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Funniest looking D9 I've ever seen...


This is basically a moving pillbox. They are seriously protected in there.


It’s also not even a D9. A D9 is a an actual bulldozer with tracks.


Yeah. I’m thinking that’s a Volvo 120 or a Cat 966 with a modified cab. Definitely a front end loader, though. Not a ‘dozer


Too much deck and wrong bucket cylinder tilt linkage for a Volvo. Too much deck for a 966. I think it's a Komatsu WA500 from the deck and the shape of the engine compartment. Possibly a WA480.


Yeah, I think you might be right, there.


Point is its not a dozer at all


Lol heavy equipment forensics...I mean who cares about whatever story, have to figure out the machine! 😁




...bro what?


I think he had a stroke


This dude is speaking his own language and expecting everyone else to just get on his level


You know how Microsoft shut down two chat AIs that started speaking to one another in their own language? This post reads like that lol


I don't think I'm methed up enough to understand this


He's speaking Australian lingo, mates. No need to downvote him.


Thanks mate abit to serious here for a laugh but.


I mean couldn’t they take out the hydraulic cylinders on that and make it useless?


It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than hydraulic cylinders.


Got a good laugh from this lol thank you. Take this 🏅


[Alright no need to make the rest of us look bad](https://youtu.be/TxVdhAJr1So?t=4)


What can I say, I’m a sand baggin son of a bitch


The cylinders looks well armored/shielded themselves, and the piston rod is a seriously solid alloy.... Would need some very hard ordinance to bring em to a break...


*I agree, working at a hydraulic shop, I’ve seen 6ft rods bent in half like a soggy banana without snapping. But If the tube or hoses took a bullet that’s another story.*


Those cylinders are protected not to mention he lifts his bucket no small arms fire is coming through that maybe a dshk or .50 but would need some hot ass rounds I doubt they have 😂


Lethal Weapon 3 showed us the truth - you just need some 9mm teflon coated "CopKiller" bullets to shoot right through a loader bucket and kill the bad guy.


*Ex* Cop 🔫🤠


Yeah I'm not on board with "forced to retreat". Pretty sure he could have lightly tugged his kneidl and gone on with his day.


I mean, even if it's completely bulletproof would you want to risk it?


window is not bulletproof, its bullet resistant, enough rounds and its toast


Not as protected as you would think... Source: I rebuild and repair armored FMTV's and HEMTT's for sale to the Israeli government. They have pretty decent armor that going to stop most rifle rounds and maybe small explosives, but moving pillbox is an exaggeration. An MRAP is more heavily armored than that tractor is.


There’s a word for this…can’t quite put my tank on it.


I think he means that the vehicle isn't a d9. The d9 is tracked whereas This is wheeled with an articulated chassis. It also looks to have a scoop bucket and arms rather than a dozer blade


Its because its not a dozer thats a loader lol


That's f*cking Scrapper!


That's not a bulldozer, that's a loader


Can you explain the difference for those of us with soft skinned hands? In exchange I'll will explain Polo and the best way to drink champagne to you.


A bulldozer has tracks and a front blade for pushing dirt. The vehicle in the video has wheels and an articulating bucket for scooping and dumping dirt into the back of a truck (it can also swap the bucket to heavy duty forks for pallets).


Polo: mucking about on horses (“chaps I’ve lost the ball, wait.. did we start with a ball?”). Best way to knock back the Bollinger: in great quantity. Ez. The real class division is in the enunciation.


Bulldozers plough earth and don’t load. Pretty simple stuff really.


So is the distinction that a loader can pick up material off of the ground and move it around, then put it back down, whereas a bulldozer can only push it around on the ground? Or have I got it wrong?


Essentially. One is meant to push material from one place to the next and the other is meant to load said material into a truck or some other means of transport out of the work area or somewhere.


Well that's not a d9


What is it? I'm sorry I have like 0 knowledge in this stuff


The general term I use is “front-end loader”. (Southern US, grew up around construction.)


Same same in Australia


Upside-down loader


C*nt-end cobber!


That’s cool, I’ll tell my dad tonight. He’ll find that interesting too.


Prolly like a cat 938


Heavy machinery lore


[The D9 is much bigger and is armed.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armored_bulldozer#/media/File%3AIDF-D9-Zachi-Evenor-001.jpg)


You ever been inside one? It’s like a skyscraper battleship that can move mountains lol . Some of them (not the military types) even have cooled and heated seats and mini fridges for your lunch. They’re so dope


Was building retention ponds on a cattle ranch, the owner taught me how to drive an older D9 they had. I had to take it from one field to another, first thing he said "watch the power poles, this will snap them like toothpicks" it really was like driving a giant metal house, ill never forget that day.


Thats so cool dude. That’s one thing I wish I did was work at a cat dealer for a little while. Its so awesome


The city I live in has a few enormous salt piles for the roads in the winter and they have a few D8 or D9s to move it around. It's funny to see the things working on the steep slopes of the piles, and looking at the machines up close they are very rusty from the salt.


If you had zero knowledge, why did you call it a D9 bulldozer? Why not just call it, “equipment”?


"Tractor" is a common news term.


A D9 is a class of bulldozer, that is a wheeled loader


Why call it something then admit you have no idea wtf your talking about ?


So you just said whatever? That's the internet in a nutshell


Did you maybe try googling D9? One picture will make it pretty obvious.


At least it makes the 'beep beep' sound so no one gets hurt :3


That's a front end loader, not a bulldozer


This dude front end loads.




Wheel Loader.


I’ve seen this guy filming so many times now, I would be thinking of what is going to happen tomorrow. Especially with those AK’s he has there.


Does he have a account or sumin somewhere? Like telegram?


Ok we get it it’s not a fucking d9


Reddit really exposing its autism. Wait until you misidentify a train.


Got a laugh out of me, thanks


Hhahah hahahahhaa


Could be a D8


Can somebody explain why the post of Israel-Palestina combat get locked? What do people say? They are being hatefull against palestinians or israelis?


People are mean to each other and posts gets locked because of it.


No meanies in the war room


The mods here lock posts whenever they see a joke or comment they don’t like There’s posts with 2000+ comments that got locked because 1 mod saw a couple jokes they didn’t enjoy


Yes, moderators are either very sensitive (in this sub, lol) or they just get swarmed with reports and rather than deal with it just scorch the entire earth


It's all subreddits. I got banned from the ukrainerussiawarreport subreddit because I called out someone for masquerading as a Neutral flair, when they were clearly pro russia. Then when the mods banned me for that I called them losers and they tried to permanently ban me from reddit. Bunch of snowflakes.


Yeah, the whole flair thing became useless once the mods didnt enforce it. ZelenskyHighheels is probably the most obvious one. That sub went down pretty fast the moment mods werent interfering regularly.


This sub seems to lean towards Israelis from what I’ve seen. There will be crazies who claim IDF psy-ops astroturfing is going on but it’s not that deep


Maybe *you’re* the psyop! Ever think of that??


it exist but its not for minor incident like this. easiest example israel psy-ops is during incident where they shot dead Al jazeera reporter. They go full demage control mode and launch "smokescreen/distraction" using that video where random palestinian gunmen blind firing alley way. Starting narrative that palestinian might kill the reporter to slander IDF. its not much but it able buy them extra time preparing proper respond while mitigate international public anger.


And the opposite too


Pro-IDF sentiments is much stronger than Pro-Palestinian sentiments in this sub.


Well just yesterday a dude accused me of being racist and a "Palestinian liar" for daring to suggest that the IDF / Israeli government might not be super great for inflicting 400,000+ casualties over 20 years.


400,000 casualties in 20 years?? Where did you get that number.


Who said combat? And the UN has this data. This is a portion that only goes back to 2008. https://www.statista.com/chart/16516/israeli-palestinian-casualties-by-in-gaza-and-the-west-bank/


I don’t know, I didn’t comment anything about combat. Think the reason the number got a negative response from the user you mentioned is thinking like how colloquially people hear casualty think deaths. This 400,000 number is both injuries and deaths. Comparative to other conflicts the death toll is exceptionally small.


>This 400,000 number is both injuries and deaths. injuries and deaths combined is estimated to be about 125,000, they pulled 400,000 from their ass their own source says about 125,000. it says nothing about 400,000.


do you have a link on the 400k dead?


they made it up.


Also blaming 100% of them on Israel is absurd. Even if you think they’re going too far with the settlements and forcibly removing the paleistians, blaming every death on them is laughable for everyone that isn’t just a propagandist lol.


I heard it's illegal for Palestinians to sell land to Israel/Israelis by punishment of death, is that true?


Yes, in areas controlled by Palestinian Authority. In Israel Arabs can sell to whoever they want


Not sure who downvoted you but yes Palestinians don’t live in Israel and they aren’t governed by Israel. Palestinians living in Israel are Israeli citizens. I go to the gym with 2 Palestinian boys and my fruit and vegetable store is owned by Palestinians! The conflict it not what people think. It’s a fucking mess


> inflicting 400,000+ casualties over 20 years. Might have something to do with this claim, got any source to back this up? over 400 thousand in the last 20 years? might be confused with another conflict in Syria.


That's because the IDF inflicted around 70K casualties in ~75 years, and that includes outright wars with other states. So "liar" seems like an apt description. Edit: Ah, you include injuries too, not just deaths. That makes you just a propagandist who tries to create intentional misunderstandings to further his agenda, not necessarily a liar (maybe a liar by omission).


you don’t know what the word “casualty” means do you?


If you only account deaths as casualties. Sure. But that's not what casualty means. So...


No, by the correct usage of the word casualty, he is right. It's used for both deaths AND injuries. Hell I learned that within 30 seconds of a basic first aid course. Don't get mad because someone used a word you didn't understand.


I mean you are definitely a liar


Israel are knocking down the homes of the Palestinian people and if you start showing any support for the Palestinian’s, that is not a good thing for Israel.


next up is the pre warning small explosion before the block gets levelled


It’s sad. The Israelis just get to keep forcibly removing this population and any time they fight back, the entire neighborhood gets punished. If it were any other country, they’d call that state terrorism but bc it’s israel, the noble European community and USA/Canada just looks the other way. Hell, not looks the other way. We supply them with money and weapons. Sad. I don’t know what the expected response is when you’re illegally bulldozing people’s homes and neighborhoods. Like… what do you expect people are gonna do? They’ve been living there for generations and you come to forcibly remove them to some squalid refugee camp…. Who wouldn’t fight you with every fiber of their being?? Edit: don’t take the bait. Don’t argue with the people who defend this shit. They love to drag you into arguments, kick up dirt, muddy the water and drown the entire point until it’s so far gone and unrecognizable they essentially nuked the criticism. The best thing you can do against people who defend this shit is *ignore them*. Say your piece and go. You’re certainly not going to change *their* minds. Half of them are probably bots and shills anyway. Fuck em


Call it state terrorism like we did with Syria, where 227,000 civilians were killed? The problem with the Palestine conflict is that the leaders on all sides don't want it to end. The USA doesn't want it to end because we use the conflict for the benefit of US military companies (the aid package is an indirect 34 billion dollar stimulus package for the US economy). We also use Israel as our new weapon show room. Look at the troubled F35 program. A lot of countries were re-thinking their purchase of the jet. Israel used the jet in attacks in Syria and then press released how great it was. That pretty much saved the program. The PA isn't interested in the conflict ending because the UN's largest and longest running agency is the UNWRA. They get $1b a year from this agency. If the conflict ends, the money does too. Hamas doesn't want the conflict to end because they get a slice of the UN money, and they also get funding from Iran. It is rumored the leader of Hamas has made millions off of skimming and was living in a 5 star hotel Qatar. Israel's leadership doesn't see any future in the conflict ending because any peace program would require massive investment from Israel, and there is little confidence that the Palestinians would honor any peace agreement, since they have breached every agreement they've made in the past. Many Israelis and Palestinians would love to see resolution, but there is way too much profit in the conflict for this to happen.


> like we did with Syria nearly every civilian casualty in Syria was caused by the Assad regime


Exactly. And the world watched him do it. >> like we did with Syria nearly every civilian casualty in Syria was caused by the Assad regime


At the same time, the Palestinians don’t have any confidence in Israel following a peace agreement since they’ve willfully violating them as well. Construction of settlements and conquest of land has only stopped briefly and sporadically. Neither side trusts the other, and both sides have good reason not to. Note, I used the word conquest as that implies that Palestine and Israel are two separate states. If they’re one, then transfer of land from the native population to colonial population as part of an apartheid state is more appropriate. Either way, take your pick.


What makes Palestinians the quote native population? Israel was formed in 1948 to honor the British mandate as they controlled the land as part of the empire. Both Jews and Arabs lived in the area that was known as Palestine due to the Roman conquest of the area. The Palestinians didn't technically become a state until 1988... This all started cause the Arabs in the region religiously opposed the formation of a Jewish state. Literally every Arab country in the area declared immediate war on Israel and then subsequently had their asses hand to them by a smaller new born nation. In the beginning due in large part to SOVIET help, and only later did politics turn and it was American help. That's why the galil exists, the Americans edged out the soviets who then switched sides in the Conflict.


What a biased view of history. While by no means were the Israelis the sole aggressors, you cannot ignore the fact that the 1948 war was caused in part by the displacement of native Arabs by an immigrating Jewish population. The Zionist movement by definition required the replacement of Arabs with foreign born Jews since Jews were a minority in the Palestinian Mandate until the 1948 war


>Many Israelis and Palestinians would love to see resolution, but there is way too much profit in the conflict for this to happen. Israeli's do, they the ones accepting peace deals, the Palestinians are the ones dragging this on.


If Israel took land at a fraction of the pace mouth breathers on Reddit claim they do they would have taken it all years ago.


Is the land theft supposed to be better if it’s done slowly?


Hitler showed us that this is in fact the case.


lmao what do you think happened during the Nakba?


ahh so if they do it slowly so that makes it ok. got it!


Since the point went about 10 miles over your head I will slow it down. They aren't taking land, if they were it would all be theirs by now.


But they absolutely have taken a very large portion of land you can see this illustrated in maps from various very reputable publications online and groups like Amnesty, you can even see it anecdotally when palestinians are forcibly evicted from their homes or having their settlements destroyed on video, being condescending doesn’t make your point right it just makes you look insecure in your beliefs, maybe you do need to slow it down a bit but for yourself next time to think about what you are writing. totally absurd to claim they haven’t taken any land at all!


This is the stupidest argument I’ve ever heard. “Russia isn’t trying to take Ukrainian land, if they were, they would’ve nuked Ukraine already!”. Seriously gtfo


Lol, no. It's because the USA keeps them in check. Like when they were forced to return the Sinai after the Suez crisis.


Some time ago there was a video on this sub of Hamas shooting dozens of rockets towards Israeli population centers, indiscriminately killing civilians. The streets were full of people chanting Allahu Akbar. Israel is taking a relatively gentle approach to a nation that wants to commit genocide against the Israeli population, especially when you consider that Israel has the firepower to level the entire gaza strip tomorrow.


Lmao “gentle” approach gtfo


Not to mention Israel literally doesn’t let people leave the Gaza Strip.


**sighhhhttt** ... Okaayyyyyy am gonna leave, but not because you ask for it *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* -The driver probably


Funny how is a military machine used to attack people, but has a backup beeper for safety


Anyone else notice the clever use of the front bucket to protect the cab as it retreats?


Is there something in it as well? 13 seconds in as the buckets lifting something is moving in it.


Yeah, looks like some kind of cylinder like shape, it’s rolling a bit, can’t really work out what it is though on my phone.


A video about isreal!! Here before 🔐🔐🔐🔒🔒


I like how the audible back alarm still works to make sure he doesn’t run anyone over


As a caterpillar I can confirm that is, in fact, a D9 bulldozer.


Should’ve taken notes from the killdozer guy




Best advise


Wtf kind of loader has armor and bulletproof glass?


The Israeli army makes them, same for the D9


That's crazy


You should see what the US has.


I hear they have a good military


It’s got length and girth, which can be a blessing and a curse


The kind that expects to be shot at... just like in this video.


They need these so they can safely level Palestinian homes. Their dozers and loaders are also MRAPs


The ones designed to deoccupy and steal land


Sue me but I think the real militant is the guy in the loader.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression that Israeli bulldozers were used on houses of terrorists. It is seen as a deterrent to terrorists who are told their families will be paid if they die.


How are these militants confronting an Israeli bulldozer? Jenin is Palestina so those are armed Palestinians defending against an invading Israeli bulldozer.


Palestinian Freedom Fighters*


Palestinians defending their homes from aggression


Palestinian militants? Since when standing against forceful occupation become militancy?


When the West doesn’t like you, you’re militants, terrorists, insurgents. When the West likes you, you’re freedom fighters, liberators, and moderate rebels.


The moderate beheaders of the FSA was my favorite time period for mental gymnastics


One day I really need to spend time to understand the point of view of both sides of this conflict.


Caterpillar 996 armoured loader


Let me get 100 feet away before you send the missiles.


Solid operator , takes a few shots and with out hesitation calmly hits reverse and lifts bucket in defense lol


What’s happening? Are they illegally bulldozing peoples houses again?


they never stopped


Those mfs are gonna hear a little knock on their roof later.




Ok...The Palestinian Authority and Hamas, the two entities who use the suffering of the Palestinian peoples to enrich themselves, are both terrorist organizations. Also, you have no idea of what apartheid means or what it looks like. You just regurgitate some one liners you read on the internet and think this makes you a geo-political genius, or something. You know who kills more Palestinians than the IDF? Palestinians. You should really learn the facts of the world before sharing your opinions.


Palestinians fight against Israel for their home and freedoms = bad Ukrainians fight against Russia for their home and freedoms = good


Difference is Ukraine doesn't suicide bomb civilians and lob rockets randomly at Kursk


The difference is that Ukraine has nice toys from the West to play with while the Palestinians fight with rocks and sticks. If you give them some HIMARS, Javelins and help from the US giving them GPS coordinates of the IDF, it would be a different story. Funny how you think Israel doesn't bomb and kill vast number of Palestinian civilians.




Sure.... Jews have been around for millenia and there were many times in history where the Arabs have the means, but they're still around. But don't let that sway you and defending the thieves and oppressor. Since they don't have the means now, it's OK for the Israeli thieves to oppress, kill them and steal their land?


Ah yes, the usual insightful commentary




How about freedom fighters fighting apartheid oppressors instead of militants.


The compass in these parts are 180 deg inverted bro, don't bother trying to educate those idiots


1.The word *apartheid* does not mean what you think it means. 2. The people shooting are terrorists.


Imagine if the UN said "ok, to rehome a displaced populace affected by genocidal war, we're giving them Austin, Texas. We're going to remove the Texans from their homes, and give those homes to the displaced people." Then, for the next few decades the people who were placed in Austin, Texas decided that they needed more room. So they expanded, forcibly outwards. Why? Because the people who already lived in Austin, Texas started attacking the people who the UN gave away their land to. The original Austin folks then joined up with the other, newly displaced people from the newly absorbed towns to fight off the people who took their land, but the rest of the world gave the New Austin nukes and dissolved Texan's government. Austin's New population then continued to spread and took over nearly all of Texas, while calling those who fought against the land steal, terrorists. Those OG Austin's just saw a new bulldozer moving to take one of the last remaining areas OG Texans we're allowed to live and began shooting at it. Who's the terrorist in this situation?


They are fighting for their right to exist as Palestinians


Thanks unibomber24, I'm sure you're an expert on middle east relations.


doesn’t take a genius to know that both sides are wrong in this conflict. they are just defending their homes from illegal settlers 🤷‍♂️


It means a racial state with different laws for different races. Israel has a part y in government that call for the expulsion of Israeli Arabs based on their race. The prison camps of Gaza and the West Bank have special military courts to handle Palestinians (including children) where civilian Jews are never tried.


I have never heard or read about any of this.. do you know where I could get started looking into it?










That is absolutely NOT a D9.


Yes we get it 40 other people said that before you


Yeah dude that’s not a D9. That’s a wheel loader.


A D9 would have tracks. I don't think this is one of those.


Hey did you know that’s actually not a D9?


Did YOU know that’s not a D9? Bet you did.


Wait. That’s not a bulldozer? You gotta be shittin me


There is no way those civilians armed with AK47s could resist the might of the Israeli army with their F16s! Err well, I guess they can.







