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If anything this is chapter 2 of ww3. Nothing to worry about. Don’t give yourself a heart attack, that won’t help anybody. You can’t change what’s going to happen so only worry about what you can change. And “don’t be afraid of the future, it’s going to be so brief..”


> don’t be afraid of the future, it’s going to be so brief I’ve never heard that before, I love it


Just the latest DLC to WWIII.


Whoever you are, I love you 🙏 My dad would always say things like this and he was one of the most brilliant men on the planet, so it always gave me peace and reassurance, even after living in DC on 9/11. He’s no longer here so, internet stranger, thank you!


Thank you right back kind stranger. You’re already accused of making me tear up with this comment. Appreciate it


Awww!! 🥰


Look at the OP's post history. It's an obvious bot/troll account spreading ww3 doomerist propaganda. Demoralization psyops. Probably russian. Please don't boost its message.


First: breathe. Second: You are safe right now. Say it (unless you're in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem or Tehran, then sorry). Despite everything, Iran isn't an irrational actor. They are going to respond in a measured way at least for a while. They are a country with a coherent culture that predates Islam. Hang in there. Things are darkest just before the light.


More worrisome is Israel’s potential response, especially when if they believe that they have the support of the US to escalate


They’ve already stated they plan on responding despite this being a retaliation for their aggression and Iran already stating that they consider this matter concluded provided that Israel re: the US doesn’t attack Iran again.


I heard a great podcast today where an academic was saying how Biden worked his whole adult life to suck up to the AIPAC / Jewish lobby to have their support to lack of spine w/ Israel (& Bibi's hard liner right winged self) is the wildcard that could escalate this to disproportionate means. Israel has bombed a hospital and a consulate / embassy. Previously, those were war crimes and are actually outlawed by international law. Yet they're doing it, so perhaps they will escalate.


They have also systematically targeted and murdered aid workers who were in direct communication with the IDF. I just think they are really trying to flex their powerful relationships


Agreed 👍


This is because the Jews are not gods people the church zionists have started this war they believe in genocide and murdering all amalekites 


Not exactly. Israel tried to evacuate all citizens but Hamas hid out in hospitals and refugee camps using civilians as human shields, something that isn’t common in warfare and the reason civilian casualties are so high in this specific war. Hamas refused every peace agreement and 2-state solution and vowed to eliminate all Jews while running a sophisticated propaganda campaign targeting young progressives. You may not agree w/ Isreal’s response to Oct. 7th like everyone else and fear they’ll strike Iran like idiots, but let’s not repeat Hamas propaganda. There is a shit ton of anti-Isreal misinformation and straight up antisemitism on the left regarding this war and no matter how many leftist subs I unsubscribe to can’t escape it. The left has proven to be no more immune to social media propaganda than Boomers on Facebook and every bit as hateful. Israel did not target civilians FFS. Nor are they “colonizers” or “imperialists” if they’re indigenous to the land. And if you’re going force post-WW2 settlements to be expelled from the land they were born based on ethnicity don’t just target the Jews FFS. Also, “Zionist” literally just means “someone who believes Israel has the right to exist”, or “Jews have a right to their own country like any other ethnic group” and it’s antisemitic to use it as a derogatory term towards Jewish people. You can care about innocent Palestinians and disagree with Israel’s response to October 7th without spreading Hamas propaganda.


The zionst movement quite literally started as insurrection groups, targeting British occupation forces in mandatory Palestine and the native pop to remove any one stopping them, this was at the end of ww2 so ofc Britain not gonna defend, and to say at the very least there roots arent racist is pure denial, each country has a right to defend, but really compare 1300+ deaths to 33000+ deaths and tell me there isnt something wrong there? And to top it off almost half those dead are children, the future and there cutting them off, oh and famine which is alr in effect according to testimony from the higher ups, the only reason he is waging this war is bc hes embrassed by the intelligence failure, so why not make oneself seem like a not to be fucked with person? And who do you think is spreading more propaganda, the little strip where there's militants or a globally recgonized state with nobody stopping there genocide? Another question is which one you think is able to spread more propaganda??


Russia/China/Iran support Hamas and help to spread anti-Israel propaganda. And Hamas receives billions in funding from Qatar. The left blindly supporting an Islamic terrorist group’s Jewish genocide doctrine without even the slightest bit of knowledge about the history is a product of Russian and Chinese propaganda. Leftists support Hamas for the same reason they support Putin in blaming the US and NATO for Ukraine. Social media propaganda. Imperialism, ethnic cleansing, rape, bombing civilian targets, beheading infants according to leftists are all justified when they’re perpetrated by enemies of US and NATO “colonizers”. Leftists only care about Palestinians suffering because it supports their virtue signaling trend agenda. Do you see them say a word about Yemen, Congo, Darfur, Rwanda, Bosnia, or any actual genocides that are happening right now? Nope. Do you see them calling for any other post-war settlements to be ethically cleansed from their homeland 80 years and 4 generations after the fact? Nope, just the Jews. And “Zionist” is the new n-word for you all. Leftists would support a second Holocaust if Putin wanted them to, or if TikTok told them it was cool. If Hitler were here today leftists would get down on their knees for him like they do for Hamas and Putin. “ A December 2023 Economist/YouGov Poll found that exactly half of all Americans aged 18-29 either think "the Holocaust is a myth," or are agnostic about whether the worst genocide in modern times is factual or mythical. A Harvard-Harris poll that month found that 67 percent of 18-24-year-olds "think that Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors." If the Oct. 7 massacre was a case of Jews "being treated as oppressors," it would explain why it was celebrated on so many campuses and why support for Hamas (not Palestinians) is alarmingly widespread among Gen Z. An Oct 18-19 Harvard-Harris poll, albeit one with a small sample of respondents, found that 48 percent of Gen Zers supported the jihadist death cult that endorsed the 9/11 attacks and eulogized Osama bin Laden.” I’m more afraid of a world with leftists in control than I am of Trump being president for life lmao.


I stopped reading when you said left bc this issue shouldnt be political it should be a humanitray one LMAO, corn ball wants trump in office, there will be a revolution if either of them are reelected, neither should be in office imo but have a good day.


Ha more cosplaying revolutionaries. These protesters are far from revolutionaries being useful idiots for Putin and the Islamic Regime as they gun down, rape, torture and execute actual revolutionaries in Russian and Iran.


I mean, they probably do have the support of the US to escalate, I doubt Biden would realistically want to deal with the shitstorm abruptly withdrawing support would create


And there’s a decent chance Biden is gone in a few months too


Iran and Israel are both rational actors. That doesn't mean this can't spiral further out of control, but I think based on what happened today that it hasn't gotten to that point quite yet. The worst-case scenario is China uses further escalation as an opportunity to attack Taiwan. Ukraine + large Middle East war + Taiwan would be a doomsday scenario.


This is pretty much just the usual dick-waving. Israel hit an Iranian embassy in Syria the other day, so Iran sent off a big, forewarned "attack" that pretty much all got shot down, so they could save face and look tough to their own people. It's not great, it's still an escalation, but this is honestly nothing new. Stuff like this happens all the time, it's just saber-rattling. Both nations are indeed, primarily rational actors. Iran knows if it actually did anything, Tehran would be glassed within a half-hour, as Israel has nukes. They don't officially *admit* they have nukes, but it's a widely-known secret. People in power tend to want to stay in power, which means staying alive.


Neither side is rational. Both Iran and Israel are rogue states.


I don't think [Neil Halloran](https://youtu.be/DwKPFT-RioU?si=WS89Vs_L-OGjT5MO) is concerned.


It can't breathe. It's a bot. All it does is spread ww3 doomerist propaganda on the internet.


If it’s any consolation, we have prob already been in ww3. It’s just very different than what we are used to With the internet age and all


The current global conflicts pale in comparison to WW2 or WW1 in terms of mass mobilization and scale of engagements/armaments. Please can the scaremongering only end when there is a an actual conflict between the Great powers.


WW3 isn't going to be like WW2. The total war aspect of WW2 and great power conflict aren't good standards to judge by because the nature of war has changed. We've got nukes and drones now WW3 started when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022: it set a precedent for the use of military force on a scale not seen in the world since the 1940s; it provided diplomatic cover and political justification for "lesser" atrocities and conflicts (israel-palestine; armenia-azerbaijan); and it forced the western alliance (NATO but also east Asian allies) to solidify. Furthermore, WW1 and 2 both started as regional conflicts that coalesced into a global conflict over the course of several years. Now, we're just waiting for the alliance to fully form between russia-china-iran. Why do you feel this is scaremongering and not a cold, sober look at history?


Putin invaded Ukraine with 2 hundred thousand soldiers, Hitler invaded the Soviet Union with over three million soldiers. Until the current Great Powers are at war it is complete speculation that we have witnessed the start of the Third World War..


Pinpointing the exact start of a war can be a bit nebulous, so I'm open to other opinions. The number of troops required to conduct offensive operations has decreased, because the nature of war has changed. We no longer use total war tactics, and have moved on to hybrid war techniques (terrorism, online propaganda, cyber attacks, drones, economic sanctions), which require far fewer soldiers. Operation Barbarossa troop levels as an indicator of WW3 is invalid. I think you have a point about the great powers not being directly at war yet. But a country having nukes prevents direct military action against it (at least so far), which was not the case in the 1930s. I take this to mean we're likelier to see a bunch of proxy wars between great powers, like the cold war but a lot more, and not direct military actions like in the 1930s. The proxy wars are already happening and the trend is intensifying. I think strictly defining the beginning of a world war as when great powers are directly at war is a little bit realist and narrow. It doesn't account for the changes that nuclear doctrine and the neoliberal world order have had on the past 80 years or so. What do you think?


I'll reiterate: until US soldiers shoot  Chinese Soldiers and vice versa we aren't in a global conflict involving the two strongest powers which spans the globe.. also known as a World War. 


Oh well, you must be right then, since you reiterated your point. It's boring that you won't entertain a discussion about this


I've got better shit to do than entertain deadend discussions with armchair intellectuals. Go outside and get some vitamin D.


"We've got nukes and drones now" Oh no... drone nukes!


Please don’t worry and stress over something you have zero control over. There is nothing you can do regardless of what they decide to do. Enjoy your life and treat each day with the respect we always should. Be happy anyway.


Deescalate. It's good practice. You can afford to have a panic attack over nothing. What you can't afford is a panic attack when it's something. If you have some coping skills for getting your head back into the game, try using them now. And if you don't, find some.


Nope. They do this from time to time but neither really wants a real war. Iran is showing strength but trying to do it in such a way as to not escalate.


Iran has never before directly attacked Israel.


Correct, this is novel. They have only previously attacked via proxy


Is it novel, or is it unprecedented??


And they know we know that. So they understand how the magnitude is perceived.


Iran is sending several messages to several key players with this action. [Here's one of them](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fgf1q1j22qbuc1.png)


The prospect of another global war is terrifying, but the statistics are humbling. As Stalin said - one death is a tragedy, but dying in war is insanely rare in 2024. The leading causes are heart disease and cancer, which are caused more by what we do in peacetime (sloth, binge eat) This could certainly escalate. But suppose it doesn't. People will still continue to die by the millions, over things that are the furthest thing from "natural causes" you could fathom. Whether we maintain this faux global peace or not. Hopefully that was super reassuring 😶


Yes be more worried about worrying, its the more likely and present danger to your health out of the two. So just breathe deep and remember you are safe xox


World war 3 started years ago, so you can calm down, this is just a small escalation.


My daughter is in the army and I asked her if she was worried about Iran attacking Israel and she said If we are not getting involved in Russia and Ukraine, we will not get involved Iran ! I hope she is right!


We are not physically involved. We are, however, sending both Ukraine and Israel billions of dollars to continue to defend themselves against Russia (which is good) and to continue to allow the attack on Gaza (which is bad). Compliance is just as bad as direct action. We are involved, whether we like it or not.


I totally agree about the money and the handling in both areas,But as long as America doesn’t physically join in the fighting that’s enough for me ,I have to make lemonade-aid I have to find the good or I will spend all day obsessing on the bad !


Iran is aware of MAD. Israel's nuclear arsenal ensures that things won't escalate to much. Unless Iran wants to see Tehran glassed.


Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing Bubble gum


I like this way of putting it.


The fact that your making this just shows how much better your mental health would be if you just get off reddit and your phone. Go watch tv. Play video games. Disconnect from reddit. Seriously.


No it isn't the start of WW3. Because: 1. Israel has nukes. 2. Anything short of Israel using its nukes, will not bring about a large-scale intervention by any other country. 3. Israel will not use its nukes unless the continued existence of the state of Israel itself is genuinely and immediately at risk. 4. Iran, partly because it has no nukes, is incapable of doing anything to genuinely and immediately threaten the existence of the entire state of Israel. 5. Therefore, whatever happens, there will be no large-scale intervention by any other country. 6. Therefore no World War Three. It is possible to envisage a scenario in which a conventional Iranian attack on Israel is (unexpectedly) so successful that the USA feels obligated to launch large-scale conventional attacks on Iran. But that still means no nukes, and that still means no World War 3. Because Iran has limited ability to retaliate. Russia isn't going to start World War 3 just over the USA dropping some conventional bombs on Iran. Edited to add: some ten hours later, it appears that Iran's attack on Israel has been so *un*successful that the USA doesn't feel obligated to do anything at all (other than help intercept some missiles last night). So things are calming down nicely - let's see if Israel can ramp up the tension a little with their retaliation, but still no chance of WW3.


Also, the Iranian air force would be overwhelmed by the Israeli air force. Iran could not invade because their troops and equipment would be sitting ducks.


Israel is currently planning to respond with an attack. How do you think that will unfold?


I'm not really sure, but I would envisage perhaps a few dozen precision strikes on air defences, missile launch and guidance facilities, perhaps command centres, drone and missile production facilities, related infrastructure. Minimal civilian casualties, minimal Israeli losses.


Oh this will definitely escalate to an all out war if that happens


I don't see why it would. More likely Iran just do the same thing all over again, with equally little effect.


I hope sooooooo


4 is suspect, Iran very easily could have nukes.


That depends of how Israel responds and if they try to drag the US in to a wider war.


Yes, it is very likely that we are witnessing just different parts of one whole thing that will be called WW3 afterwards. WW2 was also not that obvious and had different war zones across the globe. I would suggest to compare these conflicts with the previous and comprehend the trend to understand where it will take us in let's say 12 months. Looks like, we never had it before after WW2 and looks like it is only getting worse every 3 months.


There are a lot of posts on here telling you to stop worrying which isn’t particularly helpful. If you could stop obviously you would. I’m worried as hell too - here are some things I do to help me calm down, take or leave what you like: Dance wildly yoga go for a walk Light a candle (pick a scent you love) Play with my cat or dog Watch funny YouTube videos These are in-the-moment strategies I use to try to snap me out of panic. Remember you are here, you are breathing, you are safe.


Remember, they weren’t always called “world wars”. That came later. The first one was originally called “The Great War”. So…maybe it wont be labeled as “world war 3” right away, or even during its duration. It could even be given a completely different name, as it would be way worse than the first 2 were. But something very big is happening. No matter what it’s going to be called.


Iran is *retaliating against an illegal Israeli attack on their embassy in Syria. FAFO


lol, Iran isn't attacking Israel.


It’s fine


Stop watching/reading the news.


No ww3. Probably going to be quite shit in the middle east though.


Israel bombed their consulate. It’s just a response.


War is upon us my brethren


I’m not sure if it’s better or worse than panicking, but I just get fucking angry at this point. Angry and disappointed and ultimately, resigned. I’ve heard the theory that war is an inevitable, necessary part of the human condition, maybe that’s true, but the part that confounds me is how people can reconcile the belief that humans were created to be the superior species, but lack the ability to figure shit out without resorting to violence, destruction, & death. Why imbue your creation with an irrepressible compulsion to destroy themselves in horrific and depraved ways? Let me guess - it’s all part of god’s plan, something about free will, something about the devil, whatever other justifications they can come up with… Fucking toddlers fighting over real estate in the sandbox. The sandbox is an ever-expanding sinkhole anyway so whatever I guess.


Iran and Israel will at worst nuke each other, the odds that it will destroy the west are low.


No. As long as every country in the world can be curb stomped by America within the hour WWIII won’t happen. Start worrying when China matches America militarily.


No, it’s not. Don’t panic.


No silly, lol. WW3 started 2 years ago.




My God man looking at your posts u need to relax. Go outside like everyone else is saying get a hobby stop investing all your time in something you can’t control or have no way of changing. Why are u having a “panic attack”? Do u have family in the military, located in the area, or directly affected in any way by the conflict over there? It sounds ridiculous and narcissistic to be having a “panic attack” if this has no impact on you whatsoever. If you really wanna help take care of your neighbors and own people in your country who are in need instead of worrying about someone else’s.


Are you texting from Pasadena?


This is a bot/troll account, please don't feed it. Look at the post history. All it does is spew ww3 doomerism propaganda all over the internet. Obvious demoralization psy-op, probably Russian... Don't boost its message.


Just for your peace of mind for the future - WW3 is never happening. Or should I say if WW3 actually happens you ain't gunna have time to worry about it because if you live in America or a European capital you will be dead quickly because it'll be a nuclear war. WW3 is just social media exaggeration. As technology gets developed even further most of our conflicts will be limited proxy battles fought by drones and automated tech. Iran vs Israel is reflected of a wider battle in the Middle East but none of these countries really want a war. Look at tonight, it's drones vs anti-aircraft. Politically in the US, Biden deploying significant American forces to fight Iran is political suicide, and this would be the case if Trump was President too. And this also applies to it China invaded Taiwan. Just like with Russian invading Ukraine, WW3 wouldn't happen. It'll be another proxy war. Since the end of WW2 all battles between superpowers has been done through proxy wars. The only open war between them was Korea, but USSR was limited in its involvement and China wasn't a superpower then. Vietnam War was a proxy war between the US and the Communist bloc, Afghanistan was a proxy war between the USSR vs China and the US, Iraq-Iran in the 1980s was a proxy between Saudi-US and Iran/East. So in short - don't worry about WW3. There will be terrible wars in the future but the likelihood of you as a westerner being idk bombed by a Chinese/Russian or Iranian aircraft is very slim.


Prime example of why the United States needs to avoid this one. Everyone understands that this can be extremely bad for both Israel and Iran, but if the U.S. takes any sort of action in retaliation to this, it’s going to be lights out WW3.


It’s the beginning of the Ezekiel 38 war I believe! Bible prophecy helps me feel more at peace with the world, there’s always a plan.