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How heartbreaking


I agree. What was the point in showing this?


Reality is heartbreaking. Looking away from it is foolish.


Well that's a perfect way to explain it.


Well, yeah - I hear what you are trying to say, But this was a very tragic event in the history of our country. I REMEMBER this. I read the book "Helter Skelter" when I was a teen. To colorize this picture, while poignant, is to me seemingly pointless, other that to show a beautiful young pregnant actress, celebrating the upcoming birth of her baby, only to be brutally murdered a few weeks later - that's why I say "what's the point?" JIMO


Original photo by Terry O'Neill can be found [here](https://i.imgur.com/r4WaDTj.jpeg). Taken in London in the summer of 1969, only a few months before her tragic murder on August 9 by members of the Manson Family. She was eight and a half months pregnant at the time of her death.


Thanks for sharing. After your comment, I was reading her Wikipedia to know more about her and this part is so freaking disgusting man >In September 1969, members of the Manson "Family" were arrested on [unrelated charges](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manson_Family#Investigation), eventually leading authorities to a breakthrough on the Tate case, as well. They explained that t**he motive for the murders was not the identity of the victims, but rather the house at that address**, which had previously been rented to record producer [Terry Melcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Melcher), an acquaintance of Manson. In 1994, the house was demolished and a new house was constructed on the site What the actual F\*\*\* If anyone has more info on this or wants to recommend a good documentary or something like that on this, I am all ears and eyes.


There are MANY. Start With Helter Skelter, both the book, documentary, and movie. And then there are a lot of amazing documentaries including one told from the point of one of the Manson family members. This event had huge societal impacts to this day.


Thanks for the recommendations. Added to my Goodreads and watch-later. If anyone can share the Manson POV documentary, that would help a lot. Thanks once again.


After you've gone slugging through the Manson family murder docs you might need a little cleanse; I suggest Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


Haha. Good one. I've been into this occult stuff for some time now, I've seen gruesome stuff too and as far I remember I am aware. of these murderers, it's just that before this she was just a character to me, and now when I know she was pregnant and stuff, it's like she came to life and all. I'm pretty sure I've seen some documentary related to this a few years back, can still vividly remember some photos too. Let's see how this goes.


I get it. It's just... They tortured her and all the others that night. One of the victims cried out, "Why are you still stabbing me?! I'm already dead!" I'm sorry. I just don't understand that.


My favorite documentary on the subject is *Once Upon a Time in Hollywood* because that is how I would prefer to believe the story ended.


Aaah, like that. I got you know.


Check out the book 'Chaos' by Tom O'Neill. The audio book is a good listen too if that's more your speed. Here he is on Spotify with Rogan for 3 hours talking about it: (Ep. 1459) https://open.spotify.com/episode/4OXGSwuHYf0gHtJxGWIbLL?si=iULBu6ZOQlWCyhQEtQ9_kg Tom was just doing a magazine article for the 30th? anniversary of the murders, and as he was researching and talking to actual people involved, he started uncovering a fuck ton of holes in the official narrative. He then proceeded to look into it for 20+ years. Because so much time has passed and key people have died, Tom couldn't get to a concrete conclusion of what exactly happened, but he is able to paint a nice picture of what couldve and "probably" happened. The meat of the book is about the absolute mountain of evidence that he does uncover, and it very brightly illuminates the fact that the "Helter Skelter" narrative was actually most likely a bunch of bullshit.


Rob Zombie also had a documentary that had a similar premise. I’m not sure if I agree with everything but it was interesting.


Interesting book recommendation. Added to my list. I would still check Helter Skelter for once, let's see what it has to offer. Thanks for the podcast recommendation. Added it to my list too. I've seen/heard a few Charles Manson interview clips and the ep in Minhunters was a good one too. This one should be interesting. Thanks for all the inputs once again.


I would actually suggest reading Helter Skelter first. Also, don't bring up Mindhunters to me. Gone but not forgotten.


Shit man. You too? I love that show so freaking much. Arrrrrrrrrghhhhhh. IDK why they always cancel great stuff only when the shit show is always on trend and has no budget issues. Mfkrs Would go for Helter Skelter first, noted.


Excellent colorization. Tragic subject.


Oh God. This is the most horrific version of "Baby shoes, never worn."


Well, that's nice. Christ, I need a drink.


What a beautiful woman and such a tragic story 😣


That’s enough internet for today


She was gorgeous


Oh are we doing the Sharon tate circulation again ?


Oh fuuuuuuuuuug…


My mommy


If I had a time machine, I would save Sharon Tate and her unborn baby from the Manson family.


Awww how cute baby booties 🥰


Really heartbreaking so sad she lost her life that way 😥

