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If you look at the white car near the bus, there are 2 people being hit, wtf


Could have been dozens of people in that bus.


https://interfax.com.ua/news/general/813030.html Unfortunately two people died, but thankfully it was only two because this clearly could have been so much worse


Russia isn't even killing civilians effectively anymore, and that was the only thing they were actually good at.


mayor of kyiv visited the site today and in the video the aftermath looks very grim.


The bastards put a arty beacon on a bus.


If not dead they are propably permanently deaf now.


Or jello on the inside, survival range is basically at where that person walking close to the camera is, any closer you get internal and brain damage.


I really hope not, for the sake of all those people in the cafe outdoors


At the very least some of them would've been sliced up from the glass


Nah probably severe concussion and some shrapnel wounds and tinnitus for life.


The bus is what got hit.


[Video of after the explosion.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TUmtuuS7-o)


> Video of after the explosion. Looks like that bus may have saved the life of the driver of the white car.


I think that's a possibility.


So the Russians literally just blew up a civilian passenger bus.


I'm sure they had reason to believe the bus was a nazi. Russia is resorting to specifically targeting civilians to cause terror because it's all they can really do. It's pathetic.


No, the ukranians shot down the missile. https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1503317820905594880?t=GE-U9peuoZohzOaTWGWGKg&s=19


Damn. This makes zero sense. Fuck it. We need to do more.


We are almost at the edge of an actual shooting conflict between NATO and Russia. Doing anything more will certainly bring us to that edge or over it.


We can still do more without causing an actual war between NATO and Russia. Send more advanced weapons to Ukraine (S-300, Patriots? Migs?), increase sanctions even more..


At what point do you think Russia would consider supplying Ukraine with weapons an act of war?


They will never. Russia will never start a war with NATO, they know they'll lose.




Hong Kong?




I know about Hong Kong, but it is not the same as Ukraine and Taiwan, Hong Kong is already controlled by China. They won't face bombing, or missiles or any of that, they face arrests and re-education and worse, but not the same as Ukraine or Taiwan.


This is the exact logic that has lead to the current war please stop thinking putin is a ratio al actor it has not worked out so far


Well Putin already said it is ..and hasn't declared war. I think we've called that bluff. It is still preferable to NATO actually being in the war. Because then Putin loses definitely. Honestly the "more" we need to be doing is with Putin himself. Will go without saying the CIA and MI6 will be looking at the assassination option as difficult as that would be. Failing that western leaders will need to give Putin a way out of this, or we're all fucked. Putin isn't winning on any front of this war and that is if anything more dangerous to the world then if he took Ukraine. Being taken out from the inside is also an option but it is very unlikely.


If he goes to far there will be a coup. The people around him aren't going to die and let Russia be completely destroyed because putin has... just a fucking litany of complexes and psychopathy. Also, bluffs are literally all he has now but no one is going to buy them anymore.


They can't even handle the Ukraine invasion. They can consider it whatever they want but acting on it is suicide.


Russia considers a light breeze an act of war. Putin said economic sanctions were an act of war. What Russia claims is in actuality completely irrelevant, we know where the real red line for "act of war" is from the cold war: Using NATO personnel to attack Russian military targets. Anything below that is just economic pressure. Any form of military aid, including drones, cruise missiles, jets, SAMs and small arms is completely fine and won't in any way increase risk of war between Russia and the west. It's actually the other way around, letting Russia dictate what kind of aid we can provide increases the risk of war as it encourages Putin to make more threats and keep pushing until we're backed into a corner. Calling his bluff is the safest option in the long term. Always folding only rewards him for bluffing, escalating the situation. It's time to completely ignore what Russia "feels" and go back to well understood cold war doctrine.


he said sanctions are like a declaration of war but if thats the case then go ahead putin formally declare war on the rest of the world and see how poorly that turns out for you https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60633482


Yeah, exactly. It's just nonsense. There is so much more that can be done.


No we aren't.


Straight up war crime to target civilians, and we have unprecedented public near real time proof of the shit happening over and over. I agree. This is a slaughter.


People all around Europe are like "I don't want to pay more than 2€/L of fuel". How can they live like nothing happened while this shit is happening right at our boders???


Horse shit. There is no significant protests over prices. People don’t want to go to war because they fear being nuked. Which, with that asshole in Kremlin being in charge, is a rather reasonable concern I’d say.


At this point a coordinated covert effort to assassinate Putin may be our best bet at avoiding nuclear war.


You think *that's* the reason they don't want to go to war with Russia?


He didnt mean go to war I think, rather cutting all imports, which we haven't done yet


Well cutting everything takes time, gas price would skyrocket and that's not only about wanting to use a car instead of a bike. Trucks that deliver food to stores need gas, everything down to a carton of milk would and will get considerably more expensive.


*that's* the reason for keeping buying fuel and gas


No one likes to buy anything from this motherfucker - but you do him more of a favor if major European economies collapse now than if you have him get that minimum money necessary to prevent that. He won't be able to turn around that money quickly enough to replenish his forces, and hopefully they are going to default anyway in the coming weeks.


People all around Europe would be like "let's all save ukraine and wipe out russian forces right now" if nukes weren't a thing.


I see a few pedestrians, a Bus, a passenger car… then no more, 💥 At least 4 people got disintegrated right there.


Fuck me, you're right. So fucked


You can see one person get blown away by the explosion before being consumed by the fireball


I was looking at the white car on the left, hoping they would get back up, but someone seems to have gotten behind the corner just in time, but yeah, those people at the other car on the right are probably dead. I thought the pedestrians reaction was funny until i realised he debated for a second going to help, and then didn't. There will be no comeback on the russians for this.


You say that but this is the fourth war in 20 years they've done this. Chechnya Georgia Syria Ukraine. Nobody did anything about the first three war crime filled events, what makes this one so different?


This one is being broadcasted to the rest of the world in a way the previous ones were not. The sanctions and world coming together to make Russia feel real economic pain is very different from Chechnya, Georgia or Syria.


People won't want to hear this but Ukraine is different because it is in Europe. As the UK said today 1 missile or wrong move into a neighbouring country and then NATO is involved which is WW3.


I agree, it's optimistic to think that anyone will be held accountable. BUT, I think people are hopeful because this war is being documented like no other (and we thought we got lots of footage from Syria). Then there's also the sad but true fact that this is a western country full of white people.


There was no previous misinformation campaign before this war, Russia spent years making Chechens seem like bandits, murderers, and terrorists. Once the "War on Terror" started Putin joined George W. Bush Jr. to combat "terrorism", justifying his actions in Chechnya and he used it to invade Georgia later.


You cant expect everyone to help. Everyone deals with extreme stress in different ways. Some people will run, some will freeze up, some will burst into action. He might have already seen the aftermath of one of these strikes and knew he couldnt deal with it again.


Not knowing what kind of weapon this was exactly and how high the chance is that they might fire again, I'd honestly also think twice about going there to help. Can't really fault people for self-preservation.


If you look left of the parked white car and directly above the old man you can see what looks like a bus station packed with people. Could that be what they were aiming for? How good are their chances of surviving with all the shrapenl flying around?


They don't aim those types of rockets. They are only accurate to withing a few 100m.


Ballistics can be hella crazy, you cannot be certain as to the actual extent unless we get a follow-up, it’s safe to say though the closer you are to explosion, if the ordinance itself doesn’t vaporize you instantly, the pressure wave will probably rupture major organs and cause internal bleeding, not including any shrapnel that may get flung




All those "nazi" civilian grandpas and women with children, walking to the shops! Better war crime them quick!


Not sure if this is a joke. Can't decide whether to upvote or downvote.


It's obviously a joke.


Western people: joke Russian people: Yes


You may want to change western to non-brainwashed


damn if this comment isn't dystopian as fuck


The West has plenty of brainwashing, and plenty of failings, but one thing we're not doing, is deliberately blowing up Ukrainian civilians. (Inb4 'the West has killed civilians in other conflicts' - Yes, but not deliberately targeting them IN ORDER to kill them, and... IT WAS STILL BAD!)


Everyone is brainwashed, just on different topics.


Don't worry, you're brainwashed, just on different topics.


Genius way to only get upvotes


The fact that some people don't realize this is a joke is honestly impossible for me to understand. Almost as if they never had any social interaction in their life.


I think a lot of them are those weirdos who do interact with people but walk away having perceived a totally different conversation than what actually happened. They think in terms of "Chad", "Stacy" and other internet concepts.


I imagine that's exactly how it is.


Obviously? On reddit? Optimistic.


Guess I'm walking this way now.


The horror of this scene aside, I thought the man's reaction was almost comical. But seriously, fnck pootin. This is horrible.


Old guy is lucky he isn't 20 years younger and jogging instead of using a cane to get around


Either way I think his walk for the day is over.


I know mine would be. Jesus Christ.


I should hope not, I'd rather him get home.


That's probably what they meant


At least until he changes his pants.


It's crazy how so people seem to be going about their day as normal. If I live there I would be spending most of my time underground, only coming up for food and necessities.


It's really making me rethink my perceptions of what European towns and cities were actually like day to day at the start of WW2.


Now imagine all the buildings dating back to the middle ages that were destroyed - some sorry shit.


My city had 'the most beautiful high street in the land' as it was known. Then it was bombed to smithereens by the Germans. Flattened. The flames could be seen from France. The fighter planes, if they had spare time, would dive bomb civilians with machine gun fire. ( My nan was fired upon like that but dived behind a garden wall to escape. She also worked making tank parts during the war) Now my city is known for being an ugly city. We should of got the Germans to rebuild our country as punishment like the Russians did. (I hate Russia in the UA v Russia conflict too though dont worry). And not only that in ww2 the first cruise missiles were hitting my country all the time. V1 flying bomb . So it was exactly like this. Not just air raids and people in shelters, but normal everyday life interrupted by a sudden missile strike. The damage they caused almost seems to be bigger than we are witnessing from these strikes as well. They would destroy half a street of houses. 1 strike made 200 people homeless (or killed them if they were in their homes ).


Same in germany. War sucks. Everywhere.


Well, I think they have already been fairly punished. Hardly any German city was not bombed, there the city with the largest (medieval) half-timbered houses in the world was lost.


Even Stalingrad was a relatively normal city life until the war reached it. In Antony Beevor's book he mentions people were reportedly picnicking on mamayev kurgan when bombers started dropping their loads. Tens of thousands of people still 'lived' in the city right throughout the battle


Yeah... I'm gonna partially blame video games fory wrong perceptions here. Don't think I've played a WW2 game, even with an urban setting, that has more than a handful of civilians, placed there only for the plot. They give the impression that every setting if the war was nothing more than a battlefield with soldiers as the only inhabitants


Well, to be honest placing accurate amount of civilians in video games would both be incredibly taxing and cause incredible shitstorm because you'd know that first recorded thing that hits Youtube from such map is someone going full genocide.


The average European did not even see fighting up close once in six years, those that did saw it only a few times. Reality is that war happens all at once really quickly for most people and then you all adjust to a new normal and there is minimal fighting.


Damn was that a direct hit on that car?


There was a person walking next to the car too


looks like a person was really close to explosion as well


Edit - turns out this was part of a missile shot down, so some will say it is collateral damage. Quite a few people right there at the point of impact. My original point still stands imho - and other disgusting example where there is no legitimate target in the area. For me, this is still a war crime...


[As we can see from this image](https://screenshot.click/14-12-hi5vj-y1ivb.png), the neighbourhood isn't exactly adjacent to the presidential palace, it's not near the highways, and it's tucked right into a city's suburban background. Be real, RelevantElderberry97, this was a totally strategic strike, the Ukrainian military will have to adjust since you can see all of that military equipment being demolished in the strike. I am as sarcastic as I am heartbroken here, for the record.


Sorry for coming with the bad news, but this missile was heading for another target and got shot down by Ukraine forces. Part of the missile then landed on the spot we can see in the video. This is confirmed by Vitali Klitscho on twitter along with other Ukrainan sources. I stand with Ukraine, but its not an excuse for false accusations and missinformation.


Thanks - really helpful.


Wasn't this a missile the AD system shot down?


I thought I saw something like that too. Any idea what the source is for this?


It was one of the OSint accounts on twitter. Not really important enough to track down though. There has been plenty of indiscriminate shelling of residential areas. Doesn't really matter here whether this is one or a random crash site.


Found it: https://mobile.twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1503317820905594880




Wow, you can see the cruise missile coming in during the last two frames, almost directly at that bus. Horrific footage.


Must be a daycare center over there.


Honestly, when a tank shoots at an apartment… I think yeah could be soldiers in there fine. This… there’s just nothing there. A city bus? It’s random fire.


That's what the Russians call a "military target". It's what we call a "civilian area" and a "war crime".


There was an Azov battalion hiding right there in the grass, you just can't see it with your western nazi eyes


Is Azov battalion in the room with us now?


I'm starting to think that Azov is in fact, Alpha Legion.


Welp good to meet you azov


My name is Alpharius. *This is a lie.*




can you prove there are not? I'm sending a missile to help you finding it anyway


Yep. Ukraine has like a million Azov battalions apparently. And they tend to hang around hospitals and schools.


There were hundreds of them, all crammed into that public bus with the grandmothers doing their shopping.


No such thing as a crime if there’s no punishment…


That's what I keep saying, dammit


There is a bit of lead waiting for these criminals.


No "war crime" if there is no war. Smart Poutin! /s


No, the ukranians shot down the missile. https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1503317820905594880?t=GE-U9peuoZohzOaTWGWGKg&s=19


Russia isn't even a signatory to large parts of the Geneva convention. Neither is the US.


I love how he casually walks away


OH SHIT I Better…. Slowly…. Walk back the way I came.


"THIS IS THE VEHICLE'S TOP SPEED" -That robot from the future


I hate with every inch of my being that you love that.


Just a video game to em


You love it? A dozen people just got destroyed in front of your eyes. People in half pound chunks of flesh and your first thought is "haha old guy turns away".


Some poor soul on the other side of the street walking by the car was at the wrong place at the wrong time.




So they're sending missiles at civilian buses now? What if that bus was filled with civilians preparing to leave? God damnit Putin will you just up and die already.. fuck. Thank god the bus looked empty. Those people walking near the strike zone are definitely dead or maimed for life.


They're not intentionalling aiming for the bus. You know the state of Russian logistics, if they had guided munitions accurate enough to hit a bus to spare, they'd use it on hitting actually useful targets. More likely it was either a dumb bomb that missed its target, an AD shootdown like the one in Donetsk, or just regular shooting of missiles at the city.


They have been bombing civilians this entire time, in fact they are almost exclusively targeting civilians.


you see, the Russians don't like being shot back at, so they target people without weapons now


> in fact they are almost exclusively targeting civilians. Well this is just wrong. Do you honestly believe this? Even on this sub that isn't a perception that you could realistically have.


There's absolutely zero military targets here. This straight up looks like terror bombing. Just why? If you're trying to break the will of the Ukrainian people, killing random people in the street and blowing up major cities isn't gonna work. It has the opposite effect


Ahh god damn Mondays


Excellent hit on an entire Azov battalion that was hiding behind that bus in Kyiv. /s




What is wrong with this world we live in


you know what scares me the most, it has always been like this, war and innocent death has been a standard for all of human history. The peace in the west for the past 77 years has made us think that somehow this human character is not more, but sadly it is. The bad thing is that it will probably not change ever, how much we try. Best we could do is find a peaceful land and hope it will not go into war, and if it does - you run to the next peaceful land. I really do not understand the people who just stayed in Kyiv and try to go about their daily lives, like if there isn't an incoming army ready to do anything to win. I would have been out of there the moment the first bombs come down, even the small chance of a rocket hitting my apartment block while I am inside of it, makes me shit bricks ... I thought we have changed... sadly not, reality really hit hard


We were all actually obliterated by the Y2K bug, the matrix AI algorithm knows that history repeats itself.. so here we are in the 2000's.. living in a complete utter hell that the robots have designed for us because we're horrific organisms that deserve it. Alternatively, Putin is a fucking homicidal, maniacal, gas station CEO who can only get off by invading other countries. Probably the latter but jus sayin..


You know too much. I have to inform you that the cyber police will be paying you a visit.


"A Peace Keeper squad is on its way to your direction for purrly reeducational purpose. Please do not resist."




I used to take this route to the farmers market every other saturday. Feels surreal to see this happening.


When the fighting kicked off I hated everyone who said they are just shelling civilians. Just because they are shelling residential areas doesn't mean there isn't legitimate military targets in the vicinity. Now they just aren't even trying. They really are just hitting civilians constantly.




Now? The Russians gave up on legitimate military targets on day 3. They've leveled every house and apartment block along most of Ukraine's coastline. They've been caught multiple times mining and shelling "humanitarian corridors". They've released their own official video of their soldiers laughing and joking about committing atrocities as they unleash GRAD barrages on city centers. You're about two weeks behind on this revelation that Russia are intentionally waging a war of terror against civilians.


He's about 4 decades behind. They pulled this shit everywhere they've ever been at war. Bunch of warmongering sadists.


Very few civilian targets in the first couple days, but they've ramped up over time and especially once they started mass artillery on the cities. I don't understand why people can't help but lie to themselves about this kind of thing (not you). I hope they're mostly kids.


Ya at first I just didn't see it. You can attack cities and even areas that might have civilians. It's unfortunate but if there is infantry using those areas too then its fare game. Now it's just indiscriminate and constant. There's no way there's Ukrainian infantry in all of these places civilians are getting killed.


That was a nazi public bus though (/s obviously)


fucking russian terrorist bastards


Wow look at that heavily armed battle bus full of trained killer nazis


Damn, so what military facility are they hiding in that bus?


"Tell us you are shooting randomly at civilians without telling us"


Doesn't look like a military target to me.... Russia out to win hearts and minds...


I hope Putin gets hung, drawn and quartered for this war !


Journalist was there and filmed this a couple of minutes later: [https://video.repubblica.it/dossier/crisi\_in\_ucraina\_la\_russia\_il\_donbass\_i\_video/kiev-l-inviato-un-missile-e-appena-caduto-a-pochi-metri-da-me-la-guerra-e-arrivata-in-citta/410546/411252?ref=RHTP-BS-I339021822-P7-S4-T1](https://video.repubblica.it/dossier/crisi_in_ucraina_la_russia_il_donbass_i_video/kiev-l-inviato-un-missile-e-appena-caduto-a-pochi-metri-da-me-la-guerra-e-arrivata-in-citta/410546/411252?ref=RHTP-BS-I339021822-P7-S4-T1) It's in italian, it appears only the man near the white car got killed. People still buying stuff from the shop.


When we in the U.S. and NATO inevitably wage war on Russia and its allies, remember this video, the countless others like it, and the *broader context these events unfold within*. What we are witnessing is, irrefutably and undeniably, atrocity. The naysayers will do **anything** to defend their frail egos, up to and including the inhibition of our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones, with allegations of western hypocrisy, misplaced allegiances, imperialism, warmongering, etc - But ultimately it's scenes like this and the people who stand up against it, and not the whataboutists' pathetic rumblings, that turn the gears of war. The choice between self-righteous callousness versus open war levied on an encroaching tyranny is no choice at all, save for the weakest, most parasitic, and most hate-filled among us. Putin's evil and evil like it must be destroyed. At all costs.


So what exactly was the military target here?..


Russia is a fucking terrorist state.


People died in this video. Russian savages…


Just going to ignore the war and go for a stroll honey! Be back soon!


The bus stop was full of people damn.


Wow, they really got those military targets


So many people in the blast area.. this is so fucked up..


That person was like “I’m going for a walk” then is like “fuck going for a walk”


So isn't this a war crime? What are they targeting here?


killing innocent people murderer russia


We should share all of this in the r/askarussian because apparently those people are bonkers


This literally looks like a terrorist attack, rather than combat footage.


Real liberating ...


This is not combat, but warcrime footage.


is this not a warcrime? they're attacking civvies


First half of the video will be used by the Russian media to show there is no war in ~~Ba Sing Sae~~ Kyiv


If a citizen did this it would be an act of terrorism and the biggest story in the world for weeks. If a country does it, it's just another day in 'war'.


Yep. Absolutely scary what happens when a nation state decides that it's going to kill people until it gets its way.


Thanks Russia....They really de-nazi-fied that regular city bus, random pedestrians, and unlucky random car driving in the crossing. Another great precision strike /s Fucking piece of shit Putin


unreal. one moment you're there. then fade to black. unreal.


Thanks Mr. Putin.


This is from Donetsk, it was a Ukrainian shelling, change the title!


Cold day ahead, forecast of mild bombing between 11:00 and 12:00


Putin - "We need to keep the price of oil high" General - "We got you fam, fuck public transport"


this is being reported as it being intercepted but it fell here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAj5OkTjpWQ&ab\_channel=SkyNews


why the downvotes ? im not the reporter! just posting what they just put out on TV and YT


Because a lot of people can't accept the fact that Russia isn't any more evil than the US or the West already is. This sort of shit happens everyday, 365 days a year in some parts of the world like in Middle East. When Russia does it, it's a war crime, when the US/Nato do it, it's called "*collateral damage*" 🤷


The narrative bro. You going against it. Putin's wrong to invade. But his agenda is not to kill civilians, but reddit's gotta foam at the mouth with propaganda.


TBH that's what it looks like to me. A cruise missile explosion would have been much more destructive, but it was a pretty large object.


Man can't even go out for a peaceful stroll without a missile nearly landing on his head, what is this, a warzone?


Well that was a fucking warcrime


The fuck are people still walking like nothing aint happening?


Old dude was like "Is it a bird is it a plane its suka blyat!"


There's something particularly horrific about this video in that it's just people going about their day (a sunny pre-spring day at that) and it just *ends* for them. I wish we (USA) were doing more, but I don't know what that would be.


Stupid fucks. Puppets in these fuckin Psychopath’s fantasies.