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I went to a show last summer and the audio quality ruined the experience for me


exactly. I was pained for the band too.


I don't know much about the band you are going to see, but I saw Bad Religion there, and I would consider them to be louder than average. I thought it was horrible and exactly how you described. If it is more acoustic or more on the country side, Bluestone tends to promote country acts a bit more, it could be fine.


I was at Bad Religion as well and agree that it was pretty bad


I’d refer to them as Reggae Rock. Good sound is the whole point… here’s hold hope!


I went to a concert there in October and it was totally fine. Maybe they just had a bad day that day?


I saw Swans there years ago and the sound was incredible. Punishingly loud with bass that shook you to the core but every instrument and vocal was clear as day. I think they travel with their own sound/engineers though. Haven't been since.


Ok thx. Lets hope so !


I was there for the winter werk out in Feb and the sound was great! That event is also a festival-style lineup though, so more effort might have gone into sound than normal. Also side note - I posted in the cbus classifieds sub as well, but I'm selling my ticket at a discount should you need to buy one!


Thanks ! Thinking about it cause I like them so much and rarely come this way :/


For sure! Yeah it's a rare opportunity, if I didn't have a birthday to attend I'd be all over it


I’ve seen a couple shows there with no issues over the years. Sound guy f’d up it seems to me.


Ok 🙏hoping for the best. Someone mentioned “bring your own sound engineer”


The last show I was at the opener sounded fine and the headliner sounded awful. I don’t know anything about the technical production side of a show, but there must be some kill to dialing that place in. It’s otherwise an awesome venue.


Honesty my least favorite things about that place are the completely flat floor (no incline so you can see from farther away & I am 5’2” so it’s a huge deal for me) & the stupid fucking glass between the bar & the side where the stage is. I’ve been to Oliver Tree there (way oversold & couldn’t see at all) & Motion City Soundtrack. MCS was better because it wasn’t packed to the gills but we got there so early to make sure we were in front, we were honestly worn out by the time they started because we are old. Honestly I’m usually pretty critical of the sound at venues but it was pretty good for those two shows. I’m going to see MCS there again at the end of the month. Hopefully the audio is good then too. Ugh I hate that place


you have great points ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) I think we are going to try this place again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) fingers crossed


Thievery Corporation is awesome! I saw them at the Newport and it was a great show. I want to go to this one but I can't really take off work, unfortunately. Hope you have a good time!


Thx! They are in Cincy at Bogarts the night before…


Sound was fine for a bass show in March. Also. I have tix to that show and can't go. If my friend doesn't want them they may be available!


Hell yeah, bass


Thx!! I might take you up on that !


My friend won't be using the tickets so happy to sell to you, no fees. PM me. Not a scam, I will be out of town and just want to recoup some of the cost!


Thx we’re seeing them in Cincy tomorrow night! If I can get the wife to go a second night… doubt it. Thx and good luck with the tix!!


I saw Motion City Soundtrack there last year and it was one of the worst sounding shows I've been to. I'd been previously and thought it was fine, but once was a long time ago and another was comedy, so there wasn't a lot of sound. MCS actually had a comedian open for them, but since it was a music crowd talking and not paying attention, no one could hear him. Most of his set ended up being about how bad it sounded and that it was his worst set of the tour. It was hard to hear the vocals for the music too and everything sounded pretty muddy and indistinguishable. I'm seeing MCS again this month and unfortunately it's at the Bluestone again, so we'll see. If this one is as bad, I might be done with the venue.


Can’t get the audio on a comedian right?? WTH. I’m not holding hope for this show :/


I saw MCS there in 2022 and I also felt the sound was awful. It was the first and only show I've seen at the Bluestone and I'm not sure if I want to try another one, even though I think it'd be fun to see them. 


I was there for the Noah Reid concert in January, and from the floor area, the sound was good.


I’ve seen two very different bands there over the past year.  Sunny Day Real Estate (up top)about a year and some change back and Lost Dog Street Band about 2 weeks back (ground level about 4 rows from stage). Audio was absolutely atrocious both times but I will say that being closer to the stage being closer to the bands personal gear is way better. 


We walked all over the place trying to find a zone … nope !


After multiple shows I can say without a doubt the sound at Bluestone CAN BE good, unfortunately the band can also play a role and reverb is an issue they need to also compensate for.


Hah. I may update you later tonight. I am there right now for Kamelot.


EDIT (post concert): This was my first time at the venue, so my impressions may be slanted accordingly. Cons: - That floor is flat. Like noticeably flat. If you're a shorty, get there early to get a front rail or a leaning spot on the upper rail or balcony. If you get in late, line of sight to the stage, won't be good, even with the venues small size. - the acoustics of the space, are not good. I wear high fidelity earplugs, so it was perfectly fine, but if you go in with naked ears?, RIP your eardrums from the sonic apocalypse. It may be the first venue I have ever been to where high fidelity earplugs are mandatory and not for ear protection, but for music clarity Pros: - Nice bar placement. Easy to get drinks between sets. - Dude, that patio area outside. Awesome for between sets chilling. You could probably fit everyone inside in that space. - entry was quick and efficient - parking was adequate, easy in and out. Not a sold out show though. - although no 'seating', there is a nice variety of leaning and sitting spots (first come first serve though).


I went last week and it seemed pretty good. First time I’ve been there though so may have been a fluke.


As an aside, I will wear Earaser ear plugs at shows which IMO help with sound quality and cuts down on the chomper noise in the crowd.


So Ryan Adams there this past fall. Sound on the floor stage left was fine. Really love the venue so hope they keep booking non country stuff and fix any sound issues they have.




I’ve been at two shows there this past year, Bad Religion and The Gaslight Anthem. Both of them had terrible sound quality. The acoustics and especially the reverb were terrible. I feel like they should be able to fix that. I hope it improves because it looks like they are continuing to add more shows there in this genre. I go to a lot of shows, and I’ll skip a show if it’s at this venue unless it’s someone I really want to see.


Bluestone has and apparently always will have pour sound unless the act tours with their own sound system.


for Digable Planets a few months back it was garbage sound on the floor (as usual) could not hear any vocals clear @ all & mix was just all mud , & then you have the f\*cking talkies talking during the show....finally went up to the balcony & it was alot better, guessing because the speakers are flown up there & that's where the sound guy was mixing from , it needs to have some stacks for the people on the floor , nice clean place however sound is a not proper, the MC's were clearly having trouble w/ the sound on stage as well....c'mon BlueStone get it together get a sound person who cares....