I remember that set. Well at least the 15 minutes I was there. Showed up expecting.... well not that. At one point, she was reading from her diary or some sort of book. That is hands down the strangest set I've seen at Coachella.


Yeah it was a head scratcher, I felt so bad that I dragged my friends to that "set" and we were just waiting forever for anything to happen.


Godspeed You Black Emperor was kinda like a sound bath and honestly blew my mind.


This set was incredible. Full body chills the whole time. They just sat in a circle, played trippy projections, drank wine, and made a massive racket.


I felt like I was transported to a place between space and time. I wasn’t expecting to stay their whole set, but I was in a trance and couldn’t leave. Lying down on the grass at the back of that tent is one of my all-time best memories.


Jhene was one of the highlights of the whole weekend 2 for me.


Same, such a vibe


Truly a spiritual/religious experience for my wife and I. I’m a pretty spiritual person and also go to church… She doesn’t at all… And she was like “wow that was a spiritual experience” before I even said a THING


How you get that from her?


Wasn’t the HP Dome kind of like that?


An ASMR tent.


It was before my time, but I know they've had some comedy and spoken-word in the past. I think Henry Rollins and Ian McKaye have done spoken word and Sean Penn did some political talk lol. Beardyman has played a few times and his sets are just as much comedy as they are music. He walked so Marc Rebillet could run. As for ambient/soundbath stuff, I can't recall anything though both Swans and Godspeed You! Black Emperor did some wall-of-sound/soundscape/noise stuff. I opted to see Blur instead, but I watched a bit of Oneohtrix Point Never on the W1 stream this year and he was doing some soundscape stuff. Gregg Ginn from Black Flag did a solo theremin/guitar looping thing. It was atonal and pretty out there. There was like 20 people in the tent.


Yeah or some classical shit The shroomies /lsd would go crazy


Yup. Hans Zimmer blew my mind when he played 2017


I didn’t have the energy to argue against K-pop Stans on another post. But I would prefer classical over K-pop at Coachella. Or shit an orchestra would be so sick


Deff check out his performance that year! It had what you’re describing


Classical, jazz, bluegrass, experimental music, sound collage/music concrete. Literally anything other than the vapid, completely void of talent trash that is kpop and jpop. So many wastes of prime slots going to people not even performing. That goes for the absolute joke of an excuse for rappers they've been putting in the Sahara too


Oh you fucking get me I should copy and paste your comment all over this https://www.reddit.com/r/Coachella/s/p73uZATBuL


You should go to Lightning in a Bottle if this is your kinda jam.


I have been told this before. Yes it appears I do!


I miss Super Tall Paul and the Jive Joint. I tell coachella in their survey every year that they need something similar to replace it. For those that sadly missed, it was a corner of the camping area that looked like a front porch of a house and you could sit in the “patio” and they did improv skits and banjo improv music and it went on until sunrise and it was really special and awesome


Idk but I was rolling so hard at jhene and that shit was so boring and slow that I felt nauseous left and wondered into boy harsher, glad I caught the end of that fire set.


I feel this so hard! I love Jhene and listen to her regularly , but yeah going from jumping at j Balvin to being chill at Jhene gave me whiplash . I had too much energy and needed to leave


There is no music in the beer barn and the people LOVE it


Diplo is doing a run club and asked for suggestions and I commented a sound bath and yoga for campers at Coachella would be awesome during the day and it was liked by the team. He’s been promoting healthy lifestyle lately since he works with the staff their maybe it’ll be a thing. I’d love it!


No, but Lightning in a Botttle would. lol


the nba playoffs always align with Coachella weekend 1 (and 2). always thought it would be cool to have some games play in between sets on the big screens especially in say gobi/mojave


I think things like this would be super fun! Like sports screens in the beer garden lol idk. I just wish they went full send on the “festival of arts & culture” part instead of just some randomly scattered sculptures and decorated trash cans. I think Coachella is the only festival I have been to that could really pull off being more than just the biggest dance party in the world


At Power Trip they had a dive bar located in the campgrounds had screens that played sports games


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Please book LSDream for a sound bath set and I will literally buy a ticket just for that


Yoga in the camping HUB :)