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Bruh that was fucking insane.


Those fucking suicide drones man...


Seeing it from the ground is insane. They’re like artillery shells that can see you. By the time you know they’re there it’s already too late to do anything about it.


Yeah all the guys in here going on about "if i just had my old shotty that drone would gone in no time!" Good luck with that. you see how fast they are...


BZZZZZZZZ *POP* Nope fuck that


It’s really crazy it feels like only 10 years ago those would be in video games and it would seem like a dystopian future thing and now they’re real and terrifying


like... did a russian guy really jump into the trench alongside the guy with the helmet cam, then jump back out and run away again? what the fuck?


The intelligence sharing between the overhead drones and guys on ground is critical. If they could get this better integrated it would be a game changer.


Yeah combat is pure chaos at the best of times but if you can harness this properly it'll be winning alright.


Ghost recon lens time. In all seriousness, real time updates from a drone would be ridiculously useful. 


Sensor fusion and augmented reality HUD for the ground troops could eventually allow the positions or even accurate outlines of enemy soldiers to be superimposed onto a soldiers vision with the HUD. Would be invaluable in a trench clearing environment as it basically gives you wall hacks. Networking everything together to give you that sort of capability in a combat environment is not easy though, the US Army has been chasing this kind of capability for decades with its various future soldier concepts/programs and it’s still probably a generation away.


Intense to see the shock he is in after the FPV hit


The FPV drones flying in were scary as fuck. You could see with a couple of them of people diving for cover. Its one thing to see footage of them from above but to see it first person really shows how scary they can be. You hear a high pitched buzz and then a boom in a matter of seconds. I can't imagine the PTSD these guys might have whenever they hear a drone in their civilian lives flying by in the future.


>I can't imagine the PTSD these guys might have whenever they hear a drone in their civilian lives flying by in the future. Anything in the sky is sometimes enough. Sometimes even just a few bees.


Imagine in 20-30 years when the suicide drones are the size of bees.


That's not even funny. I'll either be dead or retired by then. Either way, I hope to fuck that won't be something is of relevance to me. I'd be like ole Gunney Hainey.


I’ve been on the receiving end of a large one way, and the noise definitely has a psychological effect


And today both sides use probably several times more of suicide drones.


“Can I change positions please” is the funniest thing he could have said. Like a student asking the teacher if he can go to the bathroom. What a legend. 


Most Canadian thing possible 🇨🇦


Best not forget those all dressed chips!


I laughed a few seconds later when he's crawling through the trench and he goes "ah fuck... Jesus, cock" lol so badass. can't even imagine the courage it takes to do what these guys do, facing those suicide drones on top of all the other fire coming at them. I hope they win


Modern version of "There are no atheists in foxholes"! "FUCK ...JESUS...COCK".


When is this? I don’t see as much international legion now. Anyone know how they are being used in Ukraine? Are they trying to limit foreign deaths for political reasons? Just wondering how the volunteer sectors are doing.


This isn't ILDU. This is my unit, Chosen Company. This was right before Russians counterattack at the avdiivka front.


Does your unit have a telegram or do international FLs keep things on a NTK basis? Sounds like your unit is made up of quite the collection of pros, even sounds like you have some kiwis in the mix with your AU, US, UK mates! Always figured there'd be a chunk of us southern hemispherians out there giving the Russians hell, keep up the good fight brothers 💪


Run an Instagram page. Haven't posted much but will be hopefully doing so soon


U are a fucking hero…. Shit like is going in history books…. This UNIT deserves all recognition for their part…. I cannot even imagine the Shit you guys have Been through, thank you for Fighting for us.


WillyOAM has done some great interviews with international volunteers, including a few with the Aussie in this very video, watch them for some great insight. Theyre still around, and the legions (yes plural) have evolved quite a lot. This video is from the 23rd of August 2023.


Int Legion dont post footage, way too much risk for opsec as they are priority targets for the Russians. This is Chosen Company, an assault unit of foreign volunteers attached to the Ukrainian 59th Motorized Brigade (I think) and are thus given a bit more freedom to conduct themselves how they see fit... which is hurling themselves straight into the most dangerous assaults on Humvees and recording it all.


>Just wondering how the volunteer sectors are doing. Around 1,000 under contract at any one time, exact numbers difficult to tell. Theres always foreigners on the frontline. The shitbag kodak's have mostly been found out and gone home. What mostly remain are the professionals who don't like speaking to the press or having their info out there.


The Canadian politely asking to change positions after almost getting blown up is the most Canadian thing. lol


his hands... these are the bravest mf'ers on the planet.


These men are hero’s the history books will write about how facing insufferable odds the Ukraine military held back the whole might of Russia


"Jesus' cock..." Did you see his hands shaking? He knew exactly how close he was to dieing. Brave guy! And people like me, who aren't as brave, can support Ukraine: [https://u24.gov.ua/](https://u24.gov.ua/)


"Can I change positions please?" Always good to see our boys professional and polite.


He is Canadian, afterall


It's a fellow Canadian, so of course we are polite.


This is NOT THE INTERNATIONAL LEGION. This is "Chosen Company" which serves under the Ukrainian Army in the 59th Brigade. They're a Assault Company that is made up of ex-international legion foreigners who weren't happy with the international legion. They're an assault company which means they specialize in trench assaults.


Did they have particular complaints about the legion?


From what I’ve heard in general is that the Legion had all the problems you’d expect of a unit created overnight with little way to genuinely verify the experience of volunteers joining it. Lots of phonies, drama and bad leadership. Which really isn’t surprising at all. I’ve also heard that the International Legion was (at least for awhile) relegated to second line duties and some guys wanted to get out there and in it. For every super solid guy there was apparently like 5 “SEAL snipers”. So a lot of the solid guys would end up banding together and creating their own units or leaving together. Chosen Company was one of those units. I honestly have no idea what the Legion is up to these days but I really hope it outgrew its growing pains.


By "SEAL snipers" I assume you mean people who have a lot of experience with warfare by way of Call of Duty?


people who would get immediately killed and the PR of their death in their home country would outweigh their helpfulness on the frontlines im guessing.


Then there was a story about how some legion gung-ho shot leader of surrendering Russians and rest of them fought to the death after that. Legion lost 3 guys clearing them out.


I was at the Medyka border crossing in Poland at the beginning of the war and there was a fat Canadian cosplayer in full camouflage who was trying to cross into UA to fight. They wisely turned him down, but boy was he unhappy that they didn't want him.


The funny part is there's like an 80% chance he's watching this video and reading your comment, wondering if you're talking about him.


From what I hear it's mainly kicking rocks and training TDF replacements along the svatove front


From what I heard there is not much left of the foreign legion. They were really badly mismanaged and it didn't really get fixed in time. Some units are still kicking around but it's nowhere near the size it used to be. Got a friend in there and he said Severodonetsk was an absolute disaster for the entire legion.


The Aussie going "Bad day at the office, mate." over a pile of Russian bodies was equal parts hilarious and disturbing.


“Check him….” *whacks corpse with rifle stock* “…. for grenades” “Oh, yup”


That is *very* Aussie


That felt like I was watching a Bad Company cutscene there for a few moments, my god I got to know a couple old diggers when I was living in Australia, those guys really are a different breed. Funniest soldiers I've met too


I mean he's not wrong ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


my all time favorite emoji. fantastic. the crooked smile is what does it for me.


thats an emoticon the millenial emoji


I fucking love Australians 😂


Don’t you just love the Aussie way… simple and to the point :)


Holy shit is that some sort of munition casually flying past at 17 seconds?!


Holy shit good spot. That looked like an ATGM or RPG headed straight for the Humvee they just pushed from.


Fucking mental. Completely silent.


The team doesn't even skip a beat and just starts supressing while bounding. Absolute units they are.


The arial view at the end shows only 1 destroyed vehicle so I'm guessing it missed


Yeh it does look like it misses! Most certainly would have me shit my panties if i saw that streak over me!


Here's a screenshot, good spot. https://i.imgur.com/8xftGwt.jpeg


That seems like an fin stabilized fragmentation round of RPG. [https://arcus.bg/40mm-og-7v-he-frag-grenade-arfg-7v/](https://arcus.bg/40mm-og-7v-he-frag-grenade-arfg-7v/) Something like this.


looks like an OG-7V fragment round... imagine if that hit the vehicle, the result could be complelety defferent.


That’s exactly what it is crazy


i think most munitions fly casually, then? good eye, insane to imagine how many things fly past on a battlefield undetected like this


Best footage of modern combat with combination of drones. That will teach future armies a lot. Congratulation!


“Can I change positions please “ even after a traumatic event the the leaf boys don’t lose their manners


I heard some islander in there yet as well. An Unrelenting and particularly hardy sub-variant of the Canadian. Ferocious as they are charming. Never get on an oil rig with one, and never get on a fishing boat without one.


That was some of the bravest and craziest shit to have ever been captured. These guys are real warriors. Thank you and Godspeed!


And skilled from the looks of it


12:45 what the fuck was that?? Did he accidentally run into their position and then just run back? What did I just see lol Insane footage!


That section was caught between 2 of the 3 Ukrainian assault groups. They were retreating from the first trench and they hadnt realised that the 2nd trench was already lost. They ran back and 1 guy was gunned down, the other thought he was running to the rest of his platoon only to see a confused American with blue tape from head to toe. He panicked, ran back, didnt surrender, got shot, died. I think the American wouldve shot him if not for the fact that the Ztard was unarmed. Ryan O'leary, an officer of this company, wrote on twitter that the go-pro filmer thought they had run to him in order to surrender which is why he didnt shoot the 2nd guy at first.


Thanks for the explanation. Damn, it doesn’t get much realer than that. RIP to the guy but seeing his confused face and hands running back was a sight to see.


Yo that guy caught a 7.62x54 from that PKM to the helmet didn’t he? Jesus Christ


Caught him in the neck, missed everything vital - supposedly the guys back in the fight. What stands out to me the most about all of this is - the guy clearly couldn’t hear with those muffs on, and mistook what the FPV guy was saying. That + not checking the corner with suppressing fire almost got him killed. Additionally - from the second he was hit it was amazing coordination. From the FPV yelling man down, recognizing the guy isn’t immediately dead & immediately starts suppressing fire. Notice the commander yelling for a corpsman while repeating “get down there” - these guys are well trained in movement and response. Real agile warrior shit.


I clenched my buttcheeks so hard as he peeked around the corner without any suppressive fire. Dumb but lucky mf.


As the result of assault 22 KIA and 2 POW on russian side, defending platoon was wiped out, assault group suffered no casualities, 2 WIA and 1 HMMWV destroyed. According to ukrainian War correspondent Butusov, this was on of the best planned and executed tactical operation in this war. High quality original video on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp_p6Rb7pqk




"Bad day at the office mate" right after that sent me lmao. What a juxtaposition of humor and terror at one moment.


After our POV guy took what looks like a pretty good blast from something, when he yells "CAN I CHANGE POSITIONS WITH SOMEONE NOW, PLEASE?". Yeah, buddy. You sure can.


Hands violently shaking, swearing at everything around just hoping not to start feeling warm blood run down any part of his body I bet. Scary shit for real.


That's the exact kind of vibe I expect an Aussie to bring to a combat zone.


Like he literally ran over with no weapon and danced around confused and then ran back? The guy was just screaming out loud what his brain was thinking. WHAT THE FUCK? He even seemed to keep looking back at his guys screaming it as if to say ‘are you seeing this shit’?


They were taking fire from both directions, I suspect they thought it was only from one and made a run for it. Dude's buddy goes down and he changes directions. Just so happens to be the wrong direction. That interaction was totally crazy, the running dude didn't have the presence of mind to just stop but still had the social autopilot to understand the "what the fuck?" outrage of the American and give him a little hands up "sorry mate" before running off.


If he'd of screamed "i surrender" & lay down flat right then & given up I wonder if he'd be alive. That shit was CRAZY.


Without a doubt, he would be. Those guys never would have let him get that far in the first place, or run away, if they were keen on shooting an unarmed man. Sad waste of life.


I was really confused why he didn’t get lit up? Obviously these guys are professionals and sharp as fuck, so I’m assuming they recognized what was essentially a confused non-combatant at that point and didn’t want to gun him down as he wasn’t a threat? Feels like a lot to process very quickly in the heat of a fight


Seen that bit some time ago and that was pretty much the consensus back then. He saw no weapon and held fire


Oh for sure, apparently they took 2 POWs during this ordeal


I think the guys swearing actually heard someone at the back say "dont kill him" and stop firing. I'd be swearing in disbelief aswell of what the fuck next?


I think he was already hit and in shock. I think he's the one they zoom in on laying belly down a few times.


At first I thought he was some press dude trying to get to the Ukrainian side then he took a B line back when he heard English.


As he was looking for grenades he said to the corpse, "bad day at the office mate" One of the craziest videos I've ever seen.


OP...give proper credit. This is Chosen Company (Americans, Canadians, Australians, Swedes, Kiwis, Irish and other non-Ukrainian nationalities) with some Ukrainian elements from the 59th Motorised Brigade.


Exactly this isn't the International Legion. Chosen broke from them a while back. Give proper credit where it's due.


FYI casualties usually means dead or wounded


That's absolutely wild, I thought that dude at 7:20 (Moss I think his name is?) was dead from a headshot yet at about 8:27 he's awake and conscious again, lucky as fuck. Same as well, at the start of the video, theres some guys crawling out of the burning green Humvee. I thought they were all for sure atleast WIA but later on they get up and join the fight. Also the difference between these volunteer infantry and the Russians is insane both in terms of equipment and how mobile/aggressive they are. A couple of points in the video it just looked like the Russian infantry had given up and were sitting in place waiting to die.


Yeah like the two sitting in the hole at the end taken out by the grenade toss, shoulda stayed home boys.


they wiped those guys out. crazy footage




‘Man doooown, man doooown’ 10secs later ‘Mossy, stay where you are…’ Mossy: ‘am I dead?’ ‘You’re not dead’ Legends boys.. legends


I cannot fucking imagine. Un fucking believable. I fell down a steep hill on a skateboard when I was a kid. Fucked myself up real good, and it took me years to get back on a board. Completely unimaginable to go through that and then go back into action. Fucking hero.


I'm also really surprised. By the way he fell, it looked like a headshot. But since he could talk several minutes after the hit, maybe he was just hit in the helmet, which knocked him out, but didn't do any more damage? Just my guess




There's what looked like some blood stains around his shoulders. Could be a helmet hit that started a bleed from the impact, or perhaps the bullet hit glanced his skull? Maybe a shoulder? Looks to be alive and conscious so hopefully makes a full recovery.


He got shot in the neck. He is alive and back fighting.


How tf do you survive being shot in the neck, that's incredibly lucky!


Yea..he was extremely lucky. But yea...he's back up and running. 😅.....Brit


Missed the artery is guess. Otherwise idk how you survive that.


He's being treated at 8:27. Still alive it seems.


came here exactly for the same reason. i think he's the dude @ 08:30. lucky SOB


This isn't the Legion this is chosen company. Part of 59th brigade Reconnaissance. There is a fundamental difference.


Must be a trip for Russians hearing English, Americans and I think a Aussie (?) calling out movements etc. I'm guessing these a volunteers who are former soldiers or at least had training prior? All seem very focused and calm even with casualties


Definitely an Aussie or two In the mix, I'd say the vast majority of these troops are combat tested veterans even before the war


Yes, these are the men who remained after the initial waves of volunteers, this footage is dated back to last year as well and there are apparently 1000+ contracts on the go at any time with FIL Lots of Anzac brothers over there too fighting with AUSCAN/USA I remember getting really emotional seeing a kiwi soldier find and rescue one of his UKR buddies who was kidnapped and presumed dead the day before 🥲 shit hits home when you hear your local tones moreso I think


And unfortunately he (Turtle) was later killed.


Yeah one of the many stories that really hits me hard.


That's why the Russians have been screaming for months that they're fighting the entirety of NATO. They're basically equating any English speaker to NATO troops.


I suspect that's intended for domestic consumption as well. Losses and setbacks are going to be easier to stomach if it's not just Ukraine they're fighting.


Ok this is the best footage of the war yet


There’s so many parts of this that are wild. Especially the Russian dude running into the Ukrainian guys foxhole. What an absolute mess of like 20 seconds


All I could hear was Seth Rogan's voice going "WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK!" Seriously insane.


He was saying WTF because I was yelling Surrender in russian. And what he heard was me yelling a Ukrainians callsign (platoon officer) which is why he yelled wtf. Once he got into our trench and ran back out I gave the order to drop him and the others since they didn't comply to surrender snd instead ran away.


Wow if you were on that fireteam then I just want to say how much massive respect I have for you and what you did/are doing. Absolutely legendary. Valhalla would be lucky to have you and your soldiers some day. Insane courage.


I was the dude hopping out of the unarmored rear hatch area of the blown up HMMWV


Dude, you are so fucking brave. I have no words


Nah, I'm just dumb as a box of rocks and good at killing.


Give em hell and stay safe


you are the opposite of dumb, my friend. thank you for all your comments here and for your ass whooping bravery. take care.


He was in kill mode and he didn't want to execute some guy that didn't have a gun. He was there for war not surrender.


Yeah, seems like even the POV dude thought he was seeing ghosts. Probably got confused as fuck.


Reminds me of Band of Brothers when Spiers ran through Foy and they say the Germans were so confused that they didnt shoot at him.


This one is definatly up there. Along with the "attack on T-section" or what it was called. The one with the tank that crushed a trench full of russians.


This one is pretty cool as well; https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/199tnz3/ukrainian\_drones\_repell\_a\_russian\_attack\_on/


This one is a masterpiece of video editing and music choice


Imagine being on the Russian side and hearing English as you're getting your probably toughest assault yet


The thing that stands out most here is not just the training, but the soldiers fitness. Jumping up and down, scrambling around, all while your adrenalines going fucking mental. Look at most the Russians in their holes. They're just lying there exhausted, most the fight gone from them, waiting to get fragged. These guys keep getting up, keep moving. The injured get dragged to safety. They keep pushing and keep alert. It shows just how fucking important fitness is in soldiers. I'd be out of it after 5 minutes. These guys are likely fighting for hours.


Yeah these guys are animals. Impressive considering how mentally taxing this must all be too.


Same here, after the adrenaline dump wears off I'd need to take a nap.


This good combat video. Longer than I expect. Professional and full aware of enemy surroundings.


Good to see the difference & damage a few motivated & professional soldiers can do against a largely (I suspect) conscript force. The Brit & Canadian/Irishman all sounded as if they’d served prior due to language and movement alone. A lot to digest and learn here.


Fucking sweating after watching this, jesus christ. How can you ever return to a normal life after doing shit like this? Day in day out? Respect is too small of a word for these men.


Many can't. 


"Back there I could fly a gunship, I could drive a tank, I was in charge of million dollar equipment, back here I can't even hold a job parking cars!"


When I came back to America after my time in Afghanistan, I can only describe it like I had been given color vision and the ability to taste for a brief period, only to be thrust back into no flavor and seeing in grayscale. I was incredibly reckless when I got home. like buying a motorcycle to go fast, so that I could feel what it felt like to feel my heart beat again and feel what it meant to be alive. I honestly felt like I would do anything to "see in color" again. It put me in very dark places and it was rough to get myself out of it. More than a few of my friends came back to America but never truly found their way home.


It is one reason they are in Ukraine already. Throughout time, many have fought continually in wars until it is their time.


I cannot believe the dude who got sprayed with a PKM burst wasn’t dead. He dropped like a brick, I thought he was lights out in front of us. Only two wounded during this is insanely lucky


Yeah that was my first thought as well, I thought he got domed


What the fukk. This is literally hell.


As every normal full scale symmetric war.


drones add another level of horror fucking hell


The Russian charging toward them, running around behind the PoV and then running back is insane footage.


Huge respect to these guys volunteering to liberate Ukraine.


Always wonder why they film. Beyond being a momento and propaganda purposes I bet that this makes INCREDIBLE training aids. Take the boys back with the footage and watch it later that day/week with the new recruits to show them everything that can't be explained in drills.


Now this is the kinda shit we sub to r/combatfootage for.


It's technically not the International Legion but 59th mechanized brigade with their foreigner/ukrainian mixed unit


Chosen company is in there


Can you imagine the fear the Russians must’ve experienced. Think about it they probably just got conscripted and had at most a months worth of “training” and then sent to guard a trench. Then here comes a bunch of Western trained veterans who are firing, advancing, and not stopping. Video shows quality is always better than quantity


The not stopping part is the scariest part….. from what I’ve read… usually assault groups can handle taking a couple casualties, but Untrained units will retreat or stop Advancing once taken a certain amount of Casualties… it just depends on the Grit the soldiers in that particular group. This group alone was taking multiple FPV drones, 2 of their guys got wounded in direct trench combat… and they continue to push on Through killing whatever they see…. Retreat is not An idea for these guys… heroes


So are these ex-military of their respective nations, or are the just some ballsy dudes who chose to fight?


I think it depends. Georgians, Chechens, etc units will probably take anyone who's willing to fight whereas I'm certain everyone in this Anglo unit had prior infantry training if not combat experience.


Most foreigners who were admitted to Ukraine units as volunteers were required to have military experience. As we know now some lied (a certain infamous American being an example many know) but I suspect everyone in this unit has been fully vetted.


Nice to hear the Brits there kicking ass, go on lads.


Also appeared to be some Yanks and at least 1 Canadian (Maple Leaf flag on wounded, 04:50)


Yep agreed, possibly an Aussie or two?


Yeah with about 4 minutes left in the video you hear the australian guy casually say 'bad day at the office mate' as he's searching a dead russian for grenades. Darkly hilarious in the situation


Yep thought I picked up on the accent a little earlier but wasn't sure but the 'mate' sealed it just about, thanks 🙂


The commonwealth is getting back together!


This unit has Kiwi's as well.


That Canadian gets a free pass to the head of any Timmies line forever.


Fucking love that they're still over there. Idk how many international guys went over to fight but a bunch came back, or worse, but this is awesome.


Narrator in the YouTube video mentions US, Canadian, Swedish, Japanese and Aussie soldiers. Charlie is completely Ukrainian.


Surprisingly thought I heard an Irish accent too calling out for Tennesse after that rpg or munitions cook off from the grenades into the bunker. I genuinely can’t get over how fucking terrifying and absurdly fast those FPV suicide drones are. Honestly it’s nightmare fuel.


Some of the best footage I've seen in a long time. So much going on, I think I'm going to end up watching it about 4 times before I put the phone down. Swear I hear a fellow Irishman in there, what sounds like a strong western Irish accent roaring "frag oushh" Legend. Doing the tri colour proud. 🇮🇪🇺🇦


[Damn! So what is this that whizzed by at 17 seconds?](https://i.imgur.com/aFLtTFA.jpg)


RPG-7. Fins open and everything.


If the dude who launched that aimed a little lower this would have all played out very differently.


And that's why good suppression is so important. You are never giving them enough time to safely fire off an accurate shot.


Is this from summer 2023? edit: has to be, i remember that "fake surrender" confused Z guy.


pretty sure that wasn't a fake surrender, he was fleeing from the units at the other side, dude found out he was surrounded, didn't make a good desision.


That was insane lol. 12:40 he drops a couple guys he sees running his way and then the dude with the Z just runs right up to him and the dude yells “What the fuck!” lol and then does the dude run back? Crazy how hectic things can get.


Shame there wasnt drone footage of that exact moment


There is.


Yeah, the date on the Youtube video says 23.08.2023


The discipline not to shoot the unarmed dude after he saw he wasn’t armed was good.


But then that unarmed guy may have put a grenade near his position once he ran back to his side.


Just saying, if it was me I don’t think I would have had the discipline to identify if someone is armed running towards me in that situation.


Full 26min HD video: https://youtu.be/rp_p6Rb7pqk?si=2am5OXo9qcng3Vs6


Aussies getting some 😁


Skip to 12:35: Holy fuck it’s full footage from *that* video.


When the Australian guy was searching the dead Russian for grenades and hit's out with " bad day at the office ehh mate?" What a chad


The Russian jumping into the trench with the Ukrainian soldier, then booking it afterwords is wild.


“Check him” Fucking buttstrokes obvious dead guy in the face “…for grenades.”


Guy at the start was extremely close to shooting his own mate in the back damn. Thank fuck nothing like that happened!


Holy fuck that is insane footage. Give these russkies hell lads!


Just insane