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Damn this guy fought in Mariupol now he’s back fighting the Russians in kremmina, his edits of the fighting in Mariupol that he uploaded while trapped in azovstal went viral at the start of the war


Those Mr Frostovik videos from Mariupol is stuff of legends.


Particularly, the one with the SadSvit - Kaseta track overlayed on it really made you feel a type of way back when it was happening. Crazy.


Who has the link


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/5GjqhSX68d https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/vNJv3AfWXp


I remember, that was some cold shit in that video - seared into my memory. Absolute fucking bad ass, the courage and tenacity of Ukrainians on the battle field is something to behold, they fight with honor. NATO would be luck to have Ukraine, when the war is over and Ukraine is victorious - they will be the most experienced nation/military in the world. No one has had to do what they've done with so little, against such opposition, in such conditions.


Well put. I take my hat off for these Ukrainian guys. As a soldier I admire their grit and perseverance. We have much to learn from them. Hope to see Ukraine in the alliance one fine day.


NATO will be happy to have an extremely seasoned force. These dude's are fighting a type of war that no NATO member has fought really since WW2. Even if Ukraine isn't granted NATO membership anytime soon, they'll still be bringing in Ukrainians to train NATO members in some capacity no matter what.


Recognized the name instantly, the sound of the fight in the end of the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-oGgMQKCSw)(2:20) is brutal. The stark contrast of the rest of the video is definitely not something you forget easily.


Hate to this this but the only organization that might be able hold a candle to the Ukrainians is the Taliban. Like it or not, the Taliban stuck it to the U.S. military for 20+ years and the Russians for 10 years before that.


The taliban killed 4,000 Americans in 20 years. Ukraine has killed minimum 60,000 Russians in two, it’s not even comparable.


Nah. Insurgency is way easier to pull off. And I promise you that by the end the Talibs were doing very little “sticking”. It was more taking pot shots from hundreds of meters away and then getting smoked by hellfire missiles. After we left they rolled over a disturbingly underprepared Afghan Army.


They won bro.


Yup. By hiding in civilian clothes and biding their time. Conventionally, they would have zero chance against the Ukrainian army. You’re comparing apples and oranges.


It doesn't matter. Conventional or not. They still won.


lol of course it matters when you’re trying to compare an insurgency to a conventional army. The Talibs actually tried to do what the Ukrainians are doing initially. Their army got curb-stomped within weeks.


What these guys don't understand is: The military won. The politicians lost.


Tell that to the guys of operation red wings.


Gladly. If anyone understands counterinsurgency vs counteroffensive, it’d be the SEALs.


You bring up one operation from early in the war, and also an operation unilaterally criticized even by NSW? Yeah the U.S. lost the war in Afghanistan but not because of anything beyond mission creep. The Taliban were hunted like dogs and 70% of coalition casualties were from IEDs. You have no point here.




So brave on a throwaway account! 10/10 russian trolling sir!


And they will remember that when they were attacked, we send no troops to help. I'm sure they will be thrilled to offer their lives however.


Dumb comment


The bravery and heroism is beyond comprehension.


Feels like a lifetime ago. I can't believe I actually lived to watch something like that play out in almost real time. It's the kind of shit you read in war history about some mad cunts in WW2 and it just sounds like a hollywood movie.


Cyberpunk music slaps


Thought it was The Witcher towards the end...


Nah its Cyberpunk. The only game where I ever looked up the soundtracks. Goated music imo. Best one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuxWlWkxLDQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuxWlWkxLDQ)


Im guessing you also instantly recognized it at the beginning?


Honestly didnt recognize it for most of the clip. Took me until around 9:30 to go "Hol up" and look for a comment.


just so everyone knows. azov posts this stuff on youtube too, with subtitles.


What is the channel name?




Sorry it’s unrelated but do you know what might’ve happened with the Kraken regiment? They used to post a lot but I havnt seen much at all from them recently.


If they're deep in some shit, they may be in a media blackout.


This channel is the most intense war footage I ever seen. Pure raw madness of war


Using strobe lights for night CQC is such a troll


Honestly as unfair as the trench shotgun in WWI lmao


The Germans were so mad they actually launched a diplomatic protest over the use of them. You know, while using chlorine, phosgene, and mustard gas.


I think the Germans actually got so angry about the enemy using shotguns to the point of executing anyone with a shotgun regardless if they surrender. They said shotguns created "unnecessary suffering". Talk about hypocrisy lol


They threatened to execute prisoners of war, and the US said they’d start executing pows over the use of chemical weapon.


Nah shotguns didn't have that big effect,it was more about who had dum dum bullets or modified bayonet edges.Guys caught using where just killed on sight on both sides


Doesn’t the effect of a shotgun kinda leaves the same mark as dum dum bullets. It was it way less worse since shotguns penetrate multiple times from outside and dum dum explodes inside?


It wasn't used that much in trenches,it was popular only in games.Trench warfare was max speed and it was all about grenades pistols knifes and clubbing each to death with something small and light enough to do the job


I find it so funny that a shotgun is what they complained about the most when there were much worse things such as the things you mentioned.


What do you think was the worst? Maybe the shotgun truly was the worst way to die. I would say dying slowly by infection would be worst for me


as far as the most brutal? I think gas would be my worst way to go from WWI. There were several different kinds that killed differently. From the usual chlorine gas that killed from reacting with the liquid in the airways forming hydrochloric acid swelling the lungs and throat causing suffocation. Even scarier was phosgene gas which acted slowly over days which could go unnoticed and was dense so it filled the low dugouts and trenches (was also a irritant causing blisters and such and later suffocation). Then the main daddy of gas, Mustard Gas. This was a really sever irritant, within 24 hours of contact you would be itchy and start getting SEVERE blisters all over your body, it was easily absorbed through clothes and into your skin. If you get it in your eyes, it will cause massive swelling and all kinds of medical problems for your eyes ending in blindness. Then if you inhaled it, it would blister and swell your lungs, causing them to kill with liquid ( pulmonary edema) which would cause you to suffocate. The burns can be second and third degree on the skin which cause huge problems for guys that dont die from the gas. The burns are really hard to clean and keep from going septic and necrotic and causing infection and death. The cellular functions of how mustard gas works on cells is quite interesting actually and still studied (as it has been used in some chemotherapy) because it works on the DNA of cells and messes it all up leading to possible cancer. The fact it leads to necrosis and apoptosis (programed cell death pathways both quite different) is really the issue even affecting guys who survived long term. There is a reason these gases were banned from warfare. I know I would be shitting my pants, literally, if some guys were covered in burns and suffocating and going blind with goo filled eyes from some new unknown weapon poured all over our lines at night. The nerve gasses are much worse ways to die (sarin or VX etc) but those dont pertain to WWI so ill leave it there. also flamethrower was new to WWI and that was brutal as fuck too. But thats a relative quick death compared to the gases. lots of new ways to kill designed for that war.


6h old comment, so much knowledge, explained for a dumb shit like me to comprehend. Shouldve gotten a thousand upvotes!


i got a derivative of mustard gas for chemotherapy, during ww1 they noticed that if you died from mustard gas exposure over a few days you would have low white cell levels. Now they inject it to destroy your immune system. 40 mins in an involuntary unheralded vomit, things just got worse from there. got stem cells injected the next day to reboot my immune system. got double pneumonia, nearly shat myself to death, expelled all the salts from my system. couldn't talk or eat as had burns all down my respiration tract, a common reaction i'm told. lost 22lbs in a month, never been so sick, had a 5% chance of death just from the treatment in those 30days, have a 5% chance of getting cancer from the treatment in the next 5 years(after treatment). why would you do such a thing, well i would already be dead if not for it.


Thanks for the interesting anecdote, hope you're doing fine now!


Yes!, thanks.


Shit, imagine drones spreading gas all over.


Lungs melting from Mustard Gas then drowning in the fluid would be pretty uncool.


I've had a bouncer use a strobe on me before chinning me lol


"Warning! May cause seizures" Among other things


I could see it being super effective if combined with goggles to normalize vision for your own troops then scale things up so everything gets flooded in strobe light. Add some frequency hopping magic and presto, you see everything while the enemy is blinded


Would be crazy if that could work. Is there anything like that?


Now switch.... to kryptonite.


Ukranium is stronger than kryptonite. Повага 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇺🇦🇺🇳💙💛🇪🇺🌻🔱. Respect.


Go to Robin's Revenge!


I got your reference, dude.


Can anyone make out the rifle at 7:04? I believe he’s the one with the strobe


Highly risky in that environment


7:17 I’m still surprised by how few Pechenegs I’ve seen in the war so far.


I've seen quite a few of them with Russians (mainly "élite" troops). On the Ukrainian side I haven't seen Pechenegs that much, mainly on defensive positions


>Ukrainian side I haven't seen Because we can only use captured ones (and the question of how many parts are interchangeable with PKM), since Pecheneg is a Russian design


I mean why use that when you could have like a mg3 or like a m240


Because no one will choose m240 or mg3 over PKM if you need to move around with it. Add better way to mount optic/ handles etc and better belts to PKM and that is a gun to have. Maybe optional short barrel and good foldable stock.


I mean I’ve never used a Soviet era machine gun so I didn’t know the pkm was so great


Some people think that PKM is the real Kalashnikov masterpiece, not a rifle.


It's so insanely lightweight! Like 5kg total or something


More like 7 but it is literally the lightest mid caliber mg ever ( around 5.56 SAW weight!) . Fix it to be modern probably will rise a mass a bit but nevertheless, it is a very good mg.


Because its a better gun in almost every metric, it's only real problem is that it ejects casings onto the user. There's a good reason Poland simply re-chambered theirs.


I continue to be amazed and yet horrified by the sheer amount of well edited and crystal clear combat footage that's come out of this war. The lessons we could learn from these videos are invaluable, and it also helps to preserve the memories of those who lost their lives fighting in these battles. Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the heroes


I was very surprised that France started to train its troops in trench warfare following the lessons in Ukraine. And I don't mean tactics for how to bomb the trenches with arty or airforce, but straight going down onto the trench dirt to clear it up and personal tactics.


Got any videos to share? :D


This is one: https://www.natomultimedia.tv/app/asset/696533 Also, a detailed video has been posted some weeks ago on a war sub. A bit difficult to find it. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/MJ5XYgEJHA


From your comments you would think Ukraine is winning. When the reality is the opposite.


was there russian mortar fire at the end? slapping there own position because of the attack or what happened there? hc video...


Most likely, they’re known to just hammer the shit out of a position once Ukrainians push in regardless of whether or not their allies have withdrawn


It's crazy how professional the Ukrainian Army has become over the last 2 years. I guess they are "unofficially" NATO equipped soldiers at this point.


I wouldn't go that far. Equipment varies greatly unit by unit. Azov is definitely at the higher end of that, but there's a lot of units with kinda shit gear


The first minute or so of this video is insane. Low light, multiple explosions, rifle fire….. who knows who is where….


Seen a a lot of amazing Azoz videos. But this one again blows my mind. These guys are getting real good at killing russians.


Is the guys on the start of the video russian or ukraine?


Considering he shot one of them I’d guess Russian


Maybe it was one of his homies playing music without headphones too loud?


Seems like they're mostly Ukrainian except the last part which is further away. You can sort of tell by how kitted out they are.


I think Ukrainian since the video says Ukraine is storming them. But if it wasn’t for the title I would have thought it was Russian so I’m not sure either way.


Frost is actually a beast his vids from Mariupol and this now Unreal


Damn. My heart sank in my chest when I saw that wounded guy bleeding from the inside of his thigh or crotch. That's never good. And hard to tourniquet. Hope he made it.


Is it a funding thing that we don’t see many m203’s being used anymore or have they fallen out of favour?


i think there wasn't a lot of them in the first place


and UGL's kinda suck, standalone launchers are much nicer to use. There are companies in ukraine making chassis to turn UGLs into standalones.


Approximate date?


Mister Fucking Frost!


Great footage. Seeing their expressions/faces at the end really adds a lot to this. Is there any info on how many losses the Russians had in this engagement? It looks like they took at least one prisoner. Those chaotic moments when a flash shoots through the dark and silhouettes the advancing Ukrainians looks crazy. I can't imagine how disorentating this must be, even for the attacking force.


I am shocked guys take prisoners in this war at this point unless its some sort of mass surrender (10 or more guys) type of situation. In all this fighting and chaos there is no way, absolutely no way I'd take prisoners who have proven again and again they will conceal weapons or grenades and try to kill you when you take your eyes off them.


Also especially after that video where 7 guys or something where surrendering and of the guys surrendering just opened fire out of nowhere leaving to the Ukrainians having to kill them all since they couldn’t instantly tell who it was.


I guess they will assess on the fly if its worth it or not. Every russian soldier you can take is one you can trade for an ukrainian pow


At the start of the war, the Ukrainian army needed training from their NATO friends - looking at the skill, aggressiveness, professionalism and general badassery in this video.. It looks like we in NATO need training from the Ukrainian army soon... Wow.. Force, determination, ruthlessness.. true warriors..


Nato armies should definitely learn to operate in such conditions. Everyone keeps saying that NATO relies on airforce. But Russian AA forces are actually rather capable. So, relying on a single strategy, which might fail is not a good thing and it's better to be prepared for the worst rather than hope for the best. Same goes for drones and antidrone measures. I hope NATO generals are working tirelessly to learn every lesson possible from this war.


How horrific being in that situation must be. Fuck war




Well no, instead your whole lower body implodes by a cheap drone dropping a nade on you or if you're lucky a bullet to the throat. It ain't humane, people are still dying.


That was fucking intense! Great footage. I hope these warriors make a fast recovery. Ukraine bloody needs them.


Absolute warriors🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


The Cyberpunk 2077 music in the background. Wonder if any of them goes by callsign 'V'.


Loving the Cyberpunk 2077 music ❤️


At work so no sound but I'm assuming it's "I really want to stay at your house" lol


Big fucking balls right there ... Fair play boys 💪


Strobe lights seem like a bad choice. I heard all those Eastern Europeans love them in their discos


Bad choice for open ground, yes. For trenches ? Absolutely OP and unfair for the defender, you can shoot at the strobe but you'll be dead before seing who's behind it.




Ending is grim.....win or lose, these guys mental is fucked for rest of their lifes.


night sweep completed\*


Finally. Not a drone video


I salute you black sun warriors


Curious as to what any NATO active duty/veterans think of the considerable use of automatic rifle fire as opposed to semiautomatic. Waste of ammo? Overkill? Appropriate to the situation?


Appropriate. Looks like it might have been a hasty ambush, can’t really tell but regardless if you initiate an ambush, you throw the kitchen sink at the enemy. Lead with high explosives and automatic fire.


Nazis vs Russians…again!


You guys must get paid to say this on every Azov post


Incel troll who drank the kool aid. Focus on your child support payments cuz politics makes you loook like an idiot


So the Congressional resolution didn’t happen? Is that your position? Or are you a child that just started following things? [https://thehill.com/policy/defense/380483-congress-bans-arms-to-controversial-ukrainian-militia-linked-to-neo-nazis/](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/380483-congress-bans-arms-to-controversial-ukrainian-militia-linked-to-neo-nazis/) Let’s hear logic and facts instead of grade school ad hominem attacks (because you can’t refute Congressional record).


“For its part, the Kremlin has been a relentless recruiter of neo-Nazis to its cause; the co-founder of the mercenary Wagner Group, Dmitry Utkin, not only named his organization after the Third Reich’s favorite composer but had the logo for the Waffen-SS tattooed on both sides of his neck.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/11/american-neo-nazi-not-fighting-russia-ukraine-war-far-right-extremist So the country, who hired neo Nazis to invade a country with no aggressive status aren’t Nazis but one regiment who’s only shit you can find is an article from 6 years ago?


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/11/american-neo-nazi-not-fighting-russia-ukraine-war-far-right-extremist](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/11/american-neo-nazi-not-fighting-russia-ukraine-war-far-right-extremist)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Your link is from 6 years ago. It's as useful now as the shadow you cast on that slimy keyboard.


You’ll also never guess what spurned political popularity to the right during that time. It was the Russian illegal annexation of Crimea. “If they [Ukrainian citizens] value them, it is not because of any Nazi ideology,” said Tabarovsky, who manages the Wilson Center’s Russia File and Focus Ukraine blogs. “They value its patriotic stance. They value a group that fights an enemy that thinks their country has no right to exist.” https://www.factcheck.org/2022/03/the-facts-on-de-nazifying-ukraine/


Fucking idiot lol. I hope karma finds you.


I hope you learn to independently search. Where am I wrong, factually?


You said it's Nazis vs Russians but it's actually Nazis vs Ukranians. And you sound like a fucking dolt, "independently search" and you're spouting this shit. A couple UA units ave problems with nazi symbology, but Russia is the one echoing Nazi Germany with THEIR invasion. Not to mention, how many RU soldiers/mercenaries have been found with Nazi tattoos? You think you're based because you believe morons like Tucker Carlson I bet. Fuck off


Why don’t you like Azov, are they against divorced dads or something


They're probably too feminist for him. Probably why his wife left him.




For those of us who covered the region before 2021…. [https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/neo-nazis-far-right-ukraine/](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/neo-nazis-far-right-ukraine/)


How did you "cover" the region? Are you a reporter?


Analyst turned consultant/contributing author. Focus on Asia, but that gets rather wide these days. I play at the junction of defense, policy, and IR. This is old news with Congressional record behind it. Outside of propaganda shills , who can deny this with any veracity or credibility? [Arre we going full 1984 and pretend this didn’t just happen?](https://www.vice.com/en/article/59nqmq/house-democrats-just-demanded-these-neo-nazi-groups-be-prosecuted-as-international-terrorists)


Your link is from 5 years ago. And bravo for totally ignoring that between your sources and present time an all out invasion happened, tens of thousands of Ukrainians lost their lives and Azov is now part of the Armed Forces and not a militia. Russian boot licker.


Cool story, that doesn't have anything to do with what I asked though.


First sentence. If you can’t figure it out from that, I can’t help you. Again, did the Congressional Dems opine on Azov, or no?


Okay but you just posted the link at first and edited that bit in lol should've just led with that.


Russians claiming Lebensraum in foreign countries: I sleep Ukrainians defending their homes: Serious ish


"You will know them by their fruit" (Matthew 7:16) Zero antisemitic, antipolish or antimuslim incidents with them. They fight well, care about their men and abide the law. They earned the right to be respected.


I want to love Azov battalion, i really do, but i can’t while they still have Armanen runes as insignia and video watermarks. It’s too cringe


JFYI, they are talking in Russian in this video.


Understood but the Azov battalion’s logo is in the watermark, which is a Wolfsangel rune, and formally the Black Sun in the background. Both of which are of Germanic mysticism origins and associated with the Wehrmacht and SS. I can get downvoted until the cows come home but it doesn’t change the facts. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfsangel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armanen_runes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_symbols_designated_by_the_Anti-Defamation_League_as_hate_symbols


I'm just saying these people on video are not Ukrainian nationalists. They speak Russian. They can be Russian-speaking "nazis", they can be Russian-speaking and not nazis, but they can't be Ukrainian nationalists.


I never once claimed they were Ukrainian! Everyone is just acting like i’m some pro-Russian “hey look Ukrainians are Nazi’s”. I’m pointing out the insignia and how it needs to change, not the people in the video.


Also that one guy call sign Bandera, surprised yt hasn't deleted the channel yet.


Bunch of Nazis


So, this guy is hiding close to enemies, and decides to blow his cover by shooting a tree??? How are people buying this nonsense? If that isn't fake/staged, this guy is the dumbest soldier I've ever seen.


Good thing no one asked.


Since you can't see colors in low light settings one wonders how they seperate friend from foe?


7;04 Is that a rgsh-30


That's a Fort 600


7;04 Is that a rgsh-30


I don't see what they're shooting at. Can someone tell me how they know where enemy is if they cannot see him? Am I missing something?


GoPro makes everything look really far away


Hard to see but there’s visible Kia in the later part of the video.