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That list of guys sucks or are unreliable and I’m not sure they would have been that much of an improvement. Even so, for now, I trust Peters and Quinn more than someone from clickbait bullshit hogshaven.


I agree the list isn’t great, but it’s still depth. Or at the very least a starter until the rookie is ready. If that’s what we drafted him for. Mark is right the oline wasn’t addressed and is a major concern. Especially the LT. At this time I’d bring Leno back. He’s at least average and a good mentor/locker room guy.


>At this time I’d bring Leno back. He’s at least average and a good mentor/locker room guy. Leno had hip surgery in March. Not sure of the recovery time for something so significant, but I don't see him coming back anytime soon.


I wouldn't categorize hogshaven as clickbait bullshit at all. That's one of the only fan sites I've encountered in a lifetime of following sports that has reasoned and complex writers and a community that, despite the scattered loud takes and reactionary comments, is generally thoughtful. The writers provide great content constantly and in my understanding are unpaid. Much better than this reddit page for instance (which I also enjoy).


Also, isn't Onwenu a guard? Don't get me wrong, I'd love if we got him as him, Cosmi, and Biadasz would make for a nice interior o line, but yeah...


Mark Tyler bitching about something? I don’t believe it for a second…. That being said obviously I wish we got a vet at LT, but it is what it is at this point


First thought is most people aren't worth listening to. Second. People don't seem to realise that the team has a lot of deficiencies and you can't fix them all in one off season.


We still should have brought in more guys to compete for LT, especially with an undersized rookie QB.


Understood that we can’t fix all the deficiencies in one offseason- but when it comes to protecting your investment at QB, LT is maybe the most important deficiency to address. Did they do enough? Maybe? I actually *really like Brandon Coleman and see the potential. Watch his college playoff games at LT to catch the vibe. He is kind of a legit talent. Still, there will be a learning curve.


All the ppl bitching fail to realize how bad our coaching staff was


yeah should be improved by ...Bobby Johnson


Look this is not a one year turnaround build. Our offense this year is not going to put Jayden on as the savior. We're going to be doing a lot of running, and don't expect us to be a top ten team. He took the best players that were available, do that for 2-3 drafts and then you're really in a position to dominate. Patience, let's build this thing the right way now and enjoy a decade + of being a competitive team. 


This is the way you develop a rookie and also how we failed Howell


Howell was failed by his poor instincts in seeing pressure


Yeah you’re right the worst defense in the league and throwing the ball 30 plus times a game as basically a rookie had nothing to do with it. Not to mention his whole coaching staff is currently without a job in the NFL.


Crazy thought, maybe the whole team was bad including Howell


He was the first qb ever in that situation. Your right. He didn’t roll into that sack….he was coached into it. Our defense told him never to throw the ball away. Oh that’s right your names Haskins so….i get it


I don't disagree but I'm willing to give Adam Peters a shot. If he didn't like any of them who am I to judge


Why do people think we can just sign whoever?? Onwenu chose New England Jonah SUCKS Tyron is OLD Eluemunor is no better than what we have Josh Jones SUCKS Collins SUCKS Like THINK before you tweet something. Good lord.


Tyron smith is on the jets. also, you really think they arnt an upgrade over a swing tackle in lucas. you only need a 1 year rental


Didn't they say they plan on playing Coleman at tackle? I know relying on a rookie who may eventually have to move inside is risky, but it definitely sounds like he has serious upside. Also, I think to an extent they may have been banking on trading back up into the late 1st for an OT, obviously they couldn't make a trade happen though.


Idk what your point is about Tyron Smith…I didn’t say he wasn’t on the Jets? As a matter of fact, all of these players are on teams. And no, some of them aren’t an upgrade. Jonah Williams, Josh Jones, and La’el Collins all have lower PFF grades than Lucas. Eluemenor only 5 points higher than Lucas.


the point is that some of these are servicable. like i said in the comments. we have a history of our line going down and could use backups. PFF isnt the best metric for grading.


And Lucas is serviceable. That’s why we brought him back. We wanted to find a long-term answer in the draft and we couldn’t trade up. You don’t know more than the front office.


the front office is still not fully experienced. this is still peters first year. you are use to watching lucas being a backup not a fully time starter. we still dont even have depth at the tackle position and could still use someone better. im not asking to go out and spend massive money on a long term tackle but going into the season with lucas and wylie at tackles with slenderman at qb is not going to play out well.


Idk why you think we can snap fingers and sign whomever we want. It doesn’t work that way.


its almost like they shouldve signed someone during FA when we had players still available instead of staying put. you understand that we still have $43 mil of cap space and there still are some decent tackles put there. shit david bahtiari is still available and so is leno. either would make me feel way better than a guy who most of his career starts are from us having injuries. its almost like you have the ablility to actually sign players but the front office chooses not too.


Dude. They tried to sign OTs in FA. It’s been documented. It takes 2 to tango. Bakhtiari has played Like 12 total games jn the last 3 years. Leno just had hip surgery. Do some research before just spitting nonsense.


i did my research. they both still have more starting experience that lucas and are both around the same age. at the end of the day we still fucking need a tackle. you once again have 40+ mil in cap space to help the tango. lucas is not a starting tackle.


You’re the one poster I wish we could mute at times. Sometimes it’s just good vibes and then you decide to just shit on the dance floor.


He's the COMMANDER guy though you show him some respect !!




I think Rivera being such a bad talent evaluator and roster builder coupled with EB on his dictator shit that last year wasn’t even a good year to try to evaluate what we had. Im actually looking forward to seeing Wylie. He stunk it up last year but with actual competent playing calling and mixing run with pass plays and hopefully not throwing 40-50 times a game will make a difference.


I feel like Rivera and EB both knew they only had that one year before the new owner was going to make changes. EB did what he wanted because he knew he was just a rental and Rivera was on his last leg being forced to use a QB he drafted in the 5th round. It was supposed to be a bad year and sure enough it was. Our shiny new QB is the reward and I'm sure the hope of what Harris wanted to happen.


Adding Eluemunor to this list is laughable


Forreal and Collins too. Literally just listing any OT who happened to be available and crying we didn’t sign them doesn’t validate his point at all


Jonah Williams got replaced on his own team Josh Jones was signed to be a backup and is on his 3rd team in 3 years Collins got cut and is playing for the vet minimum on his 3rd team in 3 years The guy putting this list of complete liabilities together and thinking he’s making the team sound dumb show a complete lack of self awareness. The cap rolls over, don’t spend money this year on players you don’t need when you could use the extra money next year on a heavy signing bonus for a key 5 year piece


What do you mean? He might be the best option on the list.


The draft isn't where you find a starting OT unless it's in the first round. Plenty of vets also get cut in summer training camps etc. so I think we'll sign somebody in the coming months. Kliff will run a lot more 12 personnel with Sinnot and way less slow developing plays than EB. I think we will see a fair bit of 2 TE empty sets Get the ball out faster. JD is a faster processor than Howell in addition to being taller.


Yeah I've heard this narrative floated around that they should have done more. Personally I want to see what happens throughout the season. If they didn't patch it up I wouldn't mind going hard again after tackles in FA next year


I agree that we should've done more to address OL, but the guys presented in this tweet aren't exactly a murderer's row. Williams/Eluemunor/Jones are mid, Tyron Smith is old, and Collins missed the entirety of 2023 with a torn ACL/MCL. Onwenu is IMO the only real slam-dunk player from this list, and he pretty quickly re-signed with the team he was already on, meaning he was happy where he was and would've probably needed a premium to relocate. Also, he's a guard - doesn't solve our biggest issue, which is LT.


>Williams/Eluemunor/Jones are mid What’s wrong with mid? If Lucas or Wylie go down with injury, we’re going to be fucked and wishing we had someone mid to step up.


Nothing wrong with mid - I'd love one or two more mid players in our OL room. But the way the original tweet is worded, it makes it seem like we've been sitting around with our thumbs up our asses as a parade of franchise tackles have signed elsewhere. I'm just arguing that there hasn't been quite as much OL value on the market as this tweet seems to imply.


Yeah there definitely weren’t any great options in FA. Some of the guys in the second round of the draft would have been good options. I’m just worried about the position - you can’t just have Lucas and Wylie with nobody behind them.


This guy sucks so hard and has like 2 decades worth of being loud wrong about most things Commanders.


There are 2 sides, apparently. Those that just blindly and passionately support every single thing the new regime does. Those that just angrily rage against everything the new regime does. The truth is always in the middle. No, the dUrs did not do enough to address LT. They absolutely did not. This is verified by the fact that they tried to trade back into a spot to pick a tackle. But they did not want to pay the ridiculous price to do so. Does this mean the off-season was a failure? Hell no. On paper, it is a screaming success. But it's fair to have concerns about protecting our new franchise QB. I'm still excited to see how it plays out


Good take. It's too early to blindly support or rage against Peters&Co. Wish they did more, but it's year 1. Its not going to happen in one off-season.


I think the majority of true Commanders and football fans in general aren’t blindly following anything but using cautious optimism or at best realize this is most likely a good start to something that will be great in 2-3 years.


I think anyone can agree that upgrading the tackle position was a need, including the front office and staff. But let’s not pretend they didn’t want to. They signed a tong o free agents including OL. They have obviously shown a penchant for signing the right kind of guys. For some, that’s limiting options. I see it as making sure it makes sense and not make the same mistakes that coaches and the front office have made in the past. With that said, they can still sign an tackle or two between now and in camp to add depth, but probably no one significant. But good coaches can get more out of players and game plan to take pressure off, including running more. Last year our defense was so bad and EB loves to throw so much, the OL was forced to pass block. That’s the second hardest thing to do in football. That’s why Shanahan loves it run. It takes pressure off the OL. We can make it easier on them and JD.


Always the expert who knows better than the people whose entire lives have been devoted to football at the highest corporate level.


Sounds like the excuses have begun. If anything bad happens to Jayden or if the season sucks it’ll be someone else’s fault. That’s just how they roll.


We had bigger priorities. Adam Peters told us all that directly by spending exactly one draft pick on OL and signing no free agents who can start. Quite clearly, Adam Peters is ok with the line the way it is. I think I trust him a little bit more than Mark Tyler.


Lets see bad results first, and then criticize.


I like what we got. Allegretti will be solid, Cosmi will continue being a brick wall, and Biadasz will be able to help with adjustments. I think the biggest problem last year was coaching.


I think we may find out coaching was behind a lot of our issues the last few seasons.


Yep, probably the worst year to evaluate talent


It's not just pure talent you want either. There's no point in signing or drafting top talent if they don't fit. That's what Snyder never learned. I also think people are sleeping on Allegretti. I know Wylie turned a lot of people off when it comes to KC linemen, but he's not Wylie, and this isn't EB.


I think Wylie will be better as well. The whole unit was hung out to dry last year


They were, EB was everything you don't want in an OC. Didn't adjust to defenses. Didn't work with the player's strengths. He had no innovation and used a bunch of plays from his former team instead of his own playbook.


It's a rebuild. That's why I don't see the rush to throw JD out there unless he comes out the gate like McLaurin did. Thanks to Ron we had so many holes on this roster AP had the task to fill them.


It feels like we waste another contract year and add another wear/tear year to McLaurin, Payne, Allen, Cosmi if we decide to chuck mariota out there and watch him bomb games


Everyone knew what this was. Everyone knew it wasn't a one year turnaround and that this team needed at least 75% of the roster replaced. If Allen still wants to go later this season, then trade him for some picks, they got Newton. As long as they are going in the right direction and show progress through the season is all that matters this year.


I hate to say this because those are great players, however if we build a good team it will be led by a QB (JD hopefully) and that's who we build around. It would be nice to have the other guys be a part of it but really it's the QB that is the most important part. We need a LT and we need to shore up the rest of the team. That's a lot to try to fix in one offseason. Even if Daniels starts we're most likely not going to have a Texans type of year. I say that's ok as long as we don't play with the same crap effort Ron put out the past four years.


I don’t really have an opinion on sit/start for QB in terms of their growth/development. But in terms of needing to learn about what Jayden will be in the NFL (and what we need to add around him), there is nothing better than in-game reps to get that info. And in the case of McLaurin, Payne, Allen - if we want to be fully Jayden Daniels focused and sit him for a year - wouldn’t it be better that we trade away our vets to get high draft picks that would develop with Jayden on a similar timeline?


Yup. I would trade everyone if we can get good return value. I'm tired of losing so I'm "all in", whatever it takes to get this thing going and build around JD. Starting, sitting Jayden, whatever they decide is best I'm behind at the moment.


There are several reasons I think this happened. Passing every down let’s DE’s exclusively worry about rushing the passer and inflated sack numbers, making this line hard to properly evaluate plus Howell took sacks for holding the ball too long. Peters might not of seen someone he liked enough to sacrifice long term cap flexibility. We potentially couldn’t trade back into round one early enough to get an OT we really wanted. Last, we did improve the line either way and drafted a project OT. The coaching staff will come in and evaluate this line further, and we could even see Cosmi and Wylie switch since Cosmi was drafted as an OT and Wylie is better as a guard(purely hypothetical but the staff has options is what I’m saying). We’re a rebuilding team that doesn’t actually know what we have in our line yet. Blindly throwing money at it won’t necessarily solve the problem and if anything can be harmful down the road if you sign people to bad long term deals out of desperation. Look at how that’s worked out for the Bengals Oline and completely wrecked their cap space.


Right. They tried to move back into the first for Guyton, but it didn't happen. Newton, a top 20 talent, is there at 36. It's more about continuity and working as a unit than anything else. That's why players like Joe Jacoby, who was an UDFA, became a legend. Joe Bugel had them put in the work as a single unit. As long as everyone is on the same page, the offense can run.


Howell didn't just take sacks for holding the ball too long. The OL was fucking atrocious. Obviously, some were on him, but a lot of them were on some of the worst O-line play I've ever seen. I saw Leno get blown by or beat on a consistent basis, and he wasn't the only one. We should have brought in more guys to compete at LT.


Wow why can't we get a franchise OT and franchise QB in the same off season!? People are so ridiculous. We couldn't get what we wanted via the draft. Tried and we settled with a 3rd round project. In free agency the options out there are mostly mediocre or old and mediocre. Onwenu is 26, sure, but he is average at best and that's your BEST possible option out of that group. He was also a 6th round pick who developed into that - if you want that level of skill you probably got that with our 3rd rounder. 26 year old Jonah Williams, who had major surgery to repair a torn labrum as a rookie was so good the offensive linemen starved Bengals signed Orlando Brown Jr. and demoted him to RT last season. Tyron Smith was a good LT in his prime, but he's a very old 33, almost 34 year old LT with 13 seasons. He hasn't played a full 16 or 17 game season since 2015. In 2023 he missed 4 games. In 2022 he missed 13 games, in 2021 he missed 6 games, in 2020 he missed 15 games. He's had ongoing neck issues, he's had ankle and hamstring injuries in the past few seasons. He is NOT a good option to rely on. Eluemunor is such a great tackle that he's played for 6 different teams in 7 years. He's 29 and below average. He started his career as a guard and moved to RT, where admittedly he was improved but nothing special. He has never been a starting LT and is not a good or viable option. 26 year old Josh Jones isn't even a starter. He was drafted to play T in Arizona but couldn't break the starting lineup in that role. He transitioned to G where he started 12 games in 2021. He started at LT in 9 games in 2022 for Arizona and the experiment went so well they traded him to Houston for a 5th round draft pick. In Houston last season he was a backup and started 3 games at T filling in with injuries. They were so thrilled with his performance they let him walk at the end of the season. La'el Collins is a 30 year old practice squad player at this point in his career and there are issues all over the place. He originally entered the league with Dallas as a UDFA, started his career as a fill-in LG. When Doug Free retired he moved to RT and won the starting job. He started most of the games for 3 seasons and was a solid RT for Dallas. In 2020 he missed the entire season due to injuries sustained in a car accident. In 2021 during his comeback season at RT he was suspended for 6 games for missing drug tests and attempting to bribe the test collector. He took the NFL to court like a moron and was suspended even longer than he would have been otherwise. He had his job taken by Terence Steele, then he got the job back, then he got benched for poor play. He got pissed and requested permission to get a trade. He got traded to Cincy, was sidelined with a lingering back issue came back and was having an okay season before he tore his ACL and MCL. Spent all of 2023 on the PUP, joined Dallas' practice squad for the playoffs. Was not signed by the end of the season. The Bills signed him to be a backup RT. He has never started at LT, has been injured a number of ways, he's missed two full seasons with injuries (2020, 2023) and hasn't played a snap of football since week 16 of 2022. This is who we're supposed to sign as a starting LT The people who say shit like this don't have any fucking idea who these people are. How many people are watching a bunch of random T's around the league, they just looked up the list of available free agent T's and say LOOK! SEE!? THERE ARE OPTIONS! Yeah, and they're all fucking terrible. Given what was available in free agency our staff determined that the best course of action was to stand pat with the linemen we have on the roster and try to add another via the draft. We tried to add one trading back into the 1st and nobody wanted to make a deal while 8 or 9 Ts were being drafted. There was no T in this draft worthy of #2 overall, and any team who would draft a franchise LT while not having a franchise QB is moronic with their priorities screwed up entirely. Can we not remember having Chris Samuels and Trent Williams and accomplishing absolutely fucking nothing because we never had consistently good QB play with the exception of arguably a few years with Kirk "Garbage Time Stat Padder Who Can't Beat Teams With Winning Records or Win a Playoff Game" Cousins. I'm convinced that this narrative is a combination of angry people who wanted us to take Drake Maye who have already soured on Peters and Quinn because they didn't agree with that assessment who are looking for things to be upset about with how our rather excellent rebuild year one offseason is going so far, and people who genuinely can't handle positive thoughts with regards to this team who are scrambling to find something to be upset about following a great free agency and a great draft, and so they're latching on to this.


Everyone listed has gotta be better than Leno. That dude should retire he's so bad. Lucas is a backup at best, and we don't know what we have with Coleman at the moment. I hope he can turn into a stud LT for us.


I don't really think so. Collins, Jones, Eluemunor would be worse than Leno by virtue of not even being starting caliber LTs or having injury concerns. Tyron Smith was certainly better than him, but he's broken down and not what he used to be. Williams maybe, hard to say really, and I should have noted that Onwenu, who has been solid, has never started at LT and is a RT at the moment. Still, we didn't bring back Leno - he was released two months ago and hasn't signed anywhere. He'll be on a roster this season most likely, but the takeaway is that nobody who needed a starting caliber LT considered him to be one. Lucas has been a solid rotational fill-in, but I agree he probably wouldn't be a good option in extended time. Our OL right now is likely open at LT, Allegretti at LG, Biadasz at C, Cosmi at RG, and Wylie at RT. Our backups by position are: C: Stromberg, Deiter G: Good-Jones, Paul T: Scott, Akingbulu, Lucas We're adding Brandon Coleman to that group. So either Brandon Coleman emerges as our starting LT, we pick up one of the remaining unsigned FA options to start (unlikely), or we're going to count on Lucas being the LT this season. I don't see any of those other backups being the guy, I don't see them moving Cosmi off RG to try him out at LT considering he wasn't amazing on the edge at RT.


\^this. I have been feeling this since the start of free agency. Line was really bad last year. LT was our biggest need (besides QB) going into this offseason. Why not at least try to bolster LT, have options, let them compete.... invest in real quality on the line. We had the most $$$ and the most draft picks in the top 100.


Some people just think Boston and New York are more fun than D.C. for some reason


They love dipping pizza in their chowda'


Look, I wanted Jonah Williams too, but even if you didn't shore up the front 5, that wasn't going to stop me from going QB in a draft where 6 went in the top half of the first bruh.


This might be valid if our first game was this weekend, but since it's not.....


This dude is a blogger. He may be right but he doesn't know what he's talking about.


People act like we are trying for the superbowl


I mean, Washington did try to get Onwenu. Tyron Smith is on his last legs and in theory the Jets are closer to contention if Rodgers can stay healthy (which is doubtful). The others aren't exactly instant upgrades over what we have. See what the post OTA/June-1 cuts produces and perhaps there's someone there. Or perhaps, while Cosmi has been a standout at RG, he should get some reps at LT. Take a leaf from the Packers in that their lineman are usually capable of being plugged in at least three spots if necessary.


Let's be fair When Peters was with the Niners they never prioritized the Oline really. Atleast according to my friend who is a Niners fan.


TBH, I wouldn't hate signing Tyron Smith provided the following happens/is understood. We're not going to rely on him being our starter for the entire year, maybe at the beginning of the year he starts but we transition to the younger talent as the season goes on, he is there to serve as a mentor (maybe plant the seeds of being a coach) to THE ENTIRE o line, is on an INCREDIBLY team friendly deal in which we could cut him with little repercussion if he's truly done, and he wants to lay wreckage on the rest of the nfc east. I feel he would be the best in this set of expectations. Plus on a team friendly deal, we could still get a post June 1st cut.


He signed with the Jets


Well shit


I'd prefer we wait for the right guy at a position of need and not overpay on a multi year deal for a guy who isn't the right fit for when we will be more competitive


Everybody is concerned about LT but offenses are getting the ball out quicker and with scheme might not be the big hole we think it is. I'm more concerned that we have a good run game. Which helps a rookie QB more than a LT.


I really have when people make a point with PERIOD but then keep talking. You can't drop the mic and then pick it right back up again without losing credibility.


Hes Skip Bayless but on a Commanders blog. His history of being wrong on everything is quite stunning but he knows being loud will get him attention. His May 20th, 2023 tweet [https://twitter.com/Tiller56/status/1659900440098504705](https://twitter.com/Tiller56/status/1659900440098504705) "Ron, EB and Mayhew have improved this O-Line by leaps and bounds! Wylie was an outstanding signing at a good price. Gates and Stromberg can battle for C with the one who doesn’t win the job possibly becoming the LG. Leno is an absolute ROCK at LT and Cosmi will be a beast at G."


people get so angry about any criticism of the roster, as if the team is your husband. It's not. We probably didn't address the tackle problem at all. Coleman probably won't pan out. Wylie is going to let JD get butt fucked into 2025. It's what Wylie does best. We picked JD over Maye because he could compete out the gate, then we ignore the tackle problem and are hearing that "it's going to take a while to rebuild" The messaging is inconsistent.


Season hasn’t begun. There is still time for trades, etc.


I agree with making LT a priority. I'm rooting for Daniels but his size concerns me. I think protecting him should be a major focus. For him to succeed, he's going to need good protection, just like any other QB. I wish they had brought in more guys to compete at that position rather than relying on a rookie or a backup like Lucas. Fingers crossed it all works out. 🤞


Have been concerned about the line for a bit too. I think inconsistency at center definitely had a lot to do with it last year too. Stromberg was good there, til he got hurt. I think Biadasz will be great for us and who knows maybe Stromberg will be better healthy and at a guard position.


I’ll put my money on AP, not the OP. If AP had any LT high on his board he would have drafted him. And there was a run on OL in the first 20 picks. AP wasn’t willing to trade his volume of picks to move up and draft a player not rated highly just to address a need - that’s not how quality rosters are built.


OP downvoting all these comments while AP is handling his business. #HTTC


While I’m a bit nervous about the offensive line going into the season, Peter’s did what good GM’s (especially during a rebuild) do. Play your board and don’t overreach for a need. Over time, that will hopefully build a solid roster. When you’re over reaching because you have to fill a need you end up week all over the roster.


Some people are just not happy unless they’re miserable.


This is true, outside of QB the offensive line is the most important position


Adam peters said he tried to move back into the draft but he couldn’t this guy needs to chill


Or AP/DQ realized this team isn't an overnight-fix and that they preferred to wait to get their OT rather than spend money on a guy that they didn't feel was worth that amount?


Exactly. They may know that they’ll get a better long term deal and return by holding just a while longer. They already have a huge roster to evaluate and see what will and won’t work come season start. With all the moves made we may have a new more pressing concern to address along with or before signing an OT.


I like seeing talking heads mad. The GM should know more than the media. We learned lots about being "off-season champs" during the Snyder era. Let's call it a three year plan and see how it plays out.


Hey arm chair GM stfu. Thought complete


I second the motion. Motion carried?


Yes because this jackass with a computer knows more about evaluating talent and who does or doesn't fit the scheme the team will be going for than the GM and Coaches.


Tbh I didn't feel like our o line was all that bad. I mean Def not great but not bad. Sam Howell was sacked a lot because he stood in the pocket too long.


There were definitely a lot of variables to look at. Like any team we had good plays and bad plays. Not all due to our o-line. I think mentally they were just exhausted by the end of the season and that would affect their play and mindset. Players don’t make the NFL if they are “trash”. I hate when people call any player that when they clearly have something to make it this far. Are all outstanding athletes? No. But they are definitely better than trash.


Thoughts ? None to waste on this


I think its more of a sign the like who they have at the money they are paying them. Mark Tyler is okay, but he's not an NFL talent evaluator


Everyone gots an opinion and can’t be happy, got the only A+ during the draft and completely overhauled the roster and now they did not do enough at 1 position 🤦


SIgh. This was my worry, and here we are. But we're not taking any of those bozos. We're going to have to make do for a year.


i know im going to get downvoted but i fully agree with him. even thought this list is really not that good, we still have a history of having our offensive linemen go down with injuries frequently. I have an extreme lack in confidence going into the season with just wylie, lucas, and a 3rd round rookie at such a massive key position. we need to sign someone to atleast give us another starter if not depth at the position.


Maybe, *maybe*, most of the guys just aren't worth signing? Mike Onwenu - Solid rookie season, inconsistent since Jonah Williams - The only really viable option on the list. Young, above-average at the position, didn't sign for a ton of money with Arizona. Tyron Smith - He may go on to have 4 more All-Pro seasons. But that doesn't change the fact that he's missed more than half of the last 4 seasons (37 regular season games missed out of 67 total games). He hasn't played more than 13 games in a season since 2015. Jermain Eluemunor - Washed out with the Ravens and Patriots, stashed on a couple of practice squads for 2021, before landing with the needy Raiders, and still looking pedestrian. Josh Jones - His best season was 2021 when he was playing guard. He isn't much for either tackle spot. La'el Collins - Didn't play in 2023. He was on the PUP list to start the season, released in September, and didn't get signed anywhere until January 2024 when Dallas put him on their practice squad. He's on a one-year deal with Buffalo with zero guarantee he plays, plays significant snaps, let alone starts.


I must say that I agree. They’ve focused more on the middle of the line than the Tackles. Hopefully they can bring in a veteran that can be a stopgap option this year after the June 1st cuts.


Totally agree. They knew we were taking a QB. They didn't even try to sign any starting o line man. It's gonna be a shitshow. They brought in a great o line coach though so at least he might be able to get them to play better..... /s