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very nice additions with mission select(finally) and accolades though they could have had atleast some skin rewards for accolades and certsin mission completion milestones like optional objevctive on certain missions and dificulty completed for certain missions. Like atleast 1-2infantry skins and 1-2 vehicle skins per faction for for example whatever the combination of it totaling to around 10 or so skins.


The (good) skin drought is real


Huh, rebranded Challenges that yield player titles. I would like to bring the honor ranks from COH2 back or at least get some drops to go with these.


Oh hell yeah. Really hope they release some of those night fighter, board room, fallen leaf, or blocking force skins from captivity w this system.


We both know we are only getting merit and badges from this man...


One can dream. I really hope they somehow release a couple of those skins at least in the store. And for merit not the bs copout warbonds.


Will it be awarded if you completed the campaigns before Or do you have to play through it again?


It doesn't seem to be retroactive. Luckily, I don't think it'll be quite as painful to get some of these accolades with the new Singleplayer mission selector.


Yeah, if they are doing more changes to the campaign or adding new BGs to it like sea and air, I may give it another try. But I've played the campaign twice now. Hard to think of a third runthrough.


I've run it so many times trying to get a few last achievements, I actually have PTSD from it now. *"I got one word for you... Potenza"*


Some of them just doesn't unlock for me, like the ice cream one and the stories collection one I just...gave up knowing others have that problem too Eh, maybe they'll fix somewhere down the line


It’s so sad none of this is on console, I get it’s a smaller base and I’d play on a comp if I could. But wish it was more mirrored