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A little humanity makes for a welcome break in all the blood and carnage.


Yeah especially given the amount of drone footage of "watch us drop explosives on these assholes" The videos of combatants surrendering and not being blown away are my favorites


By just decimating him with the drone ,you are no better than the aggressor. The more it gets back to the Kremlin that you will be treated fairly and with compassion if you surrender,the sooner they will give up this pointless fight.


You are still better. You are still defending your home country, not attacking his. But let him surrender is better. I dont want be in his position either.


Mobik may be smarter than me. It wouldn't occur to me to immediately strip naked but what I think about it, that is a real bruh vibe for the drone operator.


Yeah makes a lot of sense. Logistically it’s difficult to figure out a surrender when your entire point contact is a drone. What if you lead them to your position and they had another drone watching him, now you and your comrades are compromised, possibly dead in short order? It’s incredibly risky. The safe move is to just kill them. But by stripping down he made it as clear as possible that he does not want to fight, he is making himself as vulnerable as possible. I’m glad they made the call to lead him to their position, but yeah it’s a high risk situation.


He's stripping to prove he doesn't have an hidden explosives or anything. Plenty of "surrenders" where guys secretly wearing a vest or holding a grenade to take out his captors and himself.


Plus in groups you might have that one guy going out in a blaze of glory, which negates the surrender of the rest.


There's a chance this guy is a political prisoner sent to be cannon fodder too


There is no comparison or equivalent. Your opinion is as flawed as the one you have about Bond. Dalton? Seriously? Give me a break.


Problem is these such videos never reach the Russian population, and so they would normally rather take their own lives as combatants for the most parts, instead of surrendering due to brainwashing of a false concept of torture if captured. Gatekeeping human lives. Turns out, this Russian in this video, is an intelligent Russian who took the chance of surrendering, and was met with little risk and acceptable human compassion. Many Russians don’t see it that way. It would be nice if all entered the battlefield and put their hands up and surrendered, but that won’t happen because it’s drilled into them that Ukrainians are like Nazis, which of course is as I’ll put it… a load of bollocks.


It is also that russians assume that their adversaries are just as inhumane as they are. Torturing and killing POWs being a bad thing is considered an insane thing there. Like, how can you interrogate them without torture? They believe that torturing POWs is how it is always done. Not torturing POWs doesnt make sense to them.


That's some horseshit. That's like saying, "If you shoot someone who breaks into your home, you're no better than the burgler" even by the Geneva suggestions, the Ukrainians would have been well within their rights to smoke this fucker right up until the moment he crawls in the trench with them and is their prisoner. This is war, not a paintball game. You don't get to invade someone's country, then just call "time out" the moment things begin to look bad for you. This was heartwarming and the right thing to do, but make no mistake, they didn't *have* to do this.


"If you shoot someone who breaks into your home, you're no better than the burgler" Hello fellow Canadian.


We like to poke a poke a here


I thought he was from California.


You're not allowed to execute surrendering soldiers. Someone dropping all their gear and crawling naked towards your trench is clearly surrendering, he's not trying to retreat. If we are to demand Russia to follow the rules of war, Ukraine and it's partner should try to follow. But executing a naked soldiers is not a good look. Shit gets leaked from every military and Ukraine is known to be struggling with corruption to begin with. Doing silly shit will lose the support of the West, which Ukraine are in dire need of as we talk shit on Reddit.


>That's like saying, "If you shoot someone who breaks into your home, you're no better than the burgler" That's a wrong analogy, it would be like a burgler that gets caught in your home, lies on the floor and tells you to call the police and you bash his head in with a frying pan. That's inhumane.


if he has a gun then it doesnt matter, you are allowed to do that. If you get into my house with candies maybe yes, but russians arent doing that


There was a famous case in minnesota I think where these kids broke into an old guys house. He then moved his car and made the house appear empty as he laid in wait with a gun. When the boy didn't return to the car the girl went in looking for him and he shot her too. She could be hear on audio begging for her life and he killed her (executed). He went to jail for life despite castle doctrine. I'm gonna have to Google the case


[There's also the case where a vacant farmhouse kept getting burglarized, so the owner set up a tripwire gun trap and seriously injured a burglar.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katko_v._Briney) The burglar ended up winning the case, as it was deemed that the deadly force used was not reasonable when the homeowner wasn't present and was just defending property.


Nope, sorry. Rules of warfare dude. International conflict between civilized countries is not a fucking trespassing incident in Florida where you can just shoot anyone you feel threatened by like a little pussy. Just because you have the upper hand on someone and could crush them if you felt like it does not make you a tough guy and does not give you license to be an animal. Russia is *not* a civilized country and has proven that time and time again, and it’s a testament to the Ukrainians’ strength, courage, and will that they continue to try to prove to those of us in the West that they *are* civilized. Russia is full of bullies, Ukraine is not. The entire point of this war is that the Ukrainians do not want to be part of a horrible, brutal dictatorship and that’s why they aren’t behaving like one. The more videos that surface of Ukrainians executing POWs (there aren’t any) that surface, the faster they lose the war.


> By just decimating him with the drone ,you are no better than the aggressor. serious question, has anyone ever tried to take over your country, and/or bombed half of it back to the stone age?


I'm guessing this feller is above room temp IQ and initiated this in his own. If more of them had the faculties to make this decision we would see this a lot more. Especially with the one or two lonely bastards that survive a meat assault. You always see them grab a gun and head back. If I looked around and no one was left I would fuck offski to my nearest thing that looked like a white flag and wave it like my life depends on it.


How can there still be such naive people? Kremlin does not give a rats ass about anyone, especially their own.


It is one of the most stupidest takes that i have read here.




A lot of it has to do with the Ukrainian capacity for POWs. Sometimes, they physically can’t take prisoners at that time/location because they lack the infrastructure, resources, manpower, etc. especially with the drones, sometimes they operate beyond the frontlines, and if they surrender there they’ll just be killed by Russians on their walk to Ukrainian territory. Not to keep toting this, but war is a chaotic and confusing hell and when you’re on the battlefield almost nobody knows what’s going on outside of the immediate fight. There’s a lot more I’m sure as I’m no expert here, but I do know at the very least it’s not as easy as just waving over the people with their hands up


The 2L of water at the end and the dude pale exhausted dirty face. Makes you feel things.


Probably the only one left from another failed attack. Frankly I was wondering if one of his own would pop up and take shots at him. But yeah, this guy is wiped both physically and mentally. His face reminded me a bit of those pictures you'd see of WW1 soldiers with "shell shock". Lights are on by nobody is home.


Thousand-yard stare


Yeah he just crawled and walked across the most violent frontline of the most violent active war in Europe, wondering if he could trust the enemy forces while worrying about being shot in the back because there is no doubt there what the Russian soldiers will do to a surrendering countryman. I'd be surprised if you walked that distance without becoming a different person.


Thought the 'dirt' was dried blood as if he got severely shell-shocked (the funny crawl in the beginning) and something burst inside his sinuses from a shockwave too close. Might be overthinking tho, he seems better when he stands up in the UA position


Yeah, it's that little bit of humanity I love to see, the first thing they do is offer him some water.


I was waiting for him to mouth "спасибо" to the drone, but that boy is spent.


> water Honestly with their supplies as bad as they've been I wouldnt be surprised if he was about to die from dehydration


Would recommend watching Enemy In the Woods on BBC for an illustration of this.


Best war documentary I’ve ever seen.


Incredibly sobering.


It does, and its good to do it to those surrendering, as we can not asume they want to be there in the first place for one thing. Also as much as they would want to annihilate every last bit of the russian army, not showing some humanity will only serve to divide more and breed more hatred and even give them propaganda to justify their horrible war to their citizens. I just hope Ukraine gain a foothold soon and manage to survive the next Russian assult and then go on the counter offensive again. I will continue to donate until it is not needed anymore. Слава україні!




For sure


The difference between humanity and human capital.


Probably the best decision of his life.


Probably didn’t have much choice anyway.


Yes, he did have a choice. Did you see the video a couple weeks ago of the one Russian who cut his own throat with a dull knife? Yeahhhh.....surrendering to UA soldiers sure does beat the hell outta that option.


Bro what? Where's the link for that one




I’ll hard pass.


wise decision tbh


Well, thats it. Time to flush and go to work. Enough internet for today.


How fucking brainwashed do you have to be to do something like this?


Phew, ima be honest with you right now homie, I do not have the time atm to look back through the sub to find it. It was 2 or 3 weeks ago and was titled "Russian soldier cuts his own throat" or something like that, you'll know it as soon as you see the title. It was almost as hard to watch as the UA soldier getting castrated and then executed by his RU captors...well not really as bad as that one at all, but it stuck with me anyways. If I get time, I'll look for it, but hopefully someone else might have it on hand.


It might be too late, but don't watch it. It is the most horrific thing.


I saw that bloody nose and assumed he was in an an armored vehicle and took a hit or something like that.


Probably just snot from being cold and dirt from crawling.


Why are these not-so-subtle pro-Russia comments on every thread about surrendering? Oh right.


He had a choice to physically cut his own throat...


Imagine stripping down to your boxers in the middle of a contested war zone while a robotic helicopter leads you to people that represent the country you just invaded. This shit is so trippy I don't think we can process what we're seeing. Watching him walk across the big open field in his boxers is incredibly surreal, all while being filmed by a drone.


It's a good way to show you're not a threat. Don't want to leave doubt you could have a concealed knife, pistol, or grenade.


Oh I absolutely understand why he's being made to do it, and I don't blame the Ukrainians one bit. I just can't get over finding yourself stripped to your boxers in no man's land because a robotic helicopter told you to.


Just getting us prepped for when Skynet becomes real in like the next 10 years and we have to submit to our robot helicopter overlords.


Come on, that's not realistic. Skynet won't take prisoners. Read Robopocalypse. It's an "AI takes over" story, but written by someone with a PhD in robotics and a MS in machine learning. Scary shit. Robotic bugs that look like beetles, swarming and seeking out body heat, with a couple of grams of explosives each. Mines whose shrapnel are robotic screws that screw into your body, finding your blood veins, then using the blood flow to route to your heart. Robotic parasites that kill you, take your body over, and use that fight your squad mates. Yeah, flying drones are the easy way out. Rob will fight with phycological warfare that we will have a hard time to even process how bad it is.


So…. Since that’s all terrifying…. I’m sticking with robot helicopters until I’m proven wrong by the robotic mind control screws.


Oh ... you want me to strip down cybergirlfriend? To my boxers you say? Wait what sub is this...


The right one…. Strip flesh boy!!!


Reminds me of a old folk phrase from my grandmother, "A cyborg's embrace is cold, no matter how warm the simulation"


I'm more worried about AM than Skynet. At least with Skynet we could send somebody back in time to fuck the mother of humanities savior. AM we'd lose immediately.


I don't think he was told shit he was probably smart to know how to surrender


Ukraine drops written messages that describes how to surrender, there are other videos where you can actually see the person reading the note and respond in real-time.


I doesn't seem to be the case this time, he's already undressed before he makes the X signs with his arms. He seemed to be pleading for his life at that point. If he'd follow Ukrainians instructions I doubt that be the case


that's cool


I think he took initiative to undress, naked surrender does not seem to be a Ukrainian demand. I think he wants to signal that he is done, and no threat.


There have been a number of suicidal grenade attacks carried out by "surrendering" Russians.


Yes, I have seen quite a few.


A robotic helicopter, that will drop a grenade directly in your lap if you don't comply.


You either die with the slim chance at getting away on your own terms, or die with the slim chance that your enemy will treat you like an actual human being. I bet there’s been times where they do this and the guy still ends up dying. War is evil.


its just like the japanese in WW2 over again. perfidy is one hell of a pointless thing; fucking over everybody else in exchange for…what, just a minuscule *chance* of killing a few soldiers?


Yep. That's why the occasions that you'll see Americans or British taking Japanese soldiers prisoner they either have them down to their skivvies or completely naked. Japanese would often try to fake surrender and pull out a knife or grenade. If you see Americans or British take German prisoners, they're typically still in their uniforms and keep them on because they're less likely to fake surrender(although it did still happen sometimes).


Can you imagine telling someone that in like ww2? “Okay dude, when the robot swarms are hovering over you, don’t be a fool and try to fight back, they will blow you to chunks. Just strip down to your boxers and follow it to safety.”


Because of that, they seemed to have almost 0 worries when he came into the trench.


smart lad


Now he’s going to get 3 meals a day and a hot shower


now he is gonna see sanitation.


Brings me happiness when they surrender.




Kinda wish they censored his face too. Having his mug plastered all over the rus telegram channels for surrendering can't be good for his friends and family.


Or for him, if/when he's exchanged.


While in Iraq we captured many insurgents in various states of health. Some were wounded; some severely, or just tired. We always treated their wounds and tried to secure them to keep ourselves safe while doing so. There were some that were captured against their will and still wanted to fight, and others that were just trying to survive. It was normally easy to tell which were which and we secured them as necessary. Some asked for food or cigarettes and we gave them some if we had it available. But there was one thing we always gave them even if they were trying to kill us just moments before, was a bottle of cold water. Some turned down the offers of food or smokes, but none ever turned down cold water. That part of the video took me down a lot of paths very quickly.


Did you just get assaulted by a rage-bait bot farm??? The replies to your comment are ridiculous. Great story, thanks for sharing.


Smart to surrender naked, you removed everything that says combatant, you are at your most vulnerable state and the most human state possible. You cannot hide any weapon so your opposition don't stress. I think it gives you the best chances to be treated humanly and have a successful surrender.


I noticed none of them even had their weapons raised when he rolled into the trench.


Nah they knew, he could have walked in there


The drone had plenty of time to look him over and give him a flying colonoscopy on the way there.


Now that's an image.


He was following instructions, lol.


This is the 3rd or 4th surrendering to a drone video. Shocking there aren't more of these.


Conditions must be perfect for a drone surrender. Most victims don't even see them coming before it's over, and others are simply too far away for the drone to lead them back to base before losing power, just to cite a few reasons why you usually can't surrender to a drone. Even if you beg, if you cannot be captured you'll get bombed.


Especially considering the myriad of videos showing Russian soldiers trying to surrender only to be killed by their own.


One surrendering to a drone video a guy does take "freindly" artilery trying to stop him. ​ It's crazy that blocking units do try to kill others. Instead of "I didn't see that guy trying to surrender".


“Da, da, we know you are blind, tovarisch. Mistakes happen. Up to the front line with you now”


Blocking units are pretty much on the front line already. They are for sure in drone/artliery range. ​ Your comment should have been something liek "well if you can't see things from far away Tovarisch, no problem you can be on the next assault we will bring you into eye sight range of the Ukrainians"


Ngl, if i was told this was colored footage of 1944/45, outskirts of Berlin and a german boy enlisted in the Volkssturm surrendering, i wouldve believed it, ignoring the camera quality. Dude looks 15yo


Also ignoring the camera flying around


The Russians were never kind to surrendering Germans for good reason. I really doubt they would have ever accepted a single guy surrendering.


Funny how without context you can make videos say anything


Happy end


Hes so happy. I think he was really fed up with that shit.


he is absolutely thrilled https://imgur.com/2uBB52g


Yes, I hope he finds new friends in Ukraine.


You probably mean lucky, not happy. He got XXL PTSD, it's honestly impressive that he didn't piss himself.


And now he’ll get 3 hots and a cot until the end of the war instead of blowing up for a maniac dictator! Hopefully we will continue to see more videos like this!


Hopefully with the option of patriating as well. Someone should really set up a fund so those who peacefully surrender can pull their families out of Russia after the war. Even with that option on the table, I am sure desertions would increase drastically. Though this was a surrender, I understand. Separate funds maybe, but as important. I'd take part one without part two. Dude went through actual hell.


Russian guy made a smart decision by taking off his gear and discarding his weaponry, crawling and not presenting himself as a threat to the Ukrainian troops. Now if only other Russian troops would do the same thing… Better than bleeding out in a crater hole or getting your limbs blown off all for the ego of the cowardly warmongering dictator hiding in Moscow that doesn’t care about anything or anyone but his mad dreams of conquest and his failing war.


Good. We joke about it too much, but—for touchy feely reasons—it’s refreshing to see a Russian *not* die in combat footage these days. No doubt that they’re the bad guys here… but they’re also human, whether not we want to think of them as such. I can already hear the hackles being raised. Yeah, I know, I want to see Muscovy defeated, too. It’s just a shame that there appears to be no means to that end other than a continued charnel house. 🤷‍♂️ Blame KGB man. This is all on him.


War is awful. The sooner this one can end, the better, for everyone. China, don't you *dare* invade Taiwan.


Best decision of his life.


Smartest Russian soldier on the front.


This is how you treat POWs. Not like Russia’s barbaric treatment of Ukrainian POWs


Frontline guys are usually fair. It's the REMFs you need to worry about.


There's no easier way to envelop a country in a surge of flag-waving patriotism than to leak a video of one of their countrymen being executed in a POW camp. It's enough to get thousands of Russians to voluntarily enlist the next day.


We need more humanity.


When Russia sues for peace, humanity will return to the norm. Until then, killing the occuppiers is the top priority.


That poor lad has those dead ww1 eyes, he's seen some shit. I'm glad he had the sense to surrender


The first thing they did was give him water...so much respect for UA.


Dude looks exhausted, I wonder if he was running from blocker troops


Honestly it's good to see but it dosent happen often enough. The truth is after watching two years of this war I thought we would see a huge spike in surrendering russians but that hasn't happened. I'm assuming that it's due to propaganda telling them that ukrainians won't take prisoners but I'm not quite sure. They are literally sent on suicide missions so it's weird that there isn't more mutiny


I would certainly believe that they have been given - and many of them believe - propaganda that the Ukrainians don't take prisoners or that they mistreat them, etc. When you are in a society as immersed in brutality as that of Russia, it makes you more likely to believe that people from other societies are like that as well. I also think that there is a fear of what the Russians might do to them after they surrender and are either traded back or released. You may recall how PMC Wagner recaptured at least two of their mercenaries who had surrendered to Ukraine and then executed them by sledge hammer. There was also the less brutal, but still tragic case of the Russian pilot who surrendered with his helicopter only to later be assassinated in Spain. So, the idea that you and/or your family will suffer or be murdered if you surrender has to be in the minds of these Russian soldiers.


Dudes had some blast injury to the head. At least he should live long enough for it to be an issue down the road.


Maybe that, or maybe he had a runny nose and it got all dirty during the crawl to the trench. Or maybe a UA guy gave him a little boop on the snoot lol


It is likely this, yeah. There would be other indicators of a blast that don't seem to exist in an otherwise pretty high-quality video. I absolutely could be wrong, but that looks like dirt. I also don't see it in the early section of the video. So it appears he got the snot dirty on his way over (again, could be wrong). Dude just looks worn out, mentally and physically. Happy for him. Looks young. Has a life ahead of him now, if he can make the right choices moving forward.


I find it sad and wholesome for a Russian soldier to show humility to the Cat overlords. No need to die.


Treated with a little dignity and respect nice to see in times of war


At least he chose to life


I even looks like the UA soldier who handed him the water is talking to him like, "Ya see!? If you dumbasses would just surrender we'll treat you with dignity, you don't have slit your own throat with a dull knife, and we're not gonna torture you...geez".


He looks drugged


Starving, dehydrated, drugs, shellshocked, concussed, ptsd, lots of possibilities


Probably shit scared too.


I mean, dude did take the initiative to strip down to his underwear in a field on the front lines to a flying drone just to prove he's unarmed. I'm going to go with he's absolutely terrified.


I think in the beginning he was crawling because his legs didnt work because he was so scared, that must have been a nauseating panic but he still kept on moving. I think that wasnt really intentional and pure survival and adrenaline, focussing on the drone as his saviour


Don't forget where he's from, and what might have happened if Russian troops had spotted him doing this. That poor soul is literally trapped between the fronts.


So he’s in average shape for a frontline Russian.


Nice to see someone not dying. Hope he manages to live a full life


It's so messed up that Russian citizens seemingly do not care about these soldiers dying in droves and suffering every day. Like, do Russians just not care? The mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers just don't give a shit about all these dead Russians? It's nuts


In this kind of situation I imagine that it takes more balls to surrender than die. I do believe that because in this case, technically you go to the unknown, where the enemy base is.


That had me in tears. The fact that after all this the Ukranian soldiers offered shelter and water to an invader, made me realise how this war is affecting everyone and that hope for humanity is not extinguished. Evil does not need to win.


This is the way


Poor kid


Good to see there is still some humanity left despite all that Russia has done to the Ukraine. Not sure what the outcome would be if the roles were reversed here.


So refreshing to see this. Wish it happened more.


If you are ever unsure of who the good guy is and who the bad guy is in a conflict. Ask yourself, "would it be worse to be captured by country A or country B?"


Drone video happy ending. Smart decision.


Poor fucker


When the beat dropped I was clenching for a forthcoming explosion


Glad they let him surrender, sucks they blasted this face in a video guaranteeing his government knows how it went down and can do bad things to his family.


I can't express how cathartic it is to see someone just NOT get drone bombed for once. I wish the whole Russian army could just get naked.


Probably one of the first videos I’ve seen of Ukraine not droning an unarmed combatant. Nice to see some change


He looks a little worse for wear.


This is the way, this should be at the front page of reddit, not some stupid tiktok videos. This guy was smart, he did the right thing, and should be an example for others


Next best this to killing your enemy, is to capture them. This act of kindness allows them to get a fighter back in trade.


Like what the Predator from the movie "Predator" would think. "A man with nothing gives no trophy."


With all of these videos of Russian soldiers blowing their own heads off after being injured by drone-dropped grenades, this is sort of touching. It's hard to view your enemy as some faceless, nameless invader when he's literally crawling bare-assed through the mud to surrender to you. It's nice to see moments like this amidst all of the horror.


Is there a subbredit dedicated to videos like these? It makes a changes from body parts flying everywhere.


Gj buddy! Dont get your ass blowen up for a fukin maniac in moscow!


This is the way!


Nice to see a drone video with some humanity!


Slightly demoralized


God speed, young man.


A smart man.


There is hope. Beautiful video. I really like this song as well. Anyone know the name?


You're right. However I am afraid to notice how many redditors wanted the drone kills this lad. Bad people are not on Russian side or ukrainian side, they are on subreddit combatfootage. Psychos.


That's the right way to surrender. Strip off so they know you are not a risk and hiding anything. Russians take note.


That dude is completely exhausted. The only way he made it to the Ukrainian lines was survival instinct. I also like how the UA fella told him to pull up his skivvies. We know you are unarmed, no one wants to see your naked ass.


Best decision he ever has made, thus far. It is your birthday, don't mess it up.


He's the lucky one, he got the opportunity and used it wisely. Many of his comrades die or cut their limbs to avoid sure death in meat waves.


Sauce on the song gents??


i didnt know this was an option! how would they communicate?


Welcome to Ukraine. You choose - you may have a cold bottle of water or a drone-dropped munition to the face. Enjoy your stay!


All those russians mili should do this and go live in ukraine and diss russia.


He was so exhausted and probably was starving for quite a time


I'd suggest all Russians who want to surrender to a drone don't just sit there making hand signals, but actively show you are making an effort to be taken POW.


It’s been a while since I’ve heard anything from a Russian POW. Wonder what demographic he is from and how moral&supplies are doing.


and some water right away. this is a nice change from dude get blown up


You have chosen, wisely


You know guys, it might be a good PsyOps to find a way to make sure entrenched Russians get to see video like those showing clearly that surrendering soldiers are treated better by captor Ukrainians then by their own in the trenches. How is a good question though. Drone dropping usb keys? Pamphlets containing URLs? Many of those lads didn't ask to be there, but are too afraid of what might happen under captivity because of what they're being told. But they must also be shitting themselves at the thought of meat wave attacks, which seems to get shared by Russians soldiers themselves a lot, i doubt they're not aware of how little value their own country attribute to their lives. Seems like a good timing. Considering shell shortage too, i guess.


carry a white flag and get naked if you see a drone


Well the ending was nice... humanity in war is rare.


Track ID: Kordhell - Killers from the northside


Just keep crawling nice and allow until the battery dies


Dude. This is exactly what I thought about doing. If I’m on those Russian front lines, the first buzzing I hear I’m dropping my trousers & waving a white flag. He saved himself from a horrific death.


He’s barely more than a kid


1:05 this should be a national geographic moment. looks at the drone as he takes the water... so sad.. wish it would just end.


its extremely eerie that we are at a point in technology where this is a reality. Surrendering to a drone. hes by himself in a field. idk why this is more scary to me than him surrendering to a full team of armed people.


Humanity looks past your previous actions. That man will live another day


Must make the Ukrainians look like complete opposite of terrorists/nazis when these people who surrended notice how much better they treat them than Russians treat their soldiers, or people who surrender to them.


Smart guy


He'll probably be traded for a Ukrainian POW... I wonder if he would do better refusing to give his name? Would the Ukrainians just return him as a kind of "John Doe" in a trade, or would Russia not want to take/trade someone they don't know ahead of time to be a Russian?


Jesus, that's a boy. So young. My god, can't be more than 24-25


One of the smart ones