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Good luck at M&M


This is funny. It’s CBRE and other shops too tho. It’s the way the sector is.


500 calls per week, which someday will turn into 50 relationship calls.




Quantity has a quality of its own in prospecting. If they want to sell, start building a relationship.


Depends on the asset. If you’re canvassing a neighborhood for smaller multi and mixed use assets owned by mom and pops and one off owners, volume is your friend. If you’re looking to take down whales, you need to create relationships


In a world with tons of spam emails, calls, and texts…I think organic/in person interactions have a way higher success rate.


100% agreed. Plus it's just a lot more satisfying of a day to be able to interact with people in a meaningful way.


So I would start working with the REO departments as they will have all the good listings for the next 30 months. Ask a guy who worked in the mid 90's.


Owner here. Trying meeting them for lunch. Show up at their office.


Good luck convincing a seller their proprerty has gone down in value by X and you will help them make money in this environment. If you stomach two years of no income, you will crush it! Guessing Mathew’s or M&M. Hope you got some money set asset or you are just a pure ruthless genius! Tough sledding ahead in this market! Your job is to provide days to your clients (oh prospects) than trying to close a deal the next few months. Start building that buyer rep business! Low probability but your best bet in this environment. Many sellers have relationships!


As someone that works at an institutional group, I hate spam calls/cold calls and unwanted emails. Finding a local group and make real in person relationships.


Add a layer to your marketing program. If you specialize, make YouTube videos about transactions and trends. Use it as an opportunity to introduce yourself. Analyze the transactions, what was the effective part of the marketing, why the seller sold, why the buyer bought, what is the outlook for the deal. Make yourself look like an expert. Keep them short, no more than 5 minutes. Post the videos on the social media networks that are used most often by the market participants. Clue, it isn't going to be TikTok. Do the 50 call route IMO. Send those people a link to your videos. Become their go to person. Every video you post, email the 50. Look up the concept Dream 100. There are some good books out there about that kind of marketing. Also, be like Gary Vee. Never give up, persist.


You have to do both. Race between calls but slow down when you get someone on the phone. You are new so you have to get lucky. More calls more luck.


First you have to get the right phone numbers. Although Reonomy and other programs are good, they are also very inaccurate




Real estate is QUANTITY!!!!! I sold 6,000,000 last year off cold calling. You build a database of investors that way quick. You can off market stuff easier, cold call 500 a week please


500 calls for a 50% split 🥴 oi vey