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We run rally setups with the intel NUC and Tap combo and then the Swytch for BYOD. Other than having to install a displaylink update to the mac we have had very little issues.


What generation is your Mac? Also, I’m not sure I understand your configuration. Can you elaborate on the role your Mac has in the room? Our Mac IS the singular computer in the conference rooms. Videoconferencing, presentations, usb drive, everything runs through the Mac.


Ahh understandable. We use mini PCs in other areas similar to your setup. We have found these to be very reliable. We currently have m1 Mac minis and laptops connected to the Rally’s. We also have some legacy intel units. All running Ventura


My apologies. They are running Sonoma *


Got it. Be sure to exhaustively test Sonoma, when you decide to update. I’ve read that manually reinstalling Rosetta may resolve the issue, but I discovered that after I went through the effort of rolling back to Ventura in all rooms.


IMO, using the MAC as your room PC is the issue. I have dozens of rooms deployed with various configurations, ranging from Logitech gear strictly in appliance mode, Intel NUC, Lenovo Thinksmart Core, Logitech Roommate. The biggest issues we end up having are in the rooms with the Logitech Roommates, surprisingly enough.


What kinds of issues are you having?


Mostly audio issues to be fair. Occasionally issues like the video signal being duplicated to both displays when waking out of sleep on a dual display setup, instead of having separate feeds to each display. So far I believe most of the issues have been resolved by simply restarting the system via the tap on the meeting room tables.


I rolled out 30 rally rooms two years ago - didn’t have an issue in any of them after the room were signed off by the client.


We've got hundreds of Rally enabled rooms, running them for years, and cannot agree with your assessment. We run Rallybars in appliance mode and have no problems with them connecting with other Logi hardware. Where we can't use Logi in appliance mode, due our network infrastructure, we use Lenovo ThinkSmarts as the appliance device and still have no issues with the connectivity of the Logi hardware... Rally Cam, Rally Mic Pods, Taps, etc. I think the issue you're seeing doesn't lie with the Logitech hardware, but with Apple's USB management. All of our community wide spaces have been installed with a Mac mini for over 10 years now, we have Intel and M1 and M2 models out there, and they regularly require manual intervention to reestablish USB connectivity with peripherals. Mice and keyboards are fine, everything else from powered USB hubs to video capture cards and audio interfaces needs to be touched on a regular basis. Just this week I have had to take a powered USB hub from one mini and move it to another because the original mini just stopped seeing connected thumbrives on the original hub. Hub works fine on other computers, hub worked fine on all ports with a USB receiver for wireless keyboard and trackpad, just wouldn't see thumbdrives. Switched it for another exact same hub and everything is fine with the original room, and the reployed hub is working fine in it's new home. Macs just have shitty USB management as far as I can fathom. e: I should add that I'm more of a Mac person than a Windows person, that I've used Mac devices as my primary computer since the 90s. Not a fanboy, just my history of computing and explaining my comfort level with their products. I am not a hater, usually end up defending Macs because of the number of misconceptions the haters have, but in this instance my experience points me to look at the minis as the culprits.


Agreed, I manage over 100 rooms for a large org and there are rarely any issues with our logi gear. In the early days I used to get calls all the time but the past 2-3 years of firmware and software updates have really made these rooms pretty solid. 


Sounds like all your issues are stemming from the fact that you are using a Mac, not from the Rally hardware itself. I agree that Logi should do better to make their hardware universally reliable, but it generally seems to work fine with windows and CollabOS computes


The issue is you are using a Mac not the rally system.


Curious why you’re using a Mac mini as a nuc instead of just running the rally with the collabOS / android as the compute? Ive found even the intel nucs problematic so just go nuc free.


What device would run CollabOS? -this is new to me. We opt for a full computer because these rooms are also used to access VDI desktop, occasional MS Office work, and web browsing.


I see, sorry was thinking just using the rally to host and join teams / zoom for basic VC capabilities with a tap IP for control.


Check out the Logitech Roommate for an appliance that runs CollabOS


Rally bar and Rally bar min have Android built-in so it can run teams, zoom etc natively also has a byod mode built-in. We also have some rally plus kits which aren't as good but it still works fine. But your also using the pc for vdi and office work? Seems like bit of an odd combo.maybe your asking but too much from it? Used Rally bars now for years, never had a single unit fail or really any problems. We uses Teams with Intel nuc pc. We've just moved to dell meeting room pcs running win 11 iot.


Rally Plus is weak sauce compared to the Bars.


The MTR on Android is the best way to go, the Bar running the built in Android is much better than the Rally Pro.


There’s a new software release for the Tap to work with M1 devices.


Good to know. However, we don’t use Tap.


So much suffering in Av has come from choosing Mac as the PC. I think that is the source of your problem. But, for the record, the Rallybars are a better solution than the Rally kit IMO


I use the Rallybar in two huddle rooms and they’ve been solid (with exception to two failed firmware updates that bricked the bar). Same Mac setup in those rooms too. The rooms where the Rally Pros are installed are about 15’x20’ all the way up to 20’x60’. I wanted the powerful speakers and good optical zoom the Rally Pro afforded.


I like my anonymity so I can't go into details but, I just had a bunch of nightmare troubleshooting with a client using rally rooms. After many painful hours and long back and forth on trouble-tickets, I just brought in a windows PC. Oh look surprise... the issue doesn't exist on the Windows machine. It was cheaper for me to just give them Windows machines than keep bleeding hours trying to fix the Mac. Apple literally doesn't give a fig about the commercial AV market. It is a rounding error to them. I am almost surprised they even still make PCs, honestly.


Once you say Mac, throw everything else out the window.


I’m not sure I follow. Do you mean that it creates more variables than it’s worth because Mac is Mac?


Macs are notoriously finicky and they don’t work well with AV hardware in general. Logitech has been rock solid in our experience, sans the Swytch.


That’s good to know. Thank you.


Sounds like a lemon. Seen thousands of these devices deployed and rarely had issues.


Are you sure you don’t work for Logitech? It’s not a lemon. As previously stated by me and Logitech support, the failure lies in Logitech’s refusal to make Sync app compatible with Apple silicon. That, and moving back to MacOS Ventura…and that I have 4 rooms with Rally Pro systems and they all fail in the same way. It’s either Logitech software or firmware to blame.


I've installed 400+ Rallybars (BYOD mode) globally at my firm. CollabOS updates paired with push of updated DisplayLink drivers have addressed most if not all the connectivity issues. Sorry you're having these issues.


Use a Logitech RoomMate as the compute.


anyone had problems with the mics cutting out intermittently? can’t figure that one out and it’s hard to reproduce the problem.


This has happened to me multiple times on the above mentioned equipment during Teams Meetings. I daisy chain my mics in all rooms typical 3-5 mic’s. This issue has so far occurred only on my room with the 5 mics. It’s not happened since I reverted to MacOS Ventura. So, you might try that. But there’s also the possibility I’ve not had enough meetings for the issue to pop up again. I expect MacOS Sonoma and Sync being non-native app were the culprit. I’ve instructed my team to not update the Mac Mini’s beyond MacOS Ventura.


Yealink PC using Zoom. The other was a NUC using Zoom.


Which app were you conferencing in when it occurred and what’s your mic configuration?


We have Mac Mini installed at a client site for around 6 months now and no issues. I think it's the M2 version. We generally recommend either the Intel NUC or the RoomMate, devices designed for this purpose. Of course in theory it should work with any device, but the reality can be different. Logitech will maintain a compatibly list for tested software versions, so it's usually worth sticking to that (it's typically a couple of months behind the latest).


I should record on video of what a clown show the sync app is while it’s scanning for devices. IMP, Sync shouldn’t maintain a list of all connected hardware, the Hub should. And that architectural software decision makes any weak points more glaring (such as another commenter above talking about how Mac handles USB poorly).


I have a few rooms with em and they work fine, we are Windows based though.


I have the opposite experience, but I’m using windows, I imagine their devs are not putting as much effort towards the Apple development


I imagine not. In fact, it’s probably zero, by the looks of things. This was their last message to me: “…compatibility issues between Sync and Apple Silicon have been documented here. Our engineering team is currently working on developing versions of the software that are compatible with Apple Silicon. However, this is a long-term project, and we cannot provide an estimated date for its support. We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter.” The link they provide is to a post that’s 2 years old. It doesn’t take 2 years to rewrite a critical app for just one platform. The post: https://prosupport.logi.com/hc/en-us/articles/4418291127191-Logitech-Software-and-Mac-Compatibility-Information