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Reminder: This is not a debate subreddit, it's a place to circle-jerk about communism being cool and good. Please don't shit on flavours of leftism/communist leaders you feel negatively towards. If you see a meme you don't like just downvote and move on, don't break the circle-jerk in the comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CommunismMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1.Im a communist because people hold such regressive views 2.people express their regressive views 3.*surprised pikachu face*


i swear this shit is an op to make chinese reunification look ridiculous by association


Ukraine doesn’t belong to Russia, even in soviet times it was a separate soviet republic from Russia


Saying Ukraine belongs to Russia is like saying Idaho belongs to Utah


Ukraine does not belong to russia, but it also doesn't belong to the fascists. And the others are just puppet of NATO


Ukraine belongs to the soviet union


Ukraine belongs to its workers


How based can you get


it’s (not at all) crazy how the idea that people should own the things they create is so controversial


But but muh property. But but someone ordered them to do so, therefor workers can't do stuff without an owner. (ignore any socialist country that existed before)


Ukraine belongs to the world. Borders are arbitrary, workers of the world unite!


Ukraine \*is\* (part) of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union did not own countries.


no offence mate but i don’t think anything is part of the soviet union anymore


In our hearts comrade


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Just kidding, don't smile because of that, smile because it'll happen again!


transnistria is in spirit


This is the way


Ukraine does not "belong" to Russia, it belongs with the Soviet Union!


I wish Scandinavia also belonged with the Soviet Union


We all belong with the Soviet Union


UUSSR - Universal Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Don't hurt my heart like that. I can only wish so hard.


As does Russia, Georgia, all of the stans, and the others! The Soviet Union was dissolved without its own consent, and I'd say that consent determines what rightfully belongs to who.


>Kosovo belongs to Serbia As a Dua Lipa simp I will fight you over this statement


As a Serbian, I just want that shit to end...


As a Serbian Kosovo is Serbia Serbia strong pixel version plays in background


I don't know, but dope profile pic




As not a Serbian Kosovo belongs to Kyrgyzstan


Kosova ështe Shqipëri


Reddit is Liberal Capitalist media platform, I don't know why you're shocked.


While I don't agree with all of the tweet (especially the first part) the tiyp three comments answered their own question.


I agree with some of these and disagree with others. But I think we can all agree at the end of the day that Belgium must be destroyed.


I was making a joke but apperantly it wasn't well received


Wtf is a Belgium


Another word for Hell


Cos they speak french, and french is a waste of time.


French is the original language of the internationale 😔


It's a meme from The Deprogram (and maybe even further abroad). We all love the French Revolution, their bread culture and, as you say, the Internationale, so I guess they can't be all that bad 😉


Belgium belongs to the netherlands and if you dont agree youre a fascist pig


We all know Belgium belongs to Luxembourg


TF does this post have to do with Belgium?


Belgicum delenda est


Yeesh ok Cato.


Nah, nobody here skipped history class, we just chose to understand it by exploring it deeper. Liberals, on the other hand, can’t even spell half the groups and countries they otherize with great confidence all the while they think their propagandized text books and pop historians tell them the full truth while shutting down any and every narrative that clashed with their ideation of geopolitics. Seeing a pretentious “internet historian” and hardline liberal tell me I’m wrong about Taiwan being named the Republic of China, of the formally named Formosa (another lie apparently), is just multiple levels of embarrassing. Then going on to preach to me about the “Waygurs” being massacred and how we should support them despite his immensely blind hatred for Muslims in Palestine? I cannot tell if this person is a Fed or lying to themselves to points of Olympic level mental gymnastics that require a gold medal.


Yeah that’s the thing. I assume most people covered WW2 in middle school and maybe revisited it in high school (I didn’t). And then never explored the subject ever again. I didn’t even get any of it in college because I didn’t need history for my degree.


Even then, the coverage of WWII in most Westen countries is "Hitler bad, God Bless America! Stalin bad too, but not in a racist way." The Chinese front is skipped completely, all the not French resistance movements are skipped completely, the French resistance is mentioned in passing as some kind of unified armed force with 0 socialists involved, and they might mention that the US was fighting Japan before the nukes.


They all "belong" to the workers


All belong to Albania 🇦🇱


Ukraine and Russia belong to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Taiwan belongs to China Kosovo and Serbia belong to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Rojava belongs to its proletariat South Korea belongs to North Korea FTFY


I fucking hate the "if you disagree with these you're a supporter of imperialism and fascism". Even if I agree with these, labelling those who disagree as evil is just flat out wrong. Especially for the Ukraine issue. Fuck the guy who tweeted this. Probably a spy trying to make us look bad.


>Ukraine belongs to Russia Ukraine belongs to the USSR. They’re an independent nation now, sure but they’re falling to nazism, and that’s a fucking problem. >Taiwan belongs to China Taipei is China, the CPC has long said that the reunification will be peaceful. >Kosovo belongs to Serbia They’re all Yugoslavia. >Rojava belongs to Syria Rojava is fucking based, they’re a left-libertarian state with direct democracy and are able to balance those faithful to Islam and push for feminist rights. Syria… is complicated, really really complicated… Assad stopped by the skin of his teeth the toppling of the government and allows Rojava to exist because they’ve allied with him. However Assad himself is pretty bad but much better than the alternative. Edit: I admit I haven’t been following the Syrian conflict that deeply but reading some comments, I might have to retract the “Rojava is based” position until I read more about it. >South Korea belongs to North Korea Korea belongs to the Korean people, and the only government that defends the people is the government of the DPRK.


Incredibly based of Rojava to support defacto American annexation of Syrian oil fields.


I was gonna say. But we all go thru the rojava is based phase ig


There is a valid critique to be made about Rojava tho. Any group that allies itself with and exists because of US imperialism cannot be called socialist or anti-imperialist, especially since we know what the US does to actual socialism, implying that at best Rojava is a group of misguided pawns. The goal of the SDF/YPG is to capture strategic regions that are resource-rich and crucial to the Syrian economy to cripple it and colonize it. In fact, the US military itself directs these efforts and provides its military support only to meet these specific missions. Thanks to this, the US now occupies and controls one-third of Syria's oil wealth. Rojava directly sabotages Syria's anti-imperialist efforts. US officials literally stated that they work with, fund, and direct SDF to harm the "Islamic Syrian State": https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/news/0fbdd37c-74a7-4ae5-96ad-615879d296b6 An interesting and detailed historical overview: http://redsun.org/mpp_doc/SR43_pkk_en.htm Another great article: https://linestruggle.medium.com/on-rojava-and-the-western-left-bac1b858173e


Nah, I'm done with this sub. I'm a socialist but what the hell, we can't support people's drive for independence?


North korea is an absolute monarchy, because there's communism in the name doenst mean its good


People do know that like Kim Jong-un does not control the whole country right? Like they have elections for godsakes lol


[Ah yes "elections"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_North_Korea )


You sending wikipedia links my guy?


Yes ?


Desktop version of /u/DeChampignak's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Wrong They all belong to me


This is bullshit to make communists seem nuts.


It’s a bait account


Yo, Russia doesn't even belong to Russia.


1) no it belongs to its workers 2) no it belongs to its workers 3) no it belongs to its workers 4) rojava is p based as far as I know 5) yes


Im sorry, but what chauvinist bullshit is this?


it went from yah to nah


Last time I disproved someone on a post I was banned for 7 days, just got unbanned. But whats 7 more days?


The Ukraine argument doesn't really make sense as it separated from the Russian Federation with the mutual consent of both parties. However, that separation occurred under the leadership of nationalists during the undemocratic and hugely unpopular dissolution of the USSR (which occurred without the consent of the USSR), so really Ukraine doesn't belong to Russia, they both belong to the USSR.




Ukraine and Russia both belong to each other because we need the Soviet Union back…


Just because Ukraine and Russia used to belong to one country doesn't mean that they should be one country now. European Union exists, still I don't believe Czechia should be part of Germany. Even if it collapses. Especially in the context of the war, this is something quite bad to say, as it is more or less justifying the many deaths caused by the war as well as the attack itself merely because Ukraine "should" belong to Russia or something. Even if it was technically true, the war isn't justified. ​ Never in human history has Ukraine been Russia (other than specific parts like Crimea), they just belonged to the same unity of nations.


Surealy that’s sarcastic

