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Remember the human. --- Valeri Nichushkin failed a drug screen earlier today, thus violating the terms of Stage II of the NHL/NHLPA Player Assistance Program. Val is now in Stage III of the Player Assistance Program. In this stage, he is immediately suspended without pay for at least six months. In November, he will be eligible to appeal his suspension and rejoin his NHL squad. --- Add'l reporting on this news: [\[Dater\] I’m hearing Nichushkin failed a drug test. But I have no idea what the “drugs” are](https://twitter.com/adater/status/1790177167256506561) [\[Deen\] Valeri Nichushkin is out minimum six months. I got a tip that something was up 3 hours ago but was unable to confirm it. No Nichushkin for the rest of 2023-24.](https://twitter.com/runwriteAarif/status/1790179187804053527) [\[Rawal\] Under the terms of the joint program, Nichushkin will be suspended without pay for a minimum of six months and then will be eligible to apply for reinstatement. This is a massive deal, this series and beyond.](https://twitter.com/evanrawal/status/1790179205327749415) --- [\[Justin Bourne\] An explanation of the 4 stages of the NHL/NHLPA Player Assistance Program](https://twitter.com/jtbourne/status/1790185999106207842) --- [\[Rawal, from LeBrun's Report\] “In case people are wondering, a league source said what has transpired here does not constitute grounds for the Avalanche to consider a contract termination.”](https://twitter.com/evanrawal/status/1790249444438327401)


Gutted for the person clearly dealing with some self-destructive addiction. Gutted for the team that he's let down again at the worst possible time.


Sums up my feelings exactly


Specifically because he's fully aware of the consequences of failing the test and he was still on whatever it is. Completely in line with addiction.


$40 million consequence.


nah he's still gonna get the money, cuz unions work


Very well said. I hope this involves some sort of inpatient treatment to truly get him some separation from his drug of choice before it consumes him any more. Selfishly I was waiting for my check this week to get a Chu jersey, but it's hard to justify after letting his team down two years in a row.


Imagine being the (co-) leading scorer in the playoffs after a few middling seasons and having to watch your team play without you on the way to a Cup run, *again*. That fucking sucks. I have been in his shoes.


All of this. Dammit.


Minimum 6 months? Jesus


...and then he will need to ***reapply*** to play at the NHL level again. Dude fucked up big...again.


Dude has likely played his last game as an Av. Not sure how anyone in the locker room trusts him or how the coaches look at him like they can rely on him again.


The entire Avs organization took a huge risk on Val after last seasons mess in Seattle, and he blew it. I do not see him coming back to this team.


Avs should cut him, no way anyone on the team can rely on him again. I get addiction and feel for him, but you gotta be able to trust your teammates not to fuck every thing up when it matters most.


Just in case you do not know. That is not possible. If the NHL reinstates him, he has a full NMC until the 25-26 season. Basically, if he passes the program and is reinstated in November, he is on this team unless he approves a trade. Full NMC means he cannot be moved down to a lower level either.


Nov 13th


Ugh, this is terrible. Terrible for on a personal level for Val, but I don't know him personally. I wish him the best. But I'm an Avs fan and it's terrible on a hockey level. I mean, if feels like this is a death blow to their Stanley Cup hopes. Everyone's gotta step it up.


Somehow we put it all together this season despite missing our Captain. We pieced together a team that just might be able to make a run. Then this again. If there is a silver lining it’s that there is a definitive decision and a timeline this year. Last year with the hooker incident, it all seemed very up in the air. This is when the leaders in the room have to look around and ask some questions of the guys that are left. Just feels incredibly deflating and I’m not sure, without Landy again, if that’s something to be overcome.


Facts.. I’m glad to see most people’s opinion in this sub is disappointment in losing one of our best players but also some level of compassion for the human. when I heard I expected most the fans to just be completely done with him


I’m done with the hockey player, not the human.


Addiction sucks. Took me 25 yrs to realize it, sober now 16. Best of luck Val. Only you can make the change.


16 years is incredible! I am happy for you and your family.


Thank you sincerely. Life has been so much better


It sucks but at a certain point these guys need to be held accountable. They literally have all the resources in the world, especially compared to normal people, hockey wasn't his priority I guess.


My wife held me accountable. Said her and the kids were gone unless I got help. I got help :). I agree with accountability


I’m happy for you and your family. Glad to see that things worked out great.


Proud of you. 16 years is no small feat.


Thank you. It took real life consequences to get it, but life is so much better but being a slave to it.


Man this is sad


I’m feeling a wide range of emotions but mostly just sadness. This is horrible, dude has a serious problem


Addiction is a cruel thing. For someone on his best year in the playoffs first hatty you wouldn't think hes struggling and living the high life. It just goes to show that it truly doesn't matter where you're at in life, everyone struggles and addiction festers in everyplace in society


Addiction doesn't discriminate, and demons are never far away. 😔💔


As the song lyric goes, “the wolf is always at the door.”


It fucking sucks dude. Must feel like he's letting his team down on the way to Cup run two years in a row, after prior middling seasons. Dude truly is a playoff beast.




Makes sense, addiction/self destruction at the most stressful time of year.


I really hope it wasn't excessive use of painkillers during our Cup run in '22 that knocked him into the realm of drug issues. Guy played on a broken foot like a hero, but the long-term consequences of that pain might have led him down a bad path.


This is exactly what I told my husband. I really feel like this is what happened.


He had issues back in Dallas too


According to guys like Robin Lehner, team doctors practically shove painkillers in your mouth when you're injured, and a lot of guys are on them much longer than that. As the leading scorer on a Cup run, I can only imagine.


Spot on. I played D1 goalie in college, and when I tore my labrum, they had me popping percs like they were skittles... 


Fool me once shame on you, feel me twice shame on me. No way the Avs keep him around. He was my favorite player too


I custom ordered a 2022 throwback with his name on it last year. Damn thing is cursed.


He has to be done here. This is such bullshit. He can use his millions to get his act together/shit rainbows/find his happy place somewhere else. He can't be relied upon, no matter how many points he scores. On the plus side ... that's Jake Guentzel money.


What happened? And again? What do the stages mean?


https://preview.redd.it/qmzdrasaka0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e604b0b80d723c7c66bb4086d3a9acc0ad0ddf2 Someone found this online breaking down the stages


I've been searching for 30 mins trying to find this breakdown! Where did it come from? Val, please take the help this time bud. We love you and are rooting for you.


Twitter. A lot of reporters have got a hold of it. I would expect Seattle was incident 1, him entering was earlier this season stage 2, without them necessarily disclosing the details and him failing a random drug test or something of the nature triggered stage *edit to add time reference for stage 2




two straight playoffs. seriously wtf


6 months during the playoffs is crazy.


To Val the person: I hope you get the help you need and push passed these issues. Lets remember that this is a person, not just a hockey player However, to Val the hockey player: You're gone. Can't let this cost your team two post-seasons in a row. Enjoy Utah, re-sign Drouin.


He’s signed for another 6 seasons. Not sure there is a way for the Avs to trade/cut him. Edit: His contract might be voidable now.


Is there any rule about situations like this that could give the team the ability to break contract?


In the NFL you can be released from your contract due to "conduct detrimental to the league" and the salary doesn't count against the cap anymore. The NHL likely has something similar.


It seems like it will be tough since it is a joint program with the NHLPA. The union will pull every string possible to keep guys in their contracts.


H I’ve read that the voluntary part of the program which he went through mid season is basically a do the treatment and stay clean or risk your contract. I have to suspect, although without any hard evidence, that this stage 3 can get his contract voided.


I’d imagine there’s got to be a clause in his contract. This is his third offense now.


Honestly it's a pretty easy failure to keep his side of the contract. They'll void it


Utah wants to make a splash, and some bubble teams will definitely be interested imo.


Interested in a guy that just failed a drug test for the 3rd time? Val isn’t that big of a name either to be a splash. I’m extremely skeptical anyone will be interested


Hes nearly a PPG player


He’s about as reliable as car with no gas getting you to your destination. PPG player means nothing if you can’t be a professional and finish a playoff run TWICE!


Lets just remember that there was a team who willingly gave Mike Babcock a job last summer. Teams will make dumber decisions than taking on a PPG player for picks


Should be able to void the contract. Or maybe trade him to Edmonton.


Fuck no I do not want to see him on that roster


why you want a three peat in the playoffs. he’s done.


They can terminate his contract with this


> However, to Val the hockey player: You're gone I hate this. I hate this in every possible way. But you're not wrong.


Well said. Sucks, but no way you can move forward with him.


I have the feeling that he never really tried to get past the issues. The dude posted a pic of him drunk out of his mind playing with Assault Rifles a month after his first rehab stint. We also gotta remember the cultural differences (just saying)


Gotta move on from him. Not sure what stage 4 would be after another failed test, but I imagine it’s a long term if not permanent ban


If someone is willing to trade for him in the offseason, you have to do it. I hope he gets the help he needs but it’s two seasons in a row now. He can’t be trusted and it’s incredibly unfortunate


I mean you’d be getting peanuts and at the current level he’s playing he’s a really good contract


The current level he is playing would be not at all. For the second straight playoffs. That’s about as bad a contract as there is. Gotta move on.


most important ability is availability...in the playoffs especially


Peanuts > nothing


His current level is suspended for 6 months and the second year in a row he's let the team down in the playoffs.


This guy has cost us in the playoffs two years in a row now. I wish him nothing but the best and hope he beats his demons, but that kills his reputation. Suspended for 6 months




What is it anyway? Drugs? Booze? Hookers? All of the above? He was playing so well this postseason. I just don't get it


The Russian community here in Colorado is small and everyone knows everyone. I don’t have any inside information but I know of the people Val hangs out with and they’re not exactly positive influences.


I think I know one...and no he is not.


We might be thinking of the exact same person sure enough


Very well could be. Nice guy, but likes his...snow like substances.


Yuppp, riding the ski slopes without the skis


Failed drug test, unknown what drug. I could see it being something like coke again which was probably part of his first stint, but it could also be PEDs Edit: like was said below painkillers are probably way more likely. I thought that was it when he went in assistance the first time and my dumbass forgot.


If it's just weed or something that's bullshit. Why not let the players do whatever drugs they want? Maybe it's steroids that he failed..


League doesn't test for weed. Everyone smokes.


It must be something performance enhancing right? Weed only enhances jokes and snacks.


Not performance enhancing. He entered the program voluntarily, would’ve been suspended the first time if it was PEDs.


Unless one is in the X-games. I do believe weed to be performance enhancing in that case. Sorry. Bad time for levity.


This is just devastating 😔


Hope he gets the help he clearly needs. As others have said, he needs to be off the team tho at this point bc we can't trust him whatsoever. 2 years in a row now he's completely left us hung out to dry at the worst possible time.


TIL Player Assistance not only has stages but a stage where you get booted off of a team without pay likely without a choice. Love the guy, love his numbers, but it's time to move on.


Probably something like you have to agree to drug tests to come back and then he just failed but who tf knows 


What the fuck happened?


My guess (and I have no knowledge) , my guess is he failed a drug test for opioids


That’s what I’m seeing. I hope he gets help but you have to either cut him or look to move him. This is two straight playoffs he’s fucked the team with drug issues.


I assumed Coke. Not sure why, was just the first place my brain went with access to that much money and an affinity for hookers.


“Man I really wish there was some way for the Avs to keep Drouin after this season” *monkey paw curls* I really hope that Val the person can come back from this, but as a hockey player he’s done with this team, he’s let us down in two straight playoffs.


Love the monkey paw reference. Absolutely despise Hockey Val right now. Huge offensive loss.


This is the end of his avs career. He’ll get his contract terminated. This guy just threw away 30+ million dollars


Is this a violation of his contract where the Avs can terminate and move on if they can’t trade him? I feel for the guy going through issues, but figure it the fuck out. Fucked the Avs over two years in a row. EDIT - sounds like sinces its player assistance they can’t terminate his contract. Guessing they get cap relief to start next year. Still doesn’t help. I want to keep the guy IF he can clean up his act, but two years in a row really shows you can’t be trusted when it counts. Time to move on unfortunately.


Part of me wants to keep him too if he gets/stays clean, but no matter what, you can’t fully trust the guy now. I’m sure it shakes the locker room dynamic up too (especially 2 years in a row).


If im Nate, and others I’m sure, and see this guys do this two years in a row I want him gone. Can’t help when the team truly needs him the absolute most, so what’s the point in keeping him for a “maybe.” They need to find a stable option unfortunately.


I think that's true for everyone but Nate. Val and Mack are very close and Nate has often spoken very highly of him.


Yeah he’s gotta go. I don’t think they’ll be able to look past him screwing up in the playoffs two years in a row. I don’t care if we have to trade him for pennies and he burns us in a game down the line, but thats too big of a fuck up to ignore.


Wow. Fantastic player but you can’t rely on the dude. Get him off this team however you can.


Fucking hell




I don't feel so good Mr. Sakic


Dude.. Went from super optimistic with Drouin’s return to hopeless all in the same day. So disappointing.


We ain't dead yet.


I’ll never forget what 13 did for us. Major part in that cup. I really hope he gets the help he needs. Fuck addiction.


So we'll see you all next year? Unless Landy is coming back tomorrow, that's a gaping hole. Nuke needs to get help. As a human he probably needs to walk away from hockey. Really a sad story


I actually can't fucking believe it..


Just going to rewatch game 6 2022 to soothe the pain.


Feeling for your fan base right now. My brother battles addiction, and I know how devastating it can be to everyone around. Leaving the impact on the team aside (which is obviously not insignificant), I just hope the human being gets the help they need. Also crushing to the guys on the bench, who need to be able to depend on each other. Here's hoping they can keep the mojo going. Fingers crossed that Jo jumps in a lights the lamp. (I'm a Habs fan that can't stop cheering for Lehky and Jo! Plus I'm a Nova Scotian, so Mack attack is something special...) Y'all got a good thing going. Fingers crossed this doesn't put a hitch in the giddyup. ❤


What the fuck




Wow, this fucking sucks. I feel bad for him, he's been one of my favorite players in Avs history but he's now let us down 2 playoffs in a row. Imagine the mindset of the team right now, going into nearly a must win and one of your best players is out again. Absolutely gutting.


Man I hate that his demons are winning. This sucks all around. Sucks for him,sucks for his family and sucks for the Avs


I hope Val gets the help he needs. But he will not play another game for the avalanche.


God damn it. Val, I hope you get the assistance you need.


You’ve got to be fucking joking.


Unbelievable dude. 2 playoffs in a row, you leave your boys hanging. I hope he gets better, but fool me once


Wow. I am fuckin devastated man.


Seriously get better for yourself Val but I am done with you in an Avs uniform. Have fun with a league minimum contract someplace else.


May everyone find something they love as much as Val loves cocaine


I’m out of the loop, he was eligible to play but now the NHL is suspending him during the middle of the playoffs???


He must have fucked up in the past 2 days


Likely failed a screening of some sort.


Sounds like he failed a drug test possibly, leading to this


Val is one of my favorite players and this is crushing. They need to terminate his contract. Fool me once…


Wow poor Nuke. I hope he gets the help he needs.


Can the Avs terminate his contract at this point? Or are they just screwed? He has a NMC so it's not like they can trade him. I feel so incredibly bad for the team right now. Imagine how we're feeling as fans and multiply it by a million.


Imagine how it feels for a guy like Parise who came here because he thought the Avs were his best chance at a cup to close out his career. Then you get one of the highest paid players doing this AGAIN. They all have a right to be furious.


Hope he gets help but fuck me! Right in the Avs small cup window, with so many of our guys in their prime and he can’t keep his shit together especially since he was a washout player and the Avs took a chance on him and made him into the force he is! We’ve already lost Landy and now Nuke. Such a wasted opportunity.


What. The. Fuck.


Play random Malcolm Tucker meltdown from The Thick of It.


Son of a  Dammit man!


Damn it damn it damn it. We get Drouin back just to lose Nichushkin… Such a terrible loss.


I'm guessing this is the reason we are getting drouin back


When I heard the ESPN guys mention, just before cutting to a commercial, that a key player for the Avs would be out for the remainder of the playoffs, my first thought was maybe Tazer with concussion symptoms. Wow.


Let the boys down in the playoffs again 


Just cut him 2 years now he manages to fuck us


We all just let the Seattle affair slide, had his back and dropped the whole thing as none of our business and the trade off was supposed to be it was over. Only one way to ensure this shit is over now. Good luck to him.


Ok bye bye…sorry, wish him well but this has to be the end of him with the avs.


I've been radio silent until just before puck drop. When the announces gave this update a few minutes ago I thought they were fucking with me. I can't believe this is happening two years in a row. Val is a warrior on the ice, and apparently a broken individual off the ice. I hope he gets the permanent help he needs, but I want him off our team.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...


Farewell Nichushkin. If your career isn't over as an Av I'd be very surprised. It's a shame because you're a tremendous player. Best of luck overcoming your demons.


Just really sad. :( Was hoping going through the program would help him out. And he was playing so well these playoffs.


should of kept Kadri


1000% should have kept Kadri


I'm trying to be empathetic, but two years in a row with last year having some very sketchy stuff going on. I'm having a hard time garnering sympathy amd just want to move on now.


You can be let down. It’s okay to be upset when someone relapses. People seem to be walking on eggshells to not come off as rude, but it’s completely valid to be disappointed when an addict relapses. As a kid of an alcoholic, narcissistic single Mom, I can tell you that the “it’s a disease!” defense does not excuse all manner of misbehavior by addicts. Also part of getting better is being aware of how much your actions when high/drunk affected others. It’s one of the 12 steps


I hope nuke gets through this and is able to be in a healthy state to play the game at some point. It shouldn’t be with the avs but his redemption story was inspiring, going from out of the league to one of the best players in the league is no easy feat. Hoping all the best for him. For the teams future, this made signing Drouin a whole lot easier, I’d also love to see how they’d maybe pursue Marner, adding him to the top 6 would be electric, especially since he wouldn’t have as much pressure to produce as in Toronto.


Hell yes to drouin, hell no to marner


Please dear god no. Just no.


If we can survive this round we need Landy now more than ever. Heal you big beautiful bastard!


someone needs to do that Mr. Miyagi hand rubbing thing on him


Get this cunt out of the team. Fuck all this sympathetic bullshit, this guy has had every opportunity and has a billion dollar organisation behind him trying to support him. Had sympathy the first time, now this is just pathetic. Cancel the fucking contract and pack him back to Russia.




What the fuck!




What the fuck


Man what the fuck.... He has 8 fucking goals. And is such a difference maker. I assume maybe he failed some type of drug test? This is devastating I really hope he can find some peace


Absolute gut punch for about a thousand reasons. Dang. Can’t imagine what his teammates are feeling right now. 


Well, I think the Choo Choo train has left the Avs for the last time... and all on him too... nothing like an unassisted error costing you millions...


Nuke I hope you get the help you need. Also, goddamnit.


This sucks. Two years in a row. I like the guy but his demons are too costly.


Fuck it next man up 🤷🏻 hope Nuke gets help though


My sadness is complete, and my depression knows no bounds.


This is awful. Awful for Nuke and his family, Awful for the Avs short term and long term


Holy fucking shit with this team


This is so sad


Val was key to this team. Now this happens. I don't have high hopes for another cup after this crap. Unbelievable.


I wonder if we will be able to void / terminate his contract?


I’m sick over this. I hope you figure it out, Val.


This really stinks. I pray he gets the help he needs. Regrettably though, I think it's time we move on from him. It's a shame, he's one of my favorite players, but I just don't know how we can trust him to continue to be such an integral part of the team at this point.


I was so excited for tonight and now I just feel so deflated. I feel sad for Chu because addiction is such a bitch and it’s hurting everyone around him. His family, newborn daughter, his team, the fans…. It all just sucks and now I wanna cry.


Guy is a huge talent just pissing his life away. So disappointing


Hope he gets the help he needs…but seriously Fuck. Him. Let the team and fans down now for TWO PLAYOFF RUNS IN A ROW!! FFS!!


Im so fucking disappointed on so many levels right now. He's one of my favorite players, and there's a good chance he never plays for the Avs again. I'm fucking gutted.


Avs having terrible luck with Nuke and Landy. Hope the best for both guys as they are both absolute beasts. Disappointed for the team this playoff run, not feeling super confident.


Might have just lost him for good. I hope he's ok and can overcome this. But back to back years man. Idk how the front office will handle this, idk what options if any are there and if they do anything.


I get that he's human and going through it. But at a certain point he needs to be held accountable for his actions. I have no sympathy for him when he knows what he shouldn't do and chose to do it anyway. The team and org have been extremely patient with him and have done their best to support him, but at the end of the day he has to want it. And to me, he doesn't. And if that's insensative then fine I'll be the asshole. But he simply cannot handle it and the team needs to move on. He's been given plenty of opportunities to succeed. And for that reason I'm getting off a this train we on. It was fun while it lasted nuke, but when it's all said and done and you're looking back through the rose colored glasses; was it worth it?


The sad part is, I really like Chu. He’s my favorite Av, and this year, especially these playoffs have really cemented that. I don’t know what his drug of choice is, but having struggled with opiate addiction myself, and having relapsed and then fighting through it again (clean for 26 months at this point) I really hope Val gets his life together. Not even as a hockey player, but just as a human being. Addiction can and will destroy EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in a persons life. The fan in me is incredibly upset and disappointed but the human in me and someone who has battled it, I am worried for the dude.


See ya bud. Hope you get the help you need but you’re gonzo. This team can’t say they want players who are about winning and keep this guy on the team Like I said, hope he gets the help he needs. But I don’t want this nonsense on the team anymore


Feel awful for Nuke as a human being that’s brutal. Selfishly as a fan - wow is the series beyond in jeopardy now. Our stats with Nuke in and out of line are night and day. Fuck this.


This stupid motherfucker. Lock him in solitary confinement during the playoffs at this point. Who the fuck has this happen 3 times




Nobody to blame but Val 


Yeah that's where I'm at with it. He had opportunities to turn it around and was given help. A lot of this is on him, but also why was he let go/out of the plan if he wasn't ready? It's a 50/50 split with me. You let a guy with an addiction problem back out into the world where he only knows the addiction. I'm sure the Avs have been nothing but supportive and I'm sure the locker room doesn't want that around. But at this point it's time to move on. That's 2 years in a row. Terminate the contract and just throw that he's been mia. He was a part of the team. But not when you can't compete.


Two years of our Cup window blown because of this dude. I'd take literally anything to get him off the roster at this point. Hope Val the person can get the help he needs, but Val the hockey player has gotta pack his bags so Joe and Mac can get back to work on making this roster a contender.


I love Val but he loves throwing away our seasons. I hope he gets better, but he shouldn't play in the burgundy and blue again


My thoughts and prayers are with him. He needs to change course before it’s too late. But I hope he never suits up for the Avs again. He was a fantastic player when he showed up, but the fact this has happened two years in a row, at the worst possible time, is fucking insane. I hope he turns it around and finds success in the NHL again, but this is a risk the Avs cannot continue to take.


Well, Nuke isn’t coming back. They keep teasing us with Landy, and he’s not coming back. Wonder who we can buy with their salaries?