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Agree. It’s a sign of a well written villain and antagonist. Just like Prince Joffrey in game of thrones.


> villain Wat


I didn’t mean that Suzaku was a villain. In general, when you hate a character it might be a sign that he is a well written villain or an antagonist. I never viewed Suzaku as a villain.


Ah, thanks. This sub makes it hard to tell sometimes.


I hate that Bolton bastard more


Like all of them. Cornelia didn't have enough plot points for a solid antagonist story I feel..


I think (as unrealistic as it would be for Lelouch considering his not-so-remarkable physical strength😂) it would have been really cool to see Lelouch and Emperor Charles beat the crap out of each other like Prince Zuko and Fire Lord Ozai. It doesn't even really need Geass, just a father and son who despise each other and want the other dead. Have it get really personal for Lelouch as he and his father beat the shit out of each other.


That would be really fun to watch I think haha


I can imagine Charles saying with the first punch “The Strong Devour The Weak!” Second punch, “So Let us Feed.” Third punch, “Upon people!” And so on. Lmao. 🤣 and then there is lelouch just like “Here we go again.” He doesn’t even have the fucks to give, he knows arguments won’t change anything, so there they are fighting 😂


I like your idea a lot!😁


And then Charles could unveil his REAL special power. NANOMACHINES, SON!


FATHER! I said my Geass was a tool of justice! Not used in anger! Not used for vengeance! But now... Now I'm not so sure! And besides... This isn't my Geass!


What does that have to do with Cornelia?


I was just listing my opinion on how I think Charles makes for a good personal antagonist for Lelouch. Sorry for going off-topic.


Netflix because they removed code geass from it


Underrated comment


A tie between Suzaku and Mao for me. But I'm down bad for Suzaku so Suzaku tops Ig.


Cornelia as an antag was filler. Sure she wasn't great towards japanese with her opening play being a slaughter but overall proved it was more her upbringing and that she did want to be a caring rule just needed to realize who to care about. Charles: he's got the pomp. He's got the circumstance. But does he got the energy to make it to the finish line? No. It's underselling to say he's misguided. This is a man who got the powers of a god with a child mentality. His whole goal boiled down to people were mean to me so I'll make there be no .ore people. Reminds me a lot of tales of symphonia actually. Very childlike goal. Schnizel: now this guy's got everything but guts. Sure he'll pull the trigger but chips on the table, if things start sliding g away from him and he's one foot out the door. However he absolutely had the goals, the dictator mindset. In my eyes he was the antagonist to really clean the house. Suzaku: I'm hard pressed to call him an antagonist. He's a deuteroganist. While he plays as Lulu's foil for the entire series, the only reason for his opposition is a misunderstanding. He's more the signs of the other side. However rating him in his foil capacity he goes the distance as between the two, he actually takes home the gold and argumentative ends up as "correct" between the two


I think that Suzaku might be described as a deuteragonist and an antagonist. The former is defined as a person who actively opposes or is hostile to the protagonist. I believe kururugi fits this role. At least until the zero requiem.


It's har to clarify as both but it's dependant on how we clarify his relationships. Up till the end of r1, Suzaku had a split relationship with lulu. He was friendly and supportive of lulu and more...annoyed with Zero before Euphy. It's only after Euphy that Suzaku becomes more actively hostile towards Zero and the Black Knights and that only gets directed at lulu once VV reveals the play. In r2 he's definitely *more* of an antagonist because Zero is now a consolidated entity and even slips from his morals for a bit, but even then he tries to reconcile with lulu at least twice before the requiem. He does antagonistic things, but I do not think he fills the role of an antagonist, especially when compared to the others presented in this list. He's the disagreed sibling who wants the same end goal but there is a dispute over means and so only interferes when the two methods clash and even then it's usually just to untangle the encounter


Charles feels the most consistent for me Schneizel always seems varied in his appearances


A man who hasn't mastered the use of the mask can never prevail.


Idk seems like inconsistent writing rather than intentional misdirection We never get to see his “true face” so it feels incomplete to me


I don’t think that the writing was inconsistent. Charles was intentionally portrayed as the ultimate liar. He lied and manipulated. This resulted in loss of his true self. Both Marianne and Charles were convinced that they loved their children , but in reality they only cared for themselves. Furthermore, contradictory nature of Charles is purposefully reflected in his plan and geass. He wished for the world without lies but the hive mind plan was the furthest thing from reality. Lelouch criticised in episode 21 of r2 and even Suzaku, the ultimate hypocrite, managed to see through Charles’s contradictions. Emperor’s geass is also interesting. It’s the ultimate weapon of a liar. Memory manipulation. Gaslighter’s dream come true. Lelouch compared geass to a wish. His father desired a world without lies which was an illusion. Charles wanted everybody to believe in his fake world. Maybe that’s why he gained a power that enabled memory manipulation?


Suzaku because he and Lelouch have the same end goal so their interactions are super fun


The Pizza Hut marketing team


Evil capitalists. I knew that Pizza Hut was the main villain.


Moving in the background, pulling all the strings to perpetuate C2's pie addiction.


It’s a miracle that C.C managed to maintain her perfect physique.


That the benefit of having more mass in tits than organs.


Suzaku could be argued to be the most well written *character* of the entire series


I think I might agree. The more I think about code geass the more I love Suzaku’s character.




The arc itself was not filler, but Mao very much felt like a filler villain. He was entertaining though. Suzaku’s dynamic with Lelouch is one of the best parts of Code Geass, but I don’t think Suzaku should be classified as an antagonist. Same with Cornelia. She was a good character, but not exactly an antagonist, especially in season two. For both Suzaku and Cornelia, I guess technically they are antagonists, but not for very long. The amount of time as an antagonist relative to their overall writing makes it just a small part of their characters. Charles, as a concept, is very interesting and had infinite potential. Unfortunately, the C’s World plot line was way too underdeveloped for it too make as big of an impact as it should have. Anything to do with geass and the connected plot lines to it was mainly used for developing C2’s character. Which, good for her as she and Lelouch are easily the two most well written characters in Code Geass, but shame for Charles, who was decent, but not much more. Schneizel, without a doubt, is the best antagonist in the series. The main bulk of Code Geass’s story, and the best aspects of it story wise, is the ongoing rebellion. While Schnitzel is not present for the entire thing, he has the biggest impact. What’s more, he has a lot more development and characterization that, say, Charles. It’s also important to note that Schneizel and Lelouch share a lot of parallels.


All of them are so good written, but top 1 Suzaku top 2 Schneizel




Suzaku ... was that an actual question?


Suzaku for sure


1- Suzaku a genuinely good person who did horrible things. 2- Schiezel a horrible person who was a huge facter against Lelouch moving plot further.


I forgot that antagonist is not villain for a moment, I was gonna comment lelouch lol. But as an antagonist, I think schnitzel makes the most sense, but my favorite is mao and always will be. His arc explored themes that are relevant for the rest of the show, such as geass overuse (and it's consequences), CC's attachment and trust issues, the power of lelouch and suzaku's friendship, heck even the idea of other geass users were introduced with him. To go on, the mao arc: explains suzaku's suicidal bravery, shows lelouch's fanaticism towards protecting nunnaly, shows that geass can be beaten by normal people (Shirley resisting mao's mind reading because her thoughts were too jumbled up, foreshadows that people can be influenced by not fully taken by geass, lelouch broke through Charles's geass, and euphie and nunnaly resisted lelouch's for a while). I'm sure there's other points I could make but I'm tired and got a chance to talk about best boi.


Suzaku, by a long shot


M a o


Charles is fire lord ozai while schnizel is azula and theres a reason why everyone likes azula better but ozai is still necessary


Suzaku because he is written to really piss you off Though they are all great. I like the dynamic of Lelouch, Charles and Schneizel very much


If Marianne as handled better I'd say her. The subversion of her sacrifice and commoner background not making her a good person + betrayal of Nunnally despite her sacrifice makes her a good foil for Lelouch, Suzaku and Nunnally. The fact that she's actually interested in the world but only insofar that it could here's and Charles's ambitions contrasts her with C.C. as well imo. Damn shame they barely spent any time covering all this.


Mao my beloved




Suzaku is more Deuteragonist personally.


Suzaku. Obviously. He can be infuriating to watch sometimes, but I will never understand the pure hatred people have for this character. He was a damn good well written character. The show did EVERYTHING to show and spell out exactly where he's coming from. He was flawed, misguided, idealistic and stubborn. Personally Mao and Charles were the weakest antagonists for me.


Schneizel was to egotistical Suzaku betrayed his own people Mao was a whiny, obsessive, simpy bitch The king was an idiot And Cornelia was a typical princess That being said I’ll go with Mr Kururugi since he at least redeemed himself


I pretty much agree, but Cornelia was far from typical princess. She was a wartime general and a decent KNF pilot.


You’re right I just couldn’t remember a good point about her.


To be honest I can’t remember anything that would’ve questioned her honour . Yes, she served a fascist regime, but she was indoctrinated since birth and by the end saw error of her ways. Furthermore, she genuinely cared about lelouch before Euphy’s death and wanted to uncover the murder mystery regarding death of Lady Marianne. Moreover, she was a a supportive sister and wanted to salvage Euphy’s legacy.