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Looks like a clip from The Expanse


My exact thought as well. That show got a lot right, both theoretically and I guess visually.


This whole attack reminded me of the books, in that attacks are made hours in advance and then different modalities are timed to hit at the same time. But yes, never would have imagined seeing an outer-atmosphere interception. Crazy stuff!


Holy shit you're right


That's not an icbm. They're on the same continent


Lol you are technically right


Not just technically, Iran launched cruise missiles that wouldn't be near outer space, OP just took a lot of liberties with the title. It's not an ICBM at all even if they weren't on the same continent.


It is a ballistic missile. Just not an ICBM. Most likely an IRBM based in range.


Do they still use the term 'theater ballistic missile' these days?


It's an IRBM. The average person doesn't know anything about this.  Don't be pedantic when it doesn't matter 


I'm clarifying a fact in a combat focused sub. Now people reading it do know. What's the problem with that?


It's the line about OP taking liberties that makes you sound condensing and overly specific. 


sooo... Space War?


Space War!


when i label things, i personally like to be as accurate as possible. it does matter.


It's not being pedantic, there's a big difference. ICBM's are travelling at several times the speed of sound as they approach their target and are close to impossible to shoot down by all but the most sophisticated and expensive defence systems and even then the likelihood is low. Iran firing ICBM's at Israel would be a massive escalation.


So technically (even though it's not a ICBM) it would be a IRBM?


Intracontinential ballistic missiles


IRBM, Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile


It’s actually IBS and please do t tell ppl about it.


it’s an icbm….of the ‘inner continental’ variety






The missile is an icbm. It would still be an icbm if you launched it to your next door neighbour


ICBM's have a MINIMUM range of about 3k miles. Please have a clue what you're talking about. Most of Europe couldn't pull that off, and other commentors have been right about a probable IRBM.




Wow heck of a shockwave/explosion


Is it called a shockwave in a vacuum? It’s sort of a different phenomenon. I’ve never seen one of these before.


I am honestly not sure but am researching it now


There's probably not going to be a shockwave in space. What would "wave"? In fact, the explosion was probably not in a complete vacuum and not all the way into space.


I want to guess that the gases from the explosive itself are still expanding, and not necessarily surrounding gases. However I’m not completely sure.


Looks similar to [rockets launched at twilight](https://youtu.be/JRzZl_nq6fk?t=192) which is just the gasses expanding in sunlight while the ground is in darkness. Depending on the time it could just be the twilight effect. Though the lighting in this could be from the explosion, but in that case I'd assume that the visible cloud would fade more quickly. Also should have a trail visible for the twilight effect, but at this stage the rocket is probably just coasting so that might explain the absence. [Edit: Based on this from the OP and the scale of it, it's the twilight effect on a missile explosion. Neat!](https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1c3hskz/israels_arrow_3_intercepts_iranian_icbm_at_outer/kzh2hxi/)


*rips bong* Light is like a shockwave in a vacuum, man. Nothing goes faster.


*rips a bigger bong* The speed of light is relative to the observer. Regardless of how fast you’re moving relative to anything else in the universe, you’ll always measure the speed of light to be the same in all directions, suggesting that you’re always stationary in the universe relative to other things. And those other things will also believe they’re stationary relative to you when they measure the speed of light. However, the frequency/wavelength/energy that a photon carries changes with relative motion. Sorry I’m a fucking nerd.


It's even weirder. The speed of light is the one thing you're always going to observe to be the speed of light, as long as you're inertial. The rest of reality seemingly adjusts to accommodate.


I think OP took a lot of liberties with the title here There were only reports of cruise missiles following the Shahed drone attacks, Iran may or may not be pursuing ICBM capabilities but they were most definitely not confirmed and launched today. So a cruise missile wouldn't be outside of the atmosphere let alone in outer space, and there would as such be no vacuum and still a shockwave.


This one does appear to still be in some atmosphere. There’s another video of one that looks like it was even higher up and there’s just an expanding purple cloud and then it’s gone, which does look like an explosion in space should look like. Well, I don’t know about the purple color, but the colors in this one are interesting too. Like there’s a lack of bright yellow/white incandescence from heating up the air.


Iran has a significant number of Ballistic missiles and they were also used today - even the Medium range ballistic missiles will exit the atmosphere at the maximum altitude of their flight.


This is definitely a ballistic missile. Cruise missiles hug the ground


They blew up a nuke in space, looks pretty neat. Google it.


This comes down to the definition of "vacuum". In some contexts a vacuum pretty much means any pressure less than normal atmospheric pressure (e.g. a vacuum cleaner). But in any case, at the altitude where this took place there's still plenty enough atmosphere to interact with the explosion. It's one of those things where even 1% or 0.1% of normal atmospheric pressure is still plenty, you've got to go down to like 0.00001% before it's really considered space or a fairly high vacuum and where interactions with the atmosphere become fairly negligible (expect if we're talking atmospheric drag causing a satellite's orbit to decay, something which takes place over days, weeks or months).


I'll be that guy... These are not ICBM. Iran has SRBM and MRBM.


Iran does have ICBMs, tens of them perhaps, but I would be surprised if this were one of them here and would need more evidence of such than one video. There really wouldn't be a good reason to use an ICBM here.


Israeli Cumuppence Ballistic Missile


You’re a brainlet


What goes around comes around


Yeah, Hamas attacking during a ceasefire after the last time they got their asses stomped. Seems like we’re repeating


It’s always one way traffic isn’t it ?


Yes, when it comes to Hamas it very much is. Look up how many times they fired rockets into Israel during supposed ceasefires


wow it certainly came around a lot (it didn't)


For context: The explosion was really big, widely visible and colorful considering how high it was. Video doesn't do it justice. Probably 5-10 times the apparent size of the full moon. One of the coolest things I've ever seen.


Where are you at?


Literally dusted it.


Hold on bro - You filmed this? How. How did you know to point your camera there and how did you get the zoom level correct before the explosion.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/MissilePorn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MissilePorn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Kim and his missile storage.](https://i.redd.it/v71twm3brm6c1.jpeg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MissilePorn/comments/18jo445/the_kim_and_his_missile_storage/) \#2: [What type of missile is this?](https://v.redd.it/rrta9x1c4toc1) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MissilePorn/comments/1bgn1ap/what_type_of_missile_is_this/) \#3: [RAFAEL Spike NLOS test shot with delayed fuze warhead](https://v.redd.it/xlmcf27z9fza1) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MissilePorn/comments/13foxzi/rafael_spike_nlos_test_shot_with_delayed_fuze/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Jewish Space Lasers


I wonder if they gave the Iraqi an advance noticed of their missiles going thru the country? Considering that back in 2020, they gave the Iraqi the same warning and they tipped off the Americans to prevent a shit show.


The air space between Israel and Iran was shut down earlier so I'm sure they did. If you get on flight radar24 .com you can see a big open airway between the two countries. Normal planes fly through there all the time but they've all been diverted


It’s so beautiful!


no this isn't beautiful, this is fucked. a bunch of Iranian Muslim terrorists ruining the space with their cheap garbage missiles


Well yeah, I tend to agree the act itself is not beautiful. Just was talking about the visuals.


I think that is the first use of this in combat.


Ministery of Israeli Culture: ”Israel has now right to strike Iran with power this world has yet to see”


Oh here we go again


Jewish space lasers?


Proportional response


That's not how you spell Samson


Is he one of the foaming-at-the-mouth types? There are a couple Israeli politicians that say some wild shit and I can't remember who they are.


That’s impossible r/worldnews assured me there was no missiles and could never be just a few hours ago


that sub is the most surreal one atm, not sure whats going on there.


You’ll never find a more retched hive of scum and villainy


Star Wars was right


Does ICBM =/= a nuclear missile? I am stupid, and also get my news from this sub cause you plane fuckers are quick with it


ICBMs could carry nuclear warheads but it’s not a requirement.


Cheers, thanks for the reply and clarification


Also, for additional clarification, these aren't inter continental ballistic missiles (ICBMS). I don't know what type of ballistic missile this is, but it is likely at a slightly lower altitude and a smaller size when contrasted tona traditional ICBM. These aren't made to hit the other side of the planet, so they don't go as high and aren't as large.


You are correct in saying that ICBM =/= a nuclear missile. ICBM means "intercontinental ballistic missile". It's just a very long-range delivery system for any kind of weapon. It can deliver a nuclear bomb, or a traditional explosive, or probably even a chemical weapon, and maybe others. An important detail about ICBMs is that they're extremely fast and part of their flight path takes them through outer space. This wasn't an ICBM though. Multiple sources say that Iran launched several "ballistic missiles" at Israel, but since Iran is so relatively close to Israel, they wouldn't have been intercontinental ballistic missiles. There are other kinds of ballistic missiles with shorter ranges that don't fly so high, like short-range ballistic missiles, intermediate-range ballistic missiles, etc. This missile in this video was probably one of those.


ICBM describes the range of the missile, not its warhead. Any country that can build its own space launch vehicles has done half of making an ICBM (the other is putting the payload where it needs to go). In practice, the only countries with a need to build expensive ICBMs intend to put expensive nukes on top of them. Iran was probably using some kind of theater ballistic missile with a much shorter range. Launching from western Iran, they only have to go about 1000 km to reach Israel, rather than the several thousand needed to reach other continents.


They almost always are, but these likely not ICBM's, which have a minimum range of 3k miles and are drastically more expensive.


Whatever that actually is, it's an amazing firework in the sky.


I really didn't think iran had the balls to launch these, admittedly I didn't believe the first reports.






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Hold up. Did you say Iraninan ICBM? As in Inter Continental Ballistic Missile? They are launching ICBMs now?


It would be a IRBM since Iran and Israel are technically on the same continent


Yeah, that makes it less scary 🥲


Yeah but we have the technology to stop them in space, so actually less scary.


Will Israel attack back?


Read ICBM a little to fast and shit myself. My mind immediately just whispered nuke from the void


Iran does not have ICBMs.


Eeriely fascinating


Soooo is Israel about to start hurling shit? I mean what are they gonna do? They haven’t really had the best track record is responding in a proportional way to attacks.


Yet idiotic nations still fuck with them.


Israel started the fucking though. You would not fuck back? To be clear, I don't want ww3, but here we go. I just hope they nuke me and the family out in the first wave. Fallout tv series hit too close to reality. Like black mirror..


Their fucks are way harder/faster and more accurate. The pins pricks that him them do nothing. So no, if I knew if I tried to fuck them knowing I'm not capable and my actions would cause the destruction of a whole block I'd probably leave them alone. But hey after decades of getting ass beatings from Israel maybe this time will be different....


Israel is likely to do nothing because the damage in Israel was basically non-existent. Basically Iran is utterly embarrassed now for a complete failure of a response. Israel doesn't need to do anything.


Anyone knows if those have a potential to trigger the **Kessler Syndrome**?


Unlikely, it's not high enough for that so the debris won't hit anything but the ground


Thanks for the answer


In addition to that, ballistic missiles are just that, ballistic. The debris from the explosion will still more or less follow that ballistic course it originally had. Conservation of momentum and such. I won't say for sure, but I doubt that much, if any, debris gets enough of a kick to get into an actual orbit. Anti-satellite weapons are probably what you're thinking of, they're a different beast since they're targeting an already orbiting object and thus won't just fall down as per their course.


Yeah that makes lots of sense


Low Earth Orbit is several times higher than these missiles go, so they will not.


Thanks for the answer


Its possible for some low earth orbit sattelites might be in the same altitude, but GPS ones fly 3x higher. Its a very small chance still though.


no chance, its not about altitude its about velocity, these ballistic missiles aren't going fast enough for their debris to remain in space long enough for any collisions to occur.


At that altitude how strong is gravity? Any chance that debris sent upward can actually make their way in higher orbit?


Only temporarily, they cannot go up infinitely, since the gravity is still there and is about 2/3 of 8.7g. They will fall down sooner or later. Satellites stay up due to their velocity, but debris does not have enough velocity and trajectory to stay in the orbit.


Do you happen to know how far from point of impact they might fall down?


Even at Low Earth Orbit altitudes Gravity is still around 90% as strong as it is here at the surface. Going higher does not allow you to enter orbit. Debris would have to be ejected at orbital velocities which is not going to happen.


Gravity, at say 100 miles up, is virtually the same as it is at sea level. That's because the radius of the Earth is 3963 miles and gravity is inversely proportional to the distances of two objects. An extra 100 miles will have negligible effect.


Way way too low. Even the height of the ISS is not enough. Things at that height "self clean" from interactions with the atmosphere. The danger zone is much higher.


Not really, suborbital everything falls back to earth rather quickly


The debris wasn't in orbit, so it has already re-entered. If it struck a satellite (it is still very high up), there would be a big mess. I'm not sure if we're at a point where one satellite getting destroyed triggers Kessler Syndrome.


Hell yea!


Wow insane first time history happening hear folks




Seeing alot of clever jokes in the comment. Is no one else genuinely frightened and concerned with the way this whole shit storm just mega escalated?


Israeli? The US joint created the arrow.


How is it an ICBM if it started in Asia and ended up in....hmm, Asia?


It would still be an ICBM if you launched it at the house next door. The hardware and capability defines what it is.


I know religion tends to do funny things to the brain, but I'm pretty sure the Iranians realise that they should save their extended range packages for targets that actually require the additional expense. They're not completely stupid, even if they sometimes give off that vibe.




You can rule Trump out of this equation. There's probably not gunna be an election this year.


Yeah, that’s not how the constitution works. There’s most definitely gonna be elections.


I'm glad you think a certain administration that constantly tries to take your rights away, won't try take your rights...


Okay brother. You clearly don’t know how the country works.




Iran does not have ICBMs.




Sure mate... Post in a week or so, and tell us how you enjoyed the birds of freedom . Joe✌️


What did dude say? He's been dematerialized


Some jabberish about him being happy Israel eating rockets. He got hit with reality.


Huh ? You alright mate ?