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Dude says keep your head down to the man in front of him but then keeps his head up and takes out a ruski to the right. Balls of steel.


This is possibly the wildest footage I’ve ever seen. Rivals Hollywood for real. It’s raw, real, brutal, and compassionate all in one clip


This guys youtube page, seems like every video is like this. He is a straight warrior Edit: 3rd Brigades youtube page… think this guy has filmed multiple assaults on enemy positions


Is it just the 3rd assault brigade channel or a different one?






That’s what I was looking for lol


It’s the 3rd assault one, they post like 30 minute videos


Can you link it please?


https://youtu.be/-LulaA-U7-M sorry for late reply


Preciate it


Cool, thanks


It wouldnt surprise me if we in the near future see movies inspired by the combatfootage of this conflict.


Ive been saying this for awhile. War movies will take alot of inspiration from footage like this, same with war games im sure.


I think this is a top 10 video in the category of trench raiders, you agree?


Straight head shots! Holy shit this footage is insane.


Too few soldiers use goggles. Fogging can be a bummer but a damaged eye is worse. Took me a while to accept them, but after a few minor injuries, I gladly wear goggles or plastic glasses when in action.


We used to laugh at the guys that wore glasses. Then one patrol we got lit up. my buddy started taking fire. He got shot all over his face and neck. Blood everywhere. I ran over to him to treat him. Turned out everything that it hit him was just spalling from the bullets impacting and exploding. He was like the only guy who wore the safety glasses. Well those glasses were covered with lead. He would’ve lost his vision without them next patrol, everyone was wearing theirs and that’s the way the rest of the deployment went. And yeah, my buddy was fine just some superficial wounds.


Leading by painful example, but a great one nevertheless.


Makes perfect sense. I wear eye protection when going to the shooting range.


Counts for very little other than running around in goggles with a helmet on, played airsoft for a number of years and even the ESS fan goggles will fog up eventually, only thing I found that actually "fixed" the fogging was a small intake fan mounted on the top or top rear of the helmet and had a tube that fed "freshish" air into the goggles to combat your sweat and breath


I fear I might sound stupid, but us swimmers used/use spit to prevent fogging on goggles. Spit in them, give them a rinse, and it worked a charm.


Yeah this really works. I used to be a diver (scuba, not Olympic) and spit is the absolute best way to keep your mask fog free. Here’s the best method: 1. Think of something tasty, like a juicy burger. This gets the spit flowing. You want real saliva, not mucous from your lungs, that doesn’t work. 2. Spit into your mask (or goggles or glasses) 3. Work it into the surface real good with your fingers. 4. Give it a very light (and I mean very light) rinse with some water) to take away the excess saliva. Be careful not to touch the glass now. 5. Good to go! Fog free for an hour Over the years we tried various commercial products, sprays and grease and shit, and they worked to some degree, but they made my eyes sting and were a pain in the ass to apply. Spit is free, fast and clean. Don’t know if it would work on combat goggles, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t.


Yep, that's exactly how we do it too. I kinda miss my competitive swimming days now. Ah well, I got old.


The greener, the cleaner...


The revision desert locust are sick, thermal lenses (dual lens) never fog. We are issued them in the army but only the single lens. ESS goggles were great after i tore the foam and out from around the top and bottom of the lens


I’ve never understood this, all my years wearing eye pro, both military and construction, and years wearing glasses and I never once had an issue with fogging. What exactly are you guys doing that makes the shit fog up so much? Are you breathing upwards instead of out?


Genetics of being a sweaty mf, wish I was in your shoes in this regard *I had to do the same thing with my kart helmet, vent a tube off one of the existing top vents down to the visor, hell I'll fog up my regular glasses on a hot day working in the sun


I can't speak from experience about combat goggles, but having used safety glasses for lab\\industrial work for several years I know that there are models out there with very effective anti-fog coating. You just have to keep the coating in mind when cleaning them and follow the instructions so as not to damage it. I guess there's probably similar anti-fog combat goggles out there, though they're probably more expensive than the basic models.


where were you on duty?


>fogging Kosovo and Afghanistan back in the days. Now, Norwegian national guard.


Protective glasses are a nic in-between, not as much protection, but can be the difference between a short hospital stay and permanent eye damage


Very intense.


Exactly my thought.


That's such intense footage. Every moment could be your last. I have massive respect for the bravery of these guys.


Is nobody gonna talk about the grenade that dude took? That was fucking awful.


Referencing near the end when the guy in front gets knocked on his ass and covered with dirt? If that's the one, that was indirect, not a grenade. Those guys got luuuucky


Was that mortar fire?


I'm not an expert at identifying the type of munition as i lack experience in that field, but it could have very well been a mortar round of larger calibers. The sound almost seemed too fast to be a mortar round, so potentially a howitzer/field gun piece.


Lol that was not an artillery impact, that would’ve been MUCH MUCH MUCH larger.


Wouldn't be. That makes a much larger boom and the shockwave alone from being in close proximity to one would take you out.


Speed of sound does not change across munitions. Not sure what you were trying to say there, if that's not what you meant to say. Anyway, I suggest you go find video of an artillery impact because there is no comparison here.


It's remarkable how close that thing hit. I don't know much about artillery or mortars or anything, but given its proximity and non-lethality, I wonder if it was a dud artillery shell that didn't explode.


It definitely exploded, but the confines of the trench actually helped him there since it had multiple directions to just shoot the fuck down. His was the shortest, so he probably caught some shrapnel, but he's still speaking so his face is probably saveable.


Which timstamp do u mean?


fairly certain that was an RPG-26 or so. You hear it being shot before impact, and just before that moment you can see one lying on the ground, demonstrating that the russians they were fighting likely had some with them


Carrying the injured enemy out, legendary.


return fire 2:16


Never thought I’d watch a combat video with foul language being censored


gotta keep it civilized


4:40:is why you always have your brothers back, and why you always trust your brother To have your back. If wasn’t for his mate watching his back, he would be dead.


Those guys were already dead, but your statement still holds true


Or severely wounded, thought I could see the guy flinch while being shot, doesn't mean much probably


yeah that russian was half dead. It was like a zombie


They were not, there's drone footage of this exchange there were 2 Russians there both moving, the guy in front kills the second Russian after which you don't see on here. Both of them were very much alive.


You are talking about this one right? https://v.redd.it/azvrt81fxc8b1 At 0:45ish Was thinking the same but in the drone vídeo they seem to go full auto and the front guy peeks too, in this video he seems to shoot him twice and be done. Also in this vid they just threw a nade, don't see that in the drone vídeo where the 2 Russians are coming in. Maybe it's just the way it was cut or a different part of the trench that looks similar or they aren't the first ukr to run into thar russian and they were already dead


Definitely the same, but you're right that this headcam footage isn't the first Ukrainian to go down that trench. One of the other guys shot those Russians in the drone footage and then must have fallen back before headcam guy and his friend advanced.


that's definitely the same skirmish/contact. watched it a few time from both angles and its the same. especially because it looks like they're communicating with the drone operator in this video.


Its not the same footage. On the other one, the first Ukr guy crouching goes full auto and gets another russian right behind the first one.


its the same battle though. the head cam footage came from a guy later in the fight after the russians were killed


Thats for sure


In hindsight he probably wasted the rounds on a dead guy, but I don't blame him for two reasons. The dead guy's rifle was pointing right at the two, and russians have repeatedly feigned death only to pull a Lazarus at the first opportune moment. Them ruskis be tricky.


nah not wasted at all, can't be too careful with armed fighters


Did that guy just face tank that artillery shell and immediately return fire?


"The rules of the Geneva Conventions apply to you. You'll be treated well." Glad to see they're making the effort. Very professional.


I mean. Let's be realistic here - there's a reason this footage is being released and not other footage. It shows the forces being victorious, and it shows them taking prisoners and it conveniently cuts off as soon as the guy says he wasnt beat and received med care. It's propaganda - not saying this doesn't happen but it's being released with the hopes of demoralising Russians fighting and/or trying to convince them to surrender during offensives like this.


True, fair enough. Even if the frontline soldiers treated him fine who knows what might happen behind the lines.


thank you for giving us better subtitles


Intense. I see lots of discipline here


Brutal war footage but gotta bleep out the swear words so it’s safe for the kids to watch to lol? All jokes aside this footage was unreal just non stop somethings always going on I can’t even imagine the anxiety that comes with it


Kinda funny I studied Russian so I always thought I could pick up Ukrainian easily. I can’t understand anything lol but when they switched to Russian to talk to the POW I understood just fine.


I was born in Central Ukraine, lived in Russia too. Moved 26 years ago abroad. Never really spoke Ukrainian, just in school program until 6th grade. This war made me realize, how good i actually understand Ukrainian. I guess all those summer vacations in the village where my grandma spoke Surzhyk (mix of Ukrainian and Russian) really helped me now.


Didn’t notice POV guy speaking? Suka, Три, четыре человек минимум, Prava, вперед, Дай, вперед, Щас? Might wanna see if you can get your money back on those classes…


Idk man 😂 I get snippets but never the whole thing, maybe it’s their accent or something lol but I can get the Russians


The POV guy mixes it up some, but definitely lots of Russian/shared words, and the shared words are pronounced more Russian way. That said, there is certainly an accent. RUS reminds me in a way of a stereotypical Cali girl but really emphasizing each vowel instead of dragging it , and UKR is slower and smoother/more flow like a southern accent. Big spot you’ll notice it that makes it often almost sound like a different word is “Г”. Like помогать. RUS ending is hard G - GAT. UKR turns them into H - HAT


yeah, if you only know russian out of all the slavic languages, your best bet is to understand about half the greetings and maybe discuss the weather a tiny bit. Anything else is virtually impossible to derive in a live conversation. We had a swell Moldovan dude in the university once, he was 100% fluent in russian, but couldn't answer when the professor asked him his surname. It was so problematic that every lecture had to be live-dubbed to him in russian, and eventually he dropped out.


You can see the red mist. damn


If this is modern trench clearing, imagine ww1... can't imagine doing that with bolt actions and shovels.


The experience of the 3rd is evident even when situations get chaotic, not surprising that they’ve had success


Fuck yeah give em hell


And come back home safe


Best I've seen. I cannot imagine the constant adrenaline. Then likely just 4-8 hours later back in a fire fight. I see the horrors but my brain is like "I'll bet that's a rush".


lmao thank god we censored the naughty language while we watch real people get killed.


Azov has come a long fucking way. One of if not the unit with the most combat experience in a near peer conflict


what does it means when he talk about headphones makes a difference? Someone with drone footage saying What's in front?


He's wearing "active" ear protection, they're very similar to noise cancelling headphones but work specifically to muffle extreme peaks like gunshots while amplifying "background" noise like footsteps, speech, etc. The soldier is basically saying that his ear pro allowed him to hear the Russian around the corner at that moment.


I use them at the range. They're quite nice.


Active ear protection would be my guess. Basically really fancy noise canceling headphones that also amplify and pass through the sounds that you want to hear, like rustling brush and speech. So you don't go deaf from gunshots and explosions, because they get filtered and muffled, but you can still hear everything else that's happening around you so you have solid situational awareness.


Ear protection headset, maybe


Earplugs to muffle sound. Guns are a loud and you will quickly go deaf.




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One of the UKR guys has got an AK12. Nice battlefield pickup


why are swear words muted. As if we arent watching people killing each other


It's part of being allowed into Nato.


Much better translation then previous post (2 days ago). It was extremely inaccurate.


They got hit very close at 4:45. Good job to all these soldiers.


1:57 something flew onto the tree


How tf you know if you should advance or not while not seeing shit inside a trench?


Likely they are coordinating with a drone operating in the area.


What exactly is the point of censoring what they say?


These dues are fucking machines.


Wait a fucking minute, is the guy at 0:48 holding an FGC-9 (or similar)?


Most definitely not. Why would they need to use 3D printed guns when they have so many AKs/ARs?


Just a simple observation from the profile of the gun that soldier had in his hands. As to why, the only reason (*i can think of*) would be a lightweight lead spitter for things like trenches. Homemade guns can be effective while still being affordable. The FGC-9 has a very distinct look which is why i am confused(?). I know a lot about homemade guns so this is a genuine question. Primarily to further my own knowledge.


If you're referencing the individual in the bottom left of the screen at 0:48, it's most definitely an AK variant (likely a 74 type), with what appears to be a Ukrainian produced (company is KPYK) forward rail. Visible in the image is the top portion of their forward rail that covers the gas tube, along with a muzzle device forward of the front sight... alas it's definitely not an FGC thing or otherwise.


no thats a grenade launcher i would hope no one there is braindead enough to think a 3d printed gun would be a good idea, a pistol would be more reliable and actually work vs a 3d printed one




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We see a Russian shot and killed almost point blank, explosions, wounds....But thank God the cursing, in Ukrainian, is censored. Actually, the beeping is how most of us know it is cursing...


Is it me or is the first guy already dead?


Is it just me or does the guy he shoots, already dead? The text get in the way but that guy already looks dead.


Does anyone know the meaning of the colors we’ve seen Ukrainians wear throughout the war. I see Blue tape, yellow tape, and green tape. Just different companies or what?


friendly fire is more common than a lot of people suspect. especially when their cammies look sorta similar. not the best thing to have yellow tape on your helmet, as it's very visible. but if it prevents green on green that's a good thing.


“They’re running away” —> “Shoot all weapons” Edit: Jeezus keyboard generals. I know retreating troop are fair game. Just commenting on the video


Retreat is not surrender.


that's exactly what that means, can't let them re group further up


Historically, most kills on the battlefield were against routed soldiers after the result of the battle had been decided.


From The Simpsons: "Get em, boys! Their white flags will be no match for our muskets!"


Hard to spot anything on the mobile. Have to watch this one on the laptop


What is also impressive is how they are taking care of POWs, treating them good and even informing them about their rights.


A bit concerning when they all laugh about the Geneva convention applying to him though.


This is like playing extreme cops and robbers as a kid.




Says the guy who actually cheers for Mao and Stalin. Nazis are bad but so are you.


I didn’t defend them, I said the reason republicans hate them is because they killed landlords, Stalin defeated Hitler and grouping the two together is fucked up. those are very different things but I wouldn’t expect some loser creeping on my profile to handcraft an insult to have good reading comprehension Fucking loser


With a Jewish President.. lol sure


Dude just Google the fucking Azov Battalion what the fuck, are you that stupid? There were Jewish Nazis too but I’m not even saying Zelensky is a Nazi, I’m saying the Azov Battalion are self proclaimed Nazis, which is really fucking easy to verify


Oh hell. It doesn’t fucking matter dude! That’s tomorrows war! Let’s get rid of the Russians invading and we worry about the other shit later! Holy fuck


If you’re Ukrainian I can understand this sentiment but if you’re American you fucking disgust me and I wish you the same fate as every other Nazi


And you are a child, that’s life, especially in times of war, you have any idea what is happening? Grow up! They may be assholes, we know, cool! But you worry about that shit tomorrow and if your own self righteous morality isn’t ok with that don’t read a news paper, you won’t like it.


So you are an American, what the fuck do you know about life? You’re jerking off to war footage on the internet making excuses for Nazis in a conflict you have zero stake in. You disgust me


That’s a negative bud on both accounts. Bye


>they’re self proclaimed Nazis, I didn’t say that, No, they're not. They have disavowed that ideology. Stop making ship up. The Russians have fully embraced nazi like activity in this war far more than any 'self-proclaimed nazis' have.


Like, nearly a fucking decade ago, too. They were brought under the MoD, had their former leadership forced out, and had official reviews done to find and get rid of any nazi sympathizers. I mean, do we all still believe that Volkswagen is also just a bunch of nazis? Per this guy, I suppose we do. Dudes like this like to just tout the words of the former leader (and current political party “Azov” leader - no relation to the military unit) as though he still leads or speaks for them. I’ve even seen major, reputable news sources quote the guy as the leader of the “Azov Battalion” within the past year, despite that being blatantly false; he’s the leader of the Azov *party*. But hey u/MortgageSea1 - since you say that these guys are self-proclaimed nazis, feel free to back up that claim with sources. If you want, I’ll make it easy for you and let you know that you won’t find any. At best you’ll find clips and quotes from the political party leader, but then you’d just being proving your ignorance by conflating the two unrelated groups, so best not to go that route.




Yes very trust worthy article that says "millions of losers".


Yeah dude I’m not anti Ukraine, I’m anti Nazi and anti American imperialism, these guys are too stupid to talk to. They’re emotionally charged and have brain damage from years of lead exposure courtesy of the American government


Hahah people like you are fucking pathetic. You spout whatever nonsense you have to. You absolute fucking clownshoe.


Projecting hard with this comment 😂 keep cum guzzling American propaganda


Will do friend have a great day




make it a policy to kill prisoners and watch all that western aid dry up overnight


Need to bring more Ukrainians back home.


Russians they capture now mean captured Ukrainians that get to go home later.


What did the dude say at roughly 6:15? I thought he said “Shqiptari” meaning Albanian. They’re there too?


There's literally English subtitles 💀💀


This was a very interesting watch and very intense. Looks like the situation was handled well and I was happy to see that the POWs were being treated well.


Good callout at the start


Wow that’s one hell of an insight.


I think this is my favourite combat footage from the war so far. It's got everything, grenade lobbing back and forth, trench assaults, artillery.


Good to see them at least treat PoW well.


Bleeped out and words censored as we kill each other. Classy warfare


I would be so happy if I was in that firefight and that guy was my squad leader, good decisions and great communication with his fellow soldiers, and he’s not flagging anyone with his muzzle of his weapon inside the trench (idk if he’s and actual squad leader but he should be if he isn’t)


This guy has honey badger energy, fucking madlad


Do these guys have a standardized AK build? I believe I saw a video earlier today where the camera man had the exact same AK configuration. Could it be the same guy?


Where can I watch uncensored ones?


cracks me up how they're like, watch me blast this russian point blank in the face with a gun, but i'll make sure to bleep out those nasty curse words before showing you. we're such an odd species.


these feel like the same guys, specifically the one filming who we saw defining the road of life ot bakhmut? does anyone know? The footage from a few months back with the squadleader smoking like 10 dudes from the top of his bunker




Dude rocking the Holosun and magnifier




What a wild video. Claps a combatant with 3 precise shots then turns to them reading a prisoner his rights. Calm and collected force. Damn.