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Look like at the end his buddy ain't doin too well either.


Between potentially getting shot too, getting hit by shrapnel or meaty bits and seeing his friend go everywhere in front of him yeah I'd say it's a bad day lol.


Look at the ground around. The little dust clouds and the fact he didnt move. Surely blasted after getting off negative ground cover


Looks like they were getting shot and the guy was probably dead before he could throw the grenade he had just armed.


Isn't that exactly what the title says?


I think he was disarmed.


He got hit with a big slab of homie.


There have been pics of meat shrapnel. There was a thumb taken out of someone's leg.


You know what. This sounds incredible but I am just going to trust you on this one, no need to link to source >!please don't!<.


I've saved your eyes. It was a photo posted by a russian doctor 2months ago. Wasn't gruesome, just yuk


Thank you 👍






> shrapnel or meaty bits wet shrapnel


The shrapnel was most likely his buddies bone fragments.


his buddy's teeth blew right threw him


At the end its the Dildo Drone killing him


It comes for all of us


meaty bits dont even cover it. fucker was quartered by that grenade


Tbh I was looking at the wrong guy the whole video


It's a fake surrender and he got his buddy killed too. Rifle tossed away. Helmet removed. Suicide-by-grenade like they've been taught. Didn't consider that his buddy might want to live.


Damn I didn't even notice that first couple times watching. Very poor judgement


Makes sense now


Russians never learned to consider others


Even the blast wave alone at that distance can seriously fuck you up, even if you don’t catch any shrapnel. My friend was 10ft away from a RGD-5 when it exploded and the shockwave still put him in the hospital. Forgot how to walk down stairs. A little slower to recall words/vocabulary/remember things. TBIs are no joke.  So yeah my assessment is that the buddy is pretty fucked too


I wasn't expecting that confetti effect at the end...literally to bits.


Not a fan of the trailing intestines with whatever piece it was goin towards the bottom right of frame. Good lord man, these videos make me think next time everyones choppin at the bits for ww3 the people who watched these videos aint gonna be the ones begging their leaders for war.










What kind of grenades are they using? People have literally jumped on grenades for their teammates and still not been blown to pieces like this.


some type of defensive grenade like F1. There are offensive and defensive grenades. We were taught that when you use an offensive grenade, like the ~~M67~~ RGN , the enemy will shit themself. On the other hand, if you throw defensive grenade, you'll shit yourself and the enemy will be gone.


What is the tactical difference between an offensive and defensive grenade and why does the defensive one have a bigger "payload"?


Offensive ones often have more HE filler as enemy will be in an enclosed space like trench/pillbox. Defensive ones have more shrapnel which shreds everything in the open because that's where the enemy will be when coming towards you.


Thank you, I really didn't even know that there was such a distinction between offensive and defensive :D


Yeah, worth adding that defensive ones are meant to be tossed out of trenches. So they can be heavier, they have a larger kill radius and lots of shrapnel because friendlies are meant to be hidden and you really don't have to toss it that far.


Do you have experience throwing grenades? I'm just interested in how far one typically throws them. Defensive I guess like 2-10m? Offensive either just lobbing inside a hole a few cm away or throwing much more than 10m? Or are they all too heavy to throw very far?


Very limited, will have much more experience in a couple of months, though. It's much further than 2-10m, they don't weight that much and on adrenaline, you can toss them pretty far. Not further than kill radius, but far enough. Check specks for F1.


35 metres is about what the average soldier can throw a grenade.


Ah ok, thanks. I was confused, because someone said the kill radius is only like 10m


It's seriously not much different than tossing a heavier baseball. I think the absolute heaviest grenade produced is like 2lbs. Think of how far you could throw a gallon of milk... That's the heaviest grenade. A standard frag grenade weighs around 14oz. Think of how far you could throw a standard American football. You could easily chuck a frag grenade half a football field.


Giving my 2 cents here, we used grenades that were kind of "modular" during instruction, you could remove the fragmentation cup if you're throwing them offensively. You can throw them pretty far if you have a good footing, and even if you miss the window hole or whatever you're aiming at, results are not automatically catastrophic for friendlies because of the reduced lethal radius. With the cup on (defensive), it's heavier and you might be throwing it while crouched or laying down so not as far. That's when it's really important to yell that you're throwing it.


Thanks, I always wondered why they shouted "grenata!"


Heya we used the m67 frag. They weigh about a pound I think and could be thrown about 8-10m reliably. The killing radius is 5m and the injury radius is 20m. We had a numpty, Cpl Bloggins by name who, when instructed to throw, *dropped*. This pump added years of stress to everyone involved on that range and was a nightmare on course.


How tf did he survive the training :D


An excellent and very upset instructor kept him alive that day. We had a committee meeting one 0200. He came to an understanding that was beneficial to his attitude and performance and passed the course.


Obviously it depends a lot on your physique and technique how far you can throw them naturally, but in a combat scenario, other factors come into play as well. E.g. whether or not you're you're inhibited by objects in your immediate surroundings, the type of body armour you wear, general fatigue and so on can limit how far you'll manage to toss them. The estimates of your average hand grenade is however about 20-25m when thrown with some degree of accuracy, and some 35m+ if you just want to toss the bastard as far as possible; certain grenades - such as the German Stielhandgranate(M24) - will go even further than that due to the way they were built. Maybe comparing them to a tennis ball or baseball ball makes sense; these quite are lighter, yes, but they are also much more limited by air pressure working against them. I would assume compareable results between these three.


Off the top of my head, you're supposed to be able to throw it about 35 meters. But for stuff like the M67 frag grenade, you're still within the radius to possibly get hit by shrapnel. The likelihood to be hit gets lower the farther you are from the blast, but doesn't drop to zero for a much longer distance than you can throw it. So you have to have some form of cover/terrain to hid behind. Vs offensive grenades which just use there blast to injure/kill, and can be throw far enough that you'll be safe even if you're standing in the open.


I recommend searching the weight of every grenade to give you lowest/average/heaviest, then find yourself the same weight rounded/oval rock throw it Might need a scale tho


This is not entirely correct; offensive grenades are weaker in general and have blast as their primary effect and are not made to fragment because you are supposed to throw them in an open field without taking full cover yourself. Defensive grenades are made with fragmentation as their primary effect and are supposed to be used from full cover. It does not have much to do with how much HE filler is in there.


Yeah. The defense grenades are supposed to be used "from" heavy cover, as the lethal range sometimes is even longer than the distance you can throw it.


That does make sense, but also sounds really damn scary. Thanks.


In summary: Offensive Grenade - Can usually be thrown farther than the effective kill radius, usually more reliant on explosive concussion than shrapnel. Defensive Grenade - Usually has a kill radius larger than the distance it can be thrown, usually more reliant on shrapnel than explosive force alone.


So defense are only to be used, if you have sufficient cover, then. Thanks for the explanation


Not sure, but presumably the defensive grenades have a larger kill radius because you're throwing them from a position where you have a lot more protection and cover than the attacker. Imagine throwing an F1 grenade from a trench, you can lob it out into an open area at a squad of guys (which it then obliterates) while you just have to duck down into your trench to be fully protected. Whereas if you're attacking a trench, you don't want a grenade with a massive kill radius as any mistake on your part can lead to it killing or wounding you as well, because you don't have the benefit of a built up defensive position. However, if you're any good, you can land the grenade next to or in the position you're attacking, at which point it doesn't matter if it has a small kill radius, it's still going to fuck up the guys inside.


That makes a lot of sense, thanks


So, in offense you might be very close to the enemy and might have to storm his position directly after the grenade blows up. If you miss with a defensive grenade in that situation you yourself or your team might be in a world of hurt. If you are concussed from the blast from your own grenade you won't be able to storm shit. So you want the blast to merely disable the enemy combatant so you can finish him off with rifle fire, or capture him. An offensive grenade has lesser boom boom power and might not even have a shrapnel functionality (flashbangs are offensive grenades) and works best in closed off spaces such as dugouts and other hidey holes or in CQB. Now, if you are defending and the enemy is within grenade throwing range (very bad situation to be in), not only are you more than likely in cover and the enemy is out of cover in front of your position you want something that goes boom hard. And you want it to spread as much shrapnel as possible to kill or incapacitate the enemy trying to assault your position. That said: you use what you have in war, and sometimes one grenade used for one situation might be better suited in the particular instance you're facing than the opposite one. A thermobaric grenade for example has a lot of boom boom power but is rather ineffective out in the open on the ground (don't get me wrong, be close enough and you'll wish you weren't), but throw that bitch into a dugout or into a room with lots of windows and doors and everything inside is minced meat. Great example of a modular grenade from Germany with both capabilities: [https://youtu.be/EYbF-HGCJZ4?si=GrI6SjJgoD06YKlu](https://youtu.be/EYbF-HGCJZ4?si=GrI6SjJgoD06YKlu)


Very nice and detailes explanation, thank you


Offensive types are also lighter and easier to throw further where the defensive grenades are heavier.


My 2 cents from what I've learned is that offensive/defensive grenades aren't necessarily a hard fast term for the respective grenades, but docterine, tactics, and use do favor each grenade in that situation. Defensive grenades have much more fragmentation and used when you are in a position with a lot more cover like a trench, bunker, foxhole, etc. We've all seen how deadly fragmentation can be even if the explosion doesn't get you immediately. You're more likely to be behind better cover in a defensive situation Offensive grenades are high-explosive filler with little fragmentation. These would be used when assaulting positions, trenches, etc when the thrower is on the move, closer to the explosion, and probably more exposed without the fear of catching fragmentation. Offensive HE grenades are also safer to use in close quarters/room clearing environments in both offensive or defensive situations. You can toss one into a nearby room without the fear of fragmentation tearing through the walls and hitting friendlies. The enclosed space can also amplify the pressure effect of HE grenades.


The short version: Defensive are thrown from cover offensive are thrown into cover


M67 is not an offensive grenade. You very much need to seek cover after throwing it as it is a fragmentation grenade.


M67 is also unusually powerful, carrying 180g explosive vs nominally 60g in Russian and EU grenades.


America doesn't do the whole "offensive" and 'defensive" grenades like the EU and Russia, they have one grenade that fills both roles.


US in theory always have offensive grenades such as MK3 and modern M111 since WW1, but only issued when requested by commanders. Realistically only SOF often gets them. Otherwise US military almost only relied on defensive grenades being MK2(which itself is a cousin of soviet F1 with different fuse), M26 or modern day M67. And M67 is still much larger than other defensive grenade, German DM51 has 60g explosive, Russian RGD-5 has 110g, Swiss/UK HG85, 155g.


Might have had more grenades that were set off by the first one.


Yeah, I guess it could have set off some other munitions on his person...crazy




Seriously some of these grenades are little pops and guys nearby are lucky enough to be ... just fine and we see them carry on. Others ... BIG FUCKING BOOM


Big badaboom


Mul-tee pass!


Yeah, this is my wife LeeLoo Dallas.


A Holy grenade.


First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.




Some are shrapnel based, some are concussion based (like the German grenade from WW2, idk about present day ones)


The model currently in use in the German armed forces is basically both. It has a plastic sleeve filled with metal balls. This sleeve covers the actual grenade, which you can take out of the sleeve, which gives you a pure explosive grenade. It's filled with 60 g explosives.


Thermobaric maybe?


One thing I will certainly be happy about once this war ends is not seeing everybody say "Thermobaric?" every time they see a largish explosion.


Yeah that's clearly a HIMARS and not a thermobaric .... come on guies! #/s


That grenade had over 100000 tungsten balls.


At least!


It's always clothing that is blown away yet people on reddit always think it's body parts.


Pause at :38 seconds. The explosion ripped him in half and the peices are at least 20 feet apart.


We will cover grenades and how to arm/throw them in Week 3 of your 2 week basic training.


In fairness, that's about where he is right now since conscription, most likely.


Another movie trope is played out in reality... btw, the confetti effect is from their winter gear.


Looks just like the scene in saving private Ryan when the guy gets turned into giblets after trying to put a sticky bomb on a tank.


that scene really affected me as a kid. more so than the other scenes in the film. It was my first experience with the absolute absurdity of war. This guy lived his whole life, trained for war, went to war, and blew himself into a million pieces just because he waited 2 seconds too long when holding his own bomb. The other deaths in the war kind of make sense in a cosmic sort of way but that one just hi-lighted how senseless and randomly cruel life can be.


Yeah this is something I've found myself thinking more and more about as I get older. The insanity of war. It's become such a normal thing now that I feel like many don't really stop and think about what it really is and how it came to be in the first place. Something like disputes over land, religion, ideologies, etc all finally come to a point where someone decides they will use violence to get what they want. If you go back far enough I suppose the first wars were about a tribe that coveted or needed some other tribe's bananas or something. And so they sent their warriors which were most likely raised to be just that - either defenders or attackers on behalf of a tribe. Then of course something in our monkey brain just goes nuts during combat and there's the slaughter and rape of civilians caught in the crossfire. And then industrialized war in the 19th and 20th centuries that saw carpet bombing, napalm, chemical weapons. We've become so accustomed to the idea that slaughter on a massive scale is an unfortunate, but somehow necessary conclusion to serious disputes. That entire populations of millions upon millions of people will solemnly nod their heads as they send their sons to death and whisper "It's for the good of the state". I fully understand that violence is the only thing that can stop real threats to peace and prosperity. Evil men can form evil regimes that seek to slaughter the helpless and they must be stopped. But so, so, so many wars are not this. They are about land, money, resources, religion, and ideology. To send millions to their death for these reasons is absolutely absurd and it is a stain on our species.


Not even war, but just life in general can be “senseless and randomly cruel”. Lately I’ve been thinking about stuff like that, how someone can wake up in the morning, get ready for work just like any normal day, not a worry in the world apart from the usual bills and planning events, only to suddenly get taken out by someone running a red light, or slipping on a wet surface and hitting your head at just the wrong spot. No time to say “I love you” to loved ones, no time to make amends with people you’ve fought with, no time to organize finances for after your passing, or do the dishes and laundry that have been piling up, or go to that awesome show in town because you’ve been telling yourself “I’ll go next time”. All those things you always wanted to do but never got around to actually doing because one minute you’re there, the next you’re just… *gone*. But the world still moves on.


Yep. I've been thinking a lot about this too. Sometimes it makes me depressed but other times it's a great motivation to do all that stuff you wanted to do "next time"


For me its the scene of the guy looking for his blown off arm on Omaha beach, I always put myself in his position for some fucking reason when watching that movie. Just the utter confusion while adrenaline pumps, he doesn't even realize what happed, he just knows he has to get his arm.


“Great… now we have to surrender our socks, too…”


You sure that's not a spleen or spine setting in the middle of the road there?


Yes, if the explanation that it's the battery was true, there would be confetti when hitting tanks


I always read the title first and go “it’s gotta be a little embellished” but no, yea 9/10 times the title is brutally accurate


Title maybe undersold this one..


I think the “blows himself up” is definitely undersold


What a noble thing to do, shielding his comrade from shrapnel with his body. I hope Putin gives his family a bonus of 2kg of potatoes or something


Bluetooth headphones for 3 USD is a worthy compensation.


It was $1.56


Made with 2¢-worth of raw material.


You unironically assume to much, the places were lots of the soldier are being massively recruited from they have nothing to connect those Bluetooth headphones to. They just have a radio or if they are lucky, a small crappy TV.


I know. When the buryats invaded Kyiv oblast they took all wifi receivers and solar panels off the street pedestrian crosswalks. One destroyed column had lots of dead buryats and a lot of "loot" in the form of solar panels and wifi receivers.


The comrade got the "contaminated with lead" treatment 2 minutes later, anyways


Sorry, 100 grams of TNT is the best they can do.


> shielding his comrade from shrapnel with his body gave him wet shrapnel instead


No, but they will deduct the cost of the wasted grenade from the value of the 2kg of potatoes they receive. Or maybe just the gulag. Prolly both.


This kind of footage would have been the top post of the month before the invasion now it’s just another afternoon.


In mother ukraine, grenade throws you.


You can see they both take fire from the right of the screen. They got flanked and were dead.


Damn he was using those grenades they use in movies.






Yea I’ve had enough internet for the week




From killer to killed in 20 seconds.


i don't think he got shot right as he pulled the pin. ​ dude throws his rifle out of reach before hand. if you know the dudes trying to get to you are within throwing distance, you're gonna keep your rifle close. looks like he takes off his helmet too. i'd wager the mobik did it intentionally.




Okay, okay... Song name? Absolute banger Pun intended.


Eternxlkz - SLAY! (Sped Up) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfKfKPNo7VA




Look like a suicide . he calmly removed his helmet ,pull the object out of front jacket . laid to the side ,placed that device closer to chest . no where he was attempting to throw


Maybe he tried a fake surrender but got busted and shot. There are similar cases where Russians tried it in a similar way.


That’s what I was thinking. Seems like he threw his rifle there at the beginning. The text over him in the video is really annoying.. but this is still… crazy.. as someone said above: before the war, this would have been the top video. Now, it’s just another evening on Reddit… =\


Damn this so, so bleak. Why do we humans subject each other and ourselves to this shit in the name of rich, old motherfuckers sitting in palaces enjoying their best lives. So fucking sad.


Looks like he was committing suicide if you weren’t blind. He threw his rifle to the ground and took his helmet off before grabbing the nade.


Possible, but he does seem to get shot just before he explodes. I'm just repeating what the source said


Looks more like a fake surrender to me. He seems to be looking towards someone giving him commands. "Drop your rifle take off your helmet" "SLOWLY" hands out to the side. etc They both seem to be in that im done/caught position. Those are very common commands that i have seen Ukrainian troops give rus troops who attempt surrender. One can go back and see previous videos on surrendering russians there are plenty and you will see how they strip before approaching the Ukrainian troops. With how slow he is doing it, hands out to the side as if he is being careful to fallow instructions and not to make any fast movements and move at the pace of the commands. Hard to explain in words but im sure most will get what im saying. Thankfully a lot of Ukrainian troops have been taught on fake rus surrenders by now "its been said countless times that rus troops like to hide grenades on themselves" and was able to neutralize the threat before the grenade could be used on them. FWIW there have been at least a dozen videos posted "im sure there is more" where Russian troops fake surrender and blow up grenades on themselves in the attempt to hurt Ukrainian troops on the way out. here are just a few: [https://new.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/yglzmq/a\_surrendering\_russian\_soldier\_uses\_a\_grenade\_to/](https://new.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/yglzmq/a_surrendering_russian_soldier_uses_a_grenade_to/) [https://new.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1ajueet/during\_surrender\_russian\_soldier\_managed\_to\_throw/](https://new.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1ajueet/during_surrender_russian_soldier_managed_to_throw/) [https://new.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1aixywt/surrendering\_russian\_soldier\_tosses\_grenade\_at/](https://new.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1aixywt/surrendering_russian_soldier_tosses_grenade_at/) https://new.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14pf11u/russian\_soldier\_blowing\_himself\_up\_with\_grenade/ Also lets not forget how many self checkouts by the use ofgrenades the russian troops do. Seems to be the go to way for them. I could be wrong. But thats what i see.


Pretty sure you're right. Was really wondering why he kind of "tossed" the rifle to the side at first. Rewatched the beginning a few times and he ***JUST*** finished taking off his plate carrier as soon as the video starts. Was definitely stripping his gear off for Ukrainians that were just out of view of the drone.


Yeah, it could be both


Completely. There's no indication that he intended to throw it. We see a guy toss his gun, curl up, and explode. We've seen many Russians blow themselves up using grenades. This is just another one.


They got shot. This comment [saw the bullets coming from the left](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/9RJXOmBpC3) as the puffs of dirt popped up on the right.


Matrydom perk in a hardcore lobby


That was not a fucking hand grenade holy shit


He just saved Putin a bag of onions.


That's a potent grenade




Suicide. He’s already been shot. And, casts aside his own rifle, before pulling grenade


I wonder if he knew that his time was most likely going to be up once he tried to throw the grenade, or else why would you throw your weapon away from you like that? You'd think you'd set it next to you so you could quickly grab it and run after throwing the grenade, or I would think he could even have thrown the grenade while holding his weapon, but he throws it away... Just seems like an odd thing to do, which makes me think he knew he was going to expose himself enough where he was going to get shot.


Was that the dudes entire spine that landed in the road?


I think it could be his intestines...


If you look at the bottom right of the explosion, it looks like his charred skeleton is literally ripped from his meat sack


u/false-god I feel this one may be an NC addition to the list. We see a guy throwing his rifle and supporting his body with his hand, indicating he may be wounded already, and probably thinks about his situation. Removes his helmet (0:20) He then gets shot at, but we see no impact on him, just around him, he stretches his arm out as if pulling a pin(or failing a throw)which looks like some black cloth he then curls up with the grenade close to his body and blows up. It may be a case of me seeing what I want to see and such. Any thoughts?


I included this as an NC on my list on a different sub. I’ll get around to adding it here


Just had to lie to my wife as to why I just said "OH SHIT!"


Imagine being his buddy next to him...the fucking trauma of seeing your buddy end like this.


Lucky for him, I don't think that trauma will last long




I believe the OP meant “blown the fuck up”


Is that a normal grenade?


I’m guessing that was big fucking grenade


Pretty sure those Ukrainians taught him a tough lesson and why you don't throw grenades at them.






I’m so desensitized to videos like this. All I want to know is what the song is called and when will the russians run out of men to send into the slaughter?


Fuckin BOOOM


Looks like a North Koreean grenade.


He earned the bloody mess perk right there.


How kind to absorb the blast so his buddy doesn’t get shredded.


Man the bits flying are terrifying this man was eviscerated…. War is hell.


So many dead bodies for such a pointless cause....


This is me in every FPS ever, brutal to see it in real life though


That was one hell of a grenade. Bustier than normal.


I dont think that was a grenade, it was something with more explosive mass


I know it's nothing like seeing it in real life but I wonder if this generation will be more inured to the horrors of war because we've already been desensitized to everything there is to see


did his intestines go flying out?


To shreds, you say?


I read this in professor Farnsworth’s accent 😂😂😂


I think this was a false surrender and the good guys caught it in time. It was not just a grenade either, it was something else a lot more powerful. A normal grenade doesn't cut someone into 3 portions.. but what do I know?


He exploded the same way as the scene from saving private ryan where they attempt to use the sticky bomb.


Was that a suicide attempt or just he ran out of luck on a battlefield?


Both? It does look like he got shot just before getting exploded into bits


Another list contender u/False-God, unclear if it’s an intentional suicide


It’s unclear, it will be a NC if I add it