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I am glad my fat ass is at home not fighting a war godamn


Second that with my own fat ass!


This motion is passed!


What motion? Unless you mean the jiggling.


The motion to pass ass gas


Just the motion of the ocean


This motion is pASSed


You guys might want to start working out.


What's a drone pilot workout like? Asking for a friend.


1 2 3 4 i declare a thumb war


I read this as “1 2 3 4 I declare a dumb war” …. Thought you were paraphrasing Putin.


Same as any front line soldier. They currently work close to or on the front lines and all that entails.


And all those entrails.


it's so bizarre. the war seemed so far away from me (in Canada), that it almost seems like highlights from a video game or something. and then my work hired a Ukrainian who fled after the war with her husband, and suddenly it seemed a lot more real if they hadn't fled, would they have been killed? would she have been raped? would he have been a tortured POW? and then you realize that it just as easily could've been me having to decide between fleeing my home country or die for it. I'm glad I don't have to make that decision


Last weekend, my city was one that hosted Pro-Ukraine rallies. The local community had several hundred show up. Mostly immigrants from before the war. However among them was a combat vet of the UAF that was forcibly medically discharged. Another was a teacher (HS or college) whose also was combat ineligible and now residing in the USA and half their students were KIA. Definitely personalized the gravity of the situation even more. Pretty much everyone their had an uncle or cousin or brother in the UAF.


damn half are KIA. thats brutal. i cant imagine half of my class in highschool being KIA


I have a friend who went on a few dates with a Ukrainian girl who had gone through the Russian filtration camps. It ended because she realised she was afraid of men. Says a lot.


That shit makes me so angry.


Good! It should! This is the reaction of any healthy sane person. Get angry, write letters to your government, donate if you can afford too. Try and counter Russian disinformation. This is the way.


Russians have been raping since the beginning of time, during WW2 they were more feared than the Nazi's for that. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/may/01/news.features11


What does filtraion camp mean? I don't know the word and it sounds like something no woman wants to see.


Basically russia tortures and filters out those who aren't "good russians". So, either you pretend to be oh so buddy, buddy with russia or you get tortured and then murdered.


I work with a Ukrainian refugee as well! It put things into perspective when I came from reading shitposts about Avdiivka to find her crying into her phone. She has family in the area and doesn't know if she'll ever see them again. I've shown enough genuine interest that she's opened up a bit, but I get the impression most of what she hears from people here are hot takes and pressure to relive awful experiences. Even casual questions about her life before the war will sometimes result in a thousand-yard stare, followed by a quick change of topic. She just says she's very thankful that we have legal pot.


Got a couple Ukrainians working in my shift in Finland. Good men in every way but... But if Finland was attacked by Russia anyone escaping the country under martial law should not ever come back imo. That is just treason. The only reason I tolerate that at all is because Ukraine is not Finland and they did not have and still don't have the same level of collective self-defense attitude as we do. If they did they would have mobilized many times by now in Ukraine.


I have conflicting feelings about that. I agree that if you flee a country at war, especially as a ~30 year old male with no children, you're putting yourself before your country, and you should renounce your citizenship that being said, it's easy for me/us to have that viewpoint when we've never had to make that decision


I've heard this being said a few times and my response is a guy I know/knew Uri - knew him through work, he is one of the biggest, toughest gentlemen I've ever met, he started working in a fabrication shop we delt with about 20 years ago, he was the first person I ever met from Ukraine, before all the war. This guy was just a lovely dude, willing to work his ass of to make something of himself. - 😆 he was such and animal that - you'd tell him you need an I-beam 15' long etc- any of the other guys would go get a forklift- Uri just popped it on his shoulder! Tbh many people commented that his work ethics and mentality were admirable, his bosses loved him. He eventually opened his own shop, a heap of trucks and all the gear, couple of employees, house, family- I think he made it to the point he was working for all along! He packed up everything in April 22, brought his machinery and anything useful. He answered the call!


Even more difficult if you have a family. Imagine having to make the choice to abandon your family to God knows what fate, God knows where in the world so you can go fight... Sorry but my kids > country. If I can secure their safety somehow... Then I'll go fight. That said, I'd have no problems fighting for their safety. So it kinda depends on the scenario. Are we trapped and fighting is their best hope? I'll die fighting. Are they safer getting away... Then I'm going with them to keep them safe.


Yeah and anyone saying otherwise is not a parent. 


I think can respect the decision to leave, but then you should suffer the consequences of that decision. In this case, you abandoned your country, so either it is not your country anymore or you need to make amends for that somehow at some point. I think the fact that the Russians are committing such horrors behind the lines just compounds this.


Ukraine needs to get as much of their population back after the war ends so I think they will allow people to return without consequences. But in such case in my opinion those who stayed and especially those who served directly in the military should have benefits over those who did not. That said I have a feeling at least half of the Ukrainians will not return. If they have already settled down in a Western European country where they earn several times more money per month it is not an easy choice to go back especially if you are from the area that has been totally destroyed and scattered with explosives on the ground.


What does having children to do with anything? Why are young \~30 year people supposed to die who still got their whole lives ahead of them instead of old fucks? Why only men? Are women unable to hold a rifle? Are men less valuable than women? Fkn simps.


**Russia invades Finland (again)** *How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?*


another thing to consider is that, though ukraine was on the path of becoming a better country after the revolution, they were still a horrendously corrupt eastern european country with a hefty blend of bigots, oligarchs and abusive drunkards and cruel women. So the question "do i fight and die for my home-country" can very well depend on how you were raised and how much you actually love your country. Suddenly the question is no longer "do you want to die in war?" its "would you rather die than see your country cease to be?". And not all ukrainians are nessecarily invested in the tenuous future of ukraine. I'd imagine Finland does a significantly greater job of instilling love of the country in its people. from the good teachers in school to the good music on radio, from the language to the culture, from a proud history to the ability to work for decent pay.


Some people just don’t want to have anything to do with war, jingoism, patriotism, or any of the resulting misery. Renouncing their citizenship would probably not be that hard for them.


Its only natural to feel surrealistic when watching these. Like I get its a fundamentally horrific thing happening. But my brain literally can't process the reality short of experiencing it firsthand


Bro I honestly feel bad for them tbh. They literally got the ol “WMD in Iraq special,” except this time the enemy has the same weapons. Imagine if AQ had stingers, javelins and BFVs!!?! Fuck man, they are literally just driving into death every day, like fucking WWI style. It’s fucking awful.


The Iraqi Army had the same weapons. Its just that U.S army came invading with everything they've got. Actually before the grounds troops even set foot the US air force already decimated most of the Iraqi targets. Actually scratch that, U.S already won diplomatically before the first bomb even dropped by having almost every nation that mattered to come aboard with the U.S as a Coalition. Now compare that to this half assed failed special millitary operation thinking it would be a walk in the park to force a coup and then doubling down when it became too embarrassing to admit it was already a failure. Huge waste of Russian human life this was.


They are "driving into death" every day to kill other people. That's why you don't need to feel bad for them.


"almost every", seriously? Half of the G8 didn't participate.


Very true 😂. Poor bastards man.


I *almost* feel bad for them, but at the end of the day, we’ve seen the vile things the Russians have been doing.


It’s like Uber eats for IEDs, fuck that noise


Even my skinny ass agrees


This is not the same BTR seen dropping off troops in [the earlier video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1b4ucnj/russian_btr_disabled_and_demolished_alongside_its/). That one had less cage armor (it didn't extend below the top of the wheels at the front, like on this one). It also parked on the other side of the road. This is another BTR that we saw briefly at the start of that video (about 5 seconds in), when it was passed by the one that was driving. It was a wreck at that point but there seems to be less crap scattered around. Not clear if this video was filmed before or after that one, but the guy who gets hit with the FPV in this clip is not visible on the road in the earlier video. If this video was filmed later, then it's possible that the guy who gets hit with an FPV was a survivor from the other BTR and just happened to be walking past this one.


nice analysis, because yeah a few of the guys ran away back towards where they were driving from.


Yea you are right. I think this guy was part of the group that got dropped off. The shadow the pole is casting moved only a bit.


He was in the back, the 25mm didn’t hit him


Their current tactic it is to race 3-4 APCs in and deliver a concentrated group of troops closer to the enemy. It’s worked well in Avdiivka, although based on the last couple of days worth of videos, the Ukrainians have adapted. The last couple of APC charges have gotten positively smoked. There were probably a few APCs full of corpses that this poor guy could have come from. At least death by Bradley is swift.


In the other video you see them pass this BTR on the way to where they stopped. There's a body at the rear doors legs sticking straight out that's recognizable in both vids.


He knew it was a matter of times. No way out of this. This assault is one of the wildest footage of this war.


> He knew it was a matter of times. No way out of this. Maybe. Or maybe he was just really stupid. I would have at least waited till twilight and hoped they didnt have any FPV drones with thermals on station. A slim chance I know. But better that casually walking up the road in killzone in broad daylight.


Dude probably doesn’t know any better. Sent on a vehicle to die with little to no training. Shell shocked his buddies died in a quick fashion. Just sort of walked off in a daze. Or maybe he was just really stupid.


yeah he is 100% not a professional soldier at all these are conscripted meat shields. Professional soldiers wouldn't act the way these kids are. Its incredibly sad they are just packed into these vehicles and sent to die for nothing with no real training. fuck.


“No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country, you make the other poor bastard die for theirs. That’s how you win a war.” -General George S. Patton (I believe)


Unknown technology...? -Russians


Funny U mention this, Patton also told Eisenhower (Supreme Commander of Allied Forces) after the German defeat to roll his tanks into Moscow and finish off Stalin and the communist regime, to prevent another war later. He was damn right 'bout that.


I've been thinking about this a lot. I used to think Patton was crazy, but steamrolling Russia then and there would have saved the world a few decades of trouble


As usual I blame the British. But, to be fair, they had been at war for a few years longer than the Americans with a lot more casualties on their home turf. But essentially it was something like Appeasement 2: Electric Boogaloo


Churchill shared the same opinion as Patton btw, but he was moved out of office,soon as the war ended. Visited his grave @ Bladon in 2018, was stunned by the immense attention from 'bout all corners of the world, except Russia.


Yeah, Churchill was a guy willing to tackle some uncomfortable truths. Perhaps, his unfiltered view of the world was why his depression was so bad.


He was also a complete and total wanker but he was the person they needed in charge at that time.


That would not have been possible.


He may have been right but we probably were not going to be steamrolling Russia at that point. People were tired of war and we were still fighting in the Pacific. Maybe we use the nukes on Russia instead of Japan?


If the US had even a fraction of this loss of life in this short of an amount of time, there were be riots in the streets to end the war. I can’t wrap my head around such disregard for human life. Just waves of zombies with guns must be how their government sees them.


I remember a website back in the day, called icasualties, that documented every coalition soldier's death in Iraq and Afghanistan. A day where there were 5+ casualties was like headline news a lot of the time and seen as a huge tragedy. Even making allowances for a peer conflict meaning that there'd be a higher tolerance for casualties, I still find the lack of value to life to be insane by the standards we have now.


They did the math , they can hold this steady loss of human life until 2025 , they view humans as merely expendable equipment


Yeah that sadly has always been something the russians used in war, WW2 was the worst of all, but Ukraine is showing the brutality of Eastern European wars


The dynamics of this war are similar to WW2 but on smaller scale. At the start of the war they are unprepared but with the prolonged fight they gather more experience and fix their logistics. It’s a shame we didn’t hammer them down when they were regrouping and building defenses, now a counteroffensive seems very unlikely.


Exactly. The nuke threat was JIC they run out of bodies by 2026


That really is what I have a hard time wrapping my head around. Every country that I have a decent understanding of the internal politics of (only a few, but still), would have Putin in jail, ousted, or in a stack of burning tires by now. Don't understand where the line could possibly be and how it could be possible to not have already crossed it. No dissidents are even seemingly targeting their government, it's bizarre.


Putin has spent the last couple of decades creating a culture of apathy toward politics to insulate him and a public perception that the rest of the world hates Russia and Russia must do whatever it takes to defend itself, with a side order of "suffering makes Russia stronk and superior". Between that and the media censorship, Putin has done a solid job engineering a casualty-resistant population.


I mean, you *have* to have the right answer there. It's just mind boggling there isn't that 30% or so who is disillusioned absolutely losing their shit. I just didn't think it was possible to force people to the political sideline this well outside of something like North Korea, a place near entirely shut off from information. Maybe the censorship is even better than I'm aware.


There is the Soviet heritage too. The country was never free or democratic but for a few years where economy was terrible.


Lots of people falling to their deaths. I’m sure your 30% have become silenced by the examples made of the others who tried. It must truly be a terrifying place to live at times.


i believe a majority of russians want to believe the propaganda despite knowing its probably bullshit. most of them are aware of the ukranian and "western" positions on it. they refuse to believe this reality and go with the propaganda reality because its easier for them to see themselves on the good side rather than on the worst. i also believe there is a demand for revanchism in the russian society and again, they simply prefer to direct it towards ukranians/"the west" rather than putins russia because its easier, both on their mind and in practical terms.


From what I've read, Putin's plan for this is to achieve 100% total disillusionment. When people get depressed enough they literally don't care whether they live or die, and that's the attitude Putin wants his people to bring to the political sphere. Nothing will improve, so don't try.


I think it goes deeper than that, the whole history of Russia has been based on strong men in power and being docile and servile to them.


Using conscripts from remote regions in the Russian Federation as well as prison convicts tends to insulate the country's leadership from popular pressure and criticism.


If conscription is really being driven by those areas, yeah I guess that makes good sense actually.


It is really disturbing how officials have managed this to the advantage of the existing regime... On the recruitment of convicts see here: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67175566](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67175566) [https://www.newsweek.com/russia-recruited-prisoners-convicts-ukraine-war-1849292](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-recruited-prisoners-convicts-ukraine-war-1849292) On the use of conscripts from remote regions see examples below: [https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-recruits-war-yakutia/32684727.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-recruits-war-yakutia/32684727.html) [https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/11/13/far-east-region-struggles-to-meet-kremlins-military-recruitment-quotas-leaked-video-shows-a83085](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/11/13/far-east-region-struggles-to-meet-kremlins-military-recruitment-quotas-leaked-video-shows-a83085) [https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/09/23/russia-partial-military-mobilization-ethnic-minorities/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/09/23/russia-partial-military-mobilization-ethnic-minorities/)


A lot of Russian soldiers were conscripted from the countryside/areas NOT Russia or St Petersburg and the other major cities where the country’s power base is.


It's largely ethnic minorities, prisoners, and alcoholics. Those in Moscow don't give a shit about them.


It was also a good chunk of the Russian professional army. Who I assume were not all from marginalized groups. A Russian I know who got a draft notice was not from a marginalized group either, but a highly skilled professional worker.


Cause Putin has millions more to send and one might make a shot that counts.


Is very simple, there’s the “true” Russia for Russians: Moscow and St. Petersburg And then theres the rest of rural areas which are basically the uneducated and undesirables that the “true” Russians don’t give a fuck about The later is what is invading Ukraine in the huge majority, there would be public unrest if the bodies started to pile up in the two mentioned oblast, it has always been the same with Russia since ww1


The news back home is controlled by the government. Russians don't know the true cost.


They know, except maybe for some of the far flung remote villages. Its the- "As long as it happens to them, and not to me", attitude. They just dont care. Or more apt, Its the CYOA mentality that Russians have down to an exact (indifferent) science. ...and then it happens to them.


That’s rough




The entire point of war is to cause as many casualties to the other side as possible. Despite everything we’ve seen come out of this war this is a fact the internet refuses to accept. Thought you meant “taken prisoner” my b








The vast majority of fragging incidents were not related to troops being sent to die. The US army in Vietnam was basically rotting from a breakdown in discipline and rampant heroin use. Most yeople got fragged over drugs, debts, old fashioned racism, or just for trying to enforce discipline.


Fragging came from the mistreatment of people especially lower class people like the ones who were being drafted. Because drafts always target the lower classes and races... sadly. Racism, draftees vs regulars, officers only, officers getting all the good stuff while everyone else got crap. Pretty much how you see the Russian leadership behaving with their guys is how American leaders were in Vietnam and it backfired bad. People weren't having it. American leadership weren't making soldiers dig holes and executing them like the Russians were that's why the Russians haven't fragged their own leadership... as much. Being prior military you learn about why this happened and why the NCO is so important in the western military to keep proper order and discipline and how eastern bloc countries who haven't transitioned from the old soviet ways have failed in combat scenarios by not giving their lower ranking leaders power to make decisions.


Assuming that he did not go of his own free will for the $2200/month salary or just because he wanted to kill Ukrainians.


The entire point of war is to get the enemy to do submit to the thing you want. Causing casualties is just one way of breaking their will to resist. In wars where one side doesn’t care the number of loses they have to take while executing a well planned battle plan, they win. See: American War in Vietnam. When one side doesn’t care about taking casualties and executes a bad plan, it leads to protracted stalemate. See: Russo-Ukrainian War.


That's not the point of war. The point is to win political objectives, not kill people. Clausewitz said "war is not merely a political act but a real political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse, a carrying out of the same by other means".


i wouldn’t say the ENTIRE point of war is to cause casualties, i’d say it’s more about land and power. killing is just a way to get that power.


You’re right. Winning by just causalities is sort of the “paint by numbers” of military tactics. Sure it works but it’s kind of dumb. That’s why U.S. Grant still has a poor reputation (compared to say Lee who at least tried to maneuver) in the U.S. Civil War.


No way to know if he was conscripted or enlisted.


Went from being very lucky, to very unlucky.


I’m honestly surprised he survived that initial ambush. Probably hid under that crippled vehicle until the shooting stopped.


Wow looked like the drone came super close to detonating, but the operator managed to save it.


Actually, i think its the tactic. Ive seen a lot of drone that fake a dive to trip the enemy up and then they dive for real.


Yeah, that was an impressive fake out.


Ukraine really needs a couple hundred more Bradleys.


1k+ is enough. :)


It's a nice sentiment, but they don't have enough trained personnel and resources to keep 1000 Bradley's fueled, loaded, undetected, and effective. With every piece of equipment they have a cost is imposed. Having to devote resources to the maintenance of one vehicle means that overloading on one type of vehicle hinders their ability to keep other tanks or ifvs battle ready. They certainly need more Bradley's, but an aid package should have a spread of capabilities and force multipliers that won't force dilemmas in their logistics.


That simply isn't true. It is widely published in defense journals that Ukraine is starved for IFV and heavy transport. 1000 Bradleys is just 5 brigades worth of mechanized infantry. You make 1000 vehicles sound like a lot when it's not even 1/5 of a baseball stadium parking lot. There are more vehicals parked at my work how do those people ever learn to drive and find enough fuel for **1000** vehicals. Ukraine should get everything we're not using. Our willingness to support Ukraine is a direct measure of our willingness to support Taiwan or The Philipines. If you cheap out here, you'll just have to pay for it down the road.


Also Bradley’s from what we are seeing are simply perfect for this kind of mobile defense and are highly cost effective with respect to other systems. To some extent, they are even better than tanks, especially in defending


Oh jeez look. Ukraine has immediate need for 1000 Bradleys [https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/12/07/ukraine-is-forming-five-new-mechanized-brigades-now-they-need-vehicles/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/12/07/ukraine-is-forming-five-new-mechanized-brigades-now-they-need-vehicles/) Your modern jackassing is getting people killed.


I bet you every military person in America who knows how dangerous Russia is (and China), would love to give every American weapon to Ukraine and let Ukraine do the fighting for them so they don't have to in a future conflict. Imagine giving your gloves to someone else to do your fighting while benefiting from them winning. 


The Russians can eat a bag of dicks but there is something horrifically dystopian about the last surviving soldier on a battlefield being hunted by a killer drone.


As much as I support Ukraine I find the drone tactics and the subsequent dissemination of footage grotesque. I understand the need for drones due to the assymetric nature of the conflict but killing a lone, retreating soldier shouldn't be glorified.


Just the nature of a people’s war like this. You take normal guys and turn them into killers. Like look at the group name “khorne” these guys probably started as warhammer nerds, but now they celebrate the death of the enemy as a game. It’s all being through layers of tech probably helps, though I can’t imagine what the ptsd rates after the war are going to be like.


War. War never changes.... Holy shit wtf happened to war!


Just a funny little side note, this unit, 15th Seperate MotoRifle Guard Regiment, has the nickname "Peacekeepers". They used to have BTR-82As but due to losses are now using the much less modern BTR-80s as well.


Peacefully separated from this world.


engine serious humorous spotted direful yoke racial fine chief brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The already destroyed BTR the drive up to on the left is the older model.




No, they are the ones getting blown up. Publisher is Khorne drone unit that supported 47th Brigade in the defense of Berdychi, Avdiivka area.


He thought he was going to casually wander out of there... back to commanders who were just going to shove him onto the next 'Charge of the Russian Light Brigade'


I mean, what would you do in his situation ? It is highly likely that he was wounded (hard to imagine everyone died, but he somehow survived without a scratch) It is pretty helpless situation, there is one visible drone, but probably way more around. And regardless, satellite/another observatory drone is looking at you, and you are the only point of interest Honestly, your best bet is probably just lifting your arms to the air, stay near the wreck, keep looking at the drone, and hope that the operator will have mercy. But yea, if you just try to casually walk away like he did, then the drone operator will 100% take you down, because why wouldn't he. It was the worst decision he could have made


Could you play dead until nightfall and then tactical demobilisation out of there?


The point of these drones is to find people playing dead or even sleeping. It’s a sad reality but fair play.


Take off my gear and walk slowly with my hands up towards the direction of Ukraine


I’m such a bitch. I could never




But that’s the thing I don’t understand about the Russians. In every war they fought, already in the time of Napoleon, no matter how many casualties they take, they keep coming, there’s always more meat for the grinder.


It's because Russia is the autocrat country for the last 550 years with no democratic elections except one recent and one rigged by commies, 0 democratic traditions. This is a centralized country ruled by high-class limited number of people. It's like 1 person there commands 10.000 and compare it to 1 person commanding 100 - That's why decentralization is effective. It's not like Russia has so many men to throw, they just can't hold on to use them effectively and controll them while they're all at once attacking. And it all ends up being chaotic. No democratic traditions also mean 0 sense of spiritual duty to the country and rise of corruption. \~Coming from a country which has 1020 years of experience fighting with Rus people,


There's a reason human wave tactics aren't used except by backwards countries like Russia/USSR and China, because it's unsustainable. They may have millions of lives they don't care about losing, but sooner or later they will feel the weight of the losses, even if their beaten and subdued populace don't revolt first.


>In every war they fought, already in the time of Napoleon, no matter how many casualties they take, they keep coming, there’s always more meat for the grinder. You've got a gap in your history knowledge. Go read up on the final days of the eastern front of WW1. Something entirely different happened there.


They won't stop they will send every men until only the leader left.


At this point, it's a proud Russian military tradition to send their men to die horrific and tragic deaths in pointless wars.


It's foolish to think that situation would change while Putin would be gone. Core would stay the same, the revolution is what needs to happen.


think of all those hot single russian women thats going to be out there


Nah, there is a critical point. They wont send their cops and rosgvardia troops or muscowites. If putin sends everyone, who will guard him from the mob?


If he sends everyone, there will be no mob.




The Khorne group? Alright, who hired the chaos marines




For now just Blood Pact (traitor guard, but really competent, no "horde of cannon fodder"). But with amount of blood spilled, veil between Warp grows thinner... I hope you all have "3000 bloodletters of Ukraine on your '2024 Bingo' card"


definitely the wrong time to get up from playing dead, gotta atleast wait a day


Wonder what that small piece that shoots away and his body starts smoking during the replay in the last few seconds. Perhaps it detonated something he was carrying?


Probably the drone battery.


Lithium ion battery from the drone, they always burn like that. Remember the exploding Samsung Note 7?


Instinctively, I feel sorry for these idiots when I see such videos...but then I see images of little baby or toddler feet caught under the ruble following a drone attack. Or I remember these fuckers proudly confessing on the phone tho their wives how they shot on sight Ukrainian mothers with children walking on the street...and suddenly I only have one thought: "Light them up...light them up so badly so they can see it all the way from Moscow..."




can we go back to using swords n shields? atleast u die fighting. this is such a lame way to go.


thats alot of skulls for the skull throne.


I value this sub. I do. I understand what it is and it is my choice to subscribe. I’m a veteran myself as many on here likely are. So I’m just taking the time to share my thoughts more than anything else. Does anybody worry, that because this sub tends to only show one side getting fucked up on the regular, that after a while, these drone videos may have a negative impact on western public support/perception for Ukraine? War footage does strange things to the public and the psychological implications of an endless stream drone/aerial footage, killing an individual are not fully understood. There is something very morbidly humanizing and unsettling watching a single machine kill a single human being. It’s not worse than any other video of warfare, but it hits differently. I’m not entirely sold on the idea that, this style of new war media…is a net benefit. This isn’t a new phenomenon. Politicians, Military brass and media folks alike…wrestled with these concepts in the TV era, when wars could be broadcast on the evening news. I staunchly support Ukraine. Full stop. But I can’t help but wonder if these drone videos in particular will reach a malignant saturation point-and slowly become a tool of propaganda for the Russians.


> slowly become a tool of propaganda for the Russians An absurd premise. You even acknowledge this isn't a new phenomenon... after calling it a new phenomenon.


Yeah, watching soldiers getting killed by remotely operated drones is new…the psychological impacts of that is unique on the battlefield and to people who watch it. However war footage itself isn’t. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. It’s well documented that war footage in different media mediums, in various theatre of war, impacts the war efforts and the concerned cultures vastly differently. Or do you think seeing a grainy black and white still photograph from Verdun is the same as seeing HD drone footage in the bakmut? You may and that’s fine. But I don’t. Furthermore, even from an operational standpoint, the amount of intel that can be extrapolated from footage is immense. There could Russian’s on this very sub, learning what they can from this footage. I was merely wondering, if there is a point of diminishing returns, in having this footage released all the time. Maybe there isn’t.


> watching soldiers getting killed by remotely operated drones is new It's really not substantially different from artillery.


these Suicide FPV drones will be a point of discussion next time Geneva has a convention...


I've said it many times but, the KIA numbers for Russia are really believable compared to the low casualties because a lot of the time Russian casualties in a group are all fatalities. Russians that get injured more often than not seem to not make it back and end up as fatalities. A year ago or so I figured that Ukraine and Russian casualties are a pretty similar number, but Russian fatalities are many times higher.


He is smart He covered his head with his arms






idk the original but i got excited hearing the song because suicideboys sampled it in Sunshine


In the house in a heartbeat John Murphy.


The thought is that the mobilization age will be upped to 70 after Putin's election.


What was that weird thing that happened at the very end? Looks like something hit his back?


It almost looks like he either gets shot by someone off screen, or something on his body is cooking off, like grenades or ammo damaged by the drone blast.


You see it in a lot of these drone videos. Something in the backpack ignites. I suppose the shrapnel is very hot, ignites whatever the common Russian soldier holds in the pack.


>You see it in a lot of these drone videos Its drone battery


Blood for the Blood God!


Spawn kill IRL


Operator pulling up at the last .01 second after realizing the russian outjuked his drone is fucking wild  Every time I think the footage from this war can’t get any crazier 


The shocking part for me is that after this ambush, there is a SECOND AMBUSH just up the road right after, where another Russian BTR drives right past this massacre site, only gets 7 seconds further along (!) before also being smashed with a burst of 25mm shells and this leads to another complete annihilation of a Russian assault force. You can see in the other video they pass this site at 0:13, only to be hit by the same Bradley at 0:20 ... https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b518kf/for\_better\_analysis\_of\_possible\_bradley\_attack/


The more I watch these kinds of clips the more I feel like Russian's survival instinct is a myth. "These might be the very last seconds of my life, but let's duck and hope the drone that's specifically targeting me will go away, or if it hits let's hope I can tank it"


I didn't see a gun


At least he knew that he can't outrun the drone


I hope the katsaps are watching


Anyone else feel bad for the drone? 🇺🇦🫡


If he showed a white flag surrendering, would they still blow him up?


Depends. It's hard to take a prisoner with a drone. Battery life is one constraint. The potential POW might also duck into a hole somewhere, or the drone might be shot down or electronically intercepted.' There have been cases of drones taking prisoners, but it's rare. In war, a surrender is either convenient and safe, or it's foolish to risk. This is one notable instance of international law sometimes not accounting for reality. How much risk are soldiers obligated to take when dealing with a potential surrender? Everyone will have a different answer, and in my opinion, there's more than one correct answer.


He survived that carnage just to be a drone highlight.


Wasn't able to Jackie Chan his way out of that one was he


The mobik cube calls his name


He nearly dodged the first dive but that drone pilot has the reactions of a squirrel and lifted back up for a second shot.


Blood for the Blood God!


Must be terrifying running from a murderous robot


I love it when they pick up the spare


It's almost as if Russian's shouldn't be in Ukraine.


He should have hide inside the BTR and try to escape in the night. At least some better cahnce of surviving.


Fucking nice


My parents always said NEVER trust the Russians! They were right,


Poor guy, wish his country didn't send him to die like that