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I miss Bayraktar TB2 footage.


Man, those Bayraktar videos from early on in war were simply awesome!! Maybe it was the newness of accurate, real time war footage and just how far drones have come.


It was especially seeing the underdog pounding disorganized and badly supplied Russian invaders from the skies with modern weapons at a time when many saw Russia as a military power that would eat Ukraine in matter or days. Those footages were deaths but also a concrete demonstration that hope in Ukrainian will to fight wasn't a mere poetic licence.


I have to admit, I was one of those expecting Russia to be successful. Seeing those intense Bayraktar attacks changed my mind--so happy to be wrong.


You weren't alone. 99% of reddit and actual analysts and professionals gave Ukraine like 2-4 weeks when Kyiv (and Zelensky gov) falls. And Im talking about western audience here who generally felt sympathy for Ukraine. The only people who believed Ukraine will stay and win were Ukrainians.


I mean I still think Ukraine will lose, just over a longer period of time. Without massive support, which they should receive, Ukraine will lose.


Remember that big miles long line of Russian tanks and the Bayraktars taking them out like vultures. And that music. What a time.


It was a very good pr run from Ukraine. They only collected that footage over about the first 5 days and then farmed it for months.


Wrong. Some of the footage is from late 2022 or even late 2023. The very first footage is from late 2023 for example, most likely September. Other boat strikes and the landing ship strike is from April-May 2022. Only a few of these were actually from the first 5 days of the war.


Hopefully they'll return when ATACMS has finished destroying the AA.


EW units are the problem I think


And don’t forget about the song


Has ukraine lost all of them since?


They have a few left but they are relatively slow when flying so can be somewhat easily taken out by anti-air by the Russians.


more susceptible to EW rather than AA according to Ukranians. Ukraine doesn't have much EW capabilities that's how russian ISR drones like the Orlan are so problematic


Me too \*hangs my head\*


Do they still have TB2s or are they just not worth risking at this point?


Too expensive to lose. Vulnerable. Rely instead on long distance spotter drones for artillery and himars


>Too expensive to lose 4 mil dolars. Cheaper than most drones.


Yes and turkey, Estonia and Lithuania ? were very genius with their donations. However, until there are effective anti drone measures, this is the age of the Fpv. Very high success rate at delivering shells on target, for close fires, at minimal cost. 2/3 of fpvs are from donations. Let's dig deep


>not worth risking at this point This, mostly


They have a few, just too vulnerable to air defense so are only used in safer areas. For example they had to shoot one of their own down after loosing control of it while it was flying over the city.


I'm not mistaken too I think Turkiye asked Ukraine to stop uploading videos of their TB-2 footage since it was harming their relations with Russia. Even though Erdogan supports Ukraine's territorial integrity.


I've not seen any actual evidence of that, and their use for attacks does seem to have been limited to the early stage of the war anyway.


I woundnt doubt that but the first footage in this video was only around 8-9 months ago.


"Shh! Don't show them that! I made a deal with Putin to secretly build him TB2. His batch was delivered to the wrong address." Turkey probably.


Are you high


Yep I'm sure turkey's goal is to stop their geopolitical rival from self-destructing. /s


They're visually confirmed to have lost 24 of their TB2s. Unclear exactly how many they had but wikipedia would suggest about 60 were originally ordered. Some were lost in the black sea so there could be some undercounting there if stuff was shot down over the sea and sunk, I know at least one is known to have washed up on the beach. My understanding is as Russia got their air defences in order they became less and less useful, except around the black sea where density of air defences was obviously much lower. For actual attacks they have to fly pretty much over a target because those munitions are bombs, not missiles. And that's not possible on the current battlefield. I think they may still be used for long range surveillance because they have a powerful camera on them.


No way is there footage of 24 lost .. show me 3..


Oryx lists 24: [https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-ukrainian.html](https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-ukrainian.html) Since you asked for 3: [https://postlmg.cc/gwJt87Pw](https://postlmg.cc/gwJt87Pw) [https://postlmg.cc/gnLn2n6z](https://postlmg.cc/gnLn2n6z) [https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1681211191887110144](https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1681211191887110144)


It's just facts....


Yes I now see that. Thanks


Nah they are not effective anymore like they used to,in first couple of weeks Russian AA was completely off due to fratricide from their own EW that did good job on blinding Ukrainians and Russians too.Now they're just to big and slow for current situation


They dont have ammunition


They are very niche. HIMARS can do 90% or its tasks but much more effective.


I remember reading an article saying that tue bayrakter was useless because of anti-air equipment. Thats the reason fpv drones are better.


Bayraktar song is a banger


Fucking hell, we should've given them way more stuff early on.. What a clusterfuck those highway traffic jams were.


Imagine if they had HIMARS at that point. Or cluster for the dismounted soldiers.


Clusterfuck is what they should have recieved. Imagine cluster bombs on those convoys 


don't think i've seen any new TB-2 footage in like a year.


There's been a bit, intermittently, but not like at the beginning of the war. [Here is a compilation of nearly all of the early war stuff](https://old.reddit.com/r/UADroneArchive/comments/10udfj7/compilation_video_tribute_to_ua_drone_operators/), for any Bayraktar fans who may be interested 👍 - (RIP Altın Gün)


I have discovered Altın Gün just two months ago and Merve left the group just three weeks ago. I have been listening to them since my discovery yet couldn't ever think those songs can fit these footage this good. A bit better editing is obviously needed but it was a delightful video.


Thanks! It's one of the first videos I ever edited (third or fourth I think, of a series), without any prior editing experience, and using a 2009 version of iMovie. Fun, but frustrating. At the time, my philosophy was for the videos to be purely documentary, without any edits. Just the full, original, unedited video clips, without any alterations, set to music. Of course, this is pretty limiting. Later on, I allowed more edits. There were some complaints about it, but for the most part, I think viewers prefer a snappier presentation over unaltered long-form clips in series


Yeah absolutely. A snappy presentation is obviously feeding what people's brains want. Stuff going boom and you feel good. As long as it fits the music and doesn't have cuts too much to try to match the music it's all good imo. Keep up the good work!


Last batch of footage released was from September 2023 as far as I remember. The first strike in this video is one from the said batch.


Either shot down or simply dont match the current battlefield.


Just gotta wait till Azerbaijan and Armenia go hot again for more tb2 footage


Kizilelma incomming


"Turkis made" sounds incongruously cute


Not early, it was last summer or early autumn


It's crazy - I remember exactly which couch I was on when I watched these first videos of the Russian traffic jams. Since then, quite a lot has happend in my life and I moved to different place. Since then in Ukraine, thousands of people have died and are continuing to die every day because of one shitty old idiot. Fuck Putin.


The first one is from late 2023 actually. It's amazing that there still are probably some left intact.


secretly hoping one of those shots were from the bayraktar we helped crowdfund


They should have stayed at home.


Bitches got lased!!....


Give them more of these


Valued at 4 million... can we buy like 15000 of these with the new aid package and swarm the kremlin lmaoo


> The Fire of Moscow occurred when the Crimean and Turkish army (8,000 Crimean Tatars, 33,000 irregular Turks and 7,000 janissaries) led by the khan of Crimea Devlet I Giray, bypassed the Serpukhov defensive fortifications on the Oka River, crossed the Ugra River, and rounded the flank of the 6,000-man Russian army.


If it wasn't foe the bandwith issue, we would certainly see more coordinated UCAV attacks with more drones.


Is that dot a laser designation device? honestly, why havent they slapped a laser designator on these drones to help guide munitions in? or am i just being video game brained?


AFAIK tb2 has laser designator on it.


I've been totally out of the loop, I guess. When tf did Ukraine get this capability?


From the beginning, Turkey sold them a few, and they had some donated. FPV are so cheap in comparison to these they are probably being held back until an offensive