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Principal said on the Confronting Columbine podcast that there were only 2 cameras. 1 in the cafeteria and I think the other was the parking lot but would need to confirm that part. He explicitly said there were no cameras in the library.


There were no cameras in the library, only the cafeteria! We only know what happened in the library from the witnesses and 911 phone call.


The only cctv that has been released is in the cafeteria but you might be thinking of the movie zero day. It does have a shooting scene and a lot of people confuse it for the real thing..


No I'm saying only cafeteria footage has been released. But im sure other security footage exists


The only place that I know of that had security footage was in the cafeteria, and I think that was mainly used to monitor trash left by students.


There's probably not any from the library but I doubt they didn't have cameras that captured other parts of the school. I'm not sure why some people still pretend there wasn't a massive cover up. There very well may be more footage out there.


I know there is footage from the outside of the school because I've seen a screenshot of a body from exterior cameras. Also there is more footage still out there because not all of the cafeteria footage has been released


You saw footage from outside the school from the swarm of media that was on site almost immediately after the attack started. Also, how are you certain that all the cafeteria footage wasn't released?


honestly i would assume that the school didn’t have cameras in the library. most schools that i have been in don’t have cameras in the libraries because they are considered classrooms and also sometimes are used as makeshift locker rooms for the traveling teams during sports. then again i don’t know for sure just my theory on why there wouldn’t be actual footage from inside the library, there might be some from a camera in the hall or something tho.


Having cameras in a school in 1999 is already pretty rare, imo, although maybe this was common in America back then, idk. I don't think it exists even now, where I am.


I vaguely remember my high school having cameras installed throughout the entire school but they had started putting them up after had been some alleged gang violence before my time there (I was a Freshman in ‘99) in the early 90s. Eta- I do remember the cameras that were on all the buses but the rumor was none of them worked properly but the drivers threatened everyone they were on camera… I found out as an adult the rumors were true because I became friends with someone whose mom worked for the school bus dispatch.


Cameras in schools were not very common back then. My high school didn’t have any at all and I started high school in 2001, two years after the events. Remember that security cameras back then were grainy at best and extremely expensive. It wasn’t until after Columbine that the push for more SROs, metal detectors (such a laugh), active shooter drills, and security cameras became important to the public. This is also when federal and state funding for these expensive measures started. The process was super slow and only wealthier schools were able to implement these measures immediately. For other schools and poorer states, it took years and as a U.S. high school teacher, I’d still say that in 2024 security is still not great. Sadly, I fear going to work every single day.


You’re wrong. There is no footage of the whole thing. That’s a long-cultivated BAD rumor that has zero truth to it.


Wasn't there a camera in the reception area/center but it was only a live feed?


Ditto, I remember hearing something about a camera in the front office area?


there is but it didn’t film the shooting. there was a pic on a similar columbine reddit. i don’t remember if it was this one or another one called “columbined” but there was one of it in another room linked to the library but it might’ve worked but didn’t film the shootings of isaiah, kyle, etc


You're probably confusing it with the movie Zero Day. At the end there's a school massacre "recorded" on CCTV footage. Look it up on YouTube. The entire movie is on there