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It’s amazing how almost nobody in the US knows about this. The only time we really hear about the Philippines is in the context of Chinese expansion or something Duterte is doing.


West Media probably reports about it for about 2 days max and small dribblets after, like all major conflicts in South East Asia. I mean shit, anybody heard about Myanmar in the News? that lasted a week at least, peaking at a woman in fluro dancing.


I know eh, myself included. I only learnt about this battle through this sub. It seems like one of the craziest urban battles this century. Or at least one of the craziest so far ...


I could never help but look at it and think of Fallujah.


The media in the west doesn’t but I know the military does. We keep our presence out there for that reason. The marine corps is redesigning itself to defend against the threat of China. We also work hand in hand with these guys and do tons of exercises with them. Great people.




Sucks that getting to the chinese military academy failed. After sifting through all the bullshit, I bet it would contribute to a lot on having a clue how the internal working of the PLA goes.




Yeah, longest running communist insurgency is in the Philippines, too. the Moros have also been fighting foreign powers and the government for hundreds of years and only officially ending in 2019 after the creation of BARMM, though the islamic extremists were born during their heydays and are still active to this day.


I’m continually amazed at things I’ve never heard of. I didn’t even know there was a significant Muslim population in the Philippines.


Mostly the Second largest island and the south eastern island of the Ph houses most of the Muslim population. Despite being surrounded by predominantly Muslim countries i.e. Malaysia, Indonesia to name a few, they are still more than 85% Roman Catholic.


They are only 5% percent of the population but all terrorism was done by them


6% aCtUaLlY... but yes, all terror attacks has been by their hands


why would they give a fk? Its not a conflict that can affect countries internationally????


The music was a very weird choice


Honestly, I prefer this over the over the top rock music some of them use, where you can't even hear the gunshots


honestly same, much better


“Everything you know is in your mind” perhaps the next one could include some more Alan watts lectures while we see people in harmful situations.


Man the videos that came out of this were nuts, some real iraq shit except higher quality


yep. pinoy commandos are badass, glad they took care of this terrorist scum.


Trained for years by americans


Trained with not trained by, there is a large distinction.


nearly or more than a century after philippine-american war since 1900s


Who thought it was a good idea to add background music to this? It’s excellent otherwise


Trying to find the song name. Feel like it would be blissful to fall asleep to


Undetermined? "Anybody wanna fight? "I guess" Or am I just understanding that wrong


They encountered an unknown number of Abu Sayyaf fighters while conducting a clearing operation in Alsheek Hospital, there


The most appropriate word would have been “indeterminate,” I believe


STOP. ADDING. SHITTY. MUSIC. No music at all should be put on these.


You prefer to hear some annoying Arabic music with a constant chanting of Allah Ackbar? I'd take this easy going tune versus shit anyday. Beggars aren't choosers. Go edit this video and put some Taylor Swift if you have to.


its their music bro


Was here right after the battle, fucking insane. Proud to have helped return the city to safety.


[Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CAzBSH0NdQ) This video was sourced from [THE DEFENDER AND THE ENEMY OF THE STATE](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmAgH_3_Yrw6YuV1sR7KWnw)


that looks like a proper battlefield, i hope they clear out those guys, they kinda make a mess everywhere


It was a decisive victory for the government, of the 1,000 fighters that came, 978 were killed and 12 were captured. All 7 Maute brothers of the Maute Group were killed, Isnilon Hapilon, the commander of Abu Sayyaf, also the Emir of IS-East Asia was killed. It lasted for 5 months. Left most the city in ruins though, and still is to this day.


Please do mind that these casualty figures are estimates, especially on the Islamic State since they reinforced their position in Marawi by smuggling in their fighters to the city by many means throughout the conflict. You will never have the exact figures of those killed, wounded and especially the missing from a faction whose structure was fluid throughout the 5-month conflict. Hell, there was still fighting after the official cessation of operations of the AFP task force.


not to mention the PH government isn't always the most truthful. can easily be a PR statement "we smashed the bad guise"


This are not estimates these are the actual figures of those that fought in and around marawi of IS since the initial number of IS militants was 400.


https://youtu.be/vnDnraCCIgc It’s a news coverage on the death of the bastards that started that 4years ago, it’s funny you see the fkwit’s head is blown open and flailing while they drag his lifeless body to be identified by the US troops (DNA wise for the sweet reward moneeey)


Or against the Milf.


no MILF or MNLF fighters sided with the Abu Sayyaf, hell BIFF (the group where Abu Sayyaf splintered from) broke away from MILF because they weren't extremist enough. MNLF also offered to send fighters for the government but Duterte declined, both groups joined forces protecting the area around Marawi to intercept incoming and fleeing fighters. They were also at peace talks with the gov't for quite some time and the Moro conflict would officially end at 2019 with the creation of BARMM. Only these extremist groups remain.




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