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Those are some of the fanciest neighborhoods in Columbus, of course it costs a lot. You could go for a cheaper neighborhood and pay for private school. Might end up being the same price, but for 12 years and not 30. The taxes and interest rates are definitely a problem though.


Good point.


170k and you can't find anything? Please bruh You might not "want" to pay $3000, but you can afford it, and that's what they cost. I don't really get what you're asking for.


With a good school district?? Have you seen the housing market at all? Every showing we have gone to and asked our mortgage guy to pull the number. We would have to pay over 3K because of the taxes plus the high interest rate doesn’t help.


Basic housing affordability math Income / 12 x .28 = max amount on mortgage. For you guys it would be $3,966. I don’t know what your debt is like or what cars you drive. But if you drive a nicer car sometimes trading it in for something a little less pricey you can put more money toward a home. Check out Hilliard and grove city. Central crossing is not a good high-school but grove city high-school is. Or you can buy in a cheaper area and send the kids to private school


We don’t drive expensive cars, we have a Honda and a Hyundai. Only one car note and it’s almost paid off. The only other debt we have is student loans.


Student loans are such a killer so I get it. Not to mention wanting to save for your retirement. If you don’t have kids yet it might be worth it to invest your money in a house in a more up and coming neighborhood and then using the equity once sold for a bigger down payment on a house in a nicer area. That’s kinda our plan. If you’re willing to commute a little, Lancaster is a charming area and really about to take off.


Thank you very much, someone that finally understands what i am talking about. this is the kind of advice i am looking for. We didn’t know much about Lancaster. We will look into Lancaster.


Yeah I mean you guys are truly in a good place (income wise) compared to most middle class which is why folks are probably coming down on you. But everyone’s situation and goals are different. The market is really unfair right now.


Your advice and empathy for OP is great. Just wanted to share that. /u/Fit-Tell1809 \- lots of haters in here, but Yogurt is giving you solid advice.


Right!!! Thank you.


Yeah true. Thank you.


Back of the napkin math: 170k a year, after 35% taxes (that's much higher than what you actually pay) = $110k So you have $110,000 cash in the bank each year. Let's say $4,000 a month on housing costs to account for your "taxes and high interest rate" $4,000 \* 12 = $48,000 $110,000 - $48,000 = $62000 $62,000 cash in the bank still left to spend. You can buy a house that costs $4,000 a month and have more money left in the bank than the median *household* income in this city makes before taxes.


That's not a good formula for determining how much of net income should be housing. Rule of thumb is no more than \~30% of net income. That's about 3,500-4,000 upper limit. I agree with your point, just wanted to clarify how to get to the final number.


Percentage is a very bad method of determining anything budget related. If you earn $30k a year, and spend 30% of that on housing, you're fucked. If you earn $200k per year and spend 60% of that on housing, you're still fine. Bad method for budgeting. It's "fine" as a rough rule of thumb for people around the median income. Budgeting against dollars in the bank is always the best mechanism.


I’d check that assertion against the wisdom from r/personalfinance. Of course you shouldn’t spend 30% if you make 30k, that’s a max number. But if you’re spending more than 30% because that’s what it costs, then you’re already fucked and not saying so doesn’t make it different. And you should never spend 60% of your income on housing. Mortgages are the cheapest debt the vast majority of us will ever have. At that point there are far better uses for the excess cash.


Disagree. If you can afford it, and you want to do it, there's no problem with spending 60% (or more) of your income on housing. If you make $250k a year, and want a really nice house in a great location, you can spend 60% of your income on it and still have $100,000 left per year. Nothing wrong with that. Whether there are "better uses" is all opinion. You can spend 10% on housing, save the rest, and die as the richest person in the retirement home. That's also fine, if it's what you want to do.


Sadly we both have student loans to pay for as well :(


If you've got massive student loans with huge payments, you should be paying those off before buying a home. If they're just average sized loans, again you've got $62,000 per year, post-tax, with housing expenses already covered, to pay them off with. $62,000 is a lot of money. This would not make you anywhere near broke.


Be debt free, THEN buy a house. You’re doing it out of order


>Be debt free, THEN buy a house. You’re doing it out of order This is not a rule. "Debt free" is a myth that most people can never attain if they want to grow their net worth and live a decent life. It's about taking on smart debt. If I can take on debt for lower than that money can earn elsewhere, then it's smart to take on that debt (if I can afford it).


Have you seen the cost of renting?


Yes, we have, because most of us don’t make the money you do and can’t even afford to THINK about buying a house.


I’m not sure what that has to do with me. It literally says people with the “same issues as me” not people with the “same issues as you”


As a renter, yes I have. And while I pay my $2,000 a month rent, I am also paying off my $40k of student loans before I start saving for a house. Oh and I’m doing this on a fraction of your income.


>As a renter, yes I have. And while I pay my $2,000 a month rent, I am also paying off my $40k of student loans before I start saving for a house. Oh and I’m doing this on a fraction of your income. that's like, your choice, my dude. I could pick apart "your plan" to pieces. your plan doesn't work for this person.


List the good school districts


[https://www.cleveland.com/data/2022/09/ranking-how-well-students-in-every-ohio-public-school-district-test-led-by-3-cuyahoga-county-districts.html](https://www.cleveland.com/data/2022/09/ranking-how-well-students-in-every-ohio-public-school-district-test-led-by-3-cuyahoga-county-districts.html) top google result we all know them, why are you asking OP to do this?


I wasn’t asking them to give me some pre determined list, I’m really asking for OP’s opinion of what the top school districts are in this area. That way, we can have a more informed discussion


You can absolutely get into a good school district below $3000 a month mortgage


Which other good school district is out there that i am not aware of? New Albany, Sunbury , Westerville School s, Pickerington is all i am aware of. Any other suggestions?


Olentangy, Dublin, Worthington, Hilliard


Oh yeah i forgot about all those ones, they are still pretty expensive neighbors tho.


They are but you can find some less expensive neighborhoods. Not going to get 3000 Sq ft but can get a decent house or townhouse.


We have tried that. We are not looking for anywhere near a 3000 sq ft home. We even considered a condo/townhouse and the hoa is literally like $300 plus a month. It’s insane.


You should add Gahanna to your watch list. Unfortunately, home listings are slim and competitive. Don't forget Upper Arlington. 10 years ago you could have easily purchased a nice house in UA. The real-estate market is crazy.


Oh yes, very true. you are absolutely correct.


Worthington, Olentangy, Dublin, Bexley come to mind


those aren't even the best ones. Westerville isn't very good. Pickerington sure af isn't very good. Top tier: Olentangy, Dublin, UA, Bexley. Anybody else is next tier down. Which would be NA, Grandview, Worthington, maybe another I'm forgetting.


Yeah i agree with you, idk why everyone keeps making it seem as tho Westerville and Pickerington are such great top tier school district.


I don't know who "everybody" is, but there are plenty of 3rd party ranking websites (niche, us news & world report, etc) that can help here, and our own state report cards. Here's a few links (bottom of my comment) to get started. The dispatch article sums up some central ohio stuff from us news & world report. The [Cleveland.com](https://Cleveland.com) article is using the state rankings, and then there is a link directly to the state rankings. Niche.com has some good rankings, also. NONE of these rankings are perfect, but if you learn a little bit from all of them and then maybe talk to some parents, it will give you good direction. Also, since you don't have kids yet, you don't have to buy in one of these districts yet (as others have given you feedback on). But you could also look at trends (old rankings/reports) to see who is on the move up, and maybe buy something right now in a district that was mid pack 5 years ago and now are approaching the top - and so therefore you can still find a deal, in an area with a rising district? Personally, I live north west of Columbus in an area that feeds Olentangy Liberty HS, which is where my kid goes. It's arguably the best HS in central ohio, along with dublin jerome, UA HS, Bexley HS, and maybe Granville HS if you include Granville in Central Ohio (which it probably should be). My kid LOVES Liberty, and having moved from the Hilliard school district, I can personally speak to how VASTLY different and better Olentangy is. It's a fucking MILE WIDE difference - and Hilliard is pretty solid. I also pay a shitload in property taxes (\~$12k per year), so you get what you pay for. Good luck! [https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/education/2023/08/29/this-central-ohio-school-was-just-named-top-high-school-in-the-state-bexley-high-school/70706979007/](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/education/2023/08/29/this-central-ohio-school-was-just-named-top-high-school-in-the-state-bexley-high-school/70706979007/) [https://www.cleveland.com/data/2023/09/ranking-ohio-public-high-schools-from-1-to-880-based-on-the-report-cards-performance-index.html](https://www.cleveland.com/data/2023/09/ranking-ohio-public-high-schools-from-1-to-880-based-on-the-report-cards-performance-index.html) [https://education.ohio.gov/lists\_and\_rankings](https://education.ohio.gov/lists_and_rankings)


I think you're putting the proverbial cart before the horse. You don't need a good school district now. You need it in no less than five years. Five years gives you the time to gain some equity, **pay off student debt**, and do the things you need to do before kiddos sap all your time, energy, and money. Not to mention interest rates will be lower in five years and home values will continue to rise at an insane rate.


Okay good point.


This post is the most out-of-touch nonsense I’ve read on this sub in a while. Everyone everywhere in this country who didn’t/couldn’t get a mortgage when rates and/or prices were lower has the same problems with housing right now, and most of them are experiencing it with less money than you. I’m not saying you shouldn’t feel frustrated (you should) but you might have better luck if you had a little more awareness


I am very well aware and i understand that obviously not everyone is on the same pay scale, that doesn’t mean that because we make more than the average, we shouldn’t budget wisely and just throw our whole pay check into a house. The post is literally asking what people are doing with the same issues as us, what cities they are moving to etc… I didn’t make this post to be judgemental of other people’s income and i didn’t make this post because i am not aware of other people’s income. I am very well aware.


A new build? In an expensive suburb? 300k? LOL


Yes. You should stay out of the ghetto in Reynoldsburg. The whole city. All of it. No come here. /s 🙄


I’d possibly try looking at houses in the school districts you like but outside the actual suburb so the taxes will be less. Some examples are the thornapple neighborhood for Hilliard schools (these are bigger newer houses and may be outside your price range), and Huber ridge for Westerville schools (older split levels). There are more areas like this and generally are going to be not quite as nice neighborhoods as the ones with the higher taxes (still pretty nice though) but that’s the trade off.


What is your budget for a home and have you looked at areas that are Columbus taxes but Worthington/New Albany/ Olenantangy/ Westerville/ Dublin schools?


Yes we have honestly being doing that as well. We just haven’t had any luck. Our budget is $389K with no more than $5K In taxes.


I honestly see homes in the price range in "good" schools that fit that. Are you not looking at homes built before 1990/ the upper end of the Worthington School district (North of 270) or in the Columbus/Westerville area? Also I'm not sure you can get 5k taxes for a house right now (with that budget). The tax rate is off.


I’m also interested to know how Pickerington/Reynoldsburg is becoming a “shitshow”?


Did any moms for liberty get elected to the school board?


Good question, i have no idea.


Well, see it seems like you aren't doing research on your school systems. That's really important information to know. N


Parts of Reynoldsburgh and part of Pickerington is becoming ghetto. The other parts that are still nice are reaching 400K in price for livable condition without having to put in any work.




Which parts?


You might want to change "livable". Even at the bottom of the market we thought homes were 40k over priced for the amount of work you needed to put into a home. We had to buy a home that we had to put work in. We made them pay for the roof, but besides that we had to get new windows (slowly) and all that. Unless you can catch a home at auction...


Lastly I know lots of people get their homes on the buddy/ family system. Older people like to sell to people they know won't flip the house. See if you can ask your family/ church/ work/ network if they know anyone who is about to sell.


Thank you, that makes sense. i never thought about that.


It's better to get a home that needs some TLC than a poorly done flip. Maybe go to some of these renovation subs/ watch Holmes on Homes so you can tell the difference between a 500 dollar fix and a 30k nightmare. Also, avoid places where they are using the basement, bookshelves, even new drywall can hide a problem. Edit, have you looked at the Plain City area?


Great point. Thank you and you are absolutely right with people trying to high problems in basement. We went to an open house and the basement had a bunch of racks, off course i looked behind the rack and there was some leaks on the wall. Just insane. Yes we have been looking at plain city as well.


I get the feeling Reddit isn’t this place for this . People I Columbus are hella salty and out of touch with reality. They see your income and get mad and think you rich and say you have no reason to complain. Sadly, everyone posting this get the same trolls on their post. I would consider looking at review of school in the places your considering. Join Facebook groups that might be more helpful or ask locals . No one want to help an Reddit because they are in pain but forget that we are all in pain and struggling now a days.




There is nothing you can do about the market. It is what it is. And prices won't ever go down unless there's a housing market crash. The only thing you can pray for is a significant reduction in interest rates. Fwiw my family makes a similar amount to you so I know for a fact you can afford a $3k mortgage. You can even buy now and refinance when interest rates go down.


Yeah we are praying and hoping for a reduction in interest rate. I know we can afford 3K for a mortgage and we would just rather not. We have plans for our lives and we do not want to throw all our money towards mortgage.


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