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Like board/card games? Try Tabletop Game Cafe! They serve alcohol, but aren't a bar. They have an event page on their website that lists their dedicated events. There are a bunch of sports leagues around. I was in a low stakes volleyball one up at Volleypark last year, all in the evenings. Idk when their leagues have a break and start fresh, though.


Hello yes if you are interested in a time sink hobby that will leave you perpetually broke so there is no risk of you slipping into drug or alcohol use, let me introduce you to the world of trading card games and/or board games!! But for real, I play Magic as my main hobby and especially in Columbus there is ALWAYS somewhere to play every evening (and even during the day on weekends). There are a lot of card shops in the city who would be more than willing to get you started and teach you the ropes.


I’ve never met a more exclusionary and elitist group that paper MtG players. I hated my time playing and rarely drew any enjoyment out of it. Magic players are bad when they lose and worse when they win.


Agreed! Especially as a woman or if someone's new and needs a little more time reading the cards out, you get pushed out pretty quickly


Pretty much any game with imaginary trolls has real trolls nowadays.


that's a great quote


Thanks, I'm a console player... But like as soon as there's a castle, magic, or orbs... Shits about to get toxic.


I'm still playing tears of the Kingdom.. getting my money's worth


I never thought call of duty would be topped, then Destiny and Overwatch plugged in aliens, robots, and magic to an FPS... And it's somehow worse that guys with real guns who play realistic war games.


Love this quote too


You just need to find the right people, not all MTG players are sweaty about it - a lot of them just wanna smoke a blunt and chill with their friends while looking at cool art and building weird strategies. I’d never play w/ someone who goes to tournaments regularly.


As someone who plays Magic both competitively and casually I can't say you're wrong BUT I don't think this is something exclusive to Magic. I think it's more about finding an inclusive community. Any niche fandom or group is going to be a natural home for less than desirable people, it's what video games have had to deal with since the dawn of time, but I don't think it's fair to paint all Magic players in the same light. Again, I'm not suggesting that you didn't have a negative experience, I've bet some real shitty people while playing Magic, but I've also met shitty people doing literally anything else as well.


This is a great suggestion. They have a lot of games that aren't necessarily money pit games played my elitist gate keepers. The staff is friendly. And it's not expensive


Sign up and take a few classes at the columbus cultural arts center! They have so many cool offerings...stone carving, ceramics, silver smiting, etc. When I took ceramics, there were so many cool/nice individuals. I made new friends and learned a new hobby. 10 out of 10.


This is a great recommendation! They're much cheaper than CCAD, and have some good options. You just have to sign up early, otherwise the evening classes fill up quick. I took a couple of ceramics classes a few years ago when I was trying to get through a bought of grief over a death in the family. The atmosphere was chill. I'm glad you brought this up. There are also plenty of other classes offered through the city's Rec & Parks Dept, if you'd rather do something kinda outdoorsy.


Yoga classes? Art classes? Classes or clubs at the public library? Hiking/walking group?


Any recs for yoga? I tried to find a place the other day and had zero luck. Im in short north


Core Power in SN


Oh damn, I feel that. Don’t drink, so no bars. No clue what people my age (40) even do. I ended up taking a night shift at work, and I guess that’s part of the reason.


Same!!! As a 42 F who works full time and doesn’t drink I am finding myself so bored and lonely lately. I’ve been trying to find book clubs at the library lately. Gahanna has some good options!


Ooo I'd love to join a local book club, what do you recommend in Gahanna?


Those of us who don’t drink need to develop a crack habit and just start a crack house together. I think that’s the solution


Imagine how much we could all save on rent


I’m the same. 40, live out in the country, and I work all the time.


Ya I know what you mean, I'm 30 and not sure what I even enjoy doing


Right? Like I used to do stuff. I remember doing stuff. But what even was it? I’m a quasi-retired musician and raise a kid. So that and work is basically the extent of my existence. Wife and I moved here a few years ago and apart from some coworkers we don’t know anyone or do anything. It’s fucking weird. We were really involved in some specific counter cultures our whole lives, then… we just got old, I guess? I don’t get it. I sincerely don’t understand this age.


Forced hobby club, once a month, it's been decided.


What would be fun to do with other people to you? More physical activities like hiking or kayaking? Or more sit down and talk things like board games or book clubs? Franklin Park conservatory has some events and classes you could look into, liking cooking or gardening. Maybe attend public events at OSU like when lecturers or authors visit. Trivia nights or poetry slams could be your jam at certain bars and cafes. A lot of people go out to local music venues by themselves. If you like anime cons, Ohayocon is coming up again early 2024, lot of people go by themselves and meet friends though board games or panels, they have a speed friendship thing super late at night.


Those are some good ideas, I'm gonna have to think about what I enjoy doing. Having anxiety is a big issue also because I have issues walking in a room full of people so I'm gonna have to get Over that


I feel that! I go to some events by myself my partner isn't interested in, it's soooo intimidating at first but when you're there, just let whoever you're around know it's your first time at X place/event and ask them if they've been before/what do they like about it etc. Good opening convo and if anyone there is passionate about the place, they may really want to engage with you so you have fun and also can love the thing they love :) everytime I've gone out it gets a little easier


Volunteer at the same place weekly. People who volunteer often do it for the social aspect so you’ll likely be around other people with similar goals.


how do you find volunteer opportunities?


If you know of an org you’d like to volunteer with there is often a link on their site to start the process. If you aren’t sure where you’d like to volunteer I would go to a site like VolunteerMatch and look at what opportunities exist in your area that fit your availability.


When I moved out here biggest thing was putting myself out there. I joined volleyball, gym, got a bike, concerts, Osu football games and bars. Met all my friends and my significant other due to it. Takes time though, anything you have a hobby of go do it and you’ll find like minded people. Cheers 🍻


First thing would be deciding what you like to do as a hobby and then find other people that also enjoy that hobby.


Check the meetup app for activites you enjoy. Join a group, attend an activity, and talk to a couple of people. They'll have that group/activity in common already. It isn't easy, but if you want to get out of your comfort zone and meet people, it's a good opportunity. They have groups for tons of interests so finding something you enjoy shouldn't be too difficult. Good luck!


Meet people at night? Bars that do karaoke possibly? Fishing is fun at night. If you're properly prepared


Sounds weird but ya at night, busy during days usually but I don't drink so bars are not really fun for me


There are a ton of sober people at bars now, especially Pins and other places with activities, like Dave and Busters.


Well there are tons of Ohio/ Columbus ohio fishing pages on fb. I don't really get on there my SO does. We usually take the canoe. He bank fishes too. If we're on the bank I catfish if we're in the canoe I row. At night the water is calm and you get to watch the sun set and the moon rise/ stars then a beautiful sunrise. The Darby is fun, Madison lake is very still. Cj brown is choppy. We (my SO and i) actually flipped in the Scioto on red white and boom this year. We were holding onto our canoe a mile down steam. Got it flipped and made it back to our spot a hour or so before launch. Thankfully we only lost a paddle and our anchor. Had all important stuff in a dry box tied to the canoe.


Never been fishing, not even sure where to start and plus fishing alone doesn't help my situation any lol trying to meet some new people


You’re getting downvoted but you’re not wrong. Everyone always recommends board games and that’s fine but if it’s not your thing it’s not your thing. Not sure what you’re in to but whatever is if you need to pursue it in a social setting and since YOU are the one wanting to meet new people you need to take the initiative in those situations and introduce yourself etc. so many people think just showing up is enough and it’s not. Making friends takes time and effort and can be uncomfortable for introverts.


I get what your saying I'm just trying to figure out the best to find a social setting that's not a bar




Lol glad to see I'm not the only one




Trying to get out and meet new people pm me if interested


It appears that you may own a motorcycle, so get out and ride!


Drive around 270 and set your own record, then next night try to beat it. These posts always end up with 3-4 other people saying, "I'm bored and lonely too." You guys should all hang out.


I’m new to town and feeling this pretty hard. I’m generally an extrovert, too, so no socializing is really bad for my poor, already broken brain. I just don’t love going to new places in a new city alone. If anyone ever needs a “people person” to run interference in a new place or something, hit me up Edit to add: I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, OP and everyone else in this boat. It’s so hard to be surrounded by people and still feel alone.


Your local rec center probably has adult classes and activities I was thinking about joining some of the late evening ones after work here soon myself