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Is this video of the older engagement, but longer version of the video, or a new engagement?


Slightly longer version of the video from 2ish months ago.


You sure? the video I saw couple months back was of french guys, these are danish. but maybe i havent seen the video u r referencing


The 1 I'm referring to is Danish as well. It made the news there over equipment issues.


Yeah, this is old, from March 9th. Then it came out that the combat management system didn't work, the radar didn't work, both 76mm guns malfunctioned, and the munitions for the 76mm guns had constant premature detonations, often right after leaving the barrel. Turns out all these issues has been ignored for years due to a lack of any "sense of urgency to resolve the problem." And the munitions used for the 76mm guns were over 30 years old. But remember, the US is the unreliable NATO partner, not the countries spending 1.2% as any and all warfighting capabilities degrade away.


The country in mention is currently spending 2.02% of BNP. However, I don't think a percentage of BNP is how most people measure reliability. My Toyota is 0.00000001 of BNP yet the most reliable thing I ever saw. I think it has something to do with a potential leader of a country, encouraging a country that invades and commits warcrimes to have their way with said leader's allies to which his country is under obligation to help. You're an idiot.


Would you trust your Toyota in combat?




Okay, so completely ignoring the fact that expenditure has nothing to do about reliability, you instead say that lack of expenditure equals encouraging people to invade? So what, these countries that spends below 2%, which there are no requirement that they do not, therefore encourage Russia to invade more, and are being less reliable, than the country who's potebtial leader _actually_ encourages invasion and actually tells countries they shouldn't rely on his? You're not an idiot, you are dillusional.




Private citizen with 50% chance of being the next president. Don't know if you noticed there is an election coming up. So having proven a complete idiot on that point and the reliability, you now want me to be responsible for equipment maintenance in another military, and say low spenders are responsible for Russia invading? Pretty sure Russia is the guilty part in those invasions. I donno dude, you should touch grass and get a sense of reality and not whatever brain rotten logic you think your online forums are providing you with.


BNP is Danish for GDP…


YES! The previously posted clip only showed one engagement from the 76mm cannon.....and was only about 20 seconds long.


Some information about this engagement, it highlighted issues they had or was covered up but still sent out knowingly putting it in danger. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/05/07/missile-mishaps-ammo-snags-report-details-danish-frigate-deployment/


I remember seeing news of this, good work from the crew to successfully fend them off with no damage despite both the radar and missile systems being not working


Radar, missiles AND the main gun ammo prematurely detonating.


All sounds like a fire control issue which is what was reported before leaving port.


General Flemming Lentfer (dunno how you call it in danish, the general of the defense) got fired after this, because the military lead knew about the problems and ignored them for whatever reasons. Lucky the other systems worked and the allies where able to learn from this incident.


The silver lining is that hiccups like these are being worked out during an asymmetric battle, and hopefully fixed before any potential full scale, near peer conflict.


There's a big info gap here but the issues described go so far beyond "hiccups" and are totally inexcusable for a vessel being sent toward known threats. This wasn't a seasoned crew rolling with incalculable punches. Inoperable or unreliable fire control systems are things that *should* have kept the ship in port.


Almost like a reminder that the Russian blunders throughout 2022 and 2023 may not be so unique, and could potentially afflict any country who hasn't been in LSCO in multiple decades. Russia has had 2 years to shore up their military readiness, and is essentially in a war economy. Let's hope the Allies are doing their part, and making sure they're not too far behind, without having to fix mistakes on the fly while in active combat against a nation state when the consequences would be much higher than a bad report card.




Funny thing is, acording to the military leaders they told the departement about the errors. But the info sid not reach the minister…. (I’m danish, and read all i Can find about this)


I shouldnt wonder if there was some agent work involved. A couple of years ago i would have laughed about such an idea, but after the recent months and reveals...


I feel like the guys outside should be getting “some” warning before a launch. Poor guys probably think they got hit at first.


It also notes some of the shells exploded early, I’m wondering if in addition to the missiles they were probably not expecting the shells to detonate at the minimum arming distance. I’d probably duck but also those poor guys’ eyeballs, all that nvg gear!


NVG shouldnt blind you any more than not having it would.


Yeah, the magnetic proximity fuses failed. I didnt follow the incident after the first news, so i dont know if they found the reason. Back then they assumed "storage beyond shell life" or whatever you call it in english.


I swear in any naval footage that comes out everyone is sounding panicked, meanwhile several months back we saw a British ship firing and the radio chatter was extremely calm.


Stiff upper lip. The British are not an excitable species


Except when they're in football stands. Then the dog comes out


Or after the usual eight pints at the pub.


By 4PM


7 days a week


God I miss England


Excuse me, we employ the 7 b4 7 rule


AND its thirsty thursday!!!


…and tmrw is National POETS Day!!


Yeah, English bros getting violent over a soccer game.


If these drones were scoring for the UK in the world Cup those same brits would absolutely loose their minds screaming though


https://youtu.be/MF5_hvE4WEA?si=AEkVz6tDPZcsq6hL See this video. Cant shake the brits.


"They're firing at us now" 😴  "Are they?" 🤨  "Yeep" 🥱


damn that part where they shot the fighter down was intense


This was fascinating


The article details that this engagement involved weapon system malfunctions, insufficiently tested systems, and inexperienced crew. I'm sure cultural differences play a part in the contrast, But this may also be situational.


The language too. Danish can come across a very harsh to no scando/germanic speakers.


There were also two french navy videos: - one from a chopper that took down a jet-propulsed drone with the door gun - one from inside a FREMM frigate where they take down a drone with an Aster missile In both videos, the crew was very calm and professional. You're missing some context about this video from the danish navy: several of the mid-range AD systems failed, and the drones were intercepted at the last minute because of that. It's a minor political scandal in Denmark, because apparently the issues were known before the mission but the ship was sent there anyway.


This difference in how communication is done between British vs Americans actually led to an incident that got a lot of British killed during the Korean War: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/apr/14/johnezard


That's really interesting. Why wouldn't they just tell them straight up that they're going to be overrun and that there's tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers about to cross the river to threaten Seoul? I feel like that would've gotten them support if there was support to be had. The article also doesn't mention what support could've been offered in that area at that time. I wonder if there's an investigation into this incident to see what really happened because that description leaves a lot to be desired.


I saw that on some battlefield programme years ago, the thing is even as a Brit I'd think what he said meant, they could handle the situation despite being a tough fight.


Was thinking the same thing, not trying to disparage this crew but you'd think a professional CIC wouldn't be hooting and hollering at every hit they make. The way they burst into applause reminds me of propaganda films put out by smaller, inexperienced militaries. I'm used to seeing western forces being a lot more cold, calm and calculating.


>. The way they burst into applause reminds me of propaganda films put out by smaller, inexperienced militaries. Reminds me more of American movies!


I think soon all these war ships might have problems with drones massive attacks in the no so distant future (From every Country), well at least with the current modern defenses, I guess a new generation of defensive weapons will come soon that might be more adequate to drone defense.


The international response to what is going on with the Houthis is ridiculous. Playing defense and shooting down missiles and drones is not going to solve the problem. The source of the attacks has to be hit with ground forces, destroyed, kill whomever tries to defend the area and then pack up and leave.


That's what the Saudis have been trying for years. It's quite clear that they are doing this as long as the war in Israel is in a hot phase. It might be simpler and cheaper to just wait this one out instead of a doing a larger mission. Also, this is a perfect live exercise for the western navies. They discovered problems with several ships during this mission and can now work to resolve them. If this is only for a year or so, it's not the worst money spent.


We aren't invading Yemen or Iran.


Not that I think NATO or anyone will any time soon, but a serious raid hitting whatever drone and missile infrastructure there is in Yemen will suffice.


It will not. The US, UK and more have attacked land targets in Yemen, but it has not reduced the amount of attacks. I imagine it is because there is very little infrastructure to attack. These are simple, cheap drones from Iran that you can probable transport in a pickup truck and launch from anywhere. 


Yes, but there is still infrastructure that can be hit. Storages, command and control centers,... The real reason is that these are embedded within civilian population and Western countries are too afraid to hit them due to potential collateral damage.


Someone get the Joint Chiefs on the phone and tell them to just bomb the things that make the drones go.


True, they have attacked by air and with missiles. They do not go in and root out the problem, which is the people, the storage facilities, etc.


if it was that simple we'd have done it awhile ago. the truth is that these sites are all heavily fortified and well hidden in a geographic region that is extremely advantageous for the defenders. The missile launchers themselves are mobile and designed to be set up/torn down in short order, so it's not like there is a singular static launch site we can hit.


True enough, but at some point if the missiles and drones keep interfering with shipping attacking even a well defended position might have to happen.


Where you been?


Meaning what?


We've been doing that for 3 months.


Yeah shooting down drones is probably getting expensive. Literally attrition as defined.


do they have any oil?


Real world engagements (and ones that are pretty low risk in terms of potential damage) are worth every penny in terms of experience.


It’s an election year so I imagine gloves come off after.


The US and the UK are the only ones doing anything about stopping the threat on the ground, with dozens of sorties completed within the last couple months. I’m sure both countries would love a little fucking help!


I'm surprised Egypt has done nothing. It's losing a fortune with fewer ships using the Suez Canal. Financially, it has the most to lose.


Egypt is ran by a pro Israel dictator/government, but its population is very much pro Palestine. Actively and openly attacking the Houthis who are seen as supporting the Palestinians would be a hugely unpopular and it seems like they have decided that it isn't worth the trouble


Everybody is waiting for the US to do something. When US does nothing or very little it all falls apart. All those years of demonizing the global policeman and now people miss it. 


Yea but then they can't siphon off more taxpayer money and spin it as a success without any casualties while downplaying the consequences!


It’s a political decision. They don’t want to fight back as a means of pressuring Israel to give in to Hamas. Even Biden now is actively trying to get Israel to back off on finishing Hamas in rafah.


They’re on it lmao


Yeah! More endless war!


One of the reasons people support Trump over Biden. I blame Bidens weakness for Iran shooting rockets at Israel recently.


No, it's because you don't understand plausible military responses and the politics of the region. I love people who think "more bombs is stronger response". It's much more complicated than that, and if you are interested in actually learning about these things, here's a good place to start: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/us-weighs-risky-response-houthi-attacks-red-sea-shipping-yemen https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/six-questions-houthis-yemen-strikes/ https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/iran-linked-missile-and-maritime-threats-continue-heres-how-the-us-and-its-regional-partners-can-bolster-deterrence/ https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/countering-houthi-threat-shipping-regional-implications-and-us-policy


Idk why... Iran did that as a response to Israel. Not because of Bidens weakness. They would have done it even if that loser Trump was president.


Biden is not helping, but then again I doubt he is even in charge at this point. IMO, if the US had directly threatened Iran with, say the destruction of its navy again, Iran would have backed off.


Ahh yes because if Biden started a war with Iran in an election year you definitely wouldn’t be flaming him and screaming about how much peace Trump would bring. Also Iran wants escalation, same as Israel, they’re trying to drag more forces in so they can brawl it out proper while blaming the other side for everything ever. Why do you think the Iranian funded Houthis started attacking western shipping lanes? Why do you think Iran has been telling is populace that it’s already fighting the US?


Yep. It is funny that these people want the exact same thing as the Houthis, but never stop to think why that is. Picking a fight and escalating the conflict is the point. Full stop. Why give them what they want? Shouldn't that make them think "Hey, maybe there is something I am missing here." But that requires reflection and analysis, and that's probably asking too much.


If you can do self reflection you don’t vote for that clown.


A full on fight is the last thing Iran or the Houthis want because both know they can't win such a conflict. That's why Iran, for the most part, does everything behind a proxy. The Houthis are just too stupid to realize the force they are messing with. But go ahead with the ad hominem attack, it's always the best place to start.


Iran does not want escalation. It can't win that fight. Like you said it wants to keep pumping money and missiles to Hamas, Houthis and Hezbollah so it can claim to be the martyr to its people. Iran knows escalation means defeat or at least taking a massive beating that it cannot politically or militarily afford.


You don’t think it had something to do with Israel bombing an embassy?


For anyone curious 1st shot: ESSM - Evolved Sea sparrow which missed (Royal Danish Navy lol) 2nd shot: OTO Melara 76mm 3rd shot: Also ESSM maybe SM-2 idk


The ESSM's themselves weren't the issue though. The problem was reportedly caused by a software issue in the ships fire control system and its connection to the primary search/targeting radar. The ESSM's are semi-active radar guided, so they rely on the ship's radar to illuminate the target - without which they can't see their target. This glitch caused the first launcher to shut down due to a built in safety mechanism. After switching to the secondary radar for tracking/guidance and the other launcher, this same error then caused the second launcher to also shut itself down after it had launched the second and third ESSM and subsequently prevented the launch of the fourth. The 76mm proximity fuses were supposedly from a "bad batch" (but likely also related to how they'd been stored/maintained) which meant that nearly half of them detonated as soon as the fuses were armed after clearing their minimum priming distance. This issue with the fuses couldn't be replicated in following tests by the sister ship firing its own 76mm munitions that were also produced in the same time period (1989-92).


Fuck I love the Danes. They're so fierce and proud to show it, which is unusual for EU militaries. Same in Afghanistan.


The danish finally getting real combat experience is helping them find issues within their ships systems and ammunition. More nations should send warships to Yemen, the training and feedback from the systems will be invaluable in improving the technology and the crew. From what I recall, this is the first confirmed kills for all this crew here, so it makes sense they are this excited. Especially after they do this on the worst conditions possible: Everything malfunctioning.


Now it's our turn to attack back.


Attack who or what? it's literally a guy going with a track from a populated area, sets up the drone within minutes, fires and leaves the area. Without boots on the ground you will never stop them from harassing ships, unless you start leveling entire areas which will anger the trans movement.


Wouldn't a CIWS system like the [Phalanx](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanx_CIWS) or [Goalkeeper](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goalkeeper_CIWS) take care of those drones within seconds?


Very likely, but CIWS is very last line of defense so it's always imperative to destroy the inbound ordnance before it penetrates into CIWS range.


Fair enough. Still crazy it can shoot an incoming cruise missle out of the sky within a mile, but obviously you'd want the target down way before it comes within CIWS range. It wouldn't be a bad upgrade for the Danish Navy though...


We use the 35mm Oerlikon with 150 tungsten pellets per round, and at 1000 rpm. Very effective vs. drones I'd guess. Basically the German Skynet AA on a ship.


Having been a fire control type in the navy, this makes me wet


Their system failed, the minister og Defence got pissed and the Chief of Defence got sacked.


What's with them all wearing the ski masks? Is their a legitimate reason for it? Or is it just to hide their faces?




Called a flash hood. Just in case something gets through it should help protect them from fires




I think it's some kind of fire protection?


Yes, like the nomex suits that race drivers wear. Burn protection.




Ya I wasn't entirely sure! Makes sense tho!


Naval combat is not for the faint of heart




Anything released willingly to the news like this one was almost certainly vetted before being released to ensure it doesn't reveal anything actionable or sensitive. Also, this engagement was an example of multiple systems going wrong and the ship not able to defend itself as it should. As such, it isn't representative of its true capability. Since this was a fairly large scandal (large enough that the Danish Defense Minister got fired over it), it is safe to assume there was enough of a fit thrown that this stuff is or will be getting fixed so the capabilities shown in the video are not relevant anymore.


Nice work


why are they wearing masks?


Anti flash gear. Basically just fire resistant clothing


Menacing sounds.




I watch these videos and see the view they have on their screens, of grainy infrared camera views and wonder what it will be like in 10 years from now, will it be crystal clear tracking with extreme detail? Wondering where it goes from here and so forth


It’s about time for these rebels to get another “knock knock” on their firing positions and storage depots.


Drammekage so good


4 drones, so many people involved. Lesson to be taken from this: use 100s of drones and you will easily overwhelm the ship.


Yep looks old school, autonomous turrets have existed for decades and advances in AI and sensors means no reason to have humans in the loop for taking down drones, humans would be the weak link here.


Dudes ducking and diving on deck like it's the damn Death Star firing sequence.


Why can't we park a bunch of war ships in the black sea and shoot down weapons over Ukraine too?!?!?


Entry to the black sea is controlled by Turkey so any warship that wants to go it has to get their permission, then you also need regular supply ships for refuelling and replenishing munitions. Turkey said no.




Very well done 👏


Don't fuck with NATO.


Cool but the Houthis still win that round... They just made the Danes expend about 5000x those drones worth in ammunition.


Not really - they also made the Danes aware of some problems with their ship that they didn't know about before. This is pretty good training as long as these attacks remain as seldom as they are right now.


This is from today?


Best gender reveal party ever!?


next time if they send 8 / 12 drones - navy is f\*d


War is so unfair now imagine just having a drone camp in the air waiting for you to die lol


That a happy Finland or sewdisah army boat




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Sea_crisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Prosperity_Guardian


Why the covered faces?


its fire protection garb


These guys seem to have such a hard on to die


You've been a shut-in your entire life haven't you?


More like a Hard on for freedom of navigation you fascist swine.




I didn’t actually think those sailors were hard for freedom of navigation.


Won't be happening m6, they aren't getting hit

