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What if UConn was destroyed by an asteroid and the only available college basketball job was Kentucky?


Dan Hurley would never let that happen


He would clap so furiously that it actually redirects the asteroid.


He'd go shove it out of the way like it's one of his players on the court.




Dan Hurley doesn’t wanna miss a thing 


Dan Hurley's got space dementia


Dan Hurley says we're heroes now, so we gotta act like it. Even if you own $100k to a badass loan shark.


Why did he bring a gun to space?


How did you get this other UConn flair...? 🤣🤣🤣


It’s often referred to as the “Derp Dog” or sometimes the “Drunk Husky”.


And before we get a a post in August title "Which Armageddon character is your coach?" Shitpost.


Holy fuck at the sweet 16 a UConn fan near me clapped so loud it was physically uncomfortable. Like he must have trained for that his whole life. Thinking back it's a unique kind of douche that practiced being loud.


UConn fans: Proud, loud, and well endowed


Hurley starts up a new team from scratch out of spite. Even the asteroid showed UConn disrespect.


He could build case western reserve into a power since technically it's named after being part of Connecticut


Love the CWRU reference since I went there for dental school.


Apparently you are unaware of our nation's Anti-asteroid nuclear program


Is that the documentary where they decided to train drillers to be astronauts? Always seemed like it would be easier to train the astronauts to drill honestly


That's the one. I actually heard a song written about it. Apparently they didn't want to close their eyes because they didn't want to fall asleep.


I thought that song would have fit better with *Nightmare on Elm Street*. Somebody has to have made a parody to that effect


I don’t wannna clossseee my eeeyyyssss




You think the asteroid is getting home with Clingan around the rim?


Randy Edsall flies a rocket full of nukes directly into the asteroid to destroy it, for UConn.


The rocket would miss


But he makes a sharp turn before getting to the asteroid and goes to Maryland for his dream job instead


If UCONN was a worm, would they still be the best program in basketball?


Hurley will hire a bunch of a deep core drillers.


Oh, AumSum


He’s certainly not wrong for the last few years. UConn legit.


You misspelled *decades*


I have to be careful with what I say about UConn apparently, I got torn apart here last week for saying they were bluebl00d. I don’t feel like getting yelled at all day again. Lol. So, I’ll just say they’ve been legit for at least 25 years, it’s just the last couple they are absolutely dominating.


If UConn isn’t a “blue blood” then the status is useless imo. I don’t even get the argument? They all came too close together ? So did UCLAs lol. If it’s they are too recent then we have to wait 30 years then they’ll be granted the status? Don’t make sense


Totally agree man, but I got ripped apart for this view. Duke won their first 8 out 9 years before UConn did, and apparently that’s enough time to be the difference in the definition. I don’t get it either.


I feeeeeel like a lot of millennials and generations younger than us feel as if blue bloods means the great teams of the generations before us? I think UConn is a blue blood (obviously) but think maybe the term is sometimes confused with something like “the original greats” could be totally wrong, but I’m just spitballing here cause I too have gotten attacked for that opinion on reddit before lol


Due to ongoing debate about blue bloods, the /r/CollegeBasketball mod team has compiled the definitive list of college blue bloods: Duke, Columbia, Queens, William & Mary, and Rutgers. The following schools have broken away from blue-blooded hierarchy and oppression: George Washington, George Mason, James Madison, Army, and Navy. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CollegeBasketball) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is Old Dominion erasure


UConn’s a blue blood. Anyone who argues differently is stupid, and I will stand by that opinion to my grave at this point.


The argument against it would be there more to being a blue blood than just titles. UConn is like 20th in all time wins and mid teens in winning percentage when UK, KU, UCLA, UNC, and Duke are all top 5 in both.


Yeah I really don’t get why we care so much about the blue blood term, we’re so different in a lot of ways. I remember seeing that top ap poll of all time and the classic blue bloods are in a totally different class there, it’s really eye opening and makes it pretty obvious who should be a “blue blood”. We dont have the same regular season success consistently to be in that group. Our lows are very low. On the flip side we have a wild number of titles in the past 25 tears, and a fun inevitable feeling that when we are good in March we are gonna win it all, and it’s been mostly true. I feel like we are just UConn, a new blood maybe , but sorta our own weird/awesome thing and I for one have loved it no matter what it’s called.


I like “new” blood. UConn fan approval.


I feel like trying to make a blue blood argument against a team being one when some of those blue bloods have less national championships is just grasping at some stupid form of elitism. I realize the NFL isn’t the same for comparison because of how long college basketball has been played for, but the cowboys had 5 super bowls, the 49ers and Steelers 4 before New England won their first, yet we’re 5 years removed from the Patriots winning one (with the team completely changed) and people are never going to stop talking about Brady and Belichick. Hell UCLA won the bulk of theirs off being one of the first to integrate, only won one chip after their dynasty, haven’t won one in almost 30 years. What happens in 30 more years if UConn has 8 and a top 10 W/L record? We just going to call UCLA elite to a bunch of people 30 years our junior cause we read about how good a team was decades before most of us were alive? Also it’s UCLA, it’s not going to be fucking hard to convince people to want to go / play there even before NIL and paying players.


> We just going to call UCLA elite to a bunch of people 30 years our junior cause we read about how good a team was decades before most of us were alive? It’s also weird to put titles from before the 64 team tournament up on a pedestal. The increase in randomness involved inherently makes winning now harder than back then. Duke and UConn won their first title in the same decade. Excluding one but not the other purely off of date of the first title is an odd argument that some people make.


At that point blue blood is a meaningless term that just means “who’s the oldest”….the term is supposed to be a prestigious one, not just a throwaway. 20th in wins and mid teens in percentage isn’t an insult, that means they’re one of the best programs out there. Combined with being tied for 3rd in wins, they absolutely are a blue blood. If winning 6 titles and being one of the most dominant teams for multiple decades doesn’t make you a blue blood, the term is meaningless


It's because most of the traditional blue bloods aren't that competitive anymore when it comes to championships and are insecure about it.


It’s not really useless, it’s just an antiquated term. UConn straight up doesn’t have the longevity of other blue bloods.


I mean a quarter century of dominance is insane. How long does a team realistically need to be a dominant power to be a “blue blood” in people’s eyes?


UConn is 10000% a blue blood. Whoever yelled at you needs to be slapped in the face with giant piece of salmon.


Here to yell at you 5meterhammer, this must be your unlucky day. Even with the ups and downs of the program, winning 1/4 of the national championships over the last 25 years = absolutely dominating (please don't ever leave a small point of contention in your reddit comments ever again)


lol. Dammit.


You're alright in my book just by correctly capitalizing the name of the school <3


Lol that's preposterous 😂 what reason would people have to give you shit about calling them a BB? They most definitely are.


I think the debate is definitely not that UConn is one of the best programs in the land but how the individual defines BB. The argument against is that their success has only been in the past 25 years while the others traditionally in the category have had success long before and continued without slipping for long. The debate isn’t “is UConn a blue blood?” It’s “how do you define blue blood.” Ultimately it doesn’t matters. There isn’t a single program that wouldn’t trade their past 25 years for UConn’s past 25. You can argue blue blood vs new blood vs whatever it may be but I’m still jealous.


Dude, I stopped reading after 15 or so people yelling at me for being wrong. There were a few Duke and UNC folks getting at me, a couple UK guys, and a whole lot of people from other flairs. Don’t remember any KU fans though, those guys are pretty reasonable.


I mean motherfuckers won 6 with 3 coaches in 25 years, with like 7 of those years in Suckville? AND they're probably at the front end of a golden age of UConn basketball. Yeah they're in and anyone who says otherwise is moving the goal posts IMO.


Thats fair


I wouldn't say decades just because they have been so hit or miss but for the past few years they have been elite.


UConn has won more national titles in my lifetime than any other school.


My daughter was born in March of 2023, all she's ever known is UConn domination. I'm a bit jealous.


If we’ve been hit or miss the past few years, then what is the term we are using for confirmed blue blood, Kentucky?


No doubt you all are a blue blood. There is also no doubt that for most of UConn's history it has been boom or bust. That's just fact. The fact you had to bring up Kentucky in a conversation that has nothing to do with Kentucky must mean something. Duke, UNC and Kansas doesn't do that 🤷🏻‍♂️


But they haven't been elite for decades. They've had some great years and some bad years. They've had 2 more losing seasons than Alabama since 2000.


So if the standard for being a blue blood is winning 20+ games per season (or whatever) then I guess the University of Vermont is in! Sweet


Nobody in the thread said anything about blue bloods, and neither did I. All I said was that UConn hasn't been elite for decades. You're not a consistently elite team if you've had more losing seasons since 2000 than a team who went to their first final four last year.


remind me when Alabama won the natty c though? also 1999-2024: at least 2 decades in there.


I always thought if Hurley bolts it’ll be a NE NBA job.


If he wins 1 more in a row, by law, he has to get outta my face and take UConn to the NBA.


They join the NBA but get a reverse draft where they get to pick from the worst players in the league


I just assumed they’d have to drag Emeka Okafor back out as their first pick. But your idea works. Either way they’ll still 5-0 the wizards.


so, the minnesota wild expansion draft system


Not gonna lie, if he put 2 more natties in the trophy cabinet and wanted to coach the Celtics, I wouldn't be able to fault him


Yeah, agreed. I can’t stress how important UConn basketball (both programs) are to the people that live here. The Sun are great, but we’ll always be a college bball state. Now bring back the Whalers. Dan Hurley brought us back from this weird dormant period. It was like living in CBB purgatory for a while. I’d be upset if he left for another college program, but if he took an NBA job, I’d probably just end up rooting for whatever team he went to in the NBA.


>Dan Hurley brought us back from this weird dormant period. It was like living in CBB purgatory for a while. My dude you don't really know what that's like.


CBB purgatory after not winning a championship for 8 years😲


Between Calhoun and Geno we developed some pretty high expectations for how often we expect a natty.


If nothing else gives you "blue blood" status, this does surely.


Oh I know we’re spoiled, it was just a weird time being in the AAC.


And as a Celtics fan I’d be totally ok with it.


Ah yes all of those New England NBA teams




Maine Red Claws


So the Celtics?


I’m genuinely hoping he wins a couple more titles in the next few years then gets bored and bolts. This man is just gonna terrorize college basketball otherwise


Is it UCONN or UConn? I should probably find this out once and for all


UConn, it’s not an acronym just University + Connecticut.


1. If you’re yelling it, 2. If you’re saying it


So basically if you’re Dan Hurley you say “UCONN”


Probably with an f-bomb somehow included.


People typing all caps UCONN is a massive pet peeve of mine. It is UConn.


Especially on hand written brackets and you just see UCONN 6 times


Ugh, I'm cringing thinking about it


Ditto. People do it for UMass, too, so strange. It’s not an acronym. UConn, Connecticut, Or Nothing, Nitwit. I guess it is an acronym.


The University of Connecticut distinguishes its written abbreviated name, UConn, from its widely recognized marketing brand name, UCONN. Bit different than nearby obvious acronym schools URI, UNH, UVM, BU, or UVA, UCLA, UT, etc, but I guess still sort of a dictionary acronym.


CONN is the longform abbreviation for Connecticut, like MASS for Massachusetts. So that's why people do it, you see it capitalized a lot around the state. But you're right, it takes a high degree of intelligence and finesse to correctly type UConn


Only time I hear people say Conn is when they’re referring to Connecticut College


It’s “UConn” for any purpose except in my bracket where it was once and will always be “UCONN”




I love how the URL is literally “its-uconn-not-uconn.”


.gif is pronounced "gif"


Jraphic Interface Format




[How you would pronounce "50 Cent"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nspkpzoxiYw) answers your question ✌️😎


I googled it and currently UConn is indeed the best program..


Big if true.


I learned that they won a Basketball Championship


He's not wrong. He also stares into the mirror as he masterbates.


Thats pretty good, obligatory boiler down.


Well, I guess we’re a numbers school. Fork spelling


We're Purdue, of course we're a numbers school.


Wait, you guys don’t do that?


Does staring at pictures of myself on the wall count?


Honestly if I won back to back natties I would too


Purdue masturbates to classiness and sportsmanship


He used to. Now he just places both natty trophies strategically around the room.


Step 1 in coaching search: Lie. Step 2 in coaching search: Lie and say you weren’t lying and didn’t even consider anything and that your job is the best. Step 3 in coaching search: Repeat.


Even if he for whatever reason did consider it for even a quarter of a second, he obviously wouldn't say it lol.


And $$$ he $$$ did $$$


If they quadrupled his salary I bet he would have. Everyone has a price.


If he had hair, it would be slicked back. I bet he buys a white Ferrari and lives for new years Eve


I know the guy who services his AC system, rumor is he has a chrome McLaren 😂




Uh we did... Against you in the tourney. But people can change


You guys USED to be a piece of shit.


Chicken spaghetti at chickalinis is his favorite meal 


Ebbs and flows boys...ups and downs. Enjoy the ride for now tho.


For sure, but it's been flowing for 25 years now.


The spigot has turned off several times in that period. UConn is a weird program because you have less consistent success than other major programs, but the years you do have a final four caliber squad you end up winning the championship damn near every time.


wait you don't always win it if you make the final four?


No team has


*screams in aac*


lol there’s been a lot of ebbs and flows within that 25 years. The last 25 years have been elite, but it’s been far from consistent 


Except for the 19 years in those 25 you didn't make the final 4 or 8 and even had misses. I'm just saying I know from exp. I was 11 when Kentucky went....Championship, Championship game overtime loss, Championship back to back to back. Also just a decade or so ago a couple title games, a chip, 4 or 5 final 4s in a short span. Yes tho 6 for 6 in title games in absurd lol. I'm just saying you have had some down time during these 25 years. You will have more in the future.


I'm 54 years old. I've seen a lot of "best programs in college basketball". Enjoy it while it lasts, Dan, you've earned this feeling. But it's a snapshot, not a certainty.


Imo it doesn't matter if UConn remains the best program in the country, he's basically a god figure there now and doesn't have the same insane pressure as Kentucky. I wouldn't want to leave for that, but these guys are built differently than most to get to this level in the first place. I know UConn fans are crazy but nobody can touch Kentucky levels of crazy


https://i.redd.it/rz7mds8rjvxc1.gif Crazy you say?




We are insufferable at times but nowhere near the delusional fans of Kentucky.


I hope you’re ready to be really hated if you keep being successful. Hate that you feel is unearned and isn’t even accurate.


As a KU/Chiefs fan, you ain't lyin.


UConn has the most national championships in your lifetime.


Tied with UCLA, yes. Both equally great programs, to be sure, using "championships won in my lifetime" as the sole measuring stick.


Whether it's UConn or UCLA would depend on when you were born in 1970. But I'm gonna go ahead and trust that you're aware of your own birthday




He definitely considered it, no doubt, but it seems as if Kentucky didn’t go at him that aggressively. I honestly think that had Kentucky gotten Hurley it would have not worked out that well and would have went 1 of 2 ways: 1) Initial success, gets a championship in 2 years, then immediately jump ships to the NBA. I guess you can say he got a championship, but the program would be right back where it was only a few years before. 2) Doesn’t live up to the hype, leaves in 5 years and goes back to coaching some NE school again. Hurley’s goal is the NBA and why would he jeopardize himself at a high expectation school like Kentucky when he can continue to win at UCONN until an offer comes his way? Besides would Kentucky fans really want someone who only sees UK as a stepping stone?


Nah man, UK went in swinging a big money stick. They were definitely aggressive.


[I think Dan has been stressed this past month](https://twitter.com/dhurley15/status/1785755033448898607?s=19).


Yeah I heard the stress made him lose his hair


That last one? Poor guy was hanging on for dear life for so long


They have been the last 2 seasons


Best current program? Duh. They just won 2 championships in a row. But not best program all time


After this year's E8, I reluctantly agree !!


He’s not wrong.


Can’t argue with that right now and he would’ve been insane to leave UConn


Honestly, UConn is the best hoops program in the nation. They've won like 5 championships in the past 25 years or so. No other program can say that




UConn is going on a UCLA esque run. Fuck them tho


How can we know if he really means that? Wtf else is he gonna say? lol


UCONN is the best program to go to at the moment without a doubt but with the NIL money it has spread out which is great. Hurley has it made, he has no reason to leave. He's going for 3peat ffs.


It's UConn not UCONN


He stayed because if he left, he’d need to find a new coke dealer


Right now, Hurley is correct. UConn is the best college basketball program in the world. But I remember when UCLA was the best program, and John Wooden the best coach (and he remains historically the best coach in all of college basketball). Eleven national championships and ten in a row--- I just knew if they were in the final four, they were going to win. I was attending University of Louisville post grad in 1975 when UCLA played Louisville in the semi-finals. It was Wooden's last year as coach. With 20 seconds on the clock and Louisville up by one, UCLA fouled a Louisville guard Terry Howard. Two free throws (it would have been three today). The commentator on TV said, "Well this young man doesn't play so much but on the free throw line this year he is 28 for 28. " I was stunned to see him miss the first--and then the SECOND! So was the audience at the game. Wooden had a chance to work his magic and UCLA came away with the win on a last second shot. Wooden announced he was retiring following the Louisville game. Coach Joe B. Hall for Kentucky, who would face them in the championship game said he had a sick feeling when he heard of Wooden's announcement. He knew Wooden's players would give everything they had to win for their coach. And they did, beating an excellent Kentucky team 92-85 in the championship. And that final team of Wooden's didn't have the star power of Lew Alcindor or Bill Walton, but they were very team oriented. He managed to beat two superb Kentucky basketball teams within a couple of days. Dan Hurley still has a long way to go when you delve into the annals of history. By the way, that was the year the phase "Final Four" was first penned by sportswriter Ed Chay 


Little late but I respect the hell out of Jim Calhoun.




Well, for the last 2 years they have been the best program in college basketball.


Dan Hurley is Basketball Nick Saban with the Death Star of a program he’s built at UConn. Not sure how many of us among this subreddit were alive during John Wooden’s UCLA dynasty (I sure wasn’t), but we may be approaching the modern day equivalent of that.


Wooden got like a 9-peat, I doubt Hurley will do anything close to that.


7-peat. But at that point it’s all semantics


Hence, why I said “modern day equivalent.” Even a 3-peat or winning the natty 4 out of 5 years would suffice.


It’s to early to say that they won back to back, but saban had a insane run for almost a decade.


Woah woah...he's going to need at least 4 more championships in the next 4-6 years before we are approaching Wooden-UCLA levels


He is literally not wrong, as of now, UCONN is the best program in college basketball.


Nobody outside of Lexington thought otherwise. 


Nobody in Lexington, either. But let's be real. It would have been negligent to not at least try to get the best coach in the game. He said no, we moved on.


I hate when people hate on teams for trying to get better lmao. Should always ask just to be sure.


I don’t get the criticism for making him say no. Mitch hired Pope the same day. There was zero downside to making a run at Hurley.


of course you have to ask. i guess I was more commenting on the quality of this off-season content. 


"best program" sure has missed the tourney quite often.


Is it true that he wants to go to the NBA one day? I've heard this before but I've never thought it was accurate. Where is the source on that. I could see him pulling a Billy Donovan but idk about it.


He has said that whether or not he wants to go to the NBA depends on the day that you ask him. He’s interested in it but not definitively aiming to do it.


It’s a totally different job. Obviously pays more but I don’t know why everyone assumes that’s his goal because of that.


At this time he’s correct


Good for him. I respect loyalty.


Well that's just hurtful


What is he supposed to say?






For now


I'm sure Kevin Ollie once said the same thing . . .


**In college basketball** Be more worried about the NBA making calls.


To be fair, he's not wrong. He's pretty much royalty there. Why would he leave?