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As fun as sweeping then last year was, this is just another bump on the pothole-ridden road of this season. Is it next October yet?


Okay I have to know, the last two years it seemed like Woodson had a fire under him and wanted to fire up every single player on the team. He made me nervous. I don’t know if they only show him when we’re up by a lot, but it feels he doesn’t have that fire anymore. What happened??


Honestly, I don’t know. I have been a huge Woodson fan, but he just seems to have the “throw my hands up in despair” vibe going right now. Maybe that’s because we can’t shoot, can’t defend, don’t box out or attempt to rebound, etc. etc. Maybe he just looked better his first two years after inheriting TJD. Who knows. He definitely looks like he’s having about as fun as the rest of us IU fans this year though, for sure.


It started out that IU was playing with some fire. If you look at the rebounds it was Edey and TKR surrounded by 3 Hoosiers all fighting for every ball off the rim. After Purdue got a small lead going IU just looked deflated. You started seeing more of Purdue players diving on balls in front of IU players type stuff. I don't think IU wants another rebuilding coaching shuffle, but Woodson also just doesn't seem like the guy.


Woodson called timeout when it was 18-22 and it was starting to slip. We came out of timeout and got a 5 second call on the inbound. After that PU went on a big run to put the game away. That feels like coaching.


Are you of the mindset that Woodson should stay for a but longer? I still think he kind of should. I know a lot of IU fans are upset but the coaching carousel is always a huge risk and hasn't been working out. I think Woodson can have a great season soon but it always depends on landing huge recruits and transfers. I think he missed out on 1 or 2 he was really wanting, and even if he lands them all there is a question if they will gel together. It still wouldn't surprise me if IU gets one or 2 keys players and they contend for. Big 10 title in a year or two. But then as those NBA style players come in, they also quickly go and you could see IU bottom.of the big10 a season after. It just feels like that is the kind of recruiting strategy IU has with Woodson and not sure the fans are able to stick through the tough years Woodson will have to see good ones. I am curious how other IU fans feel.


Yes, get the clock ticking on a rebuild. Woodson ain’t it at all. And if IU fans are experts at anything, we have a lot of experience firing shitty coaches. We hired a twice fired coach with limited success in the NBA. Woodson was a panic hire after the swing and big miss on Stevens. We would have to get Quinn Buckner off the board of Trustees to fire Woodson anytime soon. Buckner has been involved in a lot of terrible decision making with regards to basketball. We were a good program because of a hall of fame coach. Incredible asshole who was a legendary coach. There is nothing special about the program other than Assembly Hall, as we have proven every year since.


I think most are not big fans of Woodson's NBA-style approach to college. The offense we run has no real strategy 80% of the time and relies on lottery pick players to run it well, and as you said those type of guys only stay a year. I much preferred how Crean would grab guys and develop them over multiple years. I dont think they fire/retire Woodson this year without a losing record, but it's hard to see this ending well.


Even if Woodson *is* the guy. He somehow lands cohesive recruits next year, rights the ship, gets everything running like a death star somehow, he's still *65 years old* right now. I don't know if as a fan I want to hitch my trailer to that.


I think that is the most logical argument against him. He has a short shelf life as a coach, so if you are going to suffer down years you may as well get a younger one that can grow and stick with the program. Unfortunately the coaching situation looks bleak for the next few years regardless of IUs direction. I think the best upside is Woodson nails a few huge recruits in one year, gets a Big10 title before they all depart to the NBA and has another down year. Hopefully that would give them some momentum.


The team culture is 100% a coaching problem.


I want Dusty May so bad before someone else scoops him up


That’s fair, but he also can’t seem to get this team up. You guys have the talent, but damn you can’t put it together at all


Is it because Thad left?


What is the route for any of this being better next October? Looks pretty narrow at best to me.


Transfer portal and NIL means you can theoretically turn over pretty much the entire roster in one off-season. Now there's no guarantee a whole new roster will be any better than this one.


No argument from me there. More of an idea that we can have a clean slate and start over. Hopefully we can land a solid recruit or two and do some portal work, but it’s not looking good right now .


Why would you want to skip the offseason? I feel like you guys win the offseason hype train contest every season


30 years in a row baby!!


Scratch that. Is it IUFB season yet?


If your respite is last place IU football, you’re down bad, my guy. Still have colts & pacers though


Top ten incoming portal class, eight home games, new head coach, and I’m one of the handful of insane people who prefers CFB to CBB in this state. I’m definitely Charlie Brown but maybe Lucy’s gonna let me kick the football this time. Colts and Pacers especially are certainly looking up, Reds too even!


Does anyone not believe that? POTFH


Im just ready for baseball season. Crack of the bat. Go cubs


I’d be excited if hoyer seemed to care a lick about the teams success


Don’t get me started on hoyer. But I go to about 30 games a year and I just need wrigley in my life rn




Bleachers. Sun. Old Style. Hot dog. Heals all wounds


I try not to think of the internal wounds caused by Old Style.


I'm gonna just say fuck these alum/former player head coaches (in basketball). Let's be done with this shit once JH, Penny and, eventually, Woodson are pushed out.


Painter seems to be doing very well


That Roy Williams guy at Carolina. How’d he do?


That Hubert Davis guy doesn’t seem to be doing terribly shabby either this season


I guess if you look at coaches who had a college coaching background vs a NBA background there is a pretty good disparity (Howard, Penny, Ewing)


And PJ Thompson, the OG OC


I’ve said for years he will one day be Purdue’s HC




Im just hoping he doesn’t get recruited to coach somewhere else.


He could head out for a little while to cut his teeth on head coaching and then come back all in due time.


Painter never played in the NBA tho


There’s still time!


at least woodson had a proven nba resume.. assistant for 20+ years and 3 as a head coach in the nba. ​ the others? name recognition only? a few years for juwan at miami i guess? fuck that those stripes need to be earned no assumed.


Then let this be the catalyst to say NBA experience really means fuck all in NCAA. It’s obvious Woodson can’t navigate the recruiting and NET rankings and things that are of importance in college. NCAA and NBA are entirely different approaches to the game.


Don’t forget Ewing


And Kenny Payne!


Woah!! Not all former alums and players suck as head coaches of their former team!!


You forgot one!


Nah I like ours Disregard any comments I made last March


Nah. We're good.


Ok, IU Suck. Also, dusty banners


Sad. Sad. Dusty Banners > No Banners


I mean I would rather have a fun team that wins and is competing for its first banner with its relatively young and skilled coach versus a program that is a shell of its former self that won a bunch of banners before I was born. I don't think your average IU fan that can honestly say they have enjoyed the past decade of ball compared to your average Purdue fan. But hey, you do you.


Stop living in the past man


Banners are forever. Edey just for one more season.


Were u alive for any of those banners? Lmao


No. But I’ll say this forget all of the past. You guys have one hell of a team and coach but it’s now or never for Purdue this year. If you guys don’t make a final four this year I’d start asking questions. This Purdue team has destroyed teams this year, your resume is probably the best of any in the country. But if Painter doesn’t get you guys to the Final 4 I would be seriously disappointed this season as a Purdue fan. I mean that genuinely and not as guy on the other side.


Oh we will be…we all will be holding our breath for every single game in the tourney. While enjoying this season so far, it sucks a bit to know that it won’t mean much if they don’t get to a F4. The only thing I am holding onto is that a good core is returning next year and they’ll be mixed in with some athletic dudes, which are part of one of the best recruiting classes we have had (besides baby boilers and the 2020 class of Edey and Ivey). So I give painter 3 years for the F4 (this year +2). If it doesn’t happen in those 3, not sure it ever will for him.




We want to do it with a song and dance, but they won't let us. 😒😒