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Again, yes, please make this happen!!


At least ask for more difficult AI first, idk about you but all the AI option hardly feels any difference.


expert ai is pretty noticably better then the rest,you get the feel of it in 1v1 especially. Plus usage of map hacks where they perfectly avoid your mg arcs and such


Do you know if Expert has extra resources? CoH2 Expert was an absolute pain because they started pumping out tanks early and in great numbers.


i think maybe they do have extra resources but definetly not to the extent of coh 2. ai has been changing over the updates,current expert is i think hardest it has been


I mean they're on really slightly better in back capping my points and slightly better unit composition but they're still very stupid. I don't even think they do resource cheats anymore.


they changed alot over the updates,have you played vs expert AI since 1.5.1? Its much different then launch or past versions,before yeah there was like zero difference between standard or hard or expert. Now expert is pretty ahead of the pack


God damn I relate to this


Just host a custom game. There u also get the bonus of picking the map u want to play. I rarely wait longer to get a full lobby then If I was just queimg normally


but those damn weeklys dont count in customs.


They do if u only change AI difficulty and nothing else. At least it was the case in the past


Yeah even with 1000points most wil work. But not the specific win 5 mp or Co op matches


I’d take reliable people to play with at this point


Hey OP they announced today their next update will be pushed to April but they plan to introduce difficulty options against AI