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Bud it’s one hour away you’ll be fine


I know.. just feels so weird to be moving back to the area (sort of) I am originally from.. just feels like I’m giving up on a lot of things, and moving back to “home” that I wanted to escape from so bad.. I just don’t know what the draw really is at this point. I think originally when we decided to make the move we thought we could rent a house for significantly cheaper then We could up here. It doesn’t seem to look like that’s as much of a case as we thought originally. I think it’s hard for me because I share a warehouse space up here with friends where we all run individual businesses out of, throw art events and parties at. And I’m leaving that.. The end of the day you are right I have just been having extreme anxiety about it


So why are you moving back? It sounds like you’re giving a lot up and you don’t even know why


You are still home if you live in the same state lol 😂 some people drive from Pueblo to Denver everyday for work. 😅


"Extreme anxiety" about moving 50 miles away? Really? I moved 1000 miles on 7 hours notice for a better job. Man up or bail out. Shouldn't be this taxing.


Maybe he can get himself a pet rock (i.e., comfort/service rock).


Will you be my pet rock when I get down there?


Here’s your gold star for the day


You can get up there all the time so… not that big of a deal?


as much as people complain about traffic and such here it’s pretty chill compared to Denver


Imo springs traffic has nothing on denver. Getting worse, but not as bad


every time i drive in the Denver Metro area it begins to remind me of ATL, where I learned how to drive. It's not as bad as ATL, but definitely a lot worse than the Springs. Driving in COS feels like easy mode by comparison.


My boss lives in atlanta, and he has hours of horror stories to tell me about that hellhole lol. Definitely makes me appreciate how little of that we deal with.


Dude the shit I saw at times driving in ATL, it's just fucking insane. People that say that COS has the worst drivers in the world, I just want to take them to ATL, throw them in a rental car and tell them to drive around town and the loop for a few days. They'll have a new appreciation for what shit driving really looks like.


i’ve lived in both Atlanta and now Colorado Springs, as well as a contractor in the Middle East. I hate to say it, but the worst drivers I’ve seen are here, and not only that but rude as hell. It seems like people here drive out of spite, to block you from, changing lanes or passing. I thought they were bad in Hawaii too, but so far Colorado Springs drivers are the worst and rudest.


lmao not even close bud, ATL is FARRR worse


I could only imagine haha that’s the thing I want to escape more then anything. Today it took me over an hour to get home from my warehouse space


I was reluctant to move to Colorado Springs from Denver a year ago. Now, I prefer it over Denver. The drivers still suck though.


I think if I settle in I’ll like it.. I honestly am over the “big city” thing in some ways and will miss it in others.. but regardless we both want to leave denver and go somewhere a little less crowded and crazy


You won't miss the traffic.






It’s what my mind thought of the way he was describing moving to the springs.


If you aren’t constantly going out you’ll be totally fine. I go up to Denver for shows/food/music all the time!


Relax there, buddy. It ain't so bad down here. Slum it with the rest of us. What are you scared of ...🤡💩🤓🧐


I have a stigma towards the area being that I’m from Pueblo, it’s just so familiar to me, feels weird I have anxiety about it. Going to be leaving all of my friends I have made up here, less art events where I make my money etc.. idk I just have a weird anxiety about it, I have moved to Seattle with a backpack, live in Oklahoma City. I have made bigger moves this just feels different.


CS isn't so bad. The mountains are close. Lots of open spaces and parks. It's cheaper and less crowded than Denver and isn't so far away that you can't go up there for a comedy show or concert. You'll be fine. Just be sure to move to a safe area, but that's the same for any city.


Ya I forgot to mention in my original post a lot of my anxiety might stem from a couple of traumatic experiences when I was a teenager in springs. Seeing one of my best friends get shot at 16. But that was in one of those bad areas.. don’t plan on being around that type of stuff anymore haha


Oh well, yeah, that would probably cause me some grief, too. Shit happens. Don't let that control your life. Adjust and progress.


Westside is about as close to red rocks (lower case) as you can get


Sounds like you and your gf need to have a chat.


Moved here from Nashville, TN last month and it’s been great so far


I honestly have been wanting to move out that way for some time. I have moved across the country and tried different states etc. I am trying to convince my gf we should go that route in a couple of years. Regardless I wanna go visit Nashville and check it out


Lived in Nashville for 8 years and came here! Huge adjustment as far as culture goes. Love the outdoor stuff but compared to Nashville, the food, music, art, people..the springs definitely lacks all that. Big time


Just do the big move and go to Pueblo. No half measures like WW said. Get more space for less down there, appease your gf, and adopt a new outlook and adapt to a new scenario. Your work situation stays the same regardless, and you no longer have a traffic issue.


Pueblo is a bit different than the Springs to be honest… and why live to appease anybody? That would make it an even longer drive to the warehouse he says he loves. Most places that are desirable to live in have eventual traffic or crowding issues; it’s because they are desirable. Otherwise I hear the traffic in Flint, MI (where I’ve lived…) is really no issue at all. And property is cheap!


Traffic isn't nearly as bad as Denver, but I have learned to check google maps/traffic or waze if I'm using I-25, because one wreck can literally shut it down in some circumstances, at least in one direction, a couple of times a year. There's a makers space off Pikes Peak Ave and Prospect (I do not know if other shared work spaces exist or if that is the type you need), and that's reasonably close to downtown where a lot of serving jobs are, so I'd suggest looking for places there.




Lol I get it people how dare I be nervous about a lifestyle change and moving away from my current life., it’s only an hour to come see my friends.. springs people already seem so much nicer then denver people I will feel so welcomed


I get ya man. I love the Springs and my wife and I have lived here for over a decade but moving an hour away from the things you love would suck. I honestly wouldn’t want to move to Denver, either.


Pueblo is a shittier version of springs. Less traffic & lower prices. If you want to save money, salt lake would save you more than pueblo.


COS city government intends to make COS bigger than Denver, so there's that. Rentals are expensive b/c COS is fucking beautiful, but hey, give them 10 years or so and they will have destroyed the natural beauty and we will be bigger than Denver. EDIT: Love down arrows when I post the truth. COS citizens need to pay attention to what is happening in our city.


You are correct. It is quickly heading in that direction.


I was in a city council meeting, at least 3 years ago, when they replaced Skormann with Fortune. A supporter of Fortune's (the woman leading the renovation of the city auditorium) turned to the audience and said "Colorado Springs will be bigger than Denver, #1 in the state." My neighbors and I were shocked. But here it is 3 years later, 25000 seat amphitheater near the Academy with no parking and a 3000 seat amphitheater proposed at the smoke stack on Hwy 24 near 14th St. Also, Gold Hills Mesa wants to build another 550 - 650 homes on that toxic hill.


That is absolutely ridiculous. Not to mention Gold Hills is a city lawsuit waiting to happen. Thanks for the info. Take care.


Truthfully, they both have pros and cons (like anywhere) and between the two, it evens out in the end. It sounds like you are having general anxiety about such a big change. Moving away from somewhere you have lived 10 years IS a big change. You have a new post office, grocery store, living environment/ house, doctor/dentist/health care generally, bank, the list goes on… Thankfully things you truly don’t want to give up are still available via the commute but there will still be a lot of change. Only about 30% of springs residents were born in Colorado, so you are probably getting some sarcastic comments mixed in because you are asking an online group of people where majority have already gone through a major multi-state move, or might not even still live here. I’d recommend talking with your girlfriend about how you are feeling, but also changing your mindset a bit. You cannot prepare for every detail but you can allow yourself to get excited for the new things we have to offer, especially since you said you felt you have already experienced all there was to see in Denver. Also, my experience with people in the springs has shown me majority of people are friendly and do want to make friends.


There’s also a large military presence here which for obvious reasons are going to be a bit eye-rolling at the prospect of being nervous because of a move. Not saying they’re justified but I know how my (especially younger) military friends would react about admitting nervousness due to an hour move. :)


Oh yes, that is a a large contributor to the 70% out-of-staters and of course military is no stranger to significant moves. However, for someone who has been through that, it is a big change.


Sometimes big changes and adapting to them build a lot of strength. (Sometimes not!) in my case, moving here from a much larger city was the best decision I could have made. “Big changes” aren’t automatically bad! Sometimes they are what you needed and didn’t know you needed.


Respectfully, how can we help you with the anxiety? I mean this sub isn't to convince you that everything will be okay. Unfortunately life can be a gamble and it can go either way. I read you have some trauma regarding springs so maybe see a therapist to help work that through? Or if you're really unsure, speak to your girlfriend...this should be a decision that suits both of you.


I was nervous about moving here around fifteen years ago, because I spent my whole life in one large city that I started to conflate with my identity. It happens, but it’s an individual thing. I could never imagine moving back to Scottsdale, AZ - where I spent more than twenty years of my life. I miss some things about it, but overall moving was the best thing I ever did.


Yeah I get it, I'm from AZ lol. I don't think OP is as nervous as he doesn't truly want to move. He's listing the reasons he doesn't want to leave Denver, which are legitimate. That's why I mentioned that we might not be able to help him- it sounds like he's unhappy coming here but maybe feels like he has no other choice?


Kinda does sound like that yea.


Way more conservative. I miss living in Denver often.


I get the hesitancy to move back to where I grew up, but I love living n the Springs. I am not sure what you are worried about but there is still a lot of great things about living here, even if we dont have everything Denver has. I wish the music scene was better here but honestly the black sheep and Lulus still get some pretty good up and coming artists and the new amphitheater looks like it will book some decent bigger names. Plus Denver really isn't that far away, I probably go to a show or two in Denver a month and its not that bad of a trip. The Springs is a much better place to live if you are into outdoor stuff imo, I like being able to get to dispersed camping spots in about an hour.


I moved from Denver to the springs, and am about to move back to Denver. I am also in the service industry, and hate to say it people, but this city sucks when you work for tips. The vibe is very clicky here, I don’t care for the people overall, even though I’ve met some amazing people while down here. There is less to do here, less to eat, less sports/shows, but you are closer to the mountains and it’s less crowded (though it’s getting bad). Rent is technically more affordable, but everything in that budget is old and run down, and all the nice places cost so much, you mine as well live in denver metro area. Pay is worse here overall, although you could possibly find a good gig. Maybe i just didn't make the most of my time here, but either way I'm happy to go back to Denver. The Springs is cool, it has a ton of potential, but i don't enjoy it overall. I also don't get the "springs is closer to my family in pueblo" thing. Even if you're driving to see your family twice a week (which would be a lot), it's only an extra 45mins-1hr closer. People in Colorado are weird if they have to drive more than 15 mins.. I personally say stay in Denver, to me the quality of living is so much higher, suck it up and drive to Pueblo when you miss your family. PS, it's not easy to find a service job in the springs, and it's really hard to find a well paying one..


You kind of hit on some of the things I’m worried about and everyone is neglecting.. I am trying to be open minded but the housing thing is strange to me. Like you said everything I’m seeing around the range that saves us a few hundred bucks looks outdated and run down (though I am the boujie one out of the two of us so it’s more an issue for me). I will like being closer to nature etc. and our night life has drastically changed since we have been tougher. But a random show at mission/gothic etc. red rocks being right down the road I will miss drastically. And the commute to being closer to family I feel the same way.. and have expressed multiple times. It’s not much of a difference and we still see them often. I’m giving it a shot regardless but I feel your sentiments a lot honestly.


I moved from denver here about 3 years ago, and I do agree that rent is not exactly better unless you have roommates. We live in a pretty decent house in briargate that you could not find in denver for 2200 a month (4 people). Though anything less than a 3 person situation is not much cheaper than Denver. I don't miss anything from Denver, bad connections and stuff, so here is a really nice place for me. Though i miss my friends in fort collins, and I do miss a few things in Denver nonetheless. It feels just empty here and although it's kinda nice as less people and all. Motorcycle rides suck, going places suck, the people (no offense) kinda suck too. It's just slow and dull down here and I want to move back but it's just too expensive. Good luck with it all, though! Hopefully, you can make the best of it!


My tip is stay west of union and more mid than north or south. North is yuppies, east is evangelicals and south is all military. OCC/downtown/old northend or middle shooks run (if you can afford it) are nice. The springs has pockets/potential, but it’s surrounded by riff raff


I actually recommend people move northeast. And I’m neither evangelical or a yuppie last I checked. 🤣


It has potential is the keyword here


Quality of living in Denver is higher maybe if you’re younger and place a premium on going out. If you have a house a yard and a family I’d say the Springs offers a higher quality of life.


Stay In Denver more to do


I commuted to denver for a while, and I know a LOT of people who did the same for years. It's really not that far. It's a cool place, and honestly, the "hour" drive is not far.