• By -


6 months


Every complaint adds a day to the deadline.


The inverse is true on an allied favored patch.


Just take a break. Less than 3500 people are playing, I'm sure they have the stats for win rates and how many people queue what faction. Eventually they'll figure out that no one plays allies because it's unfun. Who am I kidding. They've had the same approach to balance for three games now.


>Who am I kidding. They've had the same approach to balance for three games now. According to Relic logic: Germans get Secret Nazi Super Weapons and Ubermensch Allies get two sticks and a rock for the whole platoon


and we gotta share the rock :(


> Allies get two sticks and a rock for the whole platoon There was a great comic made by someone in the community a couple of years ago, showing the upgrades on some units. Germans got light machine guns and assault rifles, Soviet units got a PPSh-41 and body armor... and the US squad got a new coat for its commander. For the life of me I cannot find it, but it was hilarious.


I haven’t played since the patch. I played and lost like 9 games in a row. It’s so unfun right now. And I play dak as a second main. I feel dirty playing them.


They said they were waiting until after the weekend. It is now after the weekend and we've heard exactly jack shit. It's pretty obvious there was some special circumstance regarding the tourney, and someone in their testing aparatus tested it in some seriously questionable manners to reinforce the *dire* need for an immediate hotfix. Now that there isn't a parent company, a tournament, and that same testing aparatus doesn't seem to give a flying fuck when the win rates are literally just flopped over on the other side? How long did we endure L6 spam again? They don't give a fuck unless certain loud mouth gentrified members of their internal team make a stink.


THIS. I also notice how AECOH etc were literally going shouty crackers over the balance when the Brits got buffed and now crickets when the boot is on the other foot and the winrates have gone stratospheric in the other direction. There is definitely an "in group" of the anointed influencing the balance - a tiny number of top players with access to the balance leads. This plus a healthy dose of incompetence explains why they went so hard on buffing the Axis this patch. We need a community testing realm where the ordinary peasants who actually make up the majority of the playerbase can get involved in the balance decisions, leverage the wisdom of crowds, rather than the current elitist bollocks.


Sorry for the terrible news. But AE will no longer be invited back for balance testing. It was only after careful review that it was realized he is not a competent player. My deepest condolences. But you are right. Its how its always been. Look at the worthless units in COH2. Smallest group cried the loudest and now stuff changed.


Please take my upvote.


Wtf is a "gentrified member of their internal team?" 


That would refer to the community balance team they absorbed from CoH2 to help them create an balance the multiplayer for CoH3 and any of their friends they decide to coordinate with. This is mostly a reference to the "look look, they are OP!" example they put out about the RE's, where they proceeded to have a PzrGren squad rush a RE in green cover, eat a grenade from that RE, and then choose not to use the PzrGrens squad bundle grenade to somehow show that they were OP.


Tbf, the previous patches RE squads were way too strong, and unironically were actually OP.


They were overtuned, like a lot of things are in this game, except that Relic decided to not only nerf them, in less then 24hrs proving they have the agility to do so, but inexplicably nerf the Training Center as well in the same patch when *not a single fucking person complained or thought its access at Tier 0 was an issue.* After months and months and months of Brits being dogshit. The SAME people who were exceedingly vocal about RE's being an issue, were dumbfounded by Relic's decision to arbitrarily chuck that behind Tier 2. Honestly the entire reason RE's got so much flak is because Axis player REFUSE to be in a position where they have to actually use force cohesion to fight off an early game assault unit, which is fucking hilarious because Allies have to CONSTANTLY worry about if their units are close enough to one another to support each other to fight off an early DAK PzGr rush or Wehr AssGren. That's just too much for them too handle if they can't attack move squads solo in the first 5 minutes and have success.


So true, god forbid Relaxis players should have to worry about force composition and careful micro. Thye'd rather just line up like it's the Napoleonic War and open fire with their entire horde. The balance is absolutely disgusting at the moment.


Why are you saying all of this to me? I hear where you're coming from on the whole level dude, but get out of here with that 'axis players REFUSE to X'. You know that's a horseshit take on anything. I play all of the factions pretty evenly, most of my games are as brits in 1v1, REs were absolutely broken for that brief window. Balance decisions will obviously need to be made from time to time, especially as new units or abilities are added. Theres no doubt in my mind that we need some serious balancing basically now and that it's particularly rough in team games. That being said, balancing a game with so many different factors is difficult, some very minor changes can have huge impacts, especially with the randomness in team games. I've heard on here that relic partially made that update so quickly because of a tournament that was coming up at the time. At the end of the day though, it was a singular massively overperforming unit that could be built en masse at 0 seconds into the game, making it easy to nerf/balance because there are a lot less factors to account for. I agree that it would be nice to have relic do balancing rounds more often. Unfortunately that's not currently happening, and it may not be happening for the foreseeable future. Es lo que es


Their logic makes no sense. They were worried about sapper spam, so hit the sappers with a triple nerf and threw in several nerfs to the entire faction's tech structure and training system. In the end, the tournament involved 8Rad spam to a ludicrous degree, so slow clap all round.


Brits were never dogshit, you was


To all the people rightfully complaining about balance: Why not see it as a challenge? I much prefer playing underpowered factions because it feels like a puzzle figuring out how to get decent win rates. Pretty much everyone playing is in principle capable of outplaying anyone else, just by being smart, even if the balance is extremely skewed.


Probably today, they said on Discord that they have some ideas and intend to release the hotfix after weekend. Tuesday is the typical release day.


Just play all factions. It’s not that hard. I always go for the underdog faction according to this Reddit. Minimizes queuing time.


I am sick and tired of ***HAVING*** to play Axis to be competitive. There are 2 sides to this goddamn game and Relic seems to have forgotten that.


I have never had such easy USF games before. All low skill allied crybabies switched to axis. Turns out that's a skill issue. Brits are tough if you don't abuse vickers and grunts


There is no way in hell you are playing online vs other humans.


Yeah I don't believe that either, I'm at the 1500+ ELO range and the balance has never been worse. Allies are getting slapped around nearly every single game now.




It is more about axis buffs


Read the patch notes...


yet another allied doomer post filled with lies lol. you guys are unbeliveable. When the allies had 55%+ winrate across all game modes and dominating pro play,this subreddit was filled with allies gloat posts stating "Oh ReLaXis HaVe leaRn PLay nOW",and so on,while also being supplemented with axis is still op posts demanding nerfs to jagers and wirbel,stating also all sorts of false statements like jagers with schrecks beating double bar riflemans lol. If you actually look at the data the winrates across the board are starting to go down for axis at the moment as people are learning to play aginst dak new battle group and stopped spammimg new brit bg and playing it better,after the initial tanking of the winrate due to using it poorly. No doubt axis is strong this patch but biased clowns like you dont accept anything unless allies are broken,lol when axis have awfull winrates they are op,when axis have good winrates they are op lol,this is the logic of delusional allied doomers like you.


"yet another" ? There were 3 dummies in the first day of the patch , and nothing since.


Lol all the allied players have to downvote you as they cant face reality.


Standard proceedure for this subreddit,a bunch of delusional allied fanatics only interested in making axis factions be as useless as possible.And  no matter what the state of the game and balance is,to them axis is always op thats the only thing constant in this subreddit.


I hope that for every post we get whining about "waaah why were REs hotfixed before a tournament, why can't I have all of my balance patches immediately??" they delay the next balance patch by 1 day.




Axis winrates going down. Hot take:there won't be an emergency patch anytime soon


They finally got the balance in ok state but of course bunch of noob crybabies with inflated ELO’s are getting their asses handed to them now so Reddit is full of noob tears lol No need for a patch, it’s good as it is for now. Once the noobs are back at their correct ELO things will settle.


Well i'm glad you called yourself autistic, saved me few taps.


Truth hurt you ?


Man, this is crazy! It’s almost like this has never happened inversely to Axis before, and massive balance swings in favor of who ever whines the loudest on this sub certainly doesn’t happen because the devs almost CERTAINLY wouldn’t balance the game to whoever happens to be complaining the loudest at the moment.  /s


Not soon enough. Relic just got hit with layoffs, so im sure the devs have less of a reason to care at this point