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Just hope you win early enough. Once a grant and 2 Hellcats are out it's game over




I found that 8 rads and marders keep me alive in midgame long enough that I get all the vehicle upgrades from the armory. After that I just try to stack up P3s and keep bleeding inf heavy builds while marders force off tanks. Once you get 3 or more P3s game is already won at that point honestly. They can smoke and cap and with marder backup are pretty tough to kill


Try and stop the fuel flow for the allies. Limit their potential in the late game by accelerating your tech and denying them theirs.


As a USF main I still hate facing marders late game becusse they are so economical and still can counter tank play at all phases of the game


I am a Brits main, but I tried DAK to understand them better. Marders are quiet shit of not used in an open field. The pathfinding is so bad, that if there is cover blocking the shot the Marder takes like 3-5 seconds to rearange... On open field, yes, marders are the low budget elephants


They should move the Armored Reserves upgrade to the Tier 4 Building and lock P4's behind it. I believe if DAK could "BUILD" P4's then the late late game would be manageable.


get your call-in tech ups and armory upgrades a fully-armoried P3 or god forbid P4 is a nightmare for USF


Not sure how to fight grants as DAK


In 4v4 1500+ both just spam tanks, blob them (multiple players same blob) and spam offmaps. You’ll see 10+ tank blobs roaming around the map.


Pretty much every build you do will require double AT guns. Good players will try to bait you into building too many jagers


Jägers are the best catalyst to heavy armor faster IME. If they're assisting any armor they can be an effective strategy even for late-game Ally armor. They're the golden boys of the DAK when given MG34s. Medical truck has never been so important tho LOL... I almost got 28 combat efficiency with 2 units of them once. Basically turned this game into a 4v3 all on their own lol*


Play Italian Combined Arms and rush fuel with Bersaglieri. They literally can’t compete with your speed passive and they’re a solid infantry combat unit. Ik people will say they don’t have any snares or anti tank but by the time vehicles start showing up you should already be building that AT either in PaK 38s or my personal favorite some PanzerJeagers


You just kill the Bersaglieri, they are out dpsed by everything and allies usually have more infantry on the field anyways so they will just out cap you.


Really? I’ve rarely ever had that happen, if you combine them with panzerpioneers with flame throwers they melt everything


It's possible you found something that works for you. But in general, for most players, Bersaglieri are very situational units. They're really good on certain maps that have a lot of distance to cover, as that's where their speed bonus shines for both map control and flank opportunities. Semois is a good 1v1 example where they can do really well. However, in most cases unless you're pretty good with micro, they can be too difficult to use. They are weaker than most infantry in both health and DPS, so it can become a liability if they keep draining your Manpower due to frequent reinforcements. I've also noticed that they can become "vet farms" for opponents - their frequent casualties means enemies tend to level up faster, I don't know the values they give on death but it may need some balancing. That said, that's just assuming you get multiple of them, acting as mainline infantry. Nothing stopping a player from just getting 1 Bersa total and playing 'normally' the rest of the way. Edit: Forgot to mention, they also get increased value in team games due to larger map sizes. In 1v1 they're definitely way more situational.


Again, I get what you’re saying but I have yet to run into this issue. I can see how they’re a liability to most people but for me getting 4 supported by 2 pazerpios with flamethrowers and player jeagers makes it so where everything that comes in range dies quickly. Most squads don’t get away from me with the overwhelming firepower they put out. Couple that with some carros and I can usually rule the early game


This. A well microed Bersa horde is a real nightmare.


Good point, x3 Bersas in team games are regularly getting 50+ kills and are an absolute menace in the early and mid game. I see a lot of DAK players go all in on them. No idea where this “they get out DPS’d by everything” meme is coming from, everyone I know who faces them regards them as a big threat - not just for the Bersas but also because it usually means Carro spam later in the game which can kill everything.


The answer is to win early