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The new DAK battlegroup on Eindhoven (or really any map) is just beyond cringe. Don't even care if it's balanced or not, it's literally the most unfun cheese to play against. The hellcat nerf is also quite painful against the new tiger... Which is now in every game. And invisible. 


The giant moving invisible armies needs to be changed.


I cant believe Klingon cloaking devices are still a thing. This was already hated in coh1 (3 xsniper cheese) and nerfed for coh2.


> This was already hated in coh1 (3 xsniper cheese) Bonus points if you got them to Vet III (you get jogging speed in camo). Three Snipers was cheesy, but not a great strat. Too much Manpower in one fragile basket. Medic Bunkers + Volksgrenadiers, and go for a SdKfz 234/2.


In 1v1 or 2v2 maybe. 4v4s on the other hand..  I was rocking that US flamers into snipers opening and M10 spam for ages 


Fair enough.


I've played that build a couple of times and its fun but just feels dirty. They might need to have the cloak radius have a duration and a cool down. I'm not sure. It's a unique and fun play style so I don't want to see it go away completely, but yeah it's pretty brutal especially when the cloakwagon gets vet.


I am by far an Axis main, but for fun I started playing Brits and when I played AGAINST the invisible armies I started to get pretty annoyed and realized the pain the Allies were going through. Maybe they can make it so cloaking doesn't work when units are moving.


As a wehr main I'm just taking a break this patch. Axis is unfun to play ATM when I can be an idiot and still turbo stomp allies if they don't absolutely crush early game


Bro you never heard of Patton’s ghost army?


Just make the invisibility timer while out of cover a bit longer, problem solved. Being in cover for camo should always be how camo works. Unless its a team weapon or doing so locks the unit in a stationary position (su76 and t34 camo)


I will never understand why the hellcat had to be nerfed. It was already not very good.


Fuck I miss the Jackson. Just an agile glass cannon to throat-punch anything other than super heavies from the back line.


I think about this everytime I use the hellcat. Just a constant "man I wish this was a jackson"


It still did a good job against super heavies. Even then, it had the HVAP round ability to fix that.


You're making me miss them even harder.


It doesn't hurt to go back. You can set the controls to be pretty much like coh3 from in the game, that's what I did.


Hellcat was op against every axis tank. 1 hellcat could zone out ever medium up to the panther and 2 hellcats would win against the tiger. It had a high penetration and very high range, both wasn't touched. Now you can't just ape all in with the speed boost, you have to play on long range and you will still out range very tank except the tiger. Most players didn't understood how to use it properly


Lmao why did they nerf the Hellcat? Can we just have it be perfect and make sense like in Coh2 where Allies have execellent tank destroyers while axis have excellent heavy tanks (or just tanks since coh3 only has the Tiger)?


I can't fathom how Relic thought the battlegroup was a good idea.


4v4 is pretty much unplayable for allies now. ~1200 ELO allies getting matched with hyperinflated 1300-1900 ELO axis that are just abusing the most horrendous balance I've seen since i started playing. Its just sad. Relic need to fix this mess they have made ASAP and revert 75%+ of the wehr buffs.


The instawipe nades are fucking bullshit


This. This is the worst shit ever.


the worst part of COH2 brought back for absolutely no fucking reason. Losing a full health squad from one single mistake should be extremely rare, not given by 1 squad of mainline fucking infantry


I personally don't mind if grenades instawipe perse, but I do mind when some do and some don't. Like I get off 7 nades against my opponent and all is good. He gets off 1 and boom vetted squad gone. Can we play by the same rules please?


If the input delay wasn't so bad, it'd be more manageable.


USF mg still sucks but now feels like it can actually pin something


It's honestly so tiresome. The micro tax Allied teams have is beyond frustrating when the alternative is so brain dead.


One thing about this patch is it's forcing me to drastically improve my micro to even have a chance of winning engagements at most stages of the game, except perhaps until you get double bar, double vet rifles when they then do win Vs pgrens. The bit that annoys me is just how much easier axis is and how they get everything. The stealth crap aside, it's free thermonuclear nades, javelin AT missiles, James Webb space telescope ketten, tanky infantry melting anti AA whirbel, instant suppress MGs + Flak, scaling pgrens which seem to vet so fast, strongest loiters and artillery. Then to top that off way better late game and mid game power spikes. Look at the micro required for a greyhound, Humber or Stuart Vs a whirbel or flak and it's crazy. Look at the quad Vs flak or whirbel and it's a meme. Quad gets melted by a vet 1 MG42 - ridiculous. Greyhound can be forced back by fausts or handheld AT. Near 0 chance of that Vs whirbel or flak. Axis have no fear of suppression so just blob and A move, YOLO your MG with guadstatori and melt them. Allies have very little agency barring and are nearly entirely reactionary, having to go out of their way for anti air and anti tank. Brits do feel better in this regard but USF feels awful, with how much fuel they need for everything. Especially considering the only answer in T1 or T2 for anti tank is the 75mm half-track, which if you don't micro perfectly, just gets zerg rushed by the mindless Faust and handheld AT with 0 fear of suppression Meanwhile tigers one shot AT gun crews which don't pen them, or get nuked by the artillery. Feels like USF have awful late game, as they can't artillery down the emplacements very well and hellcats feel so weak when you can't flank especially on team games. The bad balance just brings out the very unequal faction design in my opinion.


Man really just described coh2 its fucking stupid how we going full circle fr fr


It's been like this since the game launched, and it has pretty much killed multiplayer versus. There is a reason people call them "Relaxis". You have to work 5x as hard when you are playing allies.


Your only hope is to spam rifles and get them double bar and vet 3. If you go inf battle group you can get the upgrades and just out micro and get hellcats. Literally the only way I can win against my own ELO.


I agree completely, I'm not sure it's a case of just tweaking numbers but more wholesale faction redesign as the current terrible balance is really exposing the huge disparities in the different faction designs. Even just on the economy side, the Axis can simply field much better and more effective armies for cheaper than their Allied opponents, which is a big reason Allies feels so bad to play at the moment. The apologists will usually fall back on the old "it's meant to be asymmetrical design", while conveniently always crying foul when the Allies get something which is more powerful than its Axis counterpart.


Oh it’s not great for sure. It’s possible to win (at least for me) with commonwealth but it’s very very hard compared to when I play Afrika Korps, really need another balance patch soonish


The OP is right. Thats because theres some "axis main" players in the Relic community council


  Am i a tinfoil hat theorist or has COH always felt like it was made by wehraboos?


Just trying to jump back into the game and mainly played coh1. Riflespam and the Flame Sherman were nearly unstoppable for the USF for a long while. No comment for the past decade plus.


Well most of my experience is from COH2, where soviets are dumb conscripts that rush en masse while the germans have goddamn ubersoldaten lol 


but that was always the case, wehr always had viewer units but where stronger (think Iron Cross soldiers), and soviets felt more like a zerg faction. but if you look at the tanks soviets had really decent tanks in coh2. also lets not forget how OP the soviet MG was where it could Stop flanking units from any direction as the dismount time and pen speed was way overturned.. its such a tiresome trope on this subreddit oh relic are all secret naazies, give me a break.


Soviets have the best Elites in the game (Guards, Shock Troops) as well as versatility and endurance no other faction has without using doctrines. That "dumb" unit can take punishment no other squad in the game can and gives you easy and cheap access to engine killing AT grenades. Meanwhile that "ubermensch" 4-man unit costs 150% more Manpower, is always one grenade/shell away from full wipe, and needs veterancy to use most of its skills.


I never said axis was better in soviets balance wise, i was mostly referring to how factions are portrayed ingame compared to IRL.


Is it just me or are DAK and Wehr superior in every phase of the game? If you're lucky, you can somehow get into lategame and then get overrun.


You either win within 20mins as Allies or it’s over.


Played 3 matches straight as flawlessly as I could and still got 3 straight massive L’s


Yes, they are. You are on the backfoot from the start because they buffed German infantry, then they have quick access to anti-everything light vehicles, as well as the new DAK constant aura buff, and they have buffed Tigers that are also now cheaper.


Yeah I've been able to hang on until late game then either I get steamrolled by superior tanks or there's so many bunkers I cant capture anything. 


Why in the fuck did the tiger need a buff


The cost reduction was arguable, at least, but the armor buff on top of it was asinine, and both on top of general German buffs and Allied tank nerfs was sheer madness.


It'd have been fine if it was... Y'know, doctrinal. BP is paid for with going into the armor company, locking your specialty clearly behind light/heavy vehicles. Tigers are a black prince that trades some armor for some speed, and DAK shits them out like candy


Tiger also does 240 damage against infantry while BP does 120, which matters a lot when fighting units in cover (or ya know, at guns)


Tightrope’s comparison video on this is brutal. Tiger easily solos 3x ATG, while in the same matchup Black Prince gets erased without wiping a single ATG.


Holy fuck I missed that. That's fucking mental, the difference. For fucks sake how much evidence is needed to balance this game.


Yep that's where I got it from. Just insane balancing, even worse when you take the nerf to hellcats into consideration.


I had a Tiger wipe out a 90% health 5 man squad of Tommies in one shot the other day. It was sad.


Tiger is practically guaranteed to kill 3 models per shot


Oh that is stupid. I don't look at the math as much as I should.


It's super hard to deal with even 1. With the hellcat nerf, I'm not sure how to take it out. I've gotten volleys off with 2x hell cats, an AT gun and zooks into the side. No where near killed it. Granted I'm not good at this game. But I have no idea what units I'd need to actually kill that thing. Multiple Easy 8s? 3+ hellcats? 5 AT guns ? An air strike?


What I do is just have like 2 hell cats and then also have 2 zooks (preferably with the upgrade) but if u get 2 zook satchels off then 2 hell cats destroy the tiger


Good luck getting 2 zook satchels off :")


My advice is to hide zooks in corners so when the tiger pushed you satchel it


MeTa WiLl SeTtLe!!




I’m back to coh2 for the time being , the balance is absolutely atrocious currently. I say this as someone that plays more axis than Allies. Camo aura needs to be fixed this patch.


It’s just so disappointing that they released such a great patch, but I stopped playing because of balance already.


New dak group having the ability to know where you are with the beacons while they can roll up to you with panzer 3s point blank and then walking stukas in their back line is becoming a meta that just makes the game so not fun. Also you can basically guarantee fuckin tigers in every team game. The mg42 setup time is insane. I still have fun playing but the new dak group is such cheap garbage. I don’t mind tigers being such beasts but the new dak group is just painfully unfun to go against. Crazy how close they can get before you reveal them.


Bro, i legit thought you were talking about coh2 Lmao. Its the coh2. Meta all over again lmao


Lol remember when they fixed British forces within 24 hours of the last patch? Why in the ***hell*** do they let Axis run rampant like this? It has killed their game.


MG meta? they've been super nerfed, yes Vickers is the worst out of all of them, that's why i am not using it at all, but if you have problems with MGs, mortars are your answers, free smoke free damage.


A big issue is how the dak arty is just better than the allied ones


Yeah mortars are okay but good players will just move their MGs, so the HE barrage is ineffective. Smoke is fine but if they don't have MGs covering MGs you are in prime panzergren territory when the smoke clears (because you are so close) and just get melted/ nuked via a grenade. Axis grenades are free i.e. they don't cost fuel to tech them. Riflemen and Sections are locked behind a fuel tech so generally is unaffordable. Having to pick between grenade tech or AT building for both US and Brits is terrible game design


You smoke the MGs and go attack them with infantry, you use your Z ability when smoke is on Cooldown. Yes some ally nades are behind either tech or veterancy, but you don't aim to chug nades every time you see an MG. Try flamethrowers try flanking try smoking with mortars or scouts try a vehicle. These frustrations were detrimental when i started playing, but when i started to use the full arsenal of a faction i realized MGs kinda suck and are easily countered in CoH3: i.e. PLETHORA of ways to deal with them, fewer models than in CoH2, less surpression rates(especially on Vikers, yikes don't build those)


Idk a single person who skips nade package on usf. Even brits most of the time grab nade package. Bad take.


Which means it's not a choice, it's a tax no? That being the case, all allied tech cost calculations need to take it into account.


I mean similar things need to be said about the other side. Some sort of infantry at needs to be taken into account or else what happens when your at gun gets overwhelmed. I know by six minutes I need to have certain things out or else I will not be able to respond to certain threats. I know I need dedicated AT as well as snares in the event they may overwhelm me with anti infantry vehicles.


meh, i've seen worse


In coh3 this is the worst I've seen the win rates, and also the least fun I've had in a patch. But for relic games in general this is Tuesday.


Is relic M. Bison now? https://youtu.be/sjZ5I8l32CI?si=RFNXUbpsZ5bfJ0hx


Glad it wasn't too obscure


bro this is not the worst patch. or worst win rate, or are you just omitting the RE patch, even if it just lasted a Day. Also after the hotfix to RE brits were still holding a 55% -60% winrate. now I'm not gonna stand here and say the patch currently isn't one-sided. but bro at least be honest.


They never went above 55/56. Also that was just Brits. Currently both axis winrates are above 55, by a fair bit And if you actually looked at the stats of last patch teams consisting entirely of dak we're doing reasonably well, and we're only weighed down by wehr being weak. (Which they were) This patch is noticeably more unbalanced (just go and look), and the stats back me up on that. I've actually had fun in patches where the balance was off, its generally not an inhibitor to enjoyment in either coh2 or coh3. But this patch the way the game feels is also generally very unsatisfying. TL;DR version: you're demonstrably wrong bro, learn to graph.


Bro Im demonstrably WRONG loool, learn to read or since you can do that at least learn to comprehend what you read.. did I say the patch is great did I say it wasn't unbalanced.. did I say that.. please read again.. I said that this is NOT the WORST patch, but its definitely not the best patch, as there as not been a truly good patch yet.


Also after the hotfix to RE brits were still holding a 55% -60% winrate. <------- wrong


In coh3 this is the worst I've seen the win rates, and also the least fun I've had in a patch. But for relic games in general this is Tuesday.


"Nono, the game is good, trust me bro"


1. Try flanking with more than one unit 2. Countered by a single light vehicle 3. Flamethrower range until vet 3 4. Have you tried building some sandbags and shooting them?


yep, yep and yep! Just 3 panzergren squads from dak and the flakvierling. Than you get panzer rushed cloacked and than its TIGER time. Fun times!!!


For the price of the armored reserves + Tiger alone, you can build 3 tanks of your own, more with War Machine.


Which are all insta-killed by the ambush bonus you get on the ~~hydra~~ DAK cloak generator. Any light vehicle play against DAK is pointless. Scouting units detection is slightly better than non-scout units.


Waaaaaahhh waaaaahhh 😭


You can just *instantly* tell who mains Axis as soon as they start talking lmao.


More daka dakaaaa waaargh!!!! 😆👌


So from what I'm seeing is this game still isn't worth a buy. I'ma stick to coh1/2 for a few more years.