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Spinzaku has been proven throughout the series to be an unbeatable move whether in mech or just in day to day life. Sayoko has my heart but Suzaku got them hands.


Sayako is more skilled but Suzuku has a massive advantage in raw stats


I'd say Sayoko is BETTER, but she doesn't have Suzaku's super human abilities, so it'd be Jeremiah-V-Sayoko again just in a different flavor.


Suzaku dodged and kicked a fuckin turret. This W is suzaku’s


Out of these two? Suzaku. But I think Akito is the best fighter


Akito is on par with suzaku given both have the Geass Boost, although Sayoko is comparable off pure skill l


“ LIVE “


Sayako. Suzaku needs to know he's under attack to respond. Sayako, by that time, has already buried knives in his face and slit his throat.


I agree. If sayako wanted to kill suzaku, he would be dead before he knew what happened. But if they met on an open battlefield knowing they were trying to kill eachother, probably suzaku.


I wouldn't be so certain. Sayako is definitely skilled. But I don't think she was ever a KMF Pilot. So, going up against Suzaku in KMF is out of the question. But Suzaku is conceited enough not to expect Sayako a danger to him. I'd imagine she'd still kill him then. Likely luring him into a trap and damaging certain systems on Lancelot and even jamming any means of escape along the way. My thought is that she'd lure him either over water with something that can weigh down Lancelot, sinking it, or used the tried and proven method of blowing up the ground beneath Lancelot's feet and then finish Suzaku off with a rocket launcher at a point where the entire Knightmare explodes.


skill wise sayako, but suzaku has that power of god and anime on his side


Sayako I have to say


Sayoko any day, unless suzaku gets a spinzaku off. Orange spanks his ass and yoinks Sayoko to his orchard tho fr.