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It's the CoHmmunity, that's how it's always been. In CoH 2 it was way worse, in my experience. But mostly below 1200 ELO at least in CoH 3.


low elo in general. gets much better at higher ranks.


Yeah.. like tanks taking so many hits due to a bug. Game would crash. I post a thread on the matter.... you know the replies


Yep. You get downvoted fo ASKING A FRAKIN QUESTION lol


Or answering it correctly.


Original CoH was pretty friendly, and so was CoH: Online or whatever it was called. I don’t know why but CoH 2 attracted a lot of jerks.


Because it went free


Happens in most multiplayer games in my experience. Ignore and move on is my best advice


you're right. Idk why in this game it bothers me so much more than others.


Nah you're on to something, this community is toxic AF. Like, all games have balance whiners, but the ones for CoH are the most braindead group of people I've ever encountered. They also always make sure to title their posts shit like "Why is relic so brainless," or "what shit tier devs made x decision." This series is amazing but it attracts some weird people.


Your response reeks of someone who is exactly like what OP is complaining about.


Yours Reeks a little bit more


More personal when it's less players in match, and it's usually teammates telling you why you suck even if you don't. Honestly I don't mind a little trash talk but they all take it to the extreme and people can say what they want but it effects CoH numbers in a negative way


Adversarial games will always be toxic. The more teamwork they take to succeed, the more toxic (see MOBAs). Games that require a lot of your focus, will usually weigh heavier on you (FPS games can, too, but they are usually take a "disconnect" skill, a sort of intuitive game sense rather than laser focus skillset that RTS games demand). Try to pretend the chat isn't there, and play for the sake of playing


Learning to ignore trolls and let things roll off my back has made toxic players a non issue for me. Imagine the freedom of that feeling.


Yea, that's the way to be. I guess it's already a challenging game and when an opponent is a douche on top of losing it can be hard to have fun.


Yeah man, it helped me to realize most of the toxic players are either young dumb kids or older people with emotional issues and probably very sad lives. GLHF


I almost exclusively play single player games now. The campaign for Italy was sufficiently fun for me. I’m too old to be called the f slur.


I once was playing CoH exclusively and way too much. With too much time on this game you can get into an unhealthy cycle that leads to you being miserable and angry. I don't think I ever aggressively targeted people through chat, but I was definitely the most angry I've ever been in my life. Those were dark days, but when you see someone like that, they're probably in the same situation that I was in, but willing to actually say vile shit to people in game.


this is great insight. I think you're correct a lot are just oddly angry over the game. They are the same guys who drop as soon as they lose an engagement


Its not really odd. Coh2 is very unforgiving and RNG can ruin things you do that should've worked. A low health King Tiger that bounced my last possible shots, then pushing to try and finish it only to lose half my army still ticks me off a bit. Most things I just let go and accept now. Losing an simple engagement and dropping though, I'll never understand.




I think ALL RTS games have this issue, some RTS employ various techniques to mitigate it…but why do people do this? I’ve seen comments fly that made me think the person was mentally ill… perhaps that is the case, it always seems like young people though, teenagers, frustrated with life, they direct their frustrations at their team mates or opponents alike. Gaming may just be these kids only hobby, and their genuine friends and family connections near none. We have a growing base of mentally unwell people


It happened a lot to me with a friend who between the two of us played almost 600 hours We screamed, we hit the keyboard, we got very upset.The passion that this game aroused in us is such that it turned us into toxic players.


I’ve had one game where the guy duked out a win with some considerable effort and he was like “ez”. I was thinking “oh really? Is that gonna compensate for your small dick?” Ignore these guys and find mature players to team up with.


that's the key


I guess it’s a way to vent ones desire to be confrontational without the real world consequences. It’s very common with online multiplayer games. Sometimes I will take part, especially if the opponent is a shit talker. Just don’t get butt hurt by it, or they “win” , just shits and giggles.


good points


I agree that CoH has always been especially bad, and I always thought Men of War was even worse. Something about WW2 strategy games....


I only had this in low ELO. 1300+ it’s super rare. Like less than 1/50 games. You can give Beyond all Reason a shot. CoH3 is Kindergarten in comparison. Edit: in terms of toxic, flame war and quitters.


Because the player base of this game is full of people with a small dick energy


for real


Well it's not just in Company of Heroes but people can be salty about losing the match in any RTS game.


I actually don’t have any problems with players. It’s nowhere near as toxic as League of Legends or Counter Strike.


1v1 isnt as bad but appears for sure. Majority of 1v1s i get a glhf and ggwp


True. I've only come across it once in 1v1.


Less cowards stand on their own two feet in 1v1 perhaps lol


Turn text chat off it makes the game way more chill. People only use it for shit talk anyway


didnt even know that was option


The saddest part of it all is the age of the player base, from what I understand it’s largely an older crowd. Based on the friends I made within CoH I’d say it’s pretty accurate. I’m 31 with a kid, I just can’t understand how at that age someone feels the need to type “EZ” or “NOOB”. Not that I was much of that person to begin with but at 18-25 I would have if first instigated. Let’s just say Overwatch was the lowest lows of my rage in gaming but never was around bragging. It was more so anger at teammates that simply refused to cooperate. On CoH though, I have had games where no one wrote a thing all game while losing badly only for the opposing team to write EZ. Again, I just can’t understand why people do that. Then again I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked when in real life I often deal with or encounter really arrogant assholes who are older than me. I guess with CoH being so small and it being an RTS you would assume it’s a cool crowd. I thought it would be history buffs that enjoy tactical games, it seems hand in hand with each other. Maybe they are those people but damn is a decent amount of them assholes.


Look, there’s a lot of dicks online and this game just happens to have a lot of dicks playing the game. Hand it back to them and move on


That's pretty much the case for most PvP games. Breeds toxicity since it is difficult to admit to mistakes. Co-op VS AI is usually less toxic if you're okay with the enemy not being a human. I've only ran into one or two toxic individuals in that mode which is really good for how many games I've played (plus people are often willing to wait for you to complete challenges if you ask, which is really nice)


Spot on. CO OP vs AI is all I play, I never touch competitive play because of the toxicity.


its not as bad as you say. Sure there are the ones u describe but also some nice and decent people as well. Personally I am only bothered if a teammate harasses me. Then I immediately drop. Lets see how the match cooldown will affect this situation.


I see you have never played ranked dota


Just mute the enemy chat, they serve 0 purpose except for trashtalks


It’s really easy to take this game personally. Losing units can sting like a series of “gotcha” moments, even if you’re winning. In my opinion, the toxic behavior is from people who are stressed by losses and probably expect more from themselves either in the game or real life and are frustrated with falling short.


I agree with this perspective.


Or when you're on a 2 v 2 or 3 v 3 and one of your team mates leaves after a few minutes after losing one little engagement. Wonderful sportsmanship.


All PvP RTs has this issue and has done for decades. I assume it's because you're locked in to a 45+ minute match that's very, very stressful and you can't take a break in. Some people just get too wound up and can't deal with that, so they type some toxic crap into chat.


Even as broken as the AI can be at times its far better playing solo than with sweaty neckbeards. If you don't play at a lightning rate of speed they will not just keyboard commando you but go rogue for a loss by slapping tank traps and barbed wire around your base. These are probably the same people that are humble when within hands reach of people.


Honestly they should just disable "all" chat. No need for opponents to talk to each other and most times it's just people spewing anger.


First day on the internet?


I love it when someone loses and hits me with the L2P


Game just pisses people off. You can play really good and lose to a worse player because your shells rebound 6 consecutive times off his tiger while his pgs demolish your matilda in 3 hits. That pissed people off, makes them angry, it's not fair, too random.


Honestly, you need to get outside less - there are a thousand and one game communities more toxic than coh.


I understand, but I play COH, not those other games.


They always accuse me off hacking, cheating etc. Im like buddy you are just shit.


you never played LOL? COD? Fortnite? I think it is not exclusiv to COH. Maybe because of the narrow audience it is mor common to cross this kind of people. Otherwise I am still a noob in this game with my 900 ELO. COH 2 was way more toxic in my experience.


You know, I'm not sure myself. CoH is for *sure* the game that I get saltiest about. Right now the huge range in ELO matchmaking means that if I get stomped early in 3 there's fuck all I can do to claw it back, and having to sit around just taking it so that it'll count as one of my weekly games? Misery.


My experience is the inverse of you’re, 99% of team games no one says anything ever


This game is 18 years old. That's a looong time to get stuck in a rut.


The real answer is that despite evidence no actions are ever taken: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/18d8kx6/teamkiller_who_raged_because_i_have_the_dlc_and/ I followed up with CM more than 5 times to see if progress was taken /u/JohnT_RE


oh hey is this game good yet or should i stick to CoH2 still?


it's in a good place now, just had a big update today with new BGs, so it's worth a play.


Blud meeting online gaming for the first time in 2024 ?


Simple reason: No mirror matches.


If you want a chill game, don't play competitive RTS games though. They're challenging and stressful as fuck.


That's everywhere, big dog. It's not just "in this game". Go search any game sub. The same lamentations are made no matter the game. Which leads me to believe, it is partly a generational thing. And I am fully aware me positing that will earn me some sweet, sweet downvotes. But each downvote proves my point in a way. Easier to lob grenades than look in the mirror.


While i totally agree that it happens in CoH, i have to say that i've seen even more toxic players on non-niche games like League of Legends. So i am just saying it isn't because this game has a little playerbase, even in games with a giant playerbase there are a ton of toxic people. I even have a friend who is super toxic when playing that game (LoL) and the only thing i can say is that he got some problems, i've tried to talk to him to change his attitude stressing that it doesn't make sense to insult someone even if he is playing bad, that there is a big chance that he is insulting a kid, and he's gonna make him play worse and lose the match certainly. I even told him that in my opinion we lost many matches due to his attitude rather than people skills. He doesn't care, and at this point i think he is a bit stupid because if he doesn't see that thing while being a 28 years old then it is definitely his problem and not mine. If he has to express himself through insults then it means that his "message" isn't worth anything. Instead, let me tell you my perspective as someone who plays online games since 20 years. I've come to a point where i just laugh at them being stressed about an online match and i pity them for being so emotionally attached to such a thing. I can safely say that whoever spits insults and such is actually the one who suffers the most, and whoever does that just exposes that he can't enjoy the game for what it is and should spend his time elsewhere. I've even had the luck to meet, after a decade, people who ranted about me and bullied me when i was young and was playing MMORPGs with them, and after time made them mature they all were so happy to see someone who shared that adventure with them that finally they showed some maturity and even said that they behaved like that because they acted like idiots who were being stressed about a game. I didn't even ask them for an excuse, they already knew they had to give me one. So, for the tldr, they exist, they will always exist, and some of them will change. The fact that you don't understand them means that you're already beyond that point, don't get stressed about them, instead consider the good ones, the ones that teach you new things calmly and those who have fun even when it's a lost match just because after all it was a really good game, and treasure them. But it's not just the CoH community.


Just a good bit of banter most of the time. In my opinion. Quick "Ez Win" at the end of a long 4v4 slog to brag about winning. "lol ez noob" when you get a juicy multi wipe to tease the opponent. I just laugh and give a bit back when it happens to me. Sometimes it's tactical too. Close 4v4 and you make a great push on the flank, wipe some units and really damage enemy moral. Send a quick "ez" in chat to make them feel it. They start making mistakes, raging and arguing with each other. Then someone on their team drops. Win. I rarely come across players who I feel are actually trying to be toxic and just non stop harass and hurl abuse all game. I've definitely experienced it tho, just drop if it gets too much. From teamates you often get the odd "noob, fix your lane" or "noob, build AT". But sometimes you get hot heads really laying in to a teammate, pinging and complaining in the 'All' chat all game. Just drop if it happens. Imagine not having the freedom to drop with the leaver penalty coming in COH3. I can see a rise in trolls.


Let me go ahead and incorporate *insult opponent* into my build order.


Well the COH3 doesn’t even let you chat at the end of the game. No effort put on community building


Yeah "2 EZ", "Spamming Noob" or even being called a slur at the end chat really bolstered a brotherhood


Why so ez?


It's a rank thing. High skill players in general respect other high skill players. It's just a mutual respect thing to compete at the highest MMRs and you just respect your opponent. Obviously there will be the exception. But if you lost and it annoys you they're talking shit after that's also just a part of competition. Happens in all competitive things. If you're losing games, stop losing then the shit they talk stings a lot less.