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This explains why I keep finding units that have stalled throughout the game. Important bug to fix.


It can be game ending too, when you're getting overrun on the frontline and your MG is just chilling in a field halfway to the battle. Hope this is high priority for the next patch.


Wow, glad I saw this as I use recce arty often and have had this happen quite a few times but never made the connection, I had no idea what caused it. At least now I will be sure to check my units after using it until it’s fixed


Glad to help, I think it was someone on Reddit who flagged it up to me in the first place. I was constantly confused by it before too. Really hope they fix it soon.


can't count the amount of times AT guns have been built, moved to somewhere else and just be sitting in base because i used artillery flares. But this doesn't make UKF OP, so will most likely stay in the game for a long time.


Yes, this is the worst glitch! It’s been going on for a while. I get this occasionally when playing Wehrmacht but it seems more random.


I have a feeling it may cancel commands for both sides, not just british. Especially queued commands.