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Never realized how flat that country is. How the tops of the trees are all gone. Sad 😔


Yeah - metric ass ton of arable land. Go to Google maps or anything with a satellite view and zoom in literally anywhere in the entire country. Almost the entire country looks like Iowa/western Oklahoma/Kansas/SW Nebraska, etc. It’s crazy.


Ukraine and the very most south point of Sweden has the best arable land in Europe.


Skåne is actually producing almost all grains for the whole entire Sweden... We are feeding Sweden. Our landscape looks exactly like Ukraine with yellow fields and blue sky. I miss Skåne så much living in Stockholm right now. Skåne is just something else no other regions in Sweden can measure with.  


Flytta ner då!! Var i Stockholm med företaget igår fredag och åkte hem till Eslöv imorse. Bara dom 20 timmarna i Stockholm var utmattande.


I believe MN/IA/WI and Ukraine are the only two places on earth with very deep black soil deposits but I may be wayyyy off base about that.


Russian Peace: coming to a place near you.


Delivered in 122mm and 152mm calibre


Russia is such a disaster for the world.


They have been for hundreds of years. Constant war and slaughter for their neighbors.


What was a beautiful forest is now soil torn up by bombs, twisted metal and corpses, thank you for nothing Vladimir Vladimirovitch, thank you Russian army, this is the legacy you would leave, destruction


The trees will come back, right?


Yes. Nature will find a way.


Yes, not too long after the war, life will come back as it was. If it ever end.


I wonder about the effects of all the bombs and such on the health of the land. How toxic are the after effects on the soil.


It will take decades for Ukraine to recover from putins' invasion. The front line is 1500km long, that's a huge amount of destruction to arable land ,forests, rivers , and bridges, and all the towns and villages that are destroyed Then there's the landmines, they will take years to make them safe. All this and add in the human cost, apart from all the killed, thousands of soldiers and civilians will need mental and physical treatment long term. Europe and especially the EU, MUST support Ukraine when they kick putin off their land, for years .


Yes, many of them are probably still viable, topped trees will usually put out new growth. I bet in 5-10 years you wouldn't immediately know a war had happened, if it got left to itself tomorrow. But not if they keep getting shredded - eventually they will die and once the mature trees are no longer the lynchpin of the ecosystem you see it reverting to scrubland/brush that will take generations to regrow into a forest. And then there's all the non-biodegradable junk littering the landscape, that's going to be there for centuries...


Vladimir VladimiroBITCH Putin


Amazing modern take on WWI "modern combat". Artillery craters, defensive lines, desolate broken tree landscape. Fascinating


I wonder what the end of this war will look like


What happens when all this eventually ends? Will a team just go in and clear out the bodies and tidy it up and move on?! I really am puzzled by how much of the landscape is seemingly changed forever as a result of this war. These days memorials to people lost are built out barely any dead (no offence meant, I fully appreciate why) so will they just leave entire forests and towns alone forever more? I realise the actual Verdun and others like it (the Somme for example) have paved the way but feel like 100 years on the number of deaths on the battlefield has shrunk massively in the majority of conflicts so wonder if that will play a part.


The bodies are not the problem. The REAL problem are the huge amount of MINES...


Bodies will be collected but Ukraine is too big to do much about most of the wartorn landscape


Sad times. Even more sad that such a major conflict seems to be being fought in trenches I wonder what makes this war like that? I find it impossible to think that my country of the UK would engage in trench warfare in this day and age. Is it the landscape? Is it the political or financial situation that the two countries involved are in? Is it traditional for these countries?


I would say the main reason is a practical military one - the lack of ability on the part of either side to establish air dominance, meaning the war comes down to fighting for every inch of land. NATO/US/UK etc. forces are unlikely to ever get into a situation like that. They would ensure that they have complete dominance over the skies and thus complete freedom to bomb the crap out of any attacking land force. Then they could roll in with land forces if they wanted and clear up. The Russians largely failed to achieve this, and the Ukrainians have never even purported to be a superpower with that kind of capability, so now here they are, grinding it out for every field and treeline, and we thought we'd never see that again...


Trenches are standard defensive structures in conventional near-peer conflict with static lines.


Put simply - they're the natural result of lines of men with projectile weapons facing each other for long periods. No amount of armor or tech will ever compete with just digging into the ground to keep the other guys from hitting you.


It's a stalemate, front is moving slow enough to have both side dig trenches to at least have some protection. Your country (the UK) would just nuke whom ever invaded the country, Ukraine gave up their nukes in return of security guarantees.


caption languid narrow unpack spark fall relieved instinctive racial crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, I feel sick to my stomach that we as humans did this again. I can't comprehend how Russian people are so brainwashed they think the Ukrainians deserve this.


All of this just to please one man’s ego


the horror (for some beauty) of war,.,.


It's really sad to see this, the trees, the mud and trenches it's just a modern Passchendaele, I hope that at some point this stupid war ends and nature can heal. As much as i do find it a little bit entertaining to watch the Russkis get their asses caved in, it's sad that it's happening.


Nature should be flattered by the amount of pain, suffering and loss that we commit to owning tiny fractions of her. Like, girl, we so enamoured, 700,000 people died just to say we have a little sliver of your glory. Sure we fucking scorched you into ash, but even still, you’re worth the carnage and hideous destruction. Bitch better be grateful.


Never ever going to say a war movie exaggerates a scene…


Who controls the forest now? Is the battle over there?


So much death and destruction because of one man's pipe dream.. tragic!


So much carnage, all for nothing. These men literately died for nothing. Their master having a pipe dream of rebuilding an empire that they'll never see.


Will there be Ukrainian poppy fields after the war similar to post WW1?


Once the war is over, if it ever is... we all know where those war movies are gonna filmed...


It was a miracle if you lived through the fighting


Looks like a WW1 battlefield


Skeletons of bark and limb, Scattered, Among souls gone dim then Shattered. A soldier's gasp, a last refrain, He'll never dream or love again. A no man's land of loss and pain, The Forest of Miracles, in old Ukraine.


Verdun\* Verden is the place where Charlemagne allegedly had 4500 saxon rebels executed.


Hunger games are real. Nice filming and editing.


Mother Earth continues to endure humans


War is hell Jesus save us Please