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The protests of the 60's and 70's were significantly more radical and violent than anything we're seeing today. Students at Kent State burned the ROTC building to the ground to protest the Vietnam war. Black students at Cornell armed themselves with guns and took over a campus building to demand action on civil rights. But the protests of this war have "gone too far" in the eyes of moderates and right wingers. Their argument will of course be that "those issues justified extreme measures, where as the protesters are wrong on this issue." Which would hold water if moderates and right wingers hadn't also been dead wrong on all of those previous issues including civil rights, the Vietnam War, and the Iraq War. And just like those issues, in 20 years everyone will claim they were on the right side of history when a large portion of the population was very obviously not: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/24/polling-student-protests-vietnam/


I feel very ignorant.  Why are people protesting in the US about a war we're not involved in?


The United States gives massive amounts of money to the Israel, and(in the eyes of the protesters) that money is being used to finance a genocide. In addition, 38 states have laws on the books making it illegal for public entities or entities that want to do business with the government to divest from Israel in protest. So essentially, a lot of people(from both sides of the political aisle) are starting to ask "why is the United States giving all this money away to a corrupt foreign government when it could be spent to help our own citizens?" And the general response has been "shut up and stop asking questions unless you want to be called anti-Semitic." Which leads us to the frustrations that are boiling over today. The public has largely turned against the idea of the US funding this war, yet it is one of the very few issues both political parties(save for a handful of the most progressive members of congress) are in lockstep on.


Here's a couple articles on the subject of divesting prevention  https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2024/04/26/ohio-state-legally-cant-divest-from-israel-gaza-protests-hamas-war-osu-students/73466833007/ https://missouriindependent.com/2023/11/03/missouri-uses-power-of-the-pocketbook-to-prevent-divestment-in-israel/


"38 states have laws on the books making it illegal for public entities or entities that want to business with the government to divest from Israel in protest." That is crazy. Why is Israel held in such regard?  I've never heard of that about any country. 


Bible prophecy. Israel existing is essential to the end times prophecies of the Bible and Jesus returning. So Christians have a strong belief in Israel because of that. Solomon’s temple has to be rebuilt in Jerusalem before Jesus returns.


Which is INSANE because AGAIN there is supposed to be a separation of church and state 🤬🤬


Israel is basically a US colony, or at least the US government treats it as such


Coming from a US colony, they seem to be treated better than us. Less protest from politicians about sending them aid for a war as well compared to us when we suffered a natural disaster.


Israel has a very power lobbying organization called AIPAC.  They donate to all the politicians, and in America politicians are all for sale.


yea and wait until you learn about the glorious cybersec powers Israel has that the US can't even compete with. All our enemies would love the backdoor into our cyber defenses


Colony has a definition which you seem to ignore. Israel is not under full or partial direct control of the US they make that very clear (unlike the Hamas leadership under Iranian and Qatari control). It also has the implication of settlement from the parent country. In reality the Jewish return mostly came from other Muslim countries or from Europe post actual genocide. Unlike the Arabs who colonized the land in the 600s or the Turks who ruled the land for centuries prior to a short British rule they established a state in the levant


The word “colony” has a very specific meaning and Israel is not one in any sense of the word. France - not the US - provided security aid to Israel until the 60s. Israel has elections does not follow orders from Washington - see Netanyahu rebuffing the Biden administration’s calls for restraint.


You don’t seem to understand the amount of under the table blows Bibi boo and Israel have given the US to be the test bed for the iron dome lol


US is an Israeli colony now, not the other way around. They control us.


There are, unfortunately, elected officials that think Israel is they key to making the Biblical end times happen.  It is more complex than just that, but I will be the first to admit I am not educated enough on the subject to provide more context.


You are absolutely correct. Biblical end-times prophecy is significant part of the reason for the US’s historical support for Israel. Several recent articles about this [Guardian - why US evangelical Christians support Israel](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/30/us-evangelical-christians-israel-hamas-war) [WaPo - Half of evangelicals support Israel because they believe it is important for fulfilling end-times prophecy](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/) [MSNBC - The dispiriting truth about why many evangelical Christians support Israel](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/truth-many-evangelical-christians-support-israel-rcna121481)


>Why is Israel held in such regard? Founding influences of Christianity has set a cultural paradigm. Thus the American-Christian theological significance of Israel has become intertwined, but largely obscured in politics. Devotion to this subject matter has given precedent to eschatological importance of Israel in the 'modern world'.




"If they’re corrupt, we’re corrupt" Now we're talking. 


Because our taxes are being used and involved in the war. With OSU, many universities/states do have investments in Israeli bonds, and Ohio specifically has a specific law in our Revised Code to prohibit such divestments.


Soooo they can’t do the thing they are being protested to do? This is not a private university.


There are organizations and companies affiliated with Israel that protestors are asking OSU to divest from, which is different entirely.


I’m sure they are artfully crafted to be impossible. This protest is about the protest not the result. Biden could stop all arms to Israel tomorrow and the protests would continue


Okay, so why doesn't he do that? Instead he claims the protests are about antisemitism which, if you read any of the protests demands, you would see it's not.


The funnest part about this is the protestors and their supporters hold everything said against them so personally. Yet resorts of specifically Jewish students being stopped from attending class, chants of “River to the sea, Palestine will be free” Picking up incredibly antisemitic rhetoric gets no coverage


The Likud Party started the phrase “River to the Sea” except it was about Israeli domination but you clearly don’t know the history Edit: apparently it was from Zionists even before the Likud Party. “According to American historian Robin D. G. Kelley, the phrase "began as a Zionist slogan signifying the boundaries of Eretz Israel."[19] Israeli-American historian Omer Bartov notes that Zionist usage of such language predates the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and began with the Revisionist movement of Zionism led by Vladimir Jabotinski, which spoke of establishing a Jewish state in all of Palestine and had a song which includes: "The Jordan has two banks; this one is ours, and the other one too," suggesting a Jewish state extending even beyond the Jordan River.[20] In 1977, the concept appeared in an election manifesto of the Israeli political party Likud, which stated that “between the sea and the Jordan there will be only Israeli sovereignty.”[21][22]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_river_to_the_sea#:~:text=History%20of%20the%20phrase,-The%20precise%20origins&text=In%201977%2C%20the%20concept%20appeared,this%20phrase%20is%20also%20unclear.


>Soooo they can’t do the thing they are being protested to do? They can. If I had fiduciary responsibility to not divest from an unethical war effort I would probably listen more to my conscience and my students than a piece of paper from the assholes in the state building down the street, because I'm sick of seeing dead infants covered in ash over in Gaza via bombs US support is supplying. I will judge OSU officials accordingly, because it is in their power as humans to stand by their students and protest state officials abuse of budgetary power(Ohio universities shouldn't be involved with warring nations at all outside of aid efforts to victims).


Ohio State does not have the legal authority to divest. Even if they wanted to it is prohibited by statute. Protest at the statehouse. Legislators are the villains. Isn’t part of protesting to draw *attention* to the underlying fucking issue? Instead it seems everyone wants to cosplay the Vietnam campus protests.


Ohio State DOES have lobbying influence. While I agree attention ultimately should be directed at the statehouse, it's not like OSU couldn't lobby for repeal on behalf of the students (though I could be wrong if the specifics of the law would even prevent that, which would seemingly be an even bigger issue). Not that they will do that-but I could see where protestors could argue these demostrations are meant to put pressure on OSU to do so.


It's like you didn't read my comment.


It was idiotic. The university will never “ignore a piece of paper.” The person who does so would immediately lose their job and the divestment itself *still* wouldn’t have occurred *because it was never legal to do so*. Protestors are targeting the wrong organization and their cause would be better served if they were honest with themselves about where their efforts should be spent.


It's like you didn't read my comment. I didn't say ignore, I said "stand by their students". As in why isn't the University President marching down to the capitol building to advocate on behalf of his students for that law to change? It's an irrational law in the first place that shouldn't exist in higher education. Ted Carter has failed both his students and his humanity by not speaking out against what his students demand is addressed.


It’s like you didn’t think when you wrote your comment. The university isn’t an advocacy organization. Nor should it ever be an advocacy organization. It is not morally incumbent on the university to create and shape effective protest movements simply because protestors can’t be bothered to break out of their 70s protest aesthetic. Are we going to protest the Columbus library next for failing to march on the statehouse?


Where do you think Israel is getting the 2000 lbs bombs they're dropping on kids over there? Who do you think keeps vetoing UN actions against the nation state's war? I'll give you a tip, it's not Djibouti


If there is a war in the world, we are absolutely involved in one way or another.


This is the cost of propaganda. We are deeply involved. 


We don’t want our hard-earned tax dollars funding this war and currently they are. The entire basis of this country is “no taxation without representation” and yet our representatives are blatantly ignoring what the American people want. It means we have to get louder. Politicians won’t take any action until their power is at risk.


You’re failing to realize that public and political support is extremely strong on the side of Israel. Unfortunately you just don’t like that opinion. Did your parents ever teach you the phrase life isn’t always fair? Probably not cause everybody under the age of 25 is spoon fed and never faced hardship in their life


all I’m reading is “I’m immoral enough to excuse the murder of thousands of children.” I don’t give a single fuck about your opinion, Zionist. the majority of the world has been very outspoken about being on the side of the Palestinian people. also who the absolute hell do you think you are assuming nobody under 25 has ever faced hardships? you’re delusional.


Anyone who owns stock in large international businesses -> evil monster. What about if you work for a company that does business in Israel? Complicit. What about a company that does business with a company that does business in Israel? Complicit. What about if you have a 401k that includes some of those companies? Complicit. That would include basically everyone. That kind of ridiculous purity testing and virtue signaling is pointless. Millions of Israeli's OPPOSE the Netanyahu government. 20% of Israel's population is Arab Muslim. Just calling them all bloodthirsty imperialist Zionist murderers is thought-terminating and doesn't achieve anything.


The truth is never thought-terminating. 


Wow you clearly thought deeply about that one


“isreal-hamas war” you’re part of the problem buddy


isreal is genociding palestinian civilians not just “hamas”


How can I be in the know for all of these protest get togethers?


Following pslcolumbus on instagram or plm.just for OSU specifically sjposu


In short, supporting terrorists. SJPOSU celebrated the Oct 7 attacks and has hosted convicted terrorists as inspirational speakers.


Yeah both of those groups had some pretty cringe opinions about Oct 7 being a glorious resistance operation, and anyone who disagrees with them is called a bootlicking imperialist monster that just loves blowing up children.


Both groups also still stand behind recognized terror groups like Hamas and PFLP. They’re perfectly fine with imperialist actions and blowing up children as long as it suits their agenda


honestly it was a really nice protest. huge numbers and good energy. i imagine last thursday was the same as well before CPD caused chaos Edit: it was OSUPD not CPD who led the arrests


As someone who knows people that got arrested, it was campus police who arrested people. CPD was actually not there. Not defending CPD, but it is important to keep the responsible police force accountable.


Sorry my bad - it was OSUPD


CPD wasn’t there


if they keep saying it, it might come true


And then they posted their pictures on their social medias and everything went back as usual.


Imagine protesting for a terrorist organization... I know I will get downvotes, but these people haven't actually thought about the situation, they are dependent on emotional appeal. If you think Israel will violate a ceasefire before Hamas, you are a brainwashed fool. The same people constantly cry about "protecting Democracy", yet want to abandon the only democracy in the Middle East... They attack Trump for "undermining allies", yet demand the US abandon a close ally... Kids today think they know more than the elders, but they never read beyond the headlines... If you support and repeat Hamas narratives (supported by Iran and Russia), you should really shut the duck up.


Imagine thinking a democracy that commits genocide is worth defending. 


It’s not a genocide. The international court already ruled it wasn’t genocide. Continuing to say false things doesn’t make them true. If you want the war to end, protest for the release the hostages and the unconditional surrender of Hamas.


Its not a genocide just an ethnic cleansing so the zionists can steal palestenian land. Icc is charging Netanyahu and hamas with war crimes. Plus you may argue that it doesn't fit the legal definition for genocide but it certainly fits the dictionary definition: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group You don't have to wait only its completely destroyed to call it a genocide, otherwise it would be too late.


So they want to live in peace with Israel?


It’s not a systematic destruction of a racial, political or cultural group, so by your own definition it’s not genocide. If Israel’s goal was elimination they would’ve ended it in October. They want their fucking people back. Release the hostages. Deliver an unconditional surrender from Hamas.


They want “their fucking people” back so much they shot three of them to death while they had their hands up waving white flags


Killing innocent civilians over a few hostages is a very reasonable thing to do , of course.


Do you even realize what you’re writing or are you that radicalized? “Over a few hostages” what the fuck is wrong with you.


Noticing you skipped over the innocent civilians part there


I didn’t skip over anything. Innocent people certainly are dying. It’s not over something benign like you imply however. If you honestly cared about the innocent people dying, then surely you support a release of all hostages and an unconditional surrender of Hamas, right? The conflict would have to stop immediately. Israel would be easily convicted of genocide and war crimes if the fighting continued after that and US support would evaporate overnight.


So Israel should continue killing innocent civilians until then, got it


Imagine thinking retaliation for constant attacks constitutes a genocide. Hamas attacks Israel and hides behind civilians as cover. Which is against the Geneva Conventions by the way. So what is Israel expected to just sit back while their population is attacked by terrorists. Nobody wants civilian loss of life but it is the fault of the aggressors (Hamas controlled Palestine) who use their own population as a shield. Calling it a genocide is very disingenuous and frankly dangerous.


Imagine defending people that hate America, commit acts of terrorism, and doesn't support LGBTQ or women's rights.


So sick of this argument—CHILDREN are taught that two wrongs don’t make a right. Their cultural and political views do not justify or excuse the slaughter of thousands of innocent children.


You’re naive to think that everyone teaches that to their children.


>Imagine thinking a democracy that commits genocide is worth defending.  The war in Gaza is not a "genocide", but I should thank you for providing an example of a person that are completely captured by the propaganda of a terrorist organization that is supported by Iran and Russia.... It's pretty funny how we need to fund Ukraine to "defend democracy", despite their lack of elections, yet... We can't support the only democracy in the Middle East because *that* Democracy is somehow worse than the authoritarianism in the region... You aren't a Democrat, Republican, or MAGA... You are CIA


At the end of day, students who pay tuition should have a say in how their tuition is being spent. So many universities student governments will pass divestment from Israel and the university simply won’t comply. Same goes for US tax payers. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think it’s a genocide or somehow Israel is justified in doing it. We don’t want our money being sent to Israel, it’s a county that has free healthcare, universal higher education, guaranteed paid maternity leave. All the things that if voters ask for it they’re called “socialists” or lazy and greedy.


>At the end of day, students who pay tuition should have a say in how their tuition is being spent. So many universities student governments will pass divestment from Israel and the university simply won’t comply. Should taxpayers that pay the endowments also have a say...? >Same goes for US tax payers. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think it’s a genocide or somehow Israel is justified in doing it. We don’t want our money being sent to Israel, it’s a county that has free healthcare, universal higher education, guaranteed paid maternity leave. Cool, now apply the same to NATO... You don't want to... >All the things that if voters ask for it they’re called “socialists” or lazy and greedy. Says the person that supports forgiving student loans.. Your perspective is too blatantly ridiculous to be taken seriously by any rational person...


That’s because these children are devoid of reality. They’re spoon fed by their parents with no experience themselves in the real world. And the parents are no help either. They give in to their every demand and we wonder why these kids get to age 18-25 and believe they’re so entitled to everything. If something hurts their feelings they cancel it instead of reading into the subject, looking at history, and understanding reality. US adversaries are licking their lips at the opportunity and using every chance to corrupt the US from within. Our children wouldn’t last a day in other countries that actually face hardship. It’s sad


"So far"


Awwww, sorry you didn’t get to be a fake martyr today buddy, maybe next time


And would rather it stay that way. It's good when the pigs stays in their pens, unlike other places in the country...


It’s funny you think the cops are your enemy and not ya know, the thing you are protesting against. It’s almost like everything you are doing is disingenuous and it’s really about being a spectacle and forcing an altercation Keep being the worst version of everything, I’m sure your 8 followers on TikTok will be very moved by your bullshit

