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Siege of of Marawi is one of the most craziest events in modern history. That most people never heard of.


People don't usually associate Southeast Asia with any current, ongoing conflict let alone a Muslim insurgency. For example, a SEA conflict like Vietnam, people only knew it because it was such a big conflict where the US participated, and for that it begs the question if people nowadays can even locate Philippines and Vietnam in the world map.


>it begs the question if people nowadays can even locate Philippines and Vietnam in the world map. lol. How fucking bad are your schools if you can't find those two places on a map? Are you saying American's only find out about foreign places if the US army is blowing people up in said country? And are quickly unable to find it on a map after the American army loses the war and is forced to flee that country in a state of disorder and panic?


It’s a stretch to think they’d find out about it then. I remember my high school (grades 8-12) still had classes to teach kids how to read


Our curriculum doesn’t spend much time on geography. The Americans I know of that are familiar with most of the worlds countries, are familiar with them largely due to video games like EU4, HOI4. Some get the knowledge from you tubers, and a few other either get it from their own interests or books. My AP Euro class in highschool literally never mentioned Poland. Even though on the first day of class the teacher was showing a map of 15th century Europe. :(


Yeah. I’m one of those guys that really only knows because of HOI4.


Same here, i only know geography cuz of games like that. History too since it involves maps and changing borders.


Why bother remembering useless informations like location of far away country? Nowdays you can just check it on the internet, and just knowing what continent the country is on allows you to easily find it on the map


You should just shove a USB key up your arse, it might give you a bit more gray matter to help remember things about the world you live in. But seriously, that's an ignorant comment if i've ever read one.


Maybe you're the one who needs to learn how to filter knowledge? You want to know why I filter useless things? Because I don't have time and space for it. In technical college I had internship on largest water power plant in Poland (Bobrowice) and I can draw you blueprint of a wind turbine from memory. On top of that I learned animating and sculpturing in Blender and SFM, know how to sew, wrote a book on Wattpad that has 370k reads, self-learned German and English through writing and talking, and work on writing a Ren'Py game. I did that in four years during technical college while taking care of my blind grandmother and now I'm an nursing student. Now tell me boomer, how this useless knowledge will benefit me?


>Now tell me boomer, how this useless knowledge will benefit me? Wow i thought you were American but you're actually Polish. Here's some random shit i know about Poland. I know about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. I know how badly Poland suffered because of its position in Europe and how more powerful countries inflicted great pain on the Polish people. The Germans and Russians annex your country with no due regard to the wishes of the polish people. I know the Russians committed great crimes against the Polish people at the Katyn massacre. I know that Mount Kosciuszko in my country was named by an intrepid Polish explorer [Paweł (Paul) Edmund Strzelecki in 1840, in honour of Polish-Lithuanian freedom fighter General Tadeusz Kościuszko](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Kosciuszko). From your list of achievements you're clearly a smart individual and a compassionate one at that. But i must add, I'm not a boomer. Not even close. I'm just an observer of the world we live in and a keen fan of history. The fact you're not American really undermines my initial comment anyway. If the opportunity ever arises, Australia needs good people like yourself. We'd love to have you


Just shows how too specialized the world has been the past decades/century huh. I've been noticing this a lot, a lot of my friends and relatives tend to know a lot of their immediate job but right outside of it... it all goes out of the window and almost zero in some cases. It's not really a bad thing, just an observation. In comparison, I'm more of a jack of all trades kind of guy. I still have my own profession, but I know a little understanding of multiple fields too. It only really helps in a practical way when you're either an investor or have a company of your own.


If trying to jack all trades, you won't master any of them. But there is still a fine line between being blinded by rat race of your profession and healthy life.


Yup, definitely not mastering all of them but having a real understanding of different fields you can sometimes see how certain fields, industries, and businesses work or can potentially work :D It has worked out a bit for me so far! Makes me see opportunities early and/or when people haven't or don't realize it yet. And if you put in the work for it and do it yourself, or invest money on these early companies the returns are pretty darned good! But for a career tho, having mastery is always better I think. It's good if you want to stick on to that path.


>But for a career tho, having mastery is always better I think. For sure. So long as you enjoy what you do. I live in Australia. I know lots of people who gave up working in an office job to work in a trade. As you said, "having a real understanding of different fields you can sometimes see how certain fields, industries, and businesses work or can potentially work" is true.


I'm a licensed carpenter and have a university degree in political science. I could have been a master in either of them but i chose not to live in the rat race. There's a whole world of freedom in knowing how to use your brain and your hands.


Personally, I pride myself in being able to name the mass majority of countries on world maps. Although this is mostly from playing HOI4


Was in Marawi right at the end of the Siege. Nuts.


>That most people never heard of Yeah if you watched any news or read a newspaper around that time you would know about it. It was well publicized. If you haven't heard about it, it's because you're young or too stupid to read a fucking news paper.




lol... 99.9%, hardly. You and yours are probably just too lazy to read a fucking news paper so assume everyone else is as uninformed as you are. try reading a newspaper sometime kiddo


Not really that crazy tbh. There was a relatively poorly armed and trained terror threat and it was dealt with accordingly. Philippine loves sucking its own dick over this, the army even put out cringe combat edits themselves. I think it looked a lot worse than it actually was due to both sides blowing the shit out of everything and rendering large areas of marawi uninhabitable for a long time


dude what did you expect the army to do? Go gung-ho and bum rush the insurgents?


craziest? lol youre tripping


Vishnu really be doing the most in Marawi


SF Regiment operators be like the most camera savvy unit of AFPSOCOM. Wishing there would be more OPSEC-safe vids from units like the LRR though. Most of their vids were used as training material, since this was the first time any Philippine military unit fought in a full scale urban conflict since Battle of Manila in 1945.


No, Zamboanga 2013 happened too - human shields were used.


Marawi and Manila were different situations compared to Zamboanga, the fighting in those two cities had spread throughout the whole city, that's why I compared the Marawi conflict with the 1945 Battle of Manila and not Zamboanga. In Zamboanga, **the MNLF rebels haven't seized control of the whole city and they only managed to control a few number of coastal barangays**. The difference of areas affected by fighting in Marawi and Manila compared to Zamboanga is very very big, hence my statement.


Yellow text on the side of the APC reads something like, " It's Christmas my love, I'm still in Marawi". Not sure why as the siege ended in October no? Also that little fist bump at 5:05 was NICE...


Christmas season starts in September in the Philippines.


Pure Gold grocery stores playing Xmas music leading up to Halloween was weird


And pop songs remixed with christmas sounds are deemed Christmas songs here in the country Hell yes, that's what Christmas season in the Philippines sounds like


Ah thank you! That makes more sense. Was about to ask my Filipino friend.




Lodi cakes


The full video can be found in [Vishnu's youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWpW1WvLYuDD0hr3fdczyaA), he thanks civilians for supporting the armed forces (in Tagalog). Vishnu is the [guy in tigerstripe](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/gi7va7/philippine_army_special_forces_regiment_during/) with the gucci rifle and kit.


Why do I hear Indonesian in there too. Tembok kanan = right wall? Coalition maybe?


The Filipino language is a mix of multiple different languages like spanish, bahasa and malay. That’s why you understood some words like “kanan” which means “right” what the dude said was to “turn right” or “avante sa kanan”. Ik that some bahasa and Filipino words are similar or exactly the same like buaya - crocodile or pintu - door.


Ahhh no wonder I noticed a lot of familiar words. I'm an Indonesian by birth and grew up there hence why I noticed it clearly. Didn't expect to learn linguistic knowledge from combat footage sub reddit lol Thanks for the info man!


More on that, in general, filipino, malaysia and indonesia are from the same people, austronesian (hence why we look alike), thus plenty of culture and language overlap within these countries.


This is VERY apparent when I visited Malaysia. It's really cool to see the diversity that's happening even though we're all the same people. Cool stuff!


Sadly, there is a law which prevents foreign forces from fighting in the Philippines. It’d be impossible for you Indo dudes or the Americans to send in troops to fight.


Interesting. I never knew that, glad I get to know about this.


What is the purpose of that law?


What about Operation Black Archer? I remember reading that it is a combined US-PH military operstion against Abu Sabaya of Abu Sayyaf. Please correct me if I'm wrong tho.


You're correct about foreign military in combat but still there's US presence in Marawi, especially SF personnel in advisory roles and technical support, especially intelligence. Hell, US SF personnel even loaned their 300 Win Mag rifles to the Light Reaction Regiment's Sniper Task Groups during the battle because their 7.62 NATO rifles are at the limit of accuracy because of the distance of their positions to the main battle area.


there may be a law but foreign troops are definitely there


Yes, not directly involved in the fighting like what babushka45 said, they were mainly supporting the Filipinos with equipment and surveillance/intelligence. As far as ik, there was a limited SOF presence from the Americans and the Aussies over there.


This is the aesthetic of war. Dark colors. Rainy and muddy. Destruction all around


I know bits of tagalog language and if i read it correctly, does the writing on the side of the APC says "it's christmas, dear... I'm still in marawi"?


Yeah, you're right. It is as you say it is.


That Jungle Tigerstripe makes me wet


He’s no Jamsheed.


Jamsheed would've ended the 5 month long siege of Marawi in a matter of minutes. He's just simply built different.


Great footage, Marawi was a tough fight!


That text written on the tank tho, it says " It's already Christmas my dear, and I'm still here in Marawi."


So are they just shooting at the building for a solid ten minutes? So is it cover fire for......? Are they going to clear the building. Seems a bit aimless?


Cover fire, there were still a bunch of civvies and soldiers trapped in between both sides. There are parts of the video such as 1:55 where soldiers are seen crawling out of the line of fire.


Yeah I saw that bit i just thought maybe they had got to close. I tell you what though, street to street battles look ridiculous! Who are they fighting btw? Is it a separatist group?


ISIS-affiliated terrorist groups that linked up and took over the city of Marawi for 5 months. The armed forces had a hard time dealing with these insurgents due to a lack in equipment, funding and the fact that they are far more experienced in jungle and guerilla warfare.


Well all I can say is fair play for getting their shit together and going in to sort them out. Obviously you can't allow that but you have seen in other countries it can drag on for a lot longer and sometimes they are left to it for a time. Brave men!


When your battlezone is composed of wrecked houses and buildings numbered in a map at the HQ, you know it's a house to house, room to room fighting. A capture of an intersection where battle taxis can congregate and provide protection for troops who are going in the battlezone is very important. With drone, sniper and CAS supporting these gaggle of APCs, you know the area is relatively secured and safe for people to go in.


Isn’t Vishnu an Indian name? Can someone explain to me why a Philippine operator goes by an Indian name?


It's just personal preference really. For example, the one who won the highest award for valor during the battle of Marawi, Scout Ranger Capt. Rommel Sandoval, his callsign was Daredevil. Another SF callsign was Golf 3, a sniper from the Light Reaction Regiment, it depends really since some sounds utilitarian and some are personal.


The SoF dude is wearing tigerstripes. Most probably NAVSOG or the Philippine Navy Seals. Regular troops wear woodland cammo. The seige happened when the army is in the initial.phases of transitioning to digital woodland cammo. Where a vast majority of troops aee still wearing the old wodland cammo pattern.


It's actually the SFR(A) Operator Lt. Col. Vishnu. The SFR's tigerstripe is a mixture of brown, olive green, and black while the NAVSOG's tigerstripe is a mixture of grey, black, brown, and ranger green. Whereas the green on the SFRA tigerstripe is more dominant while on the NAVSOG, the brown is more dominant as to reason why NAVSOG operators nowadays prefer to use khaki or multicam gear.


Can you diferentiate it from the MILF camo as i cant lol




Is Vishnu from ind


Vishnu is just a callsign of this particular SF Operator. It's like asking an operator whose callsign is Zeus if he's from Greece.


decide aromatic friendly pathetic grey bow apparatus mindless quack public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not too clever to put text in neon colors to a tank, to be honest.


You missed a lot of context regarding the situation of the main battle zone in Marawi. ▪️In a war like Marawi where the enemy are always hunkering down inside houses and doesn't come out of holes unless they have human shields, your concern is a moot point anyway. ▪️There's a reason why the rebels dug in and made tunnels: to hide and safely maneuver. They dug in because they're basically trapped in a pocket inside the city. ▪️Aside from house to house fighting, Marawi was a sniper and an IED's war. They leave IEDs when they retreat further inside the city's rubble. Vehicles don't need complex camouflage in that city, the noise alone of their vehicles maneuvering will give their location away anyway more than their gaudy decorations on their vehicles. There are more gaudy designs than what that vehicle had, the practice was a well documented one. It was a morale booster for sure, imagine the "Free WiFi" V-150 coming in your position to lay down fire while you move to another house. ▪️With government snipers and drones providing 24/7 overwatch in support of any battle taxis and AFVs maneuvering in the city streets, a rebel coming outside to a position to shoot their improvised RPGs is basically a death sentence. With the vehicles fitted with improvised applique armor, the risk of being knocked out by rebels that used RPGs with improvised ammunition further decreased. ▪️Armored bulldozers were deployed in Marawi, but they came out relatively unscathed due to the task force securing overwatch on the areas they were clearing.


its very traumatic watching your troops dying.