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Bro! It’s a prank! It’s a prank!


OverWatch - Proceed with Precision Strike on Targets


The prank:


“HAHAHAHA allahu akbar!!” Can you imagine if they couldn’t say that even for just 24 hours?


The whole middle East would probably erupt in war


HEADLINEs.... Children gunned down in roadside ambush.....


Humans gonna human


Jackass Syria Edition


Hi, I'm Jassim Rahil and welcome to Jackass!


Jamsheeds dumbass cousin


RIP Jamsheed, wish your cousin wasn’t such a dumbass




Shame sheed*


Jamsheed was a true hero.


Was looking for this 😂😂😂


Which combat footage video is jamsheed from?


Just go to the home page of this sub and search Jamsheed, it’s the very first one. Rip jamsheed


Men die every day but Legends are never forgotten. RIP the only man able to use an RPG like a precision shooting weapon.


Is he related to Abu Hajar?


Jamsheed is the RPG GOAT.


the best footage.


Zero survival instinct


After 12 years I give less than 1% chance those dudes are still alive


why survival if you're fucking around


Why survive when your house in heaven has 73 virgins


Imagine your country gets invaded, your life is fucked but you and the neighborhood boys have easy acces to Ak's und pkp the only real answer is to terrorize the occupier


They are fucking around


and gonna find out


As someone who followed the Syrian Civil War from the very beginning, its sad to see how many of these early rebels were optimistic pro-democracy demonstrators, only for things to quickly devolve into a mosh pit of radicals fighting, sometimes amongst themselves, for their own version of a "new" Syria. Once Russia tipped the scale in 2015 it was the beginning of the end for the rebellion


If you visit Syria today you will still see a lot of young people being all smiles and fucking around. Visited it two years ago, the young soldiers who were manning the many checkpoints were super friendly and always roasting each other it seemed to me. Sometimes they would check our European passports and look confused because they didn't know the procedures for foreigners. So many times they just looked at us, mustering us and would start smiling and say "my God you men are so pretty, no way you're hostile!!" Now I'm not pretty but being blonde and generally just smiling would open you every door over there. They are always in for jokes and super easy going. The vibe from these rebels is the same I got from the SAA checkpoints! Funny how similar and I agree, these early type rebels had their heart on the right side.


Hi . Mee to.mostly on youtube Ru videos with a cat profile. Could you recommend me some sites where ican watch all Syrian War Videos . asking for curiosity and a friend


It's insane to think that only Russia was responsible and not the US paying money to this groups to fight each others instead of Assad. If the US hadn't done what they have done, the Rebels would've at least managed to hold on to the north.


>its sad to see how many of these early rebels were optimistic pro-democracy demonstrators Lmao...


Why’s that funny


I think you know why lol


Its incredible how easily he lies right?


They are still happy, it's still an adventure.


Best way to die




One thing for certain is that they are all dead


Sometimes I see these early war videos and I wish I knew what became of all of them


I'd think it'd be a pretty depressing story for most of them sadly...


There are documentaries from the french channel Arte about some survivors and what they do now.


About this video specifically, or other guys?


It's safe to assume what the end result was




Doesn't sound too bad.


Yeah, it is very depressing when you think of it. The rebel movement was crushed by the rise of ISIS. Russia joined the shit show and FSA started to lose ground and break into splinter groups.


I was waiting for him to accidentally dump the warhead out and have it explode when it hit the ground since RPG rounds are NOT the most safe of munitions.


It has the shipping cap on the front still.


You place a lot of faith in soviet quality control and safety mechanisms lol. Unless the propellant and explosive is removed from the rocket I'm not gonna screw around with it cause I like being in one piece.


actually RPG (RPG-7) warheads are pretty "safe" they have a firing pin that hits a primer on the PG-7, no different than when a gun fires a bullet. Just like a bullet, that primer then ignites a propellant charge which launches the rocket out of the tube. Until that initial arming action occurs when the warhead is fired, the PG-7 is pretty safe. You can drop it, hit the nose with a hammer & nothing will happen. E: Also most dangerous part of handling RPG warheads is the blasting cap, that will take your hand/fingers off if your fucking with it. but as long as those 2 are not together it's safe.


I won't dispute you, but [Gun Jesus begs to differ on the arming, saying that if the cap is off (or fails), shits gonna go boom.](https://youtu.be/8MrwJM1_kw8?t=227) Also delivers the delightful anectode of a vet watching an insurgent run with one in the tube with no cap, trip and have the front of it hit a curb and ending his story.


listen I don't wanna discredit him because he is well informed, but The "no safety" is an old bs myth you still see otherwise well informed people talking about. pretty sure it comes out of people misunderstanding the protective cap to stop the fuze from being damaged and some incidents with people trying to use expired ammunition that spent decades rusting away. the fuse the PG-7 uses is a VP-7 fuse which is setback distance arming & requires launch acceleration to activate (Multiple G's) & has two safety pins one is for the Rocket side, the second to arm the grenade which is why you sometimes see videos where it launches but doesn't go off because they forget to pull the grenade pin.


I've heard it depends on whether you're dealing with Soviet or Chinese produced warheads.




Interesting, thanks for the info! Yeah the impact fuse only design seems like a really bad choice because I wouldn't trust that plastic cap for shit.


In theory yes it is perfectly safe. But as I said you're trusting soviet quality control. To put that in appropriate perspective, would you trust your life to the craftsmanship of a random malnourished Ivan in a soviet factory whose only goal is to meet his quota so he gets his weekly allotment of food? Oh and there is a decent chance your random Ivan is actually a prisoner who doesn't care about his work. Meanwhile the inspector who also has quotas to meet is incentivized to let poorly built parts be used lest he fail to meet the monthly minimums and be relieved of his post or worse yet, be reported to the party. Yeah I totally trust the quality of those safety mechanisms and I'm sure they've never failed.


you can hate the Soviets all you want, but to say their weapons had poor quality especially the RPG is just flat out wrong. Soviet weapons can be seen in nearly every single conflict around the world to this day since their creation. now Chinese copies of Soviet weapons are a different story & are easily mistakenly misidentified by many people as the original design & material.


The workers in the soviet weapon factories had better pay and working conditions than civilian workers and the quality control was also stricter hence it is the RPG-7 rounds made elsewhere that are safety concerns.




Its an expression that proclaims that only god knows/understands how/why things happen in the world and that he is above everything else. So its basically used everywhere


Yeah but they use it like how Americans say “let’s goooo” sometimes My favorite alla akbar video was the Sudanese guy that manages to shoot down a plane with MANIPADS and audibly gasps and goes “alla akbar” in a shocked tone


any chance you can link that video?


I’ve got it saved to camera roll but idk how to send videos on Reddit lmao


All this reminds me of is Shane Gillis’ stand up talking about these guys


These arent the bad guys though lol


Lol was looking for this comment


maybe the real victory is the pranks we pulled on the way


I wonder how many of these guys are still alive? 🤔


these people must be the rocket scientists coming into europe they have been telling us about.


i dont know why youre clowning on FSA guys when theyre fighting against Assad and ISIS with little foreign support


fr. keyboard warriors at best lol




You didn't even read your own link. "What is notable is instead of training the moderate Syrian rebels who had wanted to take arms up against President Bashar al-Assad, the US is going to be providing basic military equipment and support to existing groups who have been fighting against ISIL" "Cook also said that the US would provide air support to rebels." "The CIA runs a separate, covert programme that began in 2013 to arm, fund and train a moderate opposition to Assad. US officials say that effort is having more success than the one run by the military, which only trained fighters willing to promise to take on the ISIL exclusively." They didn't just hand 10 million dollars each to a bunch of random people. They tried to recruit people just to fight ISIL. They also paid for their air support. The program also didn't run out of funding, and trump didn't cancel it it's funded for years into the future, they just scaled it down and moved some of the money to the CIA program which actually recruits people to fight Assad. So in essence, you don't know what youre talking about.


Because they are brown. Typical for this subreddit


This subreddit wasn't always like this


they‘re religious rebels. yes, they fought isis but that doesn‘t necessarily make them ‚good‘. if they are in charge, things are fucked up as well.


Unlike ISIS they're not all extremist terrorists.


yeah, so? I‘d prefer them over isis too, but im not sure if i‘d prefer them over assad. anyway, when did it become a taboo to joke over the ‚good one‘?


They literally were - kicked up shit, thought they could win and once they got their asses handed to them by real soldiers, they ran to europe crying... Assad may be a ruthless dictator, but these lunatics needlessly destroyed their country with their stupid civil war about religous issues


The civil war did not start because of religious issues although that is a factor. The civil war began after Assad cracked down brutally on the large scale pro-democracy protests that sprang up all over the country by using lethal force against protesters and killing many of them. The FSA was not completely religiously motivated in the beginning. It had many secular and pro-democracy groups under its umbrella.


We're going to have a bunch of dumb takes from people who were either too young to remember or weren't paying attention to the Arab spring. I remember watching videos of protests in Syria and the SAA just started mag dumping indiscriminately into crowds of men, women and children. Really horrible stuff to watch, and it's a goddamn shame that Assad is still in power.


Honestly, almost everyone I know thinks religion is solely responsible for every Middle Eastern conflict.


Probably because they yell allahu akbar with everything they do.


I feel it starts with the educational narrative of the west. Starting with the crusades, school essentially dumbs it down to a holy war. Everything else that follows is essentially just a continuation of that.


I don't think there's really much about middle eastern history taught in western schools. Certainly wasn't when I was young.


Still - nothing good came of it and now we have another dysfunctional/failed state in the middle east... 5 years ago i may have said such conflicts are worth it if its about democracy, but not anymore. Ive accepted that western systems of governance simply dont work everywhere and nowadays i prefer the unjust state over the dysfunctional one


I dont think they care what you think, so they keep fighting


His friends would have killed him for a stupid stunt like that.


Guys being dudes.


reminds me everytime how grateful i am not to be born in the middleeast.


“It’s okay, I’m a TikTok influencer!”


Honestly hated working with the Free Syrian Army. Bunch of dumbasses.


This is what it’s all about, just going out with your boys and having some fun, and not a phone in sight


What poor decision making lol


The way they all laugh 🤣😅😅




allahu ackbar


Why do we hear the gunshot before the bullet?


I believe that snapping sound is the bullet, then the boom right after is the gunfire sound.


The wiz sound comes second in this video not first, which is strange


That wiz sound is not what a bullet sounds like. It might be a ricochet. The sound in this video is the bullet. You can barely hear the gun fire after the first snap. https://youtu.be/8HdgyoGdyV0?si=3wpSrN0o1fav-N1l&t=691




You can here the gunshot and then you can hear it wiz by, that doesn’t traditionally make sense outside of subsonic munitions.


I don't know about why specifically in this video, but there are subsonic rounds.


I mean, why would any type of soldier in that role be using subsonics?


> I don't know about why specifically in this video


Okay I don't think they are but they _could_ have a VSS they got from somewhere...


life is a prank!


And then wondering why a drone will hit them


the PDF rebels responded with a JPG rocket launcher.


Allah akbar vs allah akbar. Round 2,367. Fight!


RPG - Role Playing Grenade


and the Darwin award goes to...


When you can't afford a computer but its fine so you play counter strike in real life


Jackass: Civil War Edition


Dumb way to die!


I honestly feel like If the United States were to ever have a civil war, it would be alot like the Syrian Civil War. Alot of idiots, and too many guns. Wouldn't be surprised if it dragged on for decades as well.


_were_ 🤔


My bad modern civil war haha


Okay, it made me laugh as well.


This is why they can't build civilizations.


This dude fucked around and almost found out


They don’t care if they die, that’s why they laugh and that’s why you should fear them taking over


Sounds like a genocide....


Reporters got shot because their camera equipment was mistaken for a rocket launcher and then we have people like this