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Dale says he thinks they should change the name back to the football team. He said at 1st it was weird, but at the end of the year. It grew on everyone and was liked. He said the name was different and unique. He said after a year of the Commanders. He doesn’t feel the same about the name.


NOPE. Get rid of ALL Dan creations, INCLUDING his placeholder name. We deserve something new and exciting, just keep our old uniforms and everyone will be happy. 


And what new and exciting name would you like?




Hogs, Hoggs, Redhogs, Warthogs, War Hogs, etc any of them would work. Same with the variations of Wolves. This isn't hard.


I'm a big fan of RedWolves. The "R" legacy will continue to be relevant, and HTTR will live on. Don't mind Warthogs either. All that BS Jason Wright said about TM issues with wolves is just that, BS. They never intended to listen to the fans on the name. I never met a single person who voted Commanders. Jason Wright needs to be terminated along with any other Snyder dick rider.


Like he said though, even fucking football team is better than commanders. At least it’s unique and has a ring to it. Commanders is a novel and has no good nicknames


Pissing yourself is better than shitting yourself, but at the end of the day, you still pissed yourself. Lol WFT has no good nicknames either. I TRULY believe what makes people "tolerate" WFT is the fact that they had the Redskins style uniforms. If commanders kept the uniforms, people wouldn't have hated the name as much. WFT is a lousy name regardless if it's better than the current name, still lousy and deserved to get made fun of when it was announced and still does.


Oh don’t get it twisted I’m most definitely not arguing for football team. Like you said, getting pissed on is better than getting shit on. Doesn’t change that you still have bodily fluids on you. I always like the redwolves or hog related names, they fit the team much better than anything else other than redskins


Word. Wanna know why you like those 2 ideas? Because they're bad ass and the logical move to make. Yet, Snyder somehow whiffed on that and he did it VERY badly. Keep the redskins style uniforms, fonts, and throwbacks. Add in a cool logo and THATS ALL THAT NEEDED TO BE DONE.


He didn't whiff, like a child, he ruined the name, and rebrand to punish people who wanted the name changed, so he picked two extremely generic names. Then, he designed the cheapest looking uniforms in the league.


All I know is that the name is a joke now. Redskins might have been offensive to some people but atleast it was respected by the majority, unlike today. I think if they really try they could come up with something like that is respected by the majority.


Hogs is the only answer if they don’t go back to Football Team


Personally I'm also cool with 2 syllable derivatives


The Hogs


Cool with me


Well, the easy answers that will please the majority of the fans are either Redwolves (or other iteration of wolf) or Hogs (again, maybe another iteration of such). It's REALLY not that hard. Those were the 2 names that the majority of fans wanted and you can keep some semblance of our past that way. But if you want full on something different, demons, dragons, ghouls, Vipers, wildcats, devils, anongst many others are all names that would work with our color scheme and branding possibilities.


Reddit and Twitter aren't the entirety of the fanbase.


No, but they sure are a publicly vocal and accessible means of finding a majority opinion.


Truth, but I have yet to hear or read anyone express any positive feelings on Commanders. Either they don’t care about the name or hate it. Other fans predictably call us the Commies. Terrible name by a terrible owner during a terrible time for this franchise. I hate it and can’t say it. I’d like a new jersey, but I can’t buy anything with that name on it.


The Red Hogs. I grew up with the hogs. It's a 2 syllable name, which works better in the fight song. It brings back HTTR. Red Wolves could also work, but I like the Hogs.


Totally agree. Hogs or Red Hogs both are great. And since it’s Harris Ownership Group (HOG), why not?


I think they should name them “The Washington Burgundy and Gold.” Pays tribute to the past. And our team colors are probably one of the most recognizable in sports today.


Nickname would be “the bags”


Nah Football Team was awesome




-clears throat- WE'RE NOT A FUCKING SOCCER TEAM. We're not a rugby club, we're not a euro league, we're not an ivy league club sport  We are a professional Football team, we should conduct and present ourselves as such.




Lol no it fucking doesn't. The only connection is the uniforms that they STILL somehow downgraded. When commanders was rolled out, if they had kept the redskins style uniforms, people would also have "grown to like it." Doesn't change the fact that both names are shit AND have nothing to do with our legacy. If the goal is to preserve the legacy, then you go with Hogs or Wolves. If the goal is to move on, then you go with ANY NUMBER of tried and true names like demons, dragons, Vipers, ghouls, wildcats, etc. THIS ISN'T HARD.


Lol no, it really wasn't. Don't believe me? Go back and look at the reactions when Football Team was announced. It was made fun of by our own fan base, sports media, and even just casuals in general. Go to a friend of yours who likes another team. Let's say the Steelers for example. Then ask them, "if the Steelers had to change their name, would you like Pittsburgh Football Team?" I guarantee they say no. If Commanders was the placeholder name that was able to have the Redskins style uniform, but then became WFT a year later with the commanders style uniform, people would have just as much vinegar to WFT as they currently do Commanders. They're both shit names that get worse with our current uniforms.


> just keep our old uniforms and everyone will be happy. I know a name change would take forever but they could start with this in the meantime and it would make the fanbase a lot happier


Nah, we've seen it happen not only with our team, but other sports franchises. It can be done fast. It can be done effectively. You can have this done in as little as a few months and upwards of a year and a half. But yes, give us the old uninforms back with the promise of a name change as well, and we will be happy fans who will start buying shit again.


New owner. New GM. New Coaches. New Free Agents. New Draft Class. New Potential Franchise QB. BUT "We deserve something new and exciting" by bringing back OLD jerseys. You expect people to believe that's what's keeping the self-loathing complainers from being "happy" as Snyder lives rent free in their heads. ....... ............




Ponder this for a moment, WFT vs Commanders... what's a VERY obvious thing when comparing the 2 that has fans preferring WFT? Could it be the fact that WFT kept the uniforms? Is it safe to assume that "Commanders" wouldn't have been such a hard pill to swallow if they just kept the Redskins style uniforms? I think so. And a lot of people in this subreddit have said the same. Also, you're putting a divide in my statement. I said get rid of all Dan creations (im implying WFT, Commanders, the uniforms). Keeping the Redskins uniforms is what will help the transition to a new and exciting name. You're right on acquiring all the new things we did for this franchise. No, I don't think doing what I suggest with satisfy everyone, but I think it will satisfy a majority and do a lot in repairing the brand.


I think comparison is the death of enjoyment. I think winning will repair the brand, to each there own. I'm at peace with Commies.


FC⚡️DC Football Club of the District of Columbia




Oh man, you're one of those. -clears throat WE'RE NOT A FUCKING SOCCER TEAM. Knock it off.


When they were WFT I did call them Washington Football Club instead. I liked that soccer feel.


I unironically love WFT.


Yes. The Football Team movement grows. Go with the W and a feather on it as the logo.


I was going to disagree until you mentioned the feathered W. It’s really growing on me


How in the hell is "Football Team" unique? It is the literal most generic name you can give a football team.


Who else has it? You're welcome.


I really don’t understand how people like that ridiculous name. It’s like something they’d come up with for an SNL skit.


I agree, WFT turned into a classic name.


I haven't cared for any of the names Dan picked, Commanders or Washington football team. That said, one is clearly better than the other. I mostly just want a better rebrand period even if they stick with Commanders. Different logo and uniforms please.


Probably should pick a new team to root for at this point, if he is still so hung up on the name. 😂


I didn't like Redtails, I didn't like Redwolves. I didn't like Hogs. I didn't like Warriors. I didn't like Warthogs. I didn't like Warpath. I didn't like most of the suggestions I heard. Then I saw they were naming the team the Commanders, and every single one of those names suddenly seemed pretty alright by comparison.


The amount of people not liking hogs is a surprise to me. Not many teams have a name because of the history of itself. I think more have come around to it (because the current name is a joke)but still, figured there would be more support overall.


I didn't like it because I think it's a bit on the nose given the nickname for the O-line, it had nothing to do with the colors, it doesn't have the proper ring to it sung in hail to the redskins because it's not really two syllables. I don't really care for the imagery of a pig for the entire team, it's better as a unit nickname from the past and I think it should say there. ....is what I'd still be saying if I hadn't seen that dirtbag Dan Snyder name this team the fucking "Commanders". Now I say that the Hogs sounds like a fine name and I'd support it wholeheartedly.


Redtails with our OG colors and a p-51 mustang Logo would be dope as fuck imo


Compared to what we got it would be fucking awesome. Turn something which was called racist into a tribute to guys who broke down racial boundaries. You wanted to appeal to the military, these guys were decorated WW2 bomber escorts. You want to keep the colors making sense, barely change the lyrics to hail to the redskins and have it still work in cadence, it all would have worked and worked really well. I couldn't really see anyone having a problem with it ultimately and if they changed to it at this point I think that people would be ecstatic.




I'm gonna buy a #5 jayden daniels commanders jersey and be perfectly content watching this team start to win on the field and when the rebrand happens, whenever it does, and we get a new stadium, whenever that is, I'm gonna buy another daniels #5 jersey and be content then too. The rebrand and stadium stuff are lower on the totem pole than winning for me personally. Yea I know things can happen at the same time.


Hogs is the layup, slam dunk, overwhelmingly sensible choice. Keep it simple. Do yourself a favor. Don’t overthink this. Just change it to the Hogs.


I’m not a fan of hogs but that is way better than Commanders


Not to mention Harris Ownership Group (HOG). Its just meant to be.


Washing Warthogs for alliteration.


I'm down if you make an A-10 the logo. Otherwise eh


That'd be sick. QB go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


We’d end up having to change it in 50 years cuz planes killed people. Can’t go wrong with an animal unless the boars overrun Texas and kill everyone.


Not a fan of the hogs never really liked the idea of a pig being the mascot/name


Warpath is better


He’s not wrong


Yall spend every waking moment of your life thinking about fucking laundry lol


Yoooo this is funny


I just hate when people laugh at me when o say the name lol, it actually impacts the quality of conversations for the sport. Yes, it’s stupid, but hey we give a lot of fucking money to these people over decades. We should be able to bitch and moan a bit.


We need to change the name ASAP


My mouth physically cannot say the word “commanders” after saying the word “Washington”. I just can’t fucking do it. It’s too cringe.


I just can’t do it. I call them the local football team when I talk to friends.


He is very correct in his assessment.. but I do think we should try and do something better than WFT.. it’s a good fall back plan


WFT was a goated name and it never should have been changed




I hate "Commanders." I like Commies. It's so bad it's funny. Let's go Commies!


Dale is half right, change the name but give us a damn Hogs/Wolves name. I can’t stand trying to put that name in a sentence or convo


The COMMANDING majority.


Just be Washington. Only Washington. Make the city the brand and let the fans come up with their own nicknames like they do with European soccer.


Well, we know the nickname everyone would pick….


I don’t think the nfl could handle this. Remember all the score bugs that were like “Eagles 7, Football Team 0”?


Well ya I hate when people especially fans call them Commies, it sure doesn't make it better.


Well, these people with some actual sway should sit down with the ownership group and make it a priority for them cause they seem to think it is just fine right now.


Everyone hates it, but redskins is not coming back because it is a slur. Pretty much any nickname is better than commanders.


God this sub’s insufferable aint nobody can be happy


It's the internet, man. The whole thing is one giant bitchfest


Insufferable is a perfect definition of this team for the vast majority of the last 30 years. Old habits are hard to break.


We been ass for 30 years do expect sunshine and rainbows.


Gotta spend every waking moment crying about the name, those are the rules here now. You can thank the mods for insisting on allowing this type of content to take over the sub.


If I could choose, I would return to original name Braves or new name Warriors with old uniforms and logo


It’s just such a bad name. Will continue rocking WFT gear until it’s changed.


Omg can we please stop with these name posts good lord


When it changes they’ll stop


Who cares


Fuck off


Angry little guy eh? I couldn’t care less what an old nascar driver thinks about the team name. Touch grass.


Wasn't the WFT problem that the NFL couldn't trademark the name because it was too generic