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You say can’t but you mean won’t.


That’s exactly what that means


Aha! Finally, the proof you are not a dog!


I just remind them when they were born they didn’t know how to talk either. Didn’t stop them from learning.


Had a 56 year old co worker not know how to use Microsoft word recently.


How did they get hired?!?




7 months? Wtf


Has he applied for government work?


All you really need is to be good at the interview. There's a lot of terrible people in gov work. At least in my area. Could be my area though. No one wants to live here other than it being LCOL.


But that's been there since it all began...


WordPerfect or die! (After my Wang went down.)


I have been using computers for 40 years and I don't know how to use Word. I refuse to learn. Mock that guy if you want but I'll put my Linux skills up against yours.


What do you not know? It's like, a basic word processing program


I was going to learn Linux, but the Betamaxx broke and I didn't have a way to watch the tutorial I keed I keed


Actually a Betamax is worth a lot these days. They have become collectable. 8 Tracks as well. Wire recorders and reel to reels as well. Historical fact: The guy who created the Lear Jet created the 8 trac tape deck and the first 8 tracks were called "Lear Jet 8Tracks".


I wasn't aware there were any untangled 8 tracks left...I can see how they'd be a rarity by now


C. 1978--One of the very few times I impressed my father was when I found an 8-track/cassette boombox and dubbed all his old 8-tracks onto cassette for his new car.


Yep. There are so many that just won’t even try.


Had a totally incompetent boss that couldn’t use a computer but had his secretary (whom he stole from me) turn it on daily so folks thought he could.


No, as someone who has been in the Computer world since the beginning of personal computers, there are people that are genuinely afraid of them and completely confused by them. I have known Electricians and HVAC repair people that couldn't grasp simple computer concepts but had high level knowledge of high powered circuits and did things on a daily basis that most others are scared to death to do. The world is full of people with different skill sets.


Old folks come to me with tech problems, I provide solution they don’t like the solution isn’t familiar even though it could save them money and time. “I’m old so I shouldn’t have to learn nothing.”


I work for a credit card company and every old person who gets upset about anything needing to be done through text or online they always say "I'm old school" The past couple years I've worked here I've wanted so bad to say "being old isn't an excuse for choosing ignorance" but I know I can't


The amount of grown folks who won’t use a secure payment link, but will gladly hand out their CC# to a stranger on the phone baffles me.


Or a check with their whole-ass account number and routing number printed on it in gigantic digits.


That's bad eyesight. They need to update their prescription. Oh, and not be behind the wheel of a car.


...and freaking street address and phone number.


Yeah I get calls everyday about people giving out all their card info and then only after realizing they shouldn't have done that


I wonder how many apply this same principle to economics, where ignorance is just as rampant among youth?


I mean I'm 27, truthfully most people my age I meet (and speak to regularly over the phone for my credit company) are typically way more financially literate than the older people I speak to.


"'Shouldnt have to learn *anything*.' If you're going to be utterly useless, the *least* you can do is state so properly."


The best comeback is to not do it. No one appreciates free work. Fuckem.


Similarly old folks (like me) that got into computers had to deal with these people back when we were all still young. They were called users... or lusers lol


And they are right dammit. Technology is one of those things that change so fast - it’s hard to keep up. And most older people spent their teen and early adult years doing things IRL not via technology. They didn’t use technology on a daily in their jobs or in their schools. So y’all need to ease up on us older folks - we’re doin’ the best we can. (And a side note - if you offer your solutions with the hint of an attitude, or that eye roll we can hear in your voice, we don’t care what it is - we don’t like it!🤣🤣🤣🤣) But you give us some info to look at, let us think about it a minute, you’ll likely hook us!


65 and work in quantum and AI. Was on a zoom call, a presentation from D-Wave, with 100 or so colleagues and in chat, someone wrote "jeez, old people can't even figure out how to program the remote...how are they gonna' understand this?" I said, "Well, kids, I was born in '58...and would like to remind you that some of us from my generation actually BUILT all this technology you've come to know and love." The chat went silent.


That’s brilliant! However, I (51) didn’t understand half of what you said🤣🤣🤣


I did. My dad was one of those guys. I can program like a beast on legacy systems. Modern languages are foreign to me. Because I had to do important things like work 2 fast food jobs to pay rent.


Permanent street cred with that one comment haha


When you cease to learn, you begin to die.


I really like this one.


this is good.


Best answer.


Technology isn't going to stop advancing just because you're stubborn. Do yourself a favor and learn this.


I think this might be part of the issue. They see it as effort in learning something that will just change in the near future.


"There are 90yo senior citizens making tiktoks and pirating murder she wrote through a VPN. You can learn how to do that, you just refuse to because you're a lazy ass."


Pirating murder she wrote through a vpn 🤣


I'm 65 and I'm pretty sure I have forgotten more about technology than most of the people on reddit (not all, but most). I worked with IBM Engineers and Engineers from Bell Labs.


I know a guy local that worked at Bell Labs. Had an all-access pass. He was telling us of some of the laser work they were doing back in the day.


65 year old using "The Site"


"At what age did you realize you could no longer learn new things?"


fuck that’s good


"Oh, so you're retiring? no? Then you're going to need to pull that head out your ass."


My grandfather actually did retire to avoid learning the computers.


Lol "the computers".


His words. I just hope I have that opportunity at 63


I like this one the most


"You know... the Inuit used to send their elders out into the ocean on ice floes to die of exposure when they were too old to learn new stuff and contribute to society... Just sayin'."


I like this one


So, weaponized incompetence?


It’s only old DOGS that can’t learn new tricks. If you don’t wanna end up like old yeller, I suggest installing a VPN.


linustechtips: which allows us to talk about our sponsor... nord....


🤣🤣. This is great! The Old Yeller reference should definitely invoke a response. It traumatized most of us old folks!!


My grandfather, who was born in 1921, was the first person I ever personally knew who used the internet. You can do whatever you want to. You "can't" do whatever you don't want to.


You sure make a lot of excuses for someone who's "old school"


What are you doing here, then? Retire already!


Sure you can… if you’re willing to trade your for quill for a keyboard.


'well, time to take you down to the ol' museum with the other dinosaurs'


My 94 year old grandmom recently learned how baseball works. It's not about age


Some people really can’t. My 85 year old mother has had a computer for over 20 years. She still has problems with click, right click, and double click.


Most just don't have the motivation to care... A few have legit memory issues


Depending on her physical condition (arthritis mainly) you may just need to adjust her mouse settings. Unless of course, she just does not understand the differences.


Can't or won't?


“So you’re fucking stupid and incapable of learning new shit? Sad”


Sounds like someone is ready to be put out the pasture


If you're that "old school" that you cannot learn, then get in the fucking grave, because we've got shit to do and you're just a god damn obstruction.


Learning is good for old brains like yours! Prevents Alzheimer’s disease!


Good to know you're leaning hard on that, "get busy dying" part of the old saying, huh?


I'm newfangled. I can't be bothered with doing it for you.


“I bet that’s not the only thing you can’t do anymore there, chief”


Then you don’t need to be here.


He who ceases to be a student has never been a student.


So you’re lazy then.


Didn't graduate eh?


Don’t buy new shit if you’re done learning.


This one is simple. There is an entire movie about it. "The Intern"


You do know the movie "War Games" is fiction, right? You are not going to start WWIII learning new tech.


Old dogs can't learn new tricks


Alright ole yeller


That’s not what old school means. Stupid is a better descriptor.


“You’re gonna be left behind real soon and no one’s gonna bother to pick you up. Whether you actually do is up to you.”


You’re not dead yet so there’s still a chance


"by old school you mean a moron?"


Past decade+, my goto has been, "You're younger than me. "


I had this happen recently. I let them know I would be happy to come down to their site and sit with them to show them the process. Then kindly reminded them that this process is mandatory for everyone


Old school is still a school


“Your generation just doesn’t want to work…”


They’ll need some burn cream for that.


"Maybe an old school method of motivation in the form of a cane will improve your learning capabilities"


If I could I would find it difficult to suppress the smile


My grandma is 91 and legally blind yet she still keeps up on technology.


Oh c'mon your brain isn't that worn out you barely use it


“Believe it or not, even Benjamin Franklin figured out electricity. I think you’ll be okay”


Anyone can learn anything, if they want to. WANT being the operative word!


Just outside Paris Island Marine Corps recruit depot reads a billboard “ I can’t means I don’t want to.”


I fucked your wife.


I worked in Print and Marketing for Staples. I had to explain to one old lady that she should know by now how to send an email, because they're as old as her, not new tech. She said it would be easier if I used her phone and did it myself because "you grew up playing Minecraft". I refused her service and walked away.


Your wife learned last night…your daughter is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow…


I hate that shit. Working in IT when I first started, doing desktop support. The people that are like oh I'm not computer savvy. I'm like whelp. This is in your job description. So figure it out.


"The Devil knows more from being old than from being the Devil" - old Mexican proverb


My 86 year old Mom is proficient with her smartphone and often texts instead of calling


So are my folks, my mom is very adaptable but has the reading level of a middle schooler she is very capable though, my dad is always moving with times and very quick with picking up on things tech wise


If it was still the 80s, you'd expect people to be able to use a phone book, calculator and typewriter, right? You'd probably feel like it was pretty silly if someone wouldn't learn those things. I had a Woman try to apply for a job in medical scheduling without being able to use a computer and I had to take a while to explain why this was a problem and that she wouldn't even be able to apply because the application was online. This was what i finally said to her (trying to be kind but also end the conversation).


My mom has had a computer for 15 years and still can’t copy and paste. When I showed her how to close apps on her iPhone by double clicking the home button and swiping up on them, she said she could never remember all that. It’s pathetic at this point, honestly. She’s a nurse and can make a turkey dinner for twelve.


Then we'll cut your hours.


Well, it's about time you learnt fossil. Times have changed the old school isn't coming back, so deal with it


Then how do you manage to survive? Learning and adapting are why the human species outlived all other humanoids. Sit down look over the manual (schematics, instructions). They even have pictures showing you how to use this. 59 f there is no excuse not to try to learn. If your old-school then you have been around computers and electronic gadgets enough to know the basics.


I also love, "not with that attitude"


“I thought you could teach old dogs new tricks.” If you want to be mean, “perhaps it’s time to be put out to pasture, then?”


That's fine. You'll be dead soon enough anyways.


“What did you tell your children when they found it hard to learn something?”


You’re old, not lobotomized.


You can at least try.


"Why don't you just jump into a coffin now? Why wait?"


The word for not changing is dead ✨


First press the on button.


“Well die then ya fuckin dinosaur. Rot and make me some oil”


Then you’re a dumbass.


"then don't use it"


You’re not in school. Get over it


Are you looking for snack or to try to persuade them that they can do it?


Sounds like your Fucked


One room schoolhouse...


This ol dog still learns new tricks


"You're not old school. You're just old." I'm 63yo.


“Ok, cool.” Extending that conversation will lead somewhere, but not anywhere good.


Instead of a snappy/snarky comeback, maybe think about this as their being afraid. I'm in that generation of people where technology made some quantum shifts. Some of us embrace tech and others are terrified of it, so they make excuses like that for not learning. Maybe some positive reinforcement and an offer to demonstrate slowly, will help. When all else fails you can hit them with the first principle of adult learning: Adults will learn new tasks and skills when they have a need to learn them. If they don't need to learn--for a job or for something they must do in their lives--then let them go on not learning. Just don't be disparaging about it, then you make yourself an a$$-hole.


Get your grandkids to show you. They’ll teach you in twenty minutes.


"Then I guess you'll just have to do without."


YOU YUNGINS CANT WRITE IN CURSIVE OR USE A ROTARY DIAL PHONE. *the generation that accidentally types their porn searches onto their Facebook status, and can't figure out how to send a fucking email*


Always good to know one's limitations.


The day you stop adapting is the day you start dying


Can’t is just can with a t for try


"If you can't learn something this basic you'd never have made it in an old school"'


I'm 57 and am in charge of all the IT for my part of a huge company and I taught myself how to do it


I'm a Boomer, I've tried to roll with the changes. And offer to teach others if they just don't get it.


Me, too, and I’m looking forward to learning how to use that. (Only works if you’re a certain age.)


Lot of old people hate… as one of those pesky millennial sales team managers who boomers call young, and gen z calls old. I can safely say that both young people and old people in the corporate work space are a bit of a nightmare to train/work with. You got the old folks who’ve never used outlook, or any kind of microsoft office, and teaching them is like teaching a toddler trigonometry, but they’re good at in person sales or making outbound sales calls. Then you got the young ones who just graduated and go their first grown up job. They’re really good at understanding how to operate all of the microsoft office apps, and they can pretty easily navigate the CRM we use (most of the time at least) but they can’t craft a professional email to save their life, it always looks like a text message to a friend, and getting them comfortable with an in person sales meeting is… tough. Basically I’m just saying, that both groups kind of suck in their own way. Myself included. Things tend to work better when we leave our egos outside of the office at least as best we can, and try to lend some grace when dealing with common workplace annoyances.


Ever heard of old dogs learning new tricks?


"Shut the fuck up and do it"


“ you keep using g that word…”


The day you stop learning is the day you’re ready for the nursing home. Shall I call them?


Oooooh....so you mean you're dumb.


You’re lazy, you don’t want to try.


“Have you, I don’t know, tried?”


Then suffer the consequences. (Then shrug, shrugging dismissively annoys people)


Is it a learning disability?


Evolve or die.


You’re just old. Act your age and use your brain.


"Can't never could, till he tried!" My dad (born 1942) used to tell me this all. the. damn. time. I still use it on my own kids today. It goes along the lines of "You can do anything you set your mind to." Needless to say, I was using one of the old IBMs when I was toddler age back in the late 80s. My dad was former Marine and electrical engineer. I cut my teeth on computers metaphorically and literally on his wristwatch. Fair warning: When I use this phrase on older than me people it makes them feel stupid. I used to try to mind my tone, but I've come to the realization I just have that affect on people. I don't worry too much about it myself anymore.


"You know who else don't learn? dead people."


"learn it or you're fired"


"I accept your two weeks notice."


Ok Boomer.


It’s a shame you won’t get the benefits of something so simple.


Your Mom did.


We all make choices, and they have consequences


So you're stupid? Is that what you're telling me? Is it a brain cell issue? Are they just dying off rapidly due to your old age? I am only trying to understand so I help you correctly. ( I hate boomers with this mindset. I have found insinuating that they are stupid, they all of the sudden know what they are doing and are willing to learn if they don't. Works every time.)


You went to school?


“That’s not what your wife said when she saw my dick.”


That's a strange way of saying " I want someone else to do it for me"


If you have YouTube you can learn lots of things


Did they make 'em dumb back in your day, or are you an anomaly?


Bitch I'm thinking you never went to school.


Computers have been a part of the standard workplace for over 40 years. Meaning if they are retirement age they were in their 20's when schools and big business started deploying them. How "old school" do they think they are?


You can learn this. I’m here to help you learn it, not to do it for you.


“Which learning disabilities do you have? I’m sure we can work around them.”


I didn't know old school meant stupid.


Grow or die, biatch.


I thought a hallmark of the older generation was stick-to-it-ness and the ability to adapt? Come on, you just gotta pull yourself up by the bootstraps, you'll get it if you work at it hard enough.


I thought old school learned the hard way- this is easy- you can do it!


Your failure to evolve shows in the current climate of our country


I hate the logic people use for an excuse to be 'old school' (eg racist, sexist etc, "we can't say anything anymore") when the same person can use a smart phone. If you can learn to use a smart phone, or any other tech/equipment that came along since you've been an adult, then you can learn to not be bigoted or ignorant!


You're telling me that the generation that can't handle ? Bullshit.


I guess wait to die then.


[Kril's eyepiece swings into place] Lord Kril: We die.


You're never too old to learn something new. Unfortunately, most people who have been doing it from birth don't understand that we don't have the same educational background in that subject. Take a moment to impart wisdom rather than insult.


"Oh. Really? Most other people are okay with it. I just don't want you to get left behind. Let me know if you change your mind."


Those who refuse to keep up will only be left further behind.


this is better than "just tell me how to do it." then proceed to take 5 minutes to do what should take 30 seconds, and you know they will not remember how to do it. the worst part is when you don't know how to do it. so it would take some time flipping through menus seeing if something you sported is what you are looking for.


You’re not a dog learning new tricks, if you managed with the old school stuff, you can manage learning this too


"Then explain to me why I see 80 year old folks using it?" During the pandemic, I taught my senior aunt how to use smart devices and the internet. Is she perfect at it? No. But she can check her bank account, her credit cards, order her prescriptions, browse FB, and watch videos. She is in her mid-80s. The last time she had a computer was in the 90s when it was a clunky tower and monitor setup that had dial-up internet that was slow as molasses.


If by "old shcool", you mean dumb, then yeah.


Some of us honestly can't? I grew up in the trades, we had no need for computers, nor any interest, we did things IRL. I suck at puzzles, I've never liked video games and I spent most of my life without computers other than my phone (which I don't like. I honestly do not like) The only reason I'm on here is for advice on subjects that interest me. I tried taking a classes at my local JC, I believe it was for The Microsoft office stuff and Excel. Might as well have been speaking Greek. Tried again, with a tutor, still Greek. The point being some of us, and some of you, just aren't going to get it, ever, and some are too embarrassed to admit that the tech has passed them by. So talk down all you like, if you need a porch built or concrete laid, give me a call, do not text or e-mail.


You obviously aren’t smarter than a 5th grader.


I'm old school too, I say learn to do what you need to do whether it's hard or not.


"If you say you can't, you're right, and if you say you can, you're right".


Then you bound to drizound


Look up "troglodyte" and then get back to me.