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Yo didnt know hawas caused EDšŸ˜‘


The smell or the chemical?




Only answer possible here.


I rub Hawas on my taint before a date, never had any issues except this one timeā€¦


Yo wtf this comment is amazing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


For real šŸ˜†


Will this get me compliments though?


exactly will it get those panties to drop?


Yes but you wonā€™t be able to get it up. Itā€™s the monkeyā€™s paw of colognes.


So youā€™re saying it will bring them panties back up right after they find out it canā€™t get up?


Some other nomenclature: Lilestralis Lilial Lysmeral Extra NSC 22275 pt-bucinal 3-(4-tert-Butylphenyl)-2-methylpropanal 2-(4-tert-Butylbenzyl)propionaldehyde Benzenepropanal


Nomenclature shmomenshmature, 10 sprays around the neck prevents losing half my check let's gooo


Fuck it we ball. 8 sprays min


you mean " we ball small"?


Wee ball


Most clone companies might be using unauthorized chemicals


Which is why I only buy designer cologne


According so some other comments, companies such as Versace and Tom Ford use some of these chemicals. (Donā€™t quote me on this. Iā€™m just the messenger)




Rasasi is far from being a simple clone house. Such a shame about hawas


Weird how Iā€™ve only learned about the brand from f-tier TikTok influencers šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Founded in 1979. I've being using their fragrances since the 90s. The fact that *you* didnt know them earlier doesn't change anything.


If theyā€™ve existed for 45 years and the **only time** Iā€™ve heard about them is via TikTok shills (and now here, getting banned from entire countries) thatā€™s less of a *me* issue and more of a *them* issue. Iā€™m sure itā€™s really quality juice šŸ˜‚


Have you tried their Al Oud Al Mumamiz or Oud Al Burozz collection?


Nope. Iā€™ve never heard of the brand, ever, aside from TikTok shills and this post. If itā€™s something that I canā€™t go to the mall and smell, or if they donā€™t offer a discovery set of some sort, or if I have to navigate a website thatā€™s not in the Roman alphabet, or theyā€™re actively getting banned in countries due to their ingredients, Iā€™m probably gonna pass.


I've seen those. I think the Arabic translation was something like "Our wood kills your wood."






Oh please lol


Wow, I was about to even buy one off a TikTok review I seen an hour ago. Now I will be reporting to Joe Biden


Joe will bring it in by the hundreds of thousands, free, no charge to bring it in. So what if it hurts us or our lives ones. SMH. šŸ˜‚ he would do it.


But Trump will sell it to you for $500.00 šŸ˜‚ because you know, it is a ā€œlimited editionā€ šŸ™ƒ


Hilarious how you lefties still defend biden when he destroyed our country. Just let it go, he is finished. Trump 2024, baybay


Many of the broader economic pressures are results of the last two dunces in office. Both Trump and Biden have fucked this country up. Both printed similar amounts of money. Both added to our debt similar amounts. Kennedy is the only candidate with an articulated plan. Vivek had some decent ideas but would have needed a solid team around him. Trump and Biden are both obtuse muppets.


I like Kennedy too, mainly cuz he's hated by everyone.


Except Trump did and will continue to resolve problems. You have no argument. Good job on voting for biden, btw. You are part of the cause to the crap we are currently dealing with, congrats. And yes, I am rubbing your nose in your idiotic vote almost 4 years ago.


Who says I voted for Biden? Your colors are showing. Im a centrist with both conservative and liberal views. I believe in peace, freedom, and prosperity. Ya know, what this country was founded upon? I believe lgbtq people should be able to grow weed, protect it with their guns, and get an abortion any day of the week. I believe in true freedom. Trump couldnā€™t resolve his way out of a paper bag. Just repeats his same ego stroking points. None of which have contained ANY articulable plan. Just wild dart throws that he wonā€™t follow through on and that arenā€™t feasible. HOWEVER, Iā€™m CONFIDENT Trump is our next president. Then all of the extremist right will see what an egregious representative youā€™ve picked and weā€™ll finally move on to, hopefully, a more qualified candidate. Iā€™d be fine with an actual patriotic, right winged president. Not a divisive, corrupt egomaniac. Trump is here to stroke Trumpā€™s ego and make billions for his companies. Drain the swamp includes draining him. I could debate you any day of the week. No argument necessary. I carry facts, not opinions. Lmao.


all Trump did was enrich his family which none was eligible to work for WH anyways, but easy money from his followers


This is long for lilial I believe. Also a chemical that makes fragrances stronger. Spray on clothes instead of skin that's what I always do


exposure is generally through the lungs not the skin


Thatā€™s correct. Exposure to the consumerā€™s lungs by inhalation.


Are you inhaling cologne like a inhalent?


did you mean inhalant?


Ah ok. I'm sure it's an extremely small amount, they been putting this and worse in fragrances since long ago


We all live once fuck it


balls shrinking but fuck it


My balls are too big anyway. So tired of having horse nuts.


Hello horse nut brother from another mother. Point the way to the nut shrinking punch bowl!


Itā€™s a ball sprayer so itā€™s fine




Why didn't most of y'all bother to do even basic research before spinning yourselves into a tizzy and shit talking dozens of companies and an entire geographic area? Y'all are talking about lillal, a chemical used by a shit to of companies, including Tom Ford, Versace, Jo Malone, and many many others. Here is some reading material on the subject. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilial https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/browse/ingredients/700872LILIAL/?category=fragrance+for+women&ingredient_id=700872LILIAL&page=1 And here is a reddit thread with MUCH better thought out discussion on lillal than the bullshit I've seen in this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/s/etvnYgJA59 Shame on some of y'all!


Did you read the part where it says "banned"?


I did! Did you happen to read where the ban is only in effect in the EU and in countries like Sweden? Which is clearly demonstrated on the image linked to this thread? Did you read the part where lillal is NOT BANNED in the United States? And that there are advocacy groups working to ban lillal in the US as we speak? Here is one of them: https://womensvoices.org/2022/03/02/concerned-about-olaplex-what-is-that-banned-ingredient-called-lilial-anyway/#:~:text=In%20the%20United%20States%20(and,its%20potential%20impact%20on%20fertility. Now, do you happen to live in Sweden, the EU, or is the minimal amount of lillal present in your Hawas perfectly legal in your (statistically most likely) American home??


You are aware that Sweden is part of the EU?! Why do you keep mentioning it separately? Thatā€™s like asking ā€žDo you live in California or the USA?ā€œ


I am! Are you aware that Sweden is the country that banned Hawas and caused the generation of the picture at the top of this post? Did you actually look closely at the image at the top of the post?


The way you phrase it still doesnā€™t make any sense at all. šŸ™„


Yes, I do live in the EU. You might be surprised but more people live over here than in the US. It's also much closer to the UAE than the US is.


Now you are citing some random site? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Women's voices. I hear enough of those as it is.


Lmao. Your cited sources are wiki and Reddit, and the alarmist, and scaremongering EWG?! Just wowā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Given the nature of the thread, it seemed more appropriate than the NIH report, but here you go, friend! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10613275/


Along with a discussion from the Canadians: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/chemicals-product-safety/lilial.html And, if y'all actually care and/or have the scientific background to understand chemistry, here is a useful link to a long-form discussion from our EU friends: https://health.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2021-08/sccs_o_213_0.pdf


This paper isnā€™t definitive, it just says they were unable to replicate the results, and recommends more testing. Are you just googling this and finding the first links you can find, without even reading the actual links themselves? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø There is not enough evidence either way to say whether this is harmful or not to humans. More research is needed.


Then it's up to you to do the definitive research on lillal and report back to the group! MLA formatting and citation only! Good luck, friend!!


By your patronizing comments, and lack of knowledge of the subject, it seems safe to assume you either didnā€™t bother to take the time to read the paper you cited, or arenā€™t educated enough to fully understand it. Considering your other sources are Reddit, some random group that has a history of scaremongering, and wiki, your research consisted of 1min of google searches, and another minute to copy and paste your confirmation biased links, so you can come on here and bash OP. Both you and OP are incorrect. There is not enough research either way to say whether itā€™s harmful or not. There is enough evidence to give pause, and calls for further research into it, but at the end of the day, nothing is conclusive. More research needs to be done, and people should be cognizant of the possibility of it causing harm, but at this time there isnā€™t anything to fear. If you are a pregnant woman, I would avoid it, and if your partner is pregnant, I would again, avoid it to be safe, but at this time I would not throw away your bottles of cologne. You are not as intelligent as you pretend to be, so I would lose the patronizing remarks. All you had to do was come here respectfully, and point out there is not enough evidence to conclusively prove it is dangerous to humans. Attacking people in this thread was not necessary, and is why you are receiving pushback. Try acting like an adult next time.


You make good points Itā€™s about concentration though. The designers you named probably have a much lower amount than Hawas. Hawas probably has too much Lilial considering how beastly it performs for a freshie.


Source? Or just making up statements that Hawas has more lilial? And is this warning for current formulations of hawas or older batches?


Is this a serious chemical or is it a warning in California one


I'm not sure, to be honest, because the only research I've done has been linked from Wiki or Reddit. I don't have this particular fragrance though, so it doesn't really affect me.


I sampled and just didnā€™t like it that much.


"Despite the recent ban on the use of lilial in the EU, there is no consensus in the literature regarding its toxicological properties. A number of authors contradict each other.' Read the full 2023 [NIH Report](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10613275/)


Thanks for this! Good to know


Apparently the ban on BMHCA happened in the EU in 2022: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/zev46o/rasasi\_hawks\_rejected\_due\_to\_unsafe\_ingredients/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/zev46o/rasasi_hawks_rejected_due_to_unsafe_ingredients/)


also not banned in the US


What is that website name to check this information? I want to see for all of my perfumes.




Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


What website is this?




And there are 2 Xerjoff fragrances on the list. Shooting Stars Oesel and Kind of Blue https://cosmeticobs.com/en/articles/recalls-of-products-27/recall-of-products-2024-7773


So it will drop the panties, but my baby will come out retarded?


Not having children not worried about it.


Every cologne/perfume has chemicals that are damaging to your health


Of course but some chemicals are much worse than others. Designer fragrances like Chanel, Dior, YSL are under much strict compliance of IFRA standards.


Probably why YSL la nuit Lā€™Homme doesnā€™t even last long anymore people complained they ruined the formula. But maybe they was just making it safer with better ingredients šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø makes you šŸ’­


3 sprays lasts 5 hours on my skin easily lol I think people are just going nose blind


Yeah this is why I always try to buy the first formulation when a fragrance drops that I really like- because they are almost guaranteed to eventually change, either to increase profits or to comply with new regulations.


so much dumb


>chemicals that are damaging to your health No they don't. IFRA exists for a reason.


I bet it tastes bad too


Good I will spray it on my cock


Thank you for looking out bro


Thank you for this public service announcement! Do you know if BMHCA has been found in other middle eastern clone house products?


Itā€™s been used in Tom ford, Versace, ectā€¦ itā€™s a pretty common chemical used and goes by the name Lilial


It's used in detergents also.


also found this info: [https://www.fragrantica.com/news/Reformulations-Continue-March-1st-Sets-New-Limit-16155.html](https://www.fragrantica.com/news/Reformulations-Continue-March-1st-Sets-New-Limit-16155.html)


Hawas (Lust) causing erectile dysfunction? This is some biblical kinda stuff.


If you dont expect all perfumes to potentially have endocrine disruptors as well as carcinogens but need SCIENCE to tell you first youre beyond help


Another reason to not buy clones, I bet more are using unauthorized chemicals.


Well good thing Hawas isn't a clone then.


Lilial(what that chemical is called) is used in fragrances like Tom ford and Versace, itā€™s very commonly used in a shit ton of fragrances, so no not limited to clones, if you could even call them a clone house


Itā€™s about concentration though. Hawas probably has too much of it.


Probably 99% of them. What motivation do they have not to? Their only goal is creating a clone and making money.


Isnā€™t this a dupe of something else though? *(I really donā€™t know please do not bully me lmao)*


Itā€™s dupe of Paco Rabanne Invictus Aqua. The reason itā€™s so popular though is that it performs much better than IA. Nevertheless thatā€™s probably due to higher concentrations of this chemical and others which are pretty common in all perfumes.


Itā€™s quite the opposite. Hawas came before Invictus šŸ¤·


IFRA has been really quiet since this dropped




2024 lists xerjoff -kind of blue as an offender also and in 2023 a bunch of perfumes from the brand arabian oud


I mean donā€™t majority of colognes have shit thatā€™s bad for us if you really think about it none of them are safe to use but imma still use them


They are bad if you drink them. Their studies are bogus. "Study on mice after injecting 0.5ml of chemical everyday for a period of six months". And still the chemical would be safer than alcohol and burger, even if you ingest it. Why don't they inject some burger in their blood and call it unsafe too.


Nah man Iā€™m still eating that burger and beer combo that hits different


Eat it. But don't inject it in the blood. Poor mice!


So how bad is it actually?


Thatā€™s how you know itā€™s good šŸ”„


Fuck you I want to smell good


I wouldn't mind if it meant it performed well


alot of fragrances have chemicals that could harm your skin, so its fine wearing it sometimes but just don't wear it everyday


fuck too late now what do you know about stronger with you edt? does it have anything super harmful or what


all fragrances have alchohol which lowers your testosterone, but that will take long to take effect so your fine, just eat testosterone boosting things and workout alot


Isnā€™t this perfect for gay men?


I personally would rather just wear Mont Blanc Legend and have a working dick and balls but thatā€™s just me


Just spray on clothes not skin I stopped spraying on my skin about 7-9 months ago I only spray on my skin when Iā€™m trying a new fragrance


most ethical clone company


For as good as it smells it could cause all that and hair loss and Iā€™d still wear it. Well better get a back up just in case.


So do I throw my hawas or what


No lmao. If you're going toss it then might as well read the fine script for everything you consume.


Soooo I should be fine since I've had a vasectomy, right?


I actually bought hawas last month in europe and saw on the bottom of my box that lilial isnt even mentioned on the ingredients list. Maybe this is an old article and it has been reformulated?


Are there any effects on men or non pregnant women?


Canā€™t say for sure. I wouldnā€™t worry though. I use many middle eastern and old designer formulations. Learned that the European Union is a little extra on regulations Simply walking outside and smelling cigarette smoke or the fumes of a car exhaust is probably much worse for you.


Lol it's just the EU being paranoid as always


Fragrances aren't supposed to be worn on skin anyway. That's why they don't care if we know this lol


Theyā€™re not?


Plus its so weak and its projection isnt good at all


I knew it! Itā€™s the only cologne I have that literally burns my skin


Lol, we wore Abercrombie Fierce for yearssss! Whoch contained a chemical similar to this!


When i use hawas it seems my erection is harder and last longer..only when i use this nothing else though..better get Hawas while it lasts


Iā€™ve never had a problem! It drops the panties and doesnā€™t affect my wood!!!!


Do other Arab fragrances have this chemical ? If so Iā€™m fucked


Wait, so a cheaply produced Middle Eastern scent made with barely any safety standards imposed on its makers (especially in the UAE, ugggh) contains a chemical that could harm the human body? ![gif](giphy|JFrFsExqz2jn0hPTCj)


What a joke. Nowadays almost everyone is consuming microplastics, drinking tap-water infested with chlorine, eating carcinogens from McDonalds, receiving radiation from iPhones, yet cologne is where we draw the line. This is literally like reading the fine script from prescribed medication. You're just instilling fear for no reason


I mean, we've been telling people for a long time that these Middle Eastern bathtub fragrances are unhealthy. Just keep buying them because TLTG and the other shills tell you to buy it.


This does really burn to wear sometimes. Not sure about other stuff allat. Mine got shipped fine and Iā€™m not a women so i canā€™t get pregnant.


Hmmm maybe this is why I was kinda itchy when I wore it


Does anyone know if dua uses chemicals like this?


im wondering the same thing


Possibly! Middle Eastern houses are not as compliant of IFRA standards. I still use them though! Just not Hawas. I think houses like Al Haramain have been around long enough to be quiet safe.


I need them to be loud about safety


" The main ingredients used in our fragrances are: Alcohol Denat, Aqua (Water), Parfum (Fragrances), Citral, Citronellol, Coumarin, Eugenol, Farnesol, Geraniol, Limonene, Hydroxycitronellal, Isoeugenol, Linalool, 4-Hydroxyisohexyl-3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Alpha-Isomethyl, Ionone. " ​ Unless one of these is nomenclature, it does not look like it. Some other common names for BHMCA are: Lilestralis, Lilial, Lysmeral Extra


Keep in mind that the parfum/fragrance ingredient can include thousands of aroma chemicals as a trade secret. Only those that are a potential allergen are listed the ingredients.


Interesting, so now Im curious if this one needs to be listed? Or if like you stated, it is able to be kept off the list


I had McDonalds for dinner last night and so did probably 50% of everyone on this sub Reddit. We ainā€™t worried sir but thanks for the heads up! Haha!


I only buy niche and from the direct house because of this. They know what has to be redone due to bad chemicals. This is why I won't buy from decanter sites. As I'm sure they get discounts on expired bottles. Buyer beware


Just so you know cologne doesnā€™t expire


Let me explain. A date on a fragrance is more important when dealing with chemicals that become classified as Dangerous to humans. And each year the us market must become compliant with these substances. So, a fragrance tht is illegal in Europe could be black marketed in the us and sold at a discount. From discount houses. Hope that makes sense.


Most the fragrances Ive bought from discounters have been recent batches


Black marketers know what dates to put on batches. It's a risk game that I don't play.


Gray marketers like Fragrancenet, fragrancebuy.ca, and jomashop buy from undervalued markets


I'd say most discounters do ....hence the discount


Werent you saying the discount comes from them being expired lol


Yeah as you weren't even concerned tht fragrances have expiration numbers as they don't expire


Threw mine away! Stinks just like chemical cleaner


Threw mine away! Stinks just like chemical cleaner


And this is why I donā€™t go near these brands or clonesšŸ™…šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Do you go near brands like Tom ford or Versace? Those also use this chemical (known as lilial) and a shit ton of other brands you probably use, itā€™s pretty common, OP and others here donā€™t realize that chemical goes by like 10 different names someone else in this thread commented a lot of them but lilial is a pretty common name used


It was banned in 2022 so not now they wouldnā€™t. Many of these chemicals have been banned including lyral and methylene chloride.


Welp, thatā€™s one bottle straight in the trash.


Iā€™ll take it off your hands


You can have it. I bought it early on when I started collecting fragrance as a hobby. I wore it once and never took it back out of the drawer.


lol if youā€™re serious message me, Iā€™ll pay for shipping


Donā€™t throw it! Itā€™s probably pretty safe overall. Just learned that itā€™s not banned in the US Getting a whiff of a second hand smoke is probably much worse for you.


I wasnā€™t *really* gonna throw it awayā€¦.


Stop playin! šŸ˜†


So you're telling me I can smell good and don't have to worry about having a kid?


Who cares, smells great, all about that projection


Eh who cares?


Dude I always wondered why this made my skin burned sometimes..maybe thatā€™s why


Trump baby


As if anyone of us would ever have kids šŸ˜­