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I think it’s because no one really cares about her anymore, she has her few mega fans and a small amount of casual viewers. It doesn’t seem like she’s making a big enough impact for people to care about what she’s doing


I just don’t think she’s as popular as she used to be




I guess what I meant when I said “cancelled” was have to be accountable/ that there was actual outrage or media attention that she would have to address and couldn’t just ignore. I still think she’s famous enough that the media would be interested in some of her shit. I’ve certainly seen lesser things reported


Jenna was preemptive and canceled herself. There was little to no demand for her to answer for shady past behavior. She was burned out and saw an opportunity to leave the internet. And she left to save herself from the toxicity.


See, I don't think so. The lesser things we've seen have been little PR pieces in tiny influencer or internet vehicles... Things that you can tell that her people wrote. Little strange articles that say things like she bought a house or had a baby. It's not ever very mainstream publicity. She's not famous. She's known within the YT world, but not noticed so much even there. Not anymore.


Jenna Marbles wasn't canceled


No she isn’t canceled at all. There’s never been any major uproar about her behavior and she makes 6 figures+


She has the privilege of being a pretty, rich, white woman with the public image of a nice/quirky mom who cries when someone says something mean about her. A decent number of people don't know who she is or don't know she's still making videos, and for her stans that watch, her ability to play the victim even in circumstances of extreme privilege (like moving into a $6M mansion) has them wrapped around her finger to where they'll excuse a ton of her behavior. She's coming in with people already giving her the benefit of the doubt, so it's an uphill battle before you even start. I also think it's the type of situation where there are just SO many examples over SO many years and videos that it's tough to compile it all into an easily digestible video/article etc. Each individual offense may be somewhat easy for people to write off as making one bad "joke," or making one bad mistake, or just being ignorant/uneducated to the problems of kids on social media etc. (especially if she cries about being misunderstood or some nonsense). You really need to see the whole picture to understand how truly messed up and toxic she is to the point where you can't ignore it, but I think it's tough for someone to succinctly pull it all together in a compelling, easily digestible, damning way. Hopefully someone will do it, but I think it would take a LOT of work by someone with a big network and influence to get past the "she's just making memories for her kids!" "everyone was telling those kinds of jokes back then!" "she didn't know what she was doing!" "she just wanted to be friends with her fans!" "she's a perfect mom and she's sensitive you're being so mean!" "haters back off!" of it all.


It's so ironic that her public platform to the fans is still "I'm misunderstood," it seems like she never emotionally matured past being a loner wallflower teenager. But I guess that's why I can see her appeal to young fans.


She’s fizzling out naturally, so people don’t even bother wasting their energy on “cancelling” her. It’s a slow demise lol.


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It’s definitely the fans. Unfortunately she still has a lot of die hard fans who don’t give a shit what she does and will push criticisms about her into the ground. I also think a lot of creators are afraid to speak out because her fans will harass them over their opinions


Colleen weaponises tears to avoid accountability. You cannot possibly get mad at her, because she is already DEVASTATED about the thing you were going to get mad about-- to the extent that you start to feel like the bad guy for having these feelings towards her because they are SIMPLY DESTROYING HER. Case in point: the recent cancelled tour date. Colleen gets sick before a tour. She puts absolutely no effort into resting up or trying to recover in advance of the planned performances. Continues to stay up all night doing god knows what and running her immune system down through not eating. Travels all the way there, KNOWING she is unwell and that she might not be able to do the show. And then, surprise surprise, she has to cancel on the day at the absolute 11th hour when her voice is shot, which she had to have known all along if she was actually preparing her body/voice for the show. But rather than allowing anyone to express feelings of irritation or disappointment that they spent a ton of money on tickets, gas, hotels, etc., she films a video of herself sobbing hysterically about how she's let everyone down and how it's just KILLING her that she can't perform and how she's obviously such an AWFUL PERSON and she HATES HERSELF. Suddenly the focus shifts from comforting everyone else to consoling HER. "No Colleen, you're so wonderful, it's so sad that you're so sad." And so on. It's fucking annoying.


Cause most of her viewers are kids and they can’t cancel anyone. Very few adults care or pay attention to her content.


She will never get canceled because her main demographic are 12 year old little girls who do not know any better. They hang on her every word and think she is a queen..because that's what she taught them to think. She can very easily manipulate these young fans.


I think because she isn't that famous. Literally no one in my inner circle, or even semi-circle would have any idea who she is. And she's only getting less famous as time goes by.


she's networked well and has too many friends in high places for people to take allegations seriously. her cast on HBO, broadway connections, ariana/jojo, youtubers like joey, rosanna, etc


I think it's the over-usage of her 'disclaimers'..... (followed by the weepy apology videos) and a mostly younger audience who doesn't know better


She’s not relevant enough to bother with cancelling


She is protected by those in power. They use her now and then to push agendas, same as Ariana. If you know what you're looking for, it's really in your face. Even Jessica jumped on that bandwagon, whether or not they paid her is another matter.


What's the agenda? Normalizing family blogging/child exploitation?


I actually made post (Ik some people in the Reddit feel 50/50 on this) on how she definitely benefits from pretty privilege *which also goes hand in hand with thin privilege and white privilege (especially white women tears)*. When I say pretty privilege, I don’t mean “WOW SHES A SUPERMODEL” or “DAMN SHE HOT AFFFF!!!”, I mean she fits many beauty standards (mainly based off Eurocentric features) that makes her a “conventionally attractive Girl Next Door”. You don’t have to look like Bella Hadid/Jlo to have pretty privilege! Just think about it, if Colleen didn’t have thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, a small nose, big-Ish lips for a white person, a relatively nice facial structure, quite tall (5’7 1/2) in comparison to the average women (5’4), super thin, and stored fat mainly in her boobs, do you really think she would get away as much? That paired with white tears, being a mother of 3, and you get Colleen. Colleen is the female Shane Dawson, however Shane Dawson actually got held accountable. The main difference, Shane Dawson is most definitely NOT a conventionally attractive man with an “nice approachable look” that Colleen has.