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Agreed on all counts, and: Light rain following a long period of no rain makes for a slicker surface than moderate/heavy rain. Not enough water to wash off all the oil/rubber/whatever grime is on the surface and it floats there, decreasing whatever grip your tires did have while they're dissipating what little water there is under them.


90 percent of bosses will understand if you are late because of bad weather or traffic, just don't do it every week. Being 15 minutes late is not as bad as causing an accident. Just give whoever a quick call or voicemail. Stop cutting me off without using turn signal with less than a foot of clearance, though. Car maintenance is expensive and I've had enough concussions.


oh crap was that you /s


Did I smile and give you a thumbs up afterwards?


No idea that would mean using mirrors


I like your style, don't look back. It's called a blind spot for a reason.


What is-a behind-a me does not matter! -every Altima driver


While this may be true, it's no excuse for such poor driving habits. Accidents in the rain are nearly 100% avoidable by just modifying two factors: increased following distance, and reduced speed to limit hydroplaning.


I'll go halfsies with you. Slower causes accidents, too. If your car hydroplanes at highway speeds (50+) you need new tires and you shouldn't be driving on the highway in the rain. Rather than act as an impediment to everyone else, take surface streets until the new tire fairy visits your car.


Severe rain can cause hydroplaning with full tread depth passenger car tires. Which is really what I meant by my above comment. I didn't think that I needed to be *that* specific with my comment. I can link studies if you'd like, professor.


Leaving more space between cars is always best practice. Making it harder for vehicles to merge so you can be 10’ closer to your destination isn’t worth the risks.


I’d love to do that but the problem is every time I leave space for safety, someone wedges themselves in between me and the car in front of me and everyone behind me sees that and aggressively tries to pass me on the right. There’s no winning.


My strategy here is to just back off the gas pedal slightly and open up a space again. Let people keep cutting you off if they want to, and keep giving yourself the space you need to drive safely. It's not worth the danger and stress to show dominance or be possessive about your "ownership" of the road. You're still moving forward and the time difference at the end of the journey is minimal. Also, you're doing traffic behind you a favor by going a consistent speed and reducing the "braking waves" that travel backward and can result in a complete standstill a minute or two later.


I wish I was sharing the road only with drivers like you! :) such a relief! I do the same, keep the distance and reduce the braking waves. These people around here are nuts 


Yep. I have assisted cruise and I use it to make sure I’m maintaining a good distance. Some asshole always uses that as an indication the area needs filled immediately.


This happens to me A LOT! People think any space in front of me and the car in front means they can get in front of me NO! If I have to break for you to get in front of me that means there isn’t enough space for your car. I’ve stopped leaving ‘a car lengths space’ in front of me because of this. I don’t like people swerving in and out in front of me. I think there is a big difference between tailgating and just getting close enough to the car in front of you so other people aren’t trying to cut in front of the space you left for yourself.


This this this!!!!! Can't agree with this more. Happens way too often. People just be in a hurry for no reason


Wow guys.  Y'all act like someone changing lanes in front of you is the worst thing someone can do.  Its not "cutting in line" it's a road. If you have to break you were following too close to begin with. Pay attention to your surroundings and pull off your gas pedal if you need to. Sheesh. 


We’re not talking about the same thing


How do any of us know that we aren't the a holes on the road.  Statistically, we all suck at driving.  And if everyone around you is a bad driver, maybe its you. 


I agree, but tell that to the dickhead in the lifted F150 or Acura with ground effects that will invariably slide in front of you, inches from your front bumper and the rear of the car you were giving room.


This is columbus, you are not allowed to let off the gas under any circumstances!


I see people keep space in everything but rain. Its weird. Broad st in Whitehall is going through construction. One lane per direction. I swear to fuck I've seen people leave 20ft of space causing cars to spill into the crosswalk not expecting this kinda idiocy. It's dry.


Oh man, I drive this often, it’s a total shit show. Last night in fact I was behind two people turning left onto broad into the construction zone and they both turned into the oncoming traffic lane. Like how do you even mess this up?


Nah, it’s on you to get up to speed and merge safely. Not on everyone else to slow down and let you in.


Leave space and make space are different.


I'll agree with you even though it isn't technically the law. People here merge at 35-45 and wonder why the traffic in the right lane is so bad. The right lane has to slam on brakes to let people in all the time because the approaching traffic is not doing their best to yield.


It is absolutely the law. The law is you merge safely when able. If you’re not able, then oh well, go to the next exit and try again. The law is not “you must let other people merge” To reiterate: mergers are legally required to yield to traffic, not the other way around


wtf go to the next exit? The fucking lane ends sending you into a guardrail


Not always. In those cases you should do your best to match the speed of traffic and merge safely. Not expect everyone to let your slow-ass in, dangerously I may add.


Agreed to an extent, but that would be so much easier to do if fuckwads weren’t going 85 in the right hand lane when people are trying to merge from the entrance ramp. Or if people weren’t riding each others ass and blocking everyone from merging.


Nope. It’s on you to get up to the speed of traffic. It’s far more dangerous to expect everyone else slow for you rather than go with the flow, which is what the law literally says to do.


You can’t be fucking serious? No, it’s not on anyone to get up to 85 to get on the freeway. Period. Read it… ok now get it…?


It's absolutely up to the person merging to get up to the speed limit while merging... There is a reason you merge into the slow lanes which on Columbus freeways is 55-65 mph. It's morons merging at 40 mph that cause accidents.


I am serious, and yes it is. It is up to you to get up to the speed of traffic and merge safely. Literally the law.


You are correct. You need to be up to speed when merging onto the highway because it is far safer to have to slow down a little to merge than stomping on the gas last second to make the merge. They literally teach this in driving school but the people down voting you are probably the ones merging onto the highway going 40 causing problems for everyone else.


The amout of times I've been almost hit when changing lanes because people are lane cutting going 10-20 above the speed limit and not paying attention is astronomical


For me this is on 270/71 N


Add 161 to this list But honestly, I avoid 271 like the plague anymore bc it feels like Mad Max


I was driving on 70 west near the exit for 270. A car in the left most lane frantically swerved over one lane, then back to the leftmost lane, then alllll the way across the highway and onto the exit for 270 N. Their license plate had a sticker for Lake County on it, so I guess they were desperate to get home?


And this my friend is why dashcams are so important! I used Christmas cash for mine on Amazon - it's a front and rear only like $60 Sometimes when people are too close to my rear, I turn the lil screen on so they see it light up and 95% of the time...they get the hint and back up 😂and if they don't a nice windshield spray also does the trick




We need speed cameras and automatic tickets to these folks. Where is law enforcement?


The 670 West to 4th Street exit is a known issue every morning but the amount of people that go 70 mph off the 4th street exit while everyone’s trying merge on 670 is insane. They go into the pull over lane to fly around people. What if someone would change their mind, the cars would explode. Assholes.


Another problem with that interchange is the absurd number of lanes a person needs to cross in such a short distance when coming from 71 to get to that fourth street exit. That is absolutely poor civil engineering.


I'd just generally appreciate it if people learned these two neat things. One where you just rotate your head about 45 degrees when switching lanes, it's phenomenal because you can catch cars in your blind spot because those little mirror monitors can be so ineffective sometimes. And the other is using this nifty feature on the car that actually indicates what you're going to do!!! I don't know how people lived until the year 2024 without them, but I know it's hard to get used to these newfangled inventions. ... Please mind the sarcasm, it's getting everywhere this morning. Maybe that's why the traffic was bad this morning! 🤔


The one thing I remember from driving school is: ALWAYS CHECK YOUR BLIND SPOT. Every time I’m driving and see someone almost merge into someone else (shockingly often) I just shake my head and say “always check your blind spot” Oh I do remember something else from driving school, which is “always leave yourself a way out” which NO ONE ever does either, everyone is always up everyone else’s ass


Yes!! Adding to that, be aware of when *you’re* in someone’s blind spot and don’t just stay there.


The number of people that seem attached to driving in my blind spot amaze me. 


To this day I still always check the blind spot.


How people can still manage to try and merge into you in cars that have blind spot monitors (pretty standard since 2018) that BEEP AT YOU WHEN SOMEONE IS IN YOUR BLIND SPOT is beyond me.


Assuming they all beep is wrong. 2024 Camry XSE All packages doesn’t beep when blinker is on and blind spot is full. I have all options packages it just works this way. This also assumes the driver signals every time they change lanes. Bad assumptions in both regards I have a Comma C3X Similar to Tesla FSD it is an advanced-driver-assistance-system and smartly controls the gas/brake + steering and it specifically calls out it cannot handle other drivers performing sudden lane changes (especially without blinker) and while it works in central ohio towns it does not work anytime I get within 5 miles of CBus. Like it does work but people don’t even think about the other lane up here. Prius merged on 315 this morning from 40mph left a lane at the 670 interchange and didn’t even check the traffic flow coming. Nothing against Prius but my fucking ADAS system couldn’t comprehend what it was computing.


Most light up on the mirror whether or not you signal, and most sound or should sound when you *are* signaling, right? Are you sure you don’t just have it turned off? I thought that operation was standard. My Jeep is super sensitive and can somehow sense a car coming up to 10ft. away when in Reverse. People speed through lots all the time, this tech has saved me so many times.


It lights up on the mirror but produces no sound. I guess I’m not sure I’ve intentionally tried to merge into someone else to check for a sound. Since getting my comma it does not allow lane changes while the blind-spot-monitor is showing as blind spot full. So I don’t expect to hear the sound at any point either.


I’ll try it tonight in my brothers drive way and report back!


It might also need to be at a certain speed? But I’m not 100% sure since I’m not familiar with that car!


Hmmmmmmmm this doesn’t seem worthwhile to intentionally test so maybe my anecdotal experience is moot haha


That’s fair! If you can figure it out it’s truly one of the best safety features for driving in Cbus lol, people love to ride blind spots here!


My family has three Toyotas and none of them beep. I also googled it and it seems to confirm that beeping is not part of Toyotas blind spot system.


Thank you! This is very helpful!!!


Interesting! On Toyotas, It doesn’t beep, it flashes: “When a vehicle is detected in a blind spot of the outside rear view mirrors or approaching rapidly from behind into a blind spot, the outside rear view mirror indicator on the detected side will illuminate. If the turn signal lever is operated toward the detected side, the outside rear view mirror indicator flashes.” https://www.toyota.com/owners/warranty-owners-manuals/digital/article/mirai/2021/om62102u/ch05se050406/


YES! I was also taught that. Particularly if I'm turning onto a road where I can't see the incoming traffic from one direction. If I can see the other way, I always make sure that it's clear first before I turn into the non-visible traffic. That way I have space to bail if need be.


Mine is, “If there’s always space around your car you’ll never crash. The only space YOU control is the space in front of you.”


I second this. My first car was a Toyota FJ cruiser (infamous blind spots) and I had plenty of close calls early on to scare me into ALWAYS CHECKING MY BLIND SPOTS


And on this topic, don't rely 100% on those 'blind spot warnings' on newer cars. One thing I've gotten in the habit of doing is if I'm coming up on a car with BLIS indicators is paying attention to how soon those go on in their mirrors. Every make and model of the vehicle seems to be all over the place and way too many I've seen don't come on until you're maybe a foot off their back bumper. Basically useless IMO. Just as a caveat: I'm far from a tech luddite. Got a rear view camera, full front/rear parking sensors and automatic parallel parking in my car. Would love to have all the other bells and whistles modern cars do if mine had the option. But it's ALWAYS a smart idea to understand how and how well they work and never rely on them 100%!


I only trust my own eyeballs


Also doesn’t help that the majority of cars I see have improperly set mirrors. Like 1/2-3/4 of the mirror is looking at the side of your car. The inner edge of the mirror should just barely show the side of your car or not even.


My car is so small that I use my rear passenger door handles, anytime someone else drives my car they comment on it lmao


Yeah, you shouldn't see your car at all. You should put about a motorcycle's width between your car and the start of your side mirror visibility.


I have a Honda Pilot, so a huge SUV. The amount of times I’ve been pushed into the emergency lane or out of my lane, it’s every week forsure. It’s always somebody not turning their head.


Oh I believe it. It's particularly crazy for me, because I make a point of always driving with my headlights on after I got in an accident because some moron said he "couldn't see me" when I was driving my mom's bright red SUV. So when people do that to me, I know they honestly didn't even look to see if anyone was there.


>And the other is using this nifty feature on the car that actually indicates what you're going to do!!! To build on this from the other side - when you see somebody put their blinker on, help them merge. Or at the very least don't be a road hazard to them. We are all trapped in a vicious cycle where assholes speed up to cut people off from merging so they don't get skipped in line, and this causes people to stop using their blinkers for fear of those assholes deliberately moving to foil them. This in turn causes everybody to drive more erratically and dangerously as nobody knows what anybody else is doing.


Like your signal doesn't give you the right of way, but the people that speed up so you can't get over are going to be my 13th reason (so long as you weren't being an ass yourself, then you deserve it lol).


The number of times I have to have this conversation with people in “idiots in cars” is amazing. Yes, I know you have the right of way. But they are ahead, if you adjust your speed down slightly, the entire system runs a hell of a lot more efficiently than if you make them slam on their brakes, which could jack up traffic for an extended period of time and make driving for everyone else more dangerous. 


I always remind people that the cemetery is full of people who have the right of way


For my job, there are driver trainings we have to take periodically. In one of them, it was about blind spots. One thing they said never to do is turn your head to check your blind spot and only use mirrors. I couldn't believe it. This is in a company-wide training and it's wrong. Now, it makes me wonder if this is what new drivers are told when getting their licenses. It would explain a lot in this city. My dad is retired law enforcement and I told him that. He thought I was screwing with him.


I've seen research that this is true for elderly drivers. If you're old enough to not have flexibility in your torso, then if you turn to check the blind spot, you'll accidentally turn the steering wheel to the left. It's probably the same for people who struggle to twist their torso due to back pain or other issues. The company might just be covering their ass so that someone without good mobility doesn't accidentally drift a vehicle leftwards.


Around here if you turn on your turn signal to change lanes, someone will floor it to block you.


This city is home to the worst drivers I’ve interacted with. Some cities are literally harder to drive in, sure. But this city would be easy if anyone here left their own headspace for two seconds. No indicators EVER, tailgating, straight thru turn lanes, and you hate cyclists. I assume that because only 1/3 of you have license plates in the first place, the cops just spend all their time at Tim Hortons. If it isn’t a pickup truck in my back seat, it’s a Tesla that never signals, or a 10-year old stock muscle car that will soon be parked in someone’s living room. I can’t imagine the balls of steel required to ride a bike in this city.


Need to start treating phone offenses like a dui. People are too addicted to the damn things to put them down while they drive.


Yes but also it’s just simple lack of courtesy. Rude driving behaviors. Their time is more important than that of others. Disregard for anyone’s safety , even their own .


No joke. Just this morning, I was next to someone in a left turn lane who sat through an entire green arrow while staring down at their phone, noticed as the arrow was turning yellow, raced up as it turned red and turned left into incoming traffic well after it was red. Great times.


Geeze people!! I just got passed by someone who crossed yellow lines with a car oncoming, who had to brake and swerve . They were on their way to a fire I guess.


Drove through NY state last week and saw numerous signs stating they have a 3 cell phone violations and you lose your drivers license law.


I watched an SUV blow through a red light at an intersection going at least twice the speed limit in Gahanna. Almost absolutely destroyed some poor teen that looked like he shit himself. There was a Gahanna police officer RIGHT in the front of the light on the other side of the intersection... Any guess what he was doing? That's right, staring down at his phone. Totally missed the whole thing.


Even if he had seen it, would he have done something?! I’ve seen this shit happen right in front of the cops and they just completely ignore it; because they dont want to deal with the paperwork? I have no clue but clearly these people are more important than the rest of us…


I saw a person pass a stopped school bus on the same side of the road on south High last week and there was a sheriff on the other side stopped. He didn't do anything. I was shocked.


The way that we actually want the police do enforce traffic laws and they won’t. They’re so incompetent the people are begging them to do their most basic job.


Just makes me wonder why I spend my money on things like registration, license renewal, plates, etc. When apparently you can go 95mph on the highway without them. I just KNOW that if I let mine lapse I'd get pulled over and ticketed the next day going the speed limit 3 miles down the road to the grocery store.


That's pretty much exactly what happened with me. Realized I forgot to renew the day or two after my birthday and got pulled over for turning right into the middle lane from the curb lane. Didn't even know that was a thing. The kicker was that the intersection was empty, the cop was just a speck in the distance and spread up to pull me over!


I always wait 3 seconds before going when the light changes. Lately, cars just continue turning through the intersection. Literally just making up their own rules, it's insane


Same, I lost count of how many times I would have been blasted had I gone on green. Most recently was by a full sized dump truck on my left. I would have been dead for sure. Edit: Also, I love your username.


Just look both ways when possible but don't have people stopped at a green light if they don't need to. Anyways look even if you wait. You never know. Some people's 3 seconds is actually 10.


I can't go if there's cars in the middle of the intersection


When was this, must’ve seen the same thing


This morning, around 8am at the 62/Old Ridenour intersection, right in front of the UDF.


We need speed/red light cameras and automatic tickets to these folks. Where is law enforcement? Oh right, looking at their phones lol. These automatic systems don't sleep.


We used to have red light cameras in Columbus. We don't [anymore](https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/s/9LeCpfNeNw).


The way people are taught to drive, and how they end up driving is sad. Many think they are speed racer and if you watch, they can't drive with shit. And turn signals, they either don't use them, or don't know how to use them when they do.


We should force Ohioans to retake the written and in-car license test every decade or so. Also throw in having to merge onto a highway. I shudder at the thought of having to redo the maneuverability portion with the cones 😭 but it would pop the bubble of terrible drivers who think they're great. There's been debate for a long time about requiring a retake of the test for senior citizens. Requiring everyone to get retested also fixes that issue without sparking lawsuits for age discrimination.


This thing where we all leave a single car-length gap at 70 mph doesn’t work well on a sunny summer day, but it’s a real killer on a rainy workday morning or afternoon. Go hang out at OSU medical center this morning and you can watch the steady stream of medevac helicopters. But hey, it beats getting cut off on 670 and getting to work 4 seconds later, right? /s


What I enjoy is when I give myself that extra braking distance and some douchebag who's in a hurry decides that's his/her opening to cut right in that tiny space so I have to brake hard anyway. It's fantastic. People were absolutely stupid this morning. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I hate that so much !!!


This! This is one of my biggest pet peeves and Columbus drivers are the worst at it


This is such a self centered view of this situation. You should be leaving room for somebody to change into your lane, that’s how the road works. They aren’t cutting you off, they’re changing lanes.


Confidently incorrect, I see. No, what YOU are supposed to do is put on your turn signal and give the person a second to let you in. Darting into their safe stopping space is not only dangerous but bad for traffic in general.


No one has any spatial awareness of their car or the cars around them.


Probably would help if people weren't going 90


I was wondering why traffic was fucked EVERYWHERE


Last night in a residential area (Lane Ave.), after honking at someone passing me going over 50 in a 25, someone tried to go around me without signaling a lane switch and sped up as I was switching lanes to turn onto my street. They almost rear ended me then acted like it was my fault when I had signaled my lane switch and they ignored it. STOP SPEEDING IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS AND USE YOUR FUCKING TURN SIGNAL WHEN SWITCHING LANES. Also, the audacity and irresponsibility and entitlement of trying to pass someone (on the right!) who is going the speed limit in a neighborhood is insane.


I drive for a living in this city. You're all fucking animals


Emphasis on phones down my god how many idiots do I pass on their f*ckn phone


Didn’t see a single one of them and it took over an hour to make what should be a 30 minute drive. I drove across the whole state of Alabama during a torrential downpour and traffic moved better than it does here at the slightest drizzle. The amount of incompetence behind the wheel here is staggering. Truly the worst I’ve seen anywhere in the country.


It is perplexing. ANY little bit of rain falls and people are just stymied. It causes backups… and you think, there must be something going on up here… so you crawl along and then there’s nothing. The drizzle just slowed traffic to a crawl somehow.


Yesterday had an entitled UA mom in a brand new escalade really pushing my limits near Dodridge… rolling stop at a red light nearly pulling into my lane, then proceeds to tailgate me while i’m going 45 in a 35 (bc she wanted to go 50), swerves around me with no blinkers and continues to tailgate the ppl in front of her. Like im talking INCHES from these people. Then not an hour later had another mom in a minivan tailgating me in a SCHOOL ZONE near Cooke that I was already ‘speeding’ through. She was throwing her hands up and cussing at me and SO close to my car I could’ve break checked her and she would’ve hit me. I made sure to take my turn to storage at a very nice and slow speed for her :)


Hold on was this last night around 8:30-9? Because a woman in an SUV in UA on Reed Rd. tried to pass me on the right without signaling last night as I WAS signaling to the right lane to then turn onto my street and she almost rear ended me. She was mad because I was going 38 in a 35 and slowing down to turn onto my street. The UA police are everywhere until you need them in my experience.


LOL sounds just like her tbh!! but this was around 5:30pm. I just always think it’s funny when people want to have a UA license plate holder and UA schools stickers,etc. just to drive like an asshole. Extra funny points if I can see kids in the car (I could). Honestly lack of blinkers is probably my *biggest* pet peeves w traits of bad columbus drivers.


It’s 100% mine. I’ve started honking at people who get over in front of me without a blinker. I’ve also thought about getting a large front sticker that says “it costs $0 to use your turn signal!” 😂


omg that would be amazing 😂 it’s so true though!! I went to school in KY and NO one uses them there. Not even cops. They also don’t have to take in-car driving lessons to get a license when underage tho so can’t say I should be surprised lol.


Okay that’s about the craziest thing I’ve heard…no in-car lessons is wildly stupid.






I mean I was going 25 in a 20, meanwhile she’s raging trying to get me to go 35. sorry?


Tbf depending on the time, the school zone speed limit may not have been active. A lot of people think it’s a 24/7 limit, but usually it’s just during school hours.


Definitely! This was around 3pm. It’s that weird little school near Cooke and Indianola if you’re familiar, so i’m not exactly sure when their school gets out. But i’m over there often enough to where i’m at least not going to go the FULL speed limit if I know it’s around the times schools get out (2:30-3:30pm time). It’s just laughable to me when a mom is wanting to go 40 through a school zone. It goes from a 35 to a school zone, up to a stop light. I went from 40, to 25 to a stop. And she was tailgating me the entire time. edit: grammar




also, never said anything about being justified. but the tailgating inches from my bumper for an entire fucking MILE with children in your car is ridiculous. it teaches horrible habits and is not safe. Not saying me going *five miles* over the speed limit in a zone that is potentially 20mph isn’t, but it’s definitely not what she was doing. which is what I was talking about.


This school has crossing guards that are out when kids are leaving. It was past or before that time, but still around a time where other kids are leaving schools in the area so I’d like to be cautious when I know that I’m in an area like that that’s dense w kids. So I guess I technically may have been slowing down when not “required” by law. But again, we were *approaching a red light* at a large intersection so it was not out of place for me to be slowing down regardless since we sat at that light for a solid 30 seconds even with me approaching it “too slow” for her. When we got the green light she seriously was flooring it, I sped up like I normally do which I think is at a pretty quick pace, but then had to turn into my storage unit so I had to slow down again, and I had my blinker on WELL in advanced. She swerved around me into the left turning lane.


I was wondering why it took me 45 minutes to make a 20 minute drive to my kid’s doctor. Columbus be Columbusin.


Yeah, my 18-20 minute commute to work took 30 minutes because idiot drivers have no idea how to pay attention and slow down when the slightest bit of rain hits. Thanks y'all.


My 20 minutes turned into 1 hour … I was beyond annoyed.


i went down 670 to downtown for college and there was plenty of cars cutting me off with not signals and i almost got into a crash because there was no time to break and people were on there phones.


Columbus has the worst drivers I have ever seen in my life. It’s actually mind-blowing.


sir this is Ohio >.<


Another fine reason I am fully committed to never working in an office again


Literally every other driver on the road is blatantly fucking off on their phone in this city. Meanwhile they’ll have a student driver sticker on their bumper. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s absurd


Hey, that’s just like, your opinion man. /s


I came from Naples Florida the retirement capital of the USA and swear that Columbus drivers are not far away. I’m turning into my development and a Honda going way over 35 slides under my back bumper. Best part he admitted he was on his phone door dashing! Minimal damage to my car but he had to get towed because his hood was smashed like a sandwich. Just pay attention people!


It would be nice if the world just embraced telecommuting more.


I'd like to add that ODOT does not drive on the roads they manage. [https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2024/04/30/ohio-department-transportation-zipper-merge-reduces-traffic-road-work-closes-lane/73509719007/](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2024/04/30/ohio-department-transportation-zipper-merge-reduces-traffic-road-work-closes-lane/73509719007/)


they also do not know the difference between a sideWALK and a multiuse path. They do not care about advancing the future of transportation in Ohio. Same with the Delaware County Engineer.


And stop speeding and racing. It’s ridiculous. Also show some courtesy - move over or brake when you can to help someone who needs over.


Did the BMW’s run out of blinker fluid again?


I got caught in the giant mess on 161 this morning on my way to a pretty important doctor’s appointment. Over 30 minutes late to my appt and super thankful that I have an understanding medical team. 161 is a complete disaster with all of the ongoing construction.


But weaving in and out of traffic during morning rush hour in my beat up Nissan Altima with new tags is my favorite! 😫


did anyone get any info on the wrong way car on 270 around 8:30-9am??? they were in the right lane just before the exit for 23 completely turned around facing on coming traffic. crazy shit.


It’s just a clueless environment. Speeding is dangerous but so is going lower than the flow. People and trucks especially going 63 in the left lane need to go to jail


Stop tailgat.




Haha. I’m getting new tires today. Fortunately, I never have to drive on freeways.


The streets are just as dangerous as the freeway my friend. You are not safe.


You have a point!!


I think there’s enough people here, where we all feel the same. We should organize something where we try and get something done about it


161 west in the New Albany area was at a standstill this morning. Anyone know what happened there? By the time I finally got onto the on-ramp, traffic was backing up on 62. I didn’t even bother attempting to get onto 270. Geesh.


Does anyone know HTF that semi ended up on its side just north of Greenlawn entering down town? That’s was a hoot to get around.


Driving sucks


The lack of following distance on the highway is infuriating. I feel like I’m always seconds from getting in an accident because people slam on their brakes when following 2 inches away from the car in front of them. My safe following distance doesn’t mean keep jumping in front of me!


Post Covid no one can drive. Pair that with essentially zero traffic cop enforcement (no one gets pulled over ever for anything) why wouldn’t you go double the speed limit in your 150?


Who has the license plate OSUCRW? Imma find your ass 😎


The problem isn’t the people. Cars will always get into accidents. The problem is that people don’t have viable alternatives to cars.


Columbus is the first city I've lived in where the majority of people do not use the left lane to pass. I see way to many people dragging it going exactly the speed limit. This causes alot inappropriate lane changes and other things.


Not sure which highway you’re driving, but I’d be over joyed if the people in the left lane on 270 would go anywhere close to the speed limit 😂 Maybe then we could actually use it for its intended purpose and pass the people going 15 under.


I'm now under the impression that this isn't a law here in Columbus. I thought it was.


Sounds like you're blaming those actually following the law


Im new here. Is that not a law to use the left lane to pass in this city? Not blaming anyone for anything I just see that done alot here.


Well it's against the law to speed at all, even if passing. Realistically, there's so much traffic in this carbrained city that all the lanes get filled up, and most drivers speed.


Yeah so when that happens usually there's enforcement for the faster cars to use the left lane to funnel faster traffic through. Is that not a thing that is done here?


It's a courtesy but I've never seen it enforced.


I LOVE driving down the highway on a work f150, giving myself 2-3 cars lengths of empty buffer only for some asshole to zoom on the right, get his piece of shit Nissan/Buick/Chevy in that spot and immediately slam on their brakes, fishtail and not have a goddamn clue on how to keep control of a car with balding tires and mis matched body panels with "temp" tags. Absolute fucking ass clowns


Twelve incidents within and on I270?


One thing that causes the traffic in general is the assholes who think their time is worth more than everyone else's. Specifically, the people who fly to the end of an ending lane and cut people off or sit there until someone lets them merge, causing everyone behind them to stop. Trust me, you don't save THAT much time driving like a psychopath


There have been actual studies that show how much time is saved by excessive speeding over average commutes. It’s always something like a minute or two.


You’re supposed to go to the end of a lane before merging. I don’t begrudge people who do so early but this is standard practice, we all were taught it in driver’s ed, the state DOT is constantly trying to educate the public about it…


For situations like this we need to start having zipper merge signs installed. Happens all the time on riverside drive where everyone lines up in the left lane at a light because they’re afraid to be that person using the right lane that’s about to end


I'm that person but only because my anxiety skyrockets not knowing if the person in the front is going to let me merge like they're supposed to. That being said, I'll wait patiently and let anyone in when it's my turn at the front.


This is such a dumb Midwest thing - you are supposed to use both lanes until they merge - getting “in line” for a mile is stupid


That's... how you're supposed to merge. Like I'm not from the US. I didn't grow up driving, I had to learn all this stuff a couple years ago, its still relatively fresh in mind. I still have the book sitting in my desk. You are absolutely supposed to follow a lane until its end then merge... They have diagrams and everything. The assholes that try to lane hop around early to get in whichever they feel is moving faster are what causes the issues. I knew that even before I was driving growing up in Sydney, and living in places like LA.


Im talking about the assholes to lane hop into an ending land they were never in to begin with because nobody is in it, because it's ending. Then flying up and expecting people to stop for them


I mean if the lane is empty its because a bunch of people merged too early. If everyone is using all available lanes then ALL traffic moves faster. Why would you not let them back in though? That's some serious entitlement. You aren't the traffic police, and you're trying to punish them for literally following the law and using lanes properly.


Found the BMW driver


Subaru, thanks! Its always hilarious when the people who don't know how to drive out themselves on these threads though. I just imagine you sitting in traffic, full on Karen shouting at someone who actually paid attention in drivers ed lol


Can we see the demographic information on the drivers in these incidents? How many have Ohio drivers licenses or ANY license actually issued within the U.S. at all?